Please Obey The Game

Chapter 63: Little Guanyin


Yu Xiaojie scratched his head: "So Brother Yan, do you really have any props that can bring you back to life?"

Gao Yan: "No."

He really didn't, only half a drop of Yangzhi nectar could not bring him back to life.

"But I have a chance to get the props to bring the dead back to life."

Yu Xiaojie opened his mouth wide: "This item is awesome, it means an extra life. I'm not happy to change the item that can save your life."

However, there is more than one. Gao Yan: "If she is my teammate, I will agree."

Yu Xiaojie stammered: "Ah? Tong- life-saving tools are very precious!"

Gao Yan: "For me, the lives of the people I care about are more important. Including you and Yu Xiaojie. If there is an accident between you and Tang, and I happen to have a revival prop, I will use it."

Yu Xiaojie didn't know what to say because of the feeling in his heart, he was both moved and shocked, his throat was choked for a long time and he couldn't utter a word. To be honest, Gao Yan's words 'teammate' moved him.

He and Tang did not have a team and organization like other players, and it was just the two of them from beginning to end. And his own aptitude is very poor, the junior field is brought up by Tang, perhaps as Gao Yan said lucky.

He was lucky to meet Tang Ze, and he was also lucky to meet Gao Yan.

Tang Ze and he both knew how to look at each other, and from the beginning they had the intention of friendship, but this thought was not pure. Yu Xiaojie took the initiative to approach Gao Yan, firstly because he really wanted to make him a friend, and secondly because he hoped that when Tang Ze was in trouble, someone could help him.

Yu Xiaojie knew that with his own strength, he could live to the intermediate level at most, and he would never be able to make it to the advanced level.

But Tang is different. He has outstanding ability and clever thinking. If it were him, he would definitely be able to go to the senior field, but Yu Xiaojie didn't want to drag Gao Yan down, so he planned to find other teammates for Tang Ze.

It's just that he didn't expect that Gao Yan would really admit it. Not only did he admit it, but he also said that he was willing to give them the precious 'resurrection' props.

No matter if this is true or not, Yu Xiaojie was moved anyway.

Besides, Gao Yan has no reason to deceive him, so his words should come from the bottom of his heart - woo!

So moving!

Gao Yan: "Let's leave now. After we go out, I want to form a team. You can tell Tang Ze, come to me if you have any intentions—fuck!"

While talking, he glanced back inadvertently, and was taken aback by Yu Xiaojie, whose face was full of snot and tears, Gao Yan quickly moved away from Yu Xiaojie: "Are you sick?"

"No... woo... I'm moved... Brother Yan, you are really kind."

Gao Yan: "..." What kind of creature did Yu Xiaojie grow up with? !

"...Stop crying, let's go." Good mother dislikes it, crying so ugly.

Yu Xiaojie was moved to tears and nodded: "Oh, good."

Gao Yan: "By the way, now that you have obtained the seal of the City God, the difficulty of the game field will increase in the future."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaojie jumped up in fright, and he couldn't even care about the tears on his face.

"Yes, as long as you're dead."

Yu Xiaojie: "I was dead just for a second."

Gao Yan did not sincerely comfort: "Don't worry too much, in fact, the game fields where you met me were not easy, didn't you come here without any danger? And the difficulty of the game fields has increased, maybe we will encounter There are more chances."

Yu Xiaojie complained gloomily, "God's imprint doesn't sound like a good thing."

Gao Yan: "Indeed." But many players want to get the mark of the gods.

The two stepped out of the temple gate of Qingshan Palace while complaining, and then the figure disappeared, and the entire Qingshan Town turned into powder from Qingshan Palace and disappeared with a bang.


The real world, the Tibetan Tantric practice room.

The walls of the practice room are painted with colorful flying bodhisattvas, and the black and thin Buddha sits on the lotus seat in the center. The Buddha's face is ordinary and harmless, sinking in the practice.

The practicing Tantric Buddha suddenly opened his eyes, looked down at the palm of his hand, and an extremely dim golden light shattered in front of his eyes, turned into powder and disappeared.

"Qingshan Town, Bodhisattva."

The little things he had left there were destroyed, and all traces of the Bodhisattva were wiped away, including the faith he had accumulated over the past four years.

