Please Obey The Game

Chapter 64: Baby


Chu Suibi knew people in Fujian, and quickly dealt with the identity of Xiao Guanyin.

Out of selfishness, Chu Suibi did not let Xiao Guanyin enter Gao Yan's household registration book, but chose to attach the household registration book in the name of his long-defunct relative to become his little nephew.

Seeing the household registration book, Xiao Guanyin's face was so gloomy: "I am Chu Laogou's nephew, so am I not the dog's nephew?"

Hearing this, Chu Shuibi said, "So isn't it justifiable to consign pets?"

Xiao Guanyin was so angry that he climbed on top of the suitcase and grinned: "I will kill you!"

Chu Shuibi looked coldly: "Childish."

Xiao Guanyin gasped and inhaled frantically, and at the same time glared at Chu Shuibi, he was about to pounce on it with an 'Ow'.

At this time, Gao Yan went to the self-service machine to print and register the ticket, and no one cared about them, so it was torn into darkness, and others almost thought that Chu Shuibi was kidnapping the child. But when someone came to inquire, Chu Suibi immediately dismissed the relationship with Xiao Guanyin.

"It doesn't matter to us. If he is lost, take it away quickly and send it to the airport police room or the police station." Chu Suibi waved his hand, disgusting Xiao Guanyin.

Passers-by looked at Xiao Guanyin, Xiao Guanyin put on a well-behaved and tender appearance: "He is my... uncle!"

Chu Suibi looked at him coldly, and heard Xiao Guanyin's 'uncle' shouting so unwillingly. Xiao Guanyin was not happy, but Chu Shuibi was happy.

When passersby heard this, they thought they were arguing, and they didn't care after a few words of persuasion.

Xiao Guanyin turned his head and continued to inhale frantically, Chu Shabi: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Guanyin: "Suck the air around you, and I will suffocate you to death."

Chu Cuibi: "..." Mom's mental retardation.

Gao Yan came over holding the ticket, "Brother Chu, do you want to check your luggage?"

One big and one small immediately corrected their attitudes, ignoring each other but smiling at Gao Yan. Gao Yan looked at the two and wisely did not ask how they were getting along.

Chu Suibi: "No need to check in, a little luggage."

Gao Yan: "Okay, let's go then."

The three entered the terminal and waited for 20 minutes to board the plane. When night fell, they had already returned to Suihai City, and it was already eight o'clock when they arrived home by taxi.

Gao Yan asked Chu Suibi to hold Xiao Guanyin, and he looked for the key to open the door. Chu Suibi and Xiao Guanyin looked at each other and despised each other. Xiao Guanyin slid down from Gao Yan's arms and stood up on his own initiative to stop hugging.

As soon as the door opened, a figure rushed over with a crisp cheering sound—

"Yan Yan! I'm here—"

Gao Yan subconsciously hugged the small body that rushed over, looked down, and met a pair of golden pupils. Beautiful and delicate, not like a real person, like a delicate doll... Asura? !

"Asura? How did you appear in reality?"

"Ha? Why didn't Yan Yan feel pleasantly surprised? Are you not welcome and unhappy that I came out? Why is the first question asking me how I appeared in the real world?"

Gao Yan had a headache: "No... I'm very happy, but you're not the boss of the game field? And why are you at my house?"

Asura: "I'm a player now. I'll find you after I come out, wait at your door, and then meet Sister Yang Mian, who brought me in with brother Su Jiang."

Yang Mian is back

Gao Yan was surprised for a moment, then noticed Asura's words: "Are you a player?"

Asura: "I left the boss camp and switched to the player camp."

Gao Yan: "And this operation?"

Asura: "Of course there is, but it's not easy. But it's a trend for new gods to ban old gods. God Lahu didn't want Asura's cubs to be wiped out, so he used divine power to replace me in the player camp. Asura has a chance to survive. It will continue to exist in the future.”

Gao Yan: "Okay."

Just as he was about to say something else, the voice behind him asked, "Gao Yan, is she that cunning Asura?"

Gao Yan didn't feel very good. He turned around and saw Xiao Guanyin's face full of disbelief and shock after being betrayed. To be honest, Gao Yan didn't know why this little Guanyin had so many expressions.

Little Guanyin: "Isn't it enough for you to have my little baby? Why do you want to raise a cunning Asura cub who has calculated on you? Is there any baby in this world that is cuter than the upright and kind little Guanyin?"

Gao Yan: "..." When did you become a baby? Didn't you still want to be his father every day

Asura hugged Gao Yan's neck, pretending to be surprised: "Huh? Little baby? You are little dad's little baby, so what am I? Make it clear that you are just one of the incarnations of gods, and you are still the boss. I'm the little dad's child, my own child!"

