Please Obey The Game

Chapter 60: high end players


A group of five people came to Chen Qingshan's mansion unimpeded. Strangely, when they walked through the downtown street, they found that there were only a few people on the street. The usual liveliness disappeared at this moment, and the whole Qingshan Town was like an empty city.

Wang Xing: "From the afternoon of the fourth day, there were not many people in Qingshan Town. On the fifth day, not a single person was seen. It seemed like an empty city. I heard it was a custom. Ghosts walk at night, and every household closes their doors. On the sixth day, thousands of lights are on, adults and children all get up to participate in the wandering spirits.”

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "My country also has a ritual of wandering gods. The activities are very similar, but the content is somewhat different. According to legend, the plague was raging, and then the gods came to bless the villagers and the activities of the gods were passed down."

Wang Xing was quite surprised: "There are similar legends about the Youshen Society in the Canton and Mindu area. The plague is raging and the gods are blessed, so there are activities of the Youshen Society. It has developed into a folk activity in modern times. In fact, it is a very interesting folk culture in itself. , lively, cheerful, and grand."

Gao Yan said with a smile: "This shows that myths and legends are common, and there is little difference in essence."

As soon as the words fell, Gao Yan suddenly remembered that when the 'Turtle Soup' was promoted, Asura said 'the supreme god who created the gods of the world', so is this the reason why the myths appear to be different in different countries

Gao Yan lowered his eyes, remembering the point of this accident in his heart, there are more important things at this time, and there is no example to support his guess, thinking about it is useless.

Wang Xing pushed open the door of Chen Qingshan's mansion, the five people walked in one after another, and the door closed with a creak.

Not long after, the doors and windows of the building opposite opened a crack, and nothing could be seen inside the crack.

Suddenly, something flashed in the darkness, and then there were eyes stacked in the cracks of the windows and doors staring at the opposite.

The picture is creepy, as if there are countless people peeping behind the door and behind the window.

Yu Xiaojie felt a chill down his spine, and said uncomfortably, "I don't know why, when I was at the door just now, I always felt that a lot of people were staring at me."

After he finished speaking, he felt a little regretful, because there was no one in the alley, except for their voices and footsteps.

Therefore, Yu Xiaojie felt that his feelings might be wrong.

Gao Yan: "I also have this feeling of being peeped."

Yu Xiaojie: "?!!"

Chrysanthemum Hualing, Zhao Huiyin and Wang Xing also nodded to him: "We have them too."

Yu Xiaojie: "Fuck!"

Really terrifying.

Yu Xiaojie guessed: "That group of townspeople are spying on us? Or are they spying on Chen Qingshan? Or are they spying on the players who came to find Chen Qingshan?"

He is more inclined to the last possibility, because the purpose of the townspeople is to get the tower bone, so the players who peeped to find Chen Qingshan should also know the completion of the tower bone, and the day after tomorrow is the Wandering God Society.

Yu Xiaojie sighed, somewhat disgusted.

But soon they didn't have time to care about the peeping townspeople, because Gao Yan found Chen Qingshan, and the door behind Chen Qingshan was open.

Zhao Huiyin lowered his face: "Tower bone, the tower bone that is about to be completed!"

After Wang Xing was shocked, his face became cold: "Chen Qingshan has the material to make the tower bone!"

It is clear that the tower bone is almost completed, and there are materials for making the tower bone, but the townspeople and Chen Qingshan still coax the players to go to Yingong Temple and Yizhuang to die? !

Chen Qingshan was knocking on the stone steps with the iron smoke rod. After knocking out some smoke residue, he lifted his eyes and looked at the five players rushing towards him, and said indifferently, "My tower bone is of course mine. Yes, I told you from the beginning that the people who want the tower bones are not from outside the country. You just don't listen, and you run to me one by one to ask for the tower bones because you think it's a mission. Go find it, do you want me to give it?"

Wang Xing angrily accused: "Since you have the materials, why do you lie to the player that Qingshan Town does not have bamboo bones and paper?"

Chen Qingshan: "There is none, except for my collection."

Zhao Huiyin gritted his teeth: "So you knew from the very beginning that the townspeople were cheating... cheating the raw materials of bamboo bones and paper from outsiders, but without saying a word, just watched those people go to their deaths?"