This Buddha is called Ksitigarbha and has the divine imprint of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. It was the props he left four years ago that trapped the townspeople and players of Qingshan Town. Now that four years have passed, if the traces of the Bodhisattva that had been erased in Qingshan Town had not reminded Jizo, he might have long forgotten the Qingshan Town he had spent in the intermediate field.

The belief in Qingshan Town played a big role in Jizo, who had just received the imprint of the gods. But over time, he discovered that the beliefs of the townspeople were not pure, and the Bodhisattva was just a springboard they used to gain the forgiveness of the local gods.

That kind of faith is mixed with a lot of filth and uncleanness, which makes Jizo unhappy.

So he put it aside, stopped paying attention to Qingshan Town, and gradually forgot. Now that the power of belief that belonged to Qingshan Town was wiped out, it reminded him to remember.

Jizo only glanced at it, then closed his eyes and continued to devote himself to cultivation. It was just a long-forgotten intermediate game field.


Gao Yan raised his head and heard Chu Suibi calling him, "Come out?"


Chu Suibi took Gao Yan's hand and intertwined his fingers with him: "Let's go, let's go shopping, and tell me about the playground by the way."

Gao Yan walked side by side with him, and when he heard the words, he talked about the pit encountered in the 'You Bodhisattva' game field, and he did not forget to say: "To collect beliefs for one's own self, to harm the players and the townspeople, this is not a Bodhisattva."

Chu Suibi laughed, "Do you think the gods should be fair and merciful?" There was a mockery of the so-called gods in his words.

"Shouldn't it be?" Gao Yan asked back, and then said: "Gods should be fair and merciful, and maintain the most basic order and cause and effect. With great power, they should take great responsibilities, otherwise, gods with great power will not be superior to Above all species, can you do whatever you want? Since the game field pursues fair rules, then at the beginning, gods and all species should follow the principle of fairness and maintain balance."

Gao Yan calmly stated his understanding. In fact, his understanding was correct.

If fairness is out of balance, everything will be out of balance, but the rules are not necessarily the fairest.

"It's just that not all gods are fair and merciful. After all, they were once humans and players."

There are also such as Jizo among advanced players, so Gao Yan will not naively believe that all gods are fair and merciful. This cognition was realized as early as the primary field.

Chu Suibi: "Your cognition and ability to accept are more tolerant than I imagined. The early gods had the ability to call the wind and the rain, and all things were inferior to them. What they wanted, they needed the permission of the gods, and what they had needed to be paid tribute to the gods. The status is wrong. Wait, the resources are skewed, there is no fairness, and the gods control the life of all things."

Among the six major mythological systems in the world, the Protoss is the highest existence. Humans and other creatures need worship, worship, and piety, but in the eyes of the gods, all things are like ants.

The struggle between the gods touches the mountains and causes floods. The floods drown the land of Shenzhou, and everything is miserable. In Greek mythology, the gods used the human world as a chessboard and used human beings as chess pieces to break out a ten-year war. Norse mythology, ancient Indian mythology and ancient Egyptian mythology, there are similar events.

The asymmetry between gods and all things broke out the battle of Ragnarok, and the first gods withdrew from the stage of history.

The first set of fairness rules led to the end of the first age of gods, so the second set of fairness rules was re-established.

The second gods made their debut in the human world. They appeared in the human world, created the image of justice and benevolence, bless the people, and loved the people like children. They competed with each other for their belief, respect and popularity in the world, and reached the peak of fame and power in the feudal era.

The end of the feudal era, the rise of human beings and technology, it is destined that the second gods will also become the old gods.

It is undeniable that there are gods in the world who sincerely bless the people, but very few. And history is rolling forward without going back, and the withdrawal of the old gods from the stage is a historical necessity.

Gao Yan listened to Chu Suibi's indifferent voice describing the history of the gods. Although he had some guesses in his heart, he still got goosebumps when he heard it.

All things in the world will eventually become the past. Whether it is the species that once dominated the earth, or the gods above, or the current human beings, they will one day become fragments of history.

The only constant is the time that goes on forever.

Facing the sun, Gao Yan couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and said softly, "After I go back, I want to study the legend of the gods again."

Chu Suibi: "I have sorted out the information about this, and I will have it sent to you in two days."

Gao Yan: "Okay."