Xiao Guanyin pushed Chu Shuibi away, rushed in front of Gao Yan, blushed and glared at Asura: "You lie! You are Asura, Gao Yan is a human player, I am his divine imprint, we are the closest. You You are an outsider! You lied to Gao Yan, you are the boss! You are a cunning and notorious Asura!"

Asura was stabbed in the foot and got down from Gao Yan's arms in anger, standing in front of Xiao Guanyin, who was a head taller than Xiao Guanyin.

She pinched her waist and roared back: "I didn't deceive Gao Yan, King Asura never deceives the people he likes. And I recognized Gao Yan as a little father, and I still bear the humiliation to recognize Chu Laogou as a father! Can you? ?"

Unpredictable Disaster: Chu Shabi stopped in his tracks: Endure humiliation and bear the burden

Xiao Guanyin couldn't, he was a little lacking in confidence, because he once dreamed of being Gao Yan's father, and once confidently fantasized about stepping on Chu Laogou's head.

This Asura cub is indeed able to bend and stretch!

Little Guanyin gritted his teeth, pinched his waist and grabbed the fact that Asura was a cunning King Asura.

The two little ones blocked the door and sprayed each other, neither agreeing with the other.

Gao Yan closed the door, Chu Suibi dragged his suitcase and walked into the bedroom indifferently. In the living room, Su Jiang and Yang Mian stretched their necks to watch Xiao Guanyin and Asura quarrel. Seeing Gao Yan swept over with cold eyes, he quickly retracted his head and put his hands on his knees, proving that they were good babies.

Gao Yan sat opposite the two of them and looked at Yang Mian: "Are you back?"

Yang Mian's hair has grown longer, tied high, and her previous bangs have also been cut off, looking quite sassy and capable. There is a light-colored scar on the brow bone, which must have been almost blinded.

Gao Yan frowned: "Have you reached the intermediate level yet?"

Yang Mian grinned and said, "Xie Sanqiu, that dog thief won't let him, saying that I haven't laid a good foundation, and I have to work for a few more months. At that time, I will directly participate in the intermediate promotion field, skip the intermediate game field, and go to the advanced field."

This step is a bit big.

Gao Yan: "Are you sure?"

Yang Mian: "Yes."

Gao Yan: "That's fine." He turned to Su Jiang: "How about you?"

Su Jiang: "Me? I'm different from Yang Mian. It is estimated that after two games, I will go straight to the promotion field."

Gao Yan frowned: "So fast?" I felt a little anxious.

"It's not fast." Su Jiang shook his head: "I guess Brother Yan, if you play another game field, you should be thrown into the promotion field."

Gao Yan was noncommittal: "Really?"

Yang Mian lowered her eyes and agreed with Su Jiang's words: "It's not long. Brother Yan, Su Jiang and I have decided to go to the intermediate stage with you."

Gao Yan poured water into the small electric teapot, pressed the switch, and asked, "You seem to know something."

Yang Mian and Su Jiang looked at each other: "Didn't Team Chu tell you?"

Gao Yan: "Should he tell me that dogs don't give players much time than games, and that the days of players and gods dueling are in the not too distant future?"

Yang Mian: "You know what?"

"I have no idea."

The small electric teapot made a beep, and the water boiled.

Gao Yan picked up the small electric teapot and poured water on the teacup plate. While cleaning the teacup, he said, "I guessed, Brother Chu didn't say anything. But it's not hard to guess, first of all, Xie Sanqiu and—"

He glanced at Sujiang: "The one who brought Sujiang, their actions are too fast and too urgent, forcing you to grow up. Their actions have repeatedly told me that players have no time. Players have no time, there is only one possibility, that is The gods and players will face to face in a knockout system."

Perhaps the old gods are impatient, or the dog who directed everything is impatient to wait for the growth of the new gods.

The gods of the third generation must be selected as soon as possible. Whether the new gods snatch the position of the old gods, or the old gods kill the new gods who delusionally take their place, the result will not hinder the final birth of the third generation of gods.

"The status and ability of gods are declining day by day. When all human beings master advanced technology and can decipher the existence of gods, the so-called gods will cease to exist."

Gao Yan suddenly sighed.

Yang Mian and Su Jiang looked at him for unknown reasons. Xiao Guanyin and Asura, who were arguing with each other, were so frightened that they almost fell on the carpet, instantly attracting the attention of the three of them.

Su Jiang narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Guanyin and Asura suspiciously.

