Please Obey The Game

Chapter 67: Unrighteous