After walking out of the temple, they came to a snack street. There were local delicacies on both sides of the street. The two chose a nearby stall to sit down, ordered food and beer, and analyzed the information brought out from the game field while eating.

Gao Yan: "...The merman pearl, the green fruit of the World Tree and the Book of the Dead from Osiris in Egypt are all props for resurrection."

Chu Suibi opened his legs and leaned on the back of the chair, his posture was rather unruly. Hearing this, he said, "I've heard of it. The merman pearl is in the hands of his man in Sujiang. The tree of the world lives in nine countries, and the so-called green fruit is the bones of the gods."

Gao Yan was taken aback: "The bones of the gods?"

Chu Shuibi: "In the legend of the Norse gods at dusk, a poisonous dragon bit the root of the tree of the world, the earthly python stirred up a huge wave to return from the sea, the evil god and the Asa gods fought, good and evil perished together, sea, land and air all Burned to ashes, in the ashes, the bones of the gods grow green fruit. There is only one green fruit in the world, and I heard that it is in the hands of the second god race."

There is only one Ragnarok in Norse mythology, so there is only one green fruit.

In the most famous epic 'Ragnarok', the battle between the gods and the giants intensifies, and finally a war breaks out and they die together. The evil between heaven and earth was washed away, the good was reborn from the ashes, and the new generation of gods was also reborn from the ashes.

The only green fruit that can be resurrected is in the hands of a new generation of gods. In other words, if you want to get it, you have to go to the kingdom of gods.

It's almost impossible to get.

Gao Yan: "Did anyone get the Book of the Dead in the Styx Kingdom?"

Chu Shuibi: "The Book of the Dead is in the hands of Osiris, the god of the underworld. Osiris lives in the kingdom of the Styx. If you want to get the book of the dead, you have to go through the water of the River Styx to reach the kingdom of the River Styx, and maybe have a negotiation with Osiris."

Gao Yan: "Negotiation is useful?"

Chu Shuibi: "The god of underworld in ancient Egyptian mythology is the god of justice and is very beloved. He is the hope of eternal glory after death. He controls the life and death of people and the eternal life of the dead. If he likes him, he can even get immortality."

Gao Yan narrowed his eyes: "Have you been there?"

Chu Cuibi: "I've been there."

Gao Yan: "Then you—"

Chu Shuibi: "No, he doesn't like me." He curled his lips and sighed impatiently: "The Underworld God likes to weigh his soul on a scale, and the feather of truth at the other end. The evil is heavier than the feather, and vice versa. Light. The wicked are devoured by giant crocodiles, and the good are led into the kingdom of eternity."

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows, his eyes burning: "Have you weighed it?"

Chu Suibi didn't answer, looked away, and focused on drinking.

Gao Yan leaned over and looked up at Chu Shuibi: "Huh? Is it heavier than the Feather of Truth? How unbalanced is it?"

Chu Cuibi lowered his eyes, suddenly pressed down on Gao Yan's neck, lowered his head and kissed the lips that teased him with a smile, and gently wrapped the kiss for a moment before letting go, "Since I stood up, Libra never got up."

Gao Yan was stunned for a moment, then laughed until his stomach hurt: "My heart is really dirty."

Chu Shuibi held Gao Yan, indulging the other person's ridicule, his thumb stroked his lips, there was still residual heat on his lips, and he reminisced about the taste just now.

The little boyfriend's taste is so sweet.

Gao Yan caught a glimpse of it, and laughed a little, and his heart burned a little. His eyes looked at Chu Shuibi, his eyes sparkling.

They were in a relatively remote position of the food stall, and there was a slightly inclined umbrella next to them, blocking the sight of passers-by. Separated by an umbrella, there is a quiet space on one side, only two people who are very close, and the other side is full of people.

Gao Yan: "Kiss another one?"

Chu Suibi stepped forward, came to Gao Yan's lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "Okay."

They kissed under the umbrella of the downtown street, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of human fireworks.


Gao Yan and Chu Suibi had been playing in Fujian for half a month, and on the last day of their return, Xiao Guanyin did not appear in the dream, but the reward had already been sent.

[Congratulations to player Gao Yan for clearing the level and completing the 'You Bodhisattva' intermediate field mission.]

[Evaluation of the primary game field: Grade A is excellent.]

[Quest reward: Obtain the merits from King Qingshan.]