As early as in the quarrel just now, Su Jiang guessed the identity of Xiao Guanyin, and he was surprised, but it passed in a flash. After all, they were all players from multiple game fields, and their mentality was quite stable.

But because of this, the attitudes of Xiao Guanyin and Asura are even more strange.

Su Jiang probed: "Could it be true as Brother Yan said, the status and ability of gods will gradually weaken and become marginalized with the development of human society?"

Xiao Guanyin faced the wall and kept his mouth shut.

Asura scratched his cheek with his index finger, and said, "Huh? How do I know? I'm just an Asura cub who is just over a hundred years old. Regarding the first generation of gods and the second generation of gods, I How would you know?"

Yang Mian: "Even if I'm not very smart, I can hear your words, little Asura."

Asura's eyes drifted everywhere, and he pouted: "You can't bully King Asura when she doesn't deceive the person you love, she's so cute—"

"Smelly shameless." Xiao Guanyin scolded her: "Do you have Xiao Guanyin cute?"

Asura: "Hey! Can you be cute?"

Xiao Guanyin was so angry that her bulging stomach was about to burst, and she began to secretly suck the air next to Asura, trying to suffocate her to death.

Knock, knock.

Gao Yan knocked on the table to attract everyone's attention: "Throughout the history of the six major mythological systems in the world, almost all of them have experienced the alternation of theocracy between the first and second generation of gods. Among them, the first generation of gods has no restrictions, no rules, and has Mountain reclamation, and even the power to create life. The second gods are built on the foundation of the fall of the first generation of gods. At this time, they are bound by their actions, and although their status is high, they are respected by human beings.”

"Before that, the first generation of gods regarded human beings as ants. The second generation of gods used to benefit and bless human beings, and accumulated merits to become gods and become immortals. Later, there were more people who killed human beings and intervened in human affairs and had to pay the corresponding price. Rules, more and more constraints, more and more rules. Their status is clearly declining.”

"In modern history, people generally do not believe in gods and ghosts, and the status of gods has fallen again and again. Temples have been demolished, unknown gods have been rejected, and their traces have been erased. Senior gods have also been disliked and hated, and the era of theocracy will never return."

"So, the selection of the third generation of gods begins."

Su Jiang thought thoughtfully: "In other words, when the mysterious veil of the so-called gods is revealed by human beings with technology, there will be no gods in the world."

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Maybe."

The world is godless, what an interesting future.

Su Jiang and Yang Mian also think so, they prefer a world without gods compared to the age of gods. I am especially happy to see those gods who play with humans being forced by humans to have no place to live, which is really heartwarming.

The three looked at each other and smiled in unison.

Xiao Guanyin and Asuro, who were hiding in the corner, shivered. They all felt that the three players in the living room were terrifying, especially when they laughed, they seemed to exude the breath of a terrifying demon king.

Terrible, just as terrifying as that old dog Chu who clamored for world atheism.

Gao Yan stretched his waist: "I'm going to cook, you haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Su Jiang and Yang Mian shook their heads, Gao Yan stood up and said at the same time, "There are only three people in our team. I plan to recruit two more people. You also know each other. They are Yu Xiaojie and Tang Ze."

Su Jiang: "I'm fine."

Yang Mian: "Isn't Brother Yan going to join the gods like Team Chu?"

Gao Yan: "I'm not familiar with them. If there is a long enough running-in time, I can add it. But you also know the current situation, so I choose people who have worked with me."

Asura raised his hand: "What about me? What about me? I'm also a player now, Yan Yan, you must take me in."

Gao Yan smiled gently: "Definitely."

Asura is the king of Asura, there is an Asura king in the team, and he has already earned enough money.

Xiao Guanyin curled his lips and said, "Although we are one, I am also an incarnation of Guanyin. What? I allow you to invite me."

Gao Yan teased him: "The number of teams in my budget is only seven."

Little Guanyin secretly counted on his fingers, and the annoying little Asura had exactly six people, and there was one place left. Xiao Guanyin thought it was his, he coughed, pretended to be reserved, and then suggested himself the last position.

But Gao Yan said with a smile: "The last place is for Brother Chu, so it's full."

a bolt from the blue. Xiao Guanyin was shocked, her round eyes filled with unbelievable tears, how could Gao Yan leave him behind and be the wild man Chu Laogou

"Why can this Asura cub do it and I can't!" Xiao Guanyin asked in grief and indignation.

Gao Yan Shi Shiran got up and went to the kitchen to cook. Xiao Guanyin asked Ashura to withdraw voluntarily, but Ashura refused.

The two sides could not argue, and Xiao Guanyin gritted his teeth and shouted: "You forced me!"