The players were very angry, but Chen Qingshan smoked slowly, without the slightest guilt or guilt: "You didn't ask, I'll tell you the facts, and the rest of the facts are just not told. I haven't lied to you, not a word or a word. Pass."

The players have nothing to say, Chen Qingshan really did not deceive them, even if he has questions, he will not say a word, just let the players be deceived and turn around.

Chen Qingshan sneered: "I have reminded you a lot, but you are smart enough to suspect that I deliberately set traps for you to jump. You are careful with every word I say, and you never believe me. You were deceived, what does it have to do with me?"

Wang Xing and Zhao Huiyin were speechless. Yu Xiaojie, who was watching next to him, rubbed his chin and sighed, "This art of speaking is better than mine. The face is not blushing and the heart is not beating.

Hearing this, Chen Qingshan raised his head and glared at him.

Seeing this, Yu Xiaojie laughed and said, "Chen Qingshan, right? Don't stare at me, I'm not wrong. You are the first to speak out, you are righteous, and if you don't think fast enough or are simple-minded, you will definitely be fooled by you."

Zhao Huiyin and Wang Xing, who had been bluffed, said, "..."

It was the first time that she had grown so big and was judged to be inflexible and simple-minded.

Yu Xiaojie: "I've heard Brother Yan. Although you didn't lie, you told the truth, but there are things you can say directly, so you deliberately hide it. Take the bamboo bone and paper used to make the tower bone, for example. The raw materials are not the beams of Yingong Temple, the coffin board of Yizhuang and the human skin. This is fake. It is a rumor. The townspeople have been deceived. You should know it is fake. But you didn't say it. You deliberately used rumors to echo the lies. There is a suspicion of accomplice in itself.”

"You said you were deliberately bluffing?"

Chen Qingshan glared at him angrily, and after taking a long puff of cigarettes, he pointed at Gao Yan and asked, "You brought them here to question me?"

Gao Yan said in a low voice, "You are indeed suspected of being an accomplice."

Chen Qingshan snorted and said sharply: "If you want to get something, you have to pay first, and the more lucrative it is, the more dangerous it is. You players shouldn't have understood this long ago? A town of Qingshan where there is no living person except for the players. , an intermediate-level playground, can't you judge the degree of danger by yourself? You believe everything I say, and you believe everything the townspeople say, idiot!"

"The townspeople are ignorant, and the players are idiots!"

Wang Xing, Zhao Huiyin, and Yu Xiaojie stared in shock at Chen Qingshan, who seemed to have broken a jar and started scolding.

Especially for Wang Xing and Zhao Huiyin, two players who have been in the game field for too long, they sometimes even have the illusion that Qingshan Town really exists.

However, Chen Qingshan immediately tore up their illusion and pointed directly at the 'player' and the 'game field'. He even knew the level of the game field, the danger level of the game field and the tendency of ghosts to lie.

Generally speaking, NPCs will not destroy the setting of the background of the game field, and it is even more impossible to say illegal words such as 'player' and 'game field', except for -boss!

Yu Xiaojie exclaimed, "Are you the boss?!"

After a long while, Yu Xiaojie said in a trance: "I thought there was no boss in this mid-level field? No matter how I look at it, I don't think there should be a boss... Who are you?"

Gao Yan sat down with one hand on his cheek, his eyes fell on a certain point in the air, and did not talk to him right away, leaving Yu Xiaojie and others to guess Chen Qingshan's identity in surprise.

Chrysanthemum Hualing stroked her cuffs and looked at Gao Yan. Seeing that he was calm, she obviously guessed it a long time ago. She sighed in her heart. She couldn't compare to Gao Yan, just like she couldn't catch up with the elder sister no matter how hard she tried.

That's their talent, a one-in-a-million talent.

Chen Qingshan snorted a few times, but did not answer the guesses of Yu Xiaojie and the others, with an expression that annoyed them. Too lazy to pay attention to Yu Xiaojie and others, he turned his head and pointed at Gao Yan with the iron pipe and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Gao Yan: "Looking for you."

Chen Qingshan: "Nonsense."

Gao Yan: "I must have something to do with you. It must be related to the Youshen Society. What else can you have anything to do with the Youshen Society other than the tower bone? Of course I'm here to ask you for the tower bone."

Chen Qingshan said with a dark face: "I won't give it."

Gao Yan: "It doesn't matter, I can still grab it."