[The merits of King Qingshan: The merits of gods can be used to cast a golden body.]

Gao Yan opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. He waited for a long time in the dream and did not see Xiao Guanyin, and even the rewards he sent became dry, including the merit annotations, and there was no complaints and no soul.

Having said that, the intermediate field of 'You Bodhisattva' is too stingy.

No props were given, even the merits were also given by the Qingshan King, but it was regarded as a task reward by the Goubi God, which was shameless.

Gao Yan turned over, Chu Suibi beside him stretched out his hand and embraced his shoulders, his forehead was pressed close, and he was very close. Gao Yan blinked, stared at Chu Suibi's sleeping face for a while, kissed him, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

The sky is like a curtain, splashed with black ink and dotted with lights. After a few hours, the curtain was splashed with white, and then painted with a red sun, which slowly rose from the horizon and illuminated the earth.

The curtains are not very good at blocking light, so the fine sunlight filtered in and fell on the eyelids.

Gao Yan opened his eyes, his eyes were confused and hazy, and he was stunned for a long time to find that he was buckled on Chu Suibi's chest, no wonder his neck was a little sore. He thought slowly, and after a while, he regained his strength, grabbed the hand around his waist and pulled it away, then stood up.

Chu Cuibi moved, turned over and lay on his back facing the ceiling, opened his eyes, raised his hands and raked his hair and asked, "What time is it?"

Gao Yan got out of bed and glanced at the clock on the wall: "It's half past six."

After he finished speaking, he went into the bathroom to wash up, and it was done quickly. He put on new clothes and walked out. Seeing Chu Suibi sitting on the edge of the bed with his hair loose, he walked up to him and looked at him for a while: "Your hair is a little long. "

Chu Cuibi: "It didn't grow."

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows. He originally wanted to say that Chu Suibi's hair was a little long, reaching his shoulders. Although because of his high face value, long hair will not look nondescript but a bit yuppie, but it is still a bit long for him.

The words he blurted out were speechless, but Chu Shabi's answer... How can you be so sure that your hair isn't growing

Gao Yan: "Have you cut it?"

Chu Cuibi groaned lightly, and his palms were like knives, marking the length of his hair: "I measured it with a ruler."

Gao Yan: "I've known you for more than a year. I saw you a year ago, and your hair is so long. See you in a year, and your hair is still so long. It doesn't feel like a change... But I've never seen you cut your hair."

Chu Cuibi got up, took off his shirt in front of Gao Yan, exposing his chest with eight pack abs, and then walked towards the bathroom in gray pajama pants.

"I take a ruler in the bathroom every day to measure, and cut the hair that grows every day according to the length."

Gao Yan thought he was joking: "Are you obsessive-compulsive?"

Chu Suibi responded with little sincerity: "Yes."

Gao Yan shook his head and didn't take it seriously.

He was playing with his mobile phone outside and opened the 'Buzhou' forum post. The most popular post was about the intermediate field 'You Bodhisattva', which detailed the huge pit in the game field and how many players were trapped in it.

Finally, I mentioned the operation of Gao Yan's customs clearance, without naming names, but I couldn't help but think of several posts about the operation of a new player in popular science in the past year.

Gao Yan read the replies on the first three pages, and probably guessed it right. There are also some players who should have experienced the game field together, and made some unspoken words below.

Seeing that his real information was not leaked, Gao Yan withdrew and read other posts at will. The phone rang suddenly, Gao Yan picked up the phone, and the front desk manager was on the other end of the phone.

Front desk manager: "Hello, Mr. Gao, a child who claims to be you, er... is your elder's child who appeared in the hotel lobby early in the morning and said he was looking for you."

Gao Yan: "I shouldn't know."

Front desk manager: "That's right, the child said your name accurately, and he has nothing to prove his identity. If you are sure you don't know, we will choose to call the police next."

Gao Yan: "Okay... Wait, what does the child look like? What's it called?"

Front desk manager: "About three or four years old, she looks white and tender, and she is very cute. Ah, by the way, what did he say his name is - Xiao Guanyin?"

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows: "Then I know him. He is my... little nephew."

The front desk manager was very happy: "Then I will send him up now?"

Gao Yan: "No, I'll go pick him up."