At this moment, Chu Suibi opened the bedroom door and walked out, facing him, a small Guanyin flew over and hugged his thigh angrily shouting 'Daddy! '.

fuck! Chu Suibi almost kicked him out, and any spicy chicken started to recognize his father casually!

Asura was quite shocked, she actually forced Xiao Guanyin to this point? The little shit is too unplayable.

Yang Mian picked up the tea that Gao Yan had just made to drink, and took the time to advise Asura: "Take it easy, don't really provoke Xiao Guanyin, you can't beat him."

After all, he is one of Avalokitesvara's incarnations, and a cub of King Asura can't handle him.

Asuro pouted: "I see."

Su Jiang lazily leaned against Yang Mian's shoulder, and he was about to curl up on the sofa. He asked Yang Mian to bring him tea, but he didn't want to do it himself, and became more and more lazy.

Yang Mian didn't care about him, and held a cup of hot tea to warm him in the palm of his hand.

With a smile on the corner of Su Jiang's mouth, he drank a sip of tea and praised Gao Yan's improved craftsmanship, and then said, "Do you think that when Brother Yan comes back, the house will be lively and popular?"

Yang Mian thought for a while: "Maybe it's because Brother Yan can cook. It's not like there's a saying - the oil smoke in the kitchen is the fireworks in the world."

Su Jiang was silent: "You are right."

Yang Mian drank tea quietly and waited quietly for Gao Yan to prepare the food, and then he could hear a shout of "The meal is ready, come here". She and Su Jiang would fly over, and if Xie Sanqiu was there, they would even fight against each other in secret.

It has been eight months since the last primary promotion field, and Yang Mian has been tossing back and forth in one game field after another.

His blood was cold, but when he returned to Gao Yan's house again, listening to the noise in the house, he felt that everything was okay, not so bad.

Chu Suibi carried Xiao Guanyin, threw him to Asura, and asked the two of them to make a pile to face the wall, otherwise they would all be driven out. As the owner of the house who passed the bright side, he strolled into the kitchen after declaring his sovereignty, helped Gao Yan fight, and kissed secretly by the way.

Outside the living room, Su Jiang, Yang Mian, Xiao Guanyin and Asura started to belittle him recklessly, relying on the old dog Chu in the kitchen not hearing him.

Su Jiang: "naive, not married yet."

Yang Mian: "Looking at him like this, I never want to fall in love for the rest of my life."

Little Guanyin and Asura rarely reach an agreement that when the great cause is accomplished, they will definitely kill the dog father and marry the little mother.

Su Jiang and Yang Mian glanced at the two children, expressionlessly commenting: "Good ambition."

Mom's literature never distinguishes between species.

"time to eat!"

The four of them calmed down for a moment, and the next moment there was no one in the living room. The dining table was crowded and scrambled with each other, lively and noisy.

Chu Suibi took a pair of chopsticks and walked out. Seeing that they were all starting to fight, he picked them up and threw them out one by one, pulled the main position away and called Gao Yan over. When Gao Yan sat down, they could move the chopsticks.

Gao Yan smiled and sat down without saying anything. The others rushed up, and when they picked up their chopsticks, they heard the doorbell ring.

Yang Mian jumped up: "I'll open the door."

As soon as the door opened, no one heard the sound - "Gao Yan, I heard that you are back. I happened to pass by and carried a box of cold beer downstairs to warm it up. By the way, is the dog Chu dead? We are dead. Just celebrate—"

'boom! '

Yang Mian closed the door.

Chu Shuibi: "Well thrown!"

In the end, Xie Sanqiu was allowed to come in. If he was not allowed in, he would have to climb the balcony and come in. This is a high-rise building, and Gao Yan didn't want to go to the society to hunt for strange news.

After eating and drinking as usual, they went home after chatting almost.

Gao Yan's house is two bedrooms and one living room. He and Chu Suibi live in the master bedroom. Before the second bedroom, Su Jiang lived, but he moved upstairs and just vacated it as a children's room for Xiao Guanyin and Asura.

The next intermediate game can be delayed for four months at the latest. Gao Yan is not in a hurry to enter the game field immediately, so he is busy shopping for children's beds, arranging children's beds and so on in his spare time.

The rest of the time was spent studying the six major mythological systems in the world and the history of world folklore related to mythology. By the way, I contacted Yu Xiaojie and Tang Ze, told them that they would form a team, and asked them if they were interested.

The two are naturally willing to join, and after some discussions, they will decide on the team.


Under the night light, Gao Yan was lying on the desk, using a red pen to draw special places in the document.