Chen Qingshan: "Do you want to be so shameless?"

Gao Yan: "I've shown shamelessness so openly, is it interesting for you to ask back?"

It's boring... Chen Qingshan reacted suddenly and scolded angrily: "You can't grab it without my consent. The seven tower bones behind me and me are not vegetarians!"

Gao Yan nodded in agreement: "I know that you eat incense offerings. But the incense offerings have been broken for a long time. Can the fallen god still beat 90 intermediate players?"

Gao Yan's lips curled into a smile, and Chen Qingshan said confidently: "Ninety intermediate players rush up, and dragging them can also drag you to death, not to mention our goal is the tower bone, and we don't intend to kill."

He shook his head, his tone merciful and sympathetic: "How about it? Everyone cooperates and cooperates with each other. Although you and the players have different starting points, they have the same goal. In the end, we want the same boat. Don't compete at this time. Sit down and talk about business, cooperation can win-win.”

Chen Qingshan was instantly furious. He hated Gao Yan's sympathetic and sympathetic tone, and even the look in his eyes had a bit of pity, which almost made his heart skip a beat.

But seeing Gao Yan's sarcastic expression, he suddenly calmed down.

Gao Yan was trying to provoke him, he didn't mind having a fight with Ta Gu, maybe even looking forward to it.

Chen Qingshan whispered a few words: "Now the players outside are so slippery? One or two, no one will live."

Seeing that Chen Qingshan was not fooled, Gao Yan expressed his disappointment, then looked at Yu Xiaojie and others and said, "Re-introduction - Chen Qingshan, the boss of this game, the fallen god, King Qingshan Ling'an."

"… "


After a long time, Wang Xing murmured, "Fuck..."

Yu Xiaojie's expression was complicated: "King of Qingshan? Taoist god, guardian deity of Mindu, King of Qingshan Ling'an worshipped by Qingshan Palace? Gods still lie and deceive people."

Chen Qingshan: "People and ghosts are lying, why can't gods? Besides, I didn't lie to you at all. What I'm stating is the truth. Those raw materials can be used to make tower bones, but they just can't be used."

After changing the conversation, he pointed at Gao Yan: "I told you this morning that there is no bamboo bone and paper in Qingshan Town for a long time, and I also told you that even if you replace it with other materials, the made tower bone will not survive the fire. But now you all come around and ask me what is it?"

Gao Yan glanced at him, and Yuzai wandered: "Isn't this trying to get a head start? If I can fool you, maybe I can get the tower bone."

Chen Qingshan's expression was as uncomfortable as if he had swallowed ten pounds of iron. He said angrily: "There is no tower bone! There is no bamboo bone or paper. How could I have a tower bone? Those tower bones in the house can't pass the fire."

Gao Yan waved his hand: "It's okay, we don't mind."

Chen Qingshan said with a gloomy face: "I don't mind."

"Oh, it's alright."

Chen Qingshan: "..."


Gao Yan: "Stop pretending, you have hidden a lot of pylons. Regardless of whether you are the king of Qingshan or the boss, I don't think it's fake to talk about your status as 'the first pylon craftsman in Fujian'. At least the townspeople of Qingshan Town did not doubt you, so 'Chen Qingshan' is true, Chen Qingshan's tower bone skills are good, and it is true that he likes the tower bone. Including his heartache and anger about the townspeople burning the tower bone, it is also true of."

Chen Qingshan was expressionless.

Gao Yan shook his head: "You won't sit and watch the tower bones burn down. It just so happens that you have the ability to save those tower bone gods and store them. Am I right?"

Chen Qingshan stared at him silently, and after a long while said, "That's right."

Gao Yan smiled and said warmly, "Let's cooperate, we have the same goal."

Chen Qingshan: "I think about it."

Gao Yan stretched out his palm: "Although you've figured it out, come find me."

Chen Qingshan entered the room to discuss with the seven tower bones inside, and Yu Xiaojie and others immediately came over to ask what was going on, what was going on with the boss, and why Chen Qingshan suddenly became the King of Qingshan

Gao Yan thought about it and decided to introduce Chen Qingshan first, so he pointed to the house behind him and said, "There are seven living tower bones in it, and there are gods who used to bless Qingshan Town, such as female aunts, shamans, etc."

Everyone: "Day!"

Wang Xing: "They were the gods who once blessed Qingshan Town, but now they can only live in the tower bone... What happened to them?"