The elevator opened, and Gao Yan walked to the lobby. Because it was still early, there were only cleaners and a few people who checked out early in the hall, so I could see the little Guanyin surrounded by four or five people at a glance.

The little Guanyin was sitting on the sofa in the hall, shaking his calf, looking white and tender, with a little cinnabar mole between his eyebrows, like a little boy under the Guanyin seat. But he still had a serious face, and tried to fatten his short legs several times, but every time it fell off.

When it fell, the expression was the most serious, but also the most rigid.

The people around were so cute that their faces were full of loving fathers and mothers, but Xiao Guanyin probably thought that was the piety of believers.

Xiao Guanyin tried his best to preach with a sullen expression, and after he finished speaking, he said to the lobby manager, "I'm really Gao Yan's elder. He should call me Master. I want to bring him up!"

The lobby manager has no principle: "Okay, our little Guanyin is really amazing."

Little Guanyin: "I belong to all sentient beings."

The lady at the front desk covered her mouth: "...cute!"

Gao Yan: "..."

He walked in front of Xiao Guanyin, Xiao Guanyin glanced at him with sharp eyes, immediately jumped down and threw himself in front of Gao Yan, hugging his thigh: "Gao Yan! I came out to find you! Don't be too happy, and don't be too surprised, because This is the reward you deserve! Little Guanyin is with you~"

— No.

Gao Yan sighed silently, bent down and picked up the little Guanyin, thanked the lady at the front desk and the lobby manager, and went back to the room.

"Why did you come out?"

Little Guanyin: "See you. Without me, how could you survive the advanced field safely?"

Gao Yan: "I just entered the intermediate field."

Xiao Guanyin hummed: "The person I selected will soon be able to enter the high-level field."

Gao Yan: "When did you come out?"

Xiao Guanyin proudly raised his chest: "Midnight! Because of my merit, I was shaped into a golden body, so I came out."

Originally, when Gao Yan became an intermediate player, Xiao Guanyin could appear in reality, but due to insufficient merit, there was a delay in the middle. Knowing that Gao Yan obtained the merits from the Qingshan King in the intermediate field, Xiao Guanyin was able to come out quickly.

The first thing he did when he came out was to find Gao Yan!

Gao Yan: "You can really pick the time. We are going home by plane right now—do you have an ID card?"

Xiao Guanyin dismissed: "What is that?"

Gao Yan: "...So how do we take you?"

Xiao Guanyin stared at Gao Yan, "Can't you take me away?"


Xiao Guanyin turned back and looked at Chu Shuibi who refused. He leaned against the elevator door, holding his hands. As soon as the elevator door opened, he heard Xiao Guanyin's words, and immediately refused for Gao Yan.

"Is the leg lame or is the person paralyzed, and the disabled must be hugged?"

Xiao Guanyin was shocked: "So it's true that Chu Laogou doesn't speak human words!"

Chu Shuibi: "Tsk, what's the matter with him?"

Gao Yan: "As far as you can see, can you give him an identity in a short time?"

Chu Suibi: "We are on the plane at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, how can we get our identity in half a day? Besides, why should I get it for him? A tender old monster!"

Xiao Guanyin was so angry: "You are an old monster! An old man!"

Chu Suibi smiled maliciously: "I can't get an ID card, why not send him back as a pet?"

Xiao Guanyin gasped in anger, clenched his fists and glared angrily at Chu Shuibi, the latter's eyes were cold, and he saw that he was about to tear each other.

Gao Yan said lightly, "Don't make trouble."

The little Guanyin pursed his lips, and Chu Shaobi made a 'bang'.

Gao Yan: "Brother Chu, help me get an identity."

Chu Cuibi: "Please."

Gao Yan: "Come with your ears."

Chu Shuibi leaned over, and Gao Yan whispered a few words.


Gao Yan: "Really."

Chu Suibi: "Okay, wait. It will be done within two hours."

Xiao Guanyin didn't know what Gao Yan said, but it seemed that he really begged Chu Shuibi. He expressed his heartache, "How can I let you be threatened by Chu Laogou?!"

Chu Suibi: "You mean you want to take pets as consignment?"

Little Guanyin: "… "

No, he doesn't want to.

Chu Suibi snorted: "Husband's taste, do you understand?"

The author has something to say: Xiao Guanyin: I don't understand, I don't want to understand, I'm still a child.