Chu Suibi came over, pulled up a chair and sat over, and picked it up to read when he saw the conclusion he had sorted out.

"How is it?" Gao Yan leaned on the armchair with one hand and habitually played with the pen between his fingers.

Chu Cuibi: "The general direction is correct."

Gao Yan: "So players really don't have time?"

Chu Shuibi: "Fifty years ago, the god's game field appeared, and the first batch of players were dragged into the game, but because they were unfamiliar, there was no guidance, and there was no current 'Buzhou' forum to provide strategies and information, so Basically dead. Total annihilation."

In the quiet night, Chu Suibi slowly recounted the first birth of the third-generation Shenming Playground: "The second batch of players was more fortunate, and sometimes met with kind-hearted senior guidance, and the number of deaths began to decrease. Until the emergence of the third batch of players , Because of the guidance of the previous two groups of players as seniors, the number of deaths was very small, and the rules were not perfect at that time, players took advantage of the loopholes, and the number of people who survived increased. As a result, they were jealous. "

Gao Yan paused while playing with the pen: "Jealousy?"

Chu Suibi: "The first two batches of players hated the luck of the third batch of players and deliberately set traps to harm them. The time should have been 15 years ago, old players hated new players, and new players guarded against old players. The enemy of the players is the game field. , gods, ghost bosses, and players who are also human."

Gao Yan: "Did you enter the game field at that time?"

"Yes." Chu Suibi admitted generously: "Later, some people set up a 'poor' forum to share information on the game field, encourage real-name login, and encourage seniors to bring old players. Humans are always kind, and most of them seek comfort. When someone calls for leadership, People who are willing to pursue stability will follow. After about six or seven years, the relationship between players in the game field will be much better.”

No wonder he felt that the atmosphere among the players in the game field was so good that it didn't seem like they were experiencing an escape game. Although the players had a competitive relationship, most of them seemed to be just for customs clearance, and their mentality was quite Buddhist.

Gao Yan: "The forum you established?"

"No." Chu Suibi put the information back: "I am just one of the participants, the creator is my captain, and the participants are former members of the gods, my teammates."

Gao Yan heard other meanings, and sensitively grabbed the key word: "Before?"

Chu Suibi: "They are all dead. I told you before that I participated in an intermediate game field and suddenly upgraded to a high-level field in the middle, so the whole army was wiped out."

Gao Yan: "I'm sorry."

Chu Shabi shook his head, indicating that it was all right.

"I will go back to that senior field."

Gao Yan's eyes were full of worry, Chu Suibi smiled and comforted him: "At least they have to bring their skeletons back. It's a special playground. After the player dies, the soul and skeleton are detained there."

Gao Yan: "Can you tell me what kind of playground it is?"

Chu Suibi looked at him deeply, and just when Gao Yan thought he would not speak out, he said, "The curse of the River of the Dead."

Gao Yan frowned: "Where?" He subconsciously rummaged through the world folklore on the table, looking for folklore legends about 'The Curse of the Dead River'.

Chu Shuibi: "The River of the Dead refers to the Nile River, which refers to the underworld in ancient Egyptian mythology. The dead and the dead can reach the underworld through the Nile River. At that time... we arrived at the underworld."

Gao Yan gasped slightly, he could finally understand the danger hidden in Chu Shabi's few words. He held Chu Suibi's hand and kissed it on his lips: "Fortunately, you're fine."

Chu Suibi hugged Gao Yan and pointed to the information on the table to change the subject: "If you have any questions you don't understand, you can ask me."

Gao Yan hurriedly spread out the information, and put the unknown place he had drawn before in front of Chu Shuibi: "Tell me, what's going on..."

Under the night light, next to the desk, the figures of Chu Suibi and Gao Yan gradually overlapped.

The author has something to say: the six major systems of gods in the world have all been replaced by theocracy.

Some have experienced more than two generations, not to mention the Chinese ones. Zeus in Greek mythology is the third generation, and there are also the creation gods in the three generations or more, but the creation gods are not counted. Odin of Norse mythology is the first generation of gods, but he was born of giants, and giants are not gods.

The ancestor of Norse mythology gave birth to giants, and the giants gave birth to Odin. Odin was a god race, and he later created the gods. The giants and the gods are enemies, and finally a war breaks out, and the gods are twilight, and they die together.

The second generation of gods is born.

(Actually, I feel that the replacement of these gods is similar to the replacement of kingship in real history, probably an insinuation.)

PS: I read an article today, the protagonist author, and the character OOC in the pen works by himself. As a result, there are 300,000 more words in the author's document, so I don't need to write it myself.

Take a sad look at my text, when will she be independent