Gao Yan gave him an admiring look, indicating that he was on the point.

"All the gods in Qingshan Town have fallen."

Hearing this, everyone's thoughts were different. Although they had a hunch, they were still quite melancholy when they heard it.

Players are fighting against gods, but now the intermediate players have more awe of gods than fear and hatred, and players will ban the existence of gods, so now hearing the fall of gods in their ears, they can't help but feel the sadness of the death of rabbits and foxes.

Wang Xing: "Because the plague swept Qingshan Town, and the gods did not bless them?"

Gao Yan: "It can be said that, but the main reason is that the gods took the initiative to fall, and used their own merits to bless Qingshan Town."

Yu Xiaojie: "But Qingshan Town is still dead."

Gao Yan: "Qingshan Town was killed by the plague, and the plague originated from the evil of Yingong Temple. They were entangled with cause and effect, and the gods could not intervene, so there was no protection. The causal relationship between them has not been resolved, but has become more and more entangled, to the point where they cannot break free. The residents of Qingshan Town are too obsessed, and they can't get rid of it after wandering around the town for many years."

After a short pause, Gao Yan continued: "The gods of Qingshan Town can't bear to see the towns and townspeople they once protected and cherished become a ghost town because of their obsession, and in that case, the burden of karma will increase to the point of being overwhelmed. ."

"So the gods took the initiative to fall, and cooperated with the gods game field. The entire Qingshan Town was used as an intermediate field, and then the players who came in would be overtaken. Bless the village, expel the plague, and protect the townspeople. After completing the game, the gods bless Qingshan Town, creating an illusion for the townspeople to live, and solving their obsessions. Is that what it means?"

Gao Yan looked back at Juli Hualing, who followed his words, and nodded, "You are right."

Chrysanthemum flower bell: "The gods of Qingshan Town took the initiative to fall, one is to make Qingshan Town an intermediate field, and the other is because they passed the heavy cause and effect of Qingshan Town to themselves."

Gao Yan was slightly surprised: "Have you guessed it?"

The chrysanthemum bell rang until the end: "My shikigami is all over the city."

Gao Yan understood, the other party is better than having many eyes and ears.

"The original plan was right. The intermediate field of 'You Bodhisattva' is actually very easy to clear, because the gods are designed to bless Qingshan Town rather than embarrass the players. The reason why the level is listed as intermediate is mainly because there are so many gods who have petitioned." Gao Yan Youyou said: "The player only needs to find Chen Qingshan and ask him for the tower bone. Then on the sixth day, the player puts on the tower bone and follows the wandering gods, crosses the fire, and sends the statue back to the temple completely, indicating everything. Go well, the gods will not abandon them, and the plague will be expelled."

"In this way, the obsessions are eliminated, and everyone is happy. Unfortunately, you unfortunately encountered a perverted garbage player. He induced other players and the townspeople to turn the entire Qingshan Town into a base for gaining faith."

Both Wang Xing and Zhao Huiyin's faces were ugly, especially Wang Xing who had seen Ksitigarbha, full of anger and hatred, but was suppressed to the extreme and did not erupt.

Gao Yan waited for them to calm down before continuing: "The background of the intermediate field is like this. The townspeople used to be greedy and greedy, forged a debt like the Yingong Temple, and abandoned the fair gods. The price of the annihilation, the gods did not bless them, they complained that the gods abandoned them.

"But the townspeople are too obsessed, trapping the entire Qingshan Town. One link is linked, and cause and effect are followed by cause and effect, and finally this is the current situation."

The gods have fallen, and those who are still lingering in Qingshan Town are just a few old friends who have regrets in their hearts.

After the tragedy happened, Chen Qingshan and the others had no regrets. It would be great if they stood up to stop all mistakes before they were made.

"The obsession of the townspeople is to live?" Wang Xing said.

Zhao Huiyin: "They are obsessed with the Wandering God Society, or because they prayed before dying but could not get the blessing of the gods, so the obsession may also be to pray for the blessing of the gods? They hate the gods for abandoning them."

Yu Xiaojie: "In the end, I still want to live."

Gao Yan: "No. Obsession is not about wanting to live, everything is just the imagination of the gods."

Yu Xiaojie and the other three all looked at Gao Yan, and before they could express their doubts, they were the first to hear Chen Qingshan's gloomy question: "Then what do you think their obsession is?"

Gao Yan turned his head and saw the open door, Chen Qingshan standing on the threshold and the tower bone behind him.

Chen Qingshan sank his face, his expression unhappy, and repeated: "Tell me, what are the obsessions of the townspeople of Qingshan Town?"

Gao Yan didn't answer and asked, "Why don't you ask yourself?"

Chen Qingshan frowned, his face more gloomy.

Fearless, Gao Yan indifferently swept over Chen Qingshan and the seven tower bones behind him, and repeated the words: "The temple of the female aunt opposite, the pavilion next to the temple, there are so many townspeople hiding in the building every day. In peeping, why don't you open the door, go out and ask yourself what their obsession is?"

"Just based on my own guesses, I think that the townspeople's obsession is to live, that they worship gods on the surface, and believe in Bodhisattvas in their hearts. In fact, in your heart, you still think that the townspeople are obsessed."

Chen Qingshan looked at Gao Yan suspiciously, he thought he should be right, but Gao Yan's tone was too sure, which made him feel self-doubt.

Are they really wrong

The fall of the gods, the intention to bless Qingshan Town, was wrong from the beginning

"You stay here first, I, I will think clearly."

After saying this, Chen Qingshan returned to the room and continued to discuss and think with the seven tower bones.

Gao Yan got up, stretched his waist and said to the others, "Let's go too, I still live here, how about you?"

Wang Xing and Zhao Huiyin said that they would go back, but before going back, they wanted to ask the townspeople what their real obsession was.

Gao Yan shrugged: "The obsession of the townspeople is not important to us, what matters is how we should solve the 'reincarnation' of Qingshan Town."

Referring to this matter, Wang Xing cheered up: "I think 'reincarnation' is weird. You said that there was a gap in this matter. I thought about it for a long time and discussed with other players. After that, we thought that the so-called 'reincarnation' 'It's a lie, players, the townspeople of Qingshan Town, including the gods may have been deceived by this lie."

Gao Yan was surprised: "Do you know?"

Hearing this, Wang Xing and Zhao Huiyin showed even more surprised expressions: "You know that too?!"

Immediately, Wang Xing returned to his calm expression: "I shouldn't be surprised, you can guess that a lie is normal."

Although he had only known each other for two days, Wang Xing clearly understood that Gao Yan was a very smart person, and he was a natural high-end player. Some people can grow into a superior person in any field with ease, that is a genius.

Gao Yan is a genius.

Gao Yan nodded, "Go on, let me see if there is any discrepancy between what I guessed."

Wang Xing said: "At first we thought it was 'reincarnation', but later found that the space was not closed, because there were still new players coming in one after another, and new players were variables. If it was 'reincarnation', there should be no variables. The second is time, time is still passing, players can clearly feel that the most terrifying thing is that time in Qingshan Town is also passing!"

"If time and space have changed, it is absolutely impossible to repeat reincarnation. The only possibility is a lie! Jizo left a huge lie to deceive the townspeople, or gave them some hints to keep them repeating the six days before their death. What he did. Because of this, the player was also deceived. But..." Wang Xing hesitated and continued: "There may still be some problems in the space, at least the player really can't leave."

Gao Yan: "That may be because the unilateral passage was closed, which made it impossible to get in and out of the game field. Players who could not get out were judged to have failed to pass the customs clearance, and the dog was not found by the gods, so Ksitigarbha's intervention in the game field was not considered a damage. rule."

Wang Xing: "We have asked all the players and found no props that can interfere with the space. But after discussion, we agreed that only by breaking the townspeople's belief in the Bodhisattva and destroying the reincarnation hints left by the Ksitigarbha can it be possible to leave."

Zhao Huiyin followed up: "We believe that the props used by Jizo to close the unilateral passage of the game field are related to the beliefs of the townspeople."

Gao Yan nodded, thought about it, and then said to them, "I do have space-related skills."

Zhao Huiyin was surprised: "Really?!"

Gao Yan: "But it's not very useful."

Zhao Huiyin and Wang Xing were immediately disappointed, but fortunately they didn't have much hope, so they wouldn't lose their temper completely.

Gao Yan said slowly again: "However, I think I have an item to try."

Zhao Huiyin Wang Xing: "..."

Boss, please finish your speech in one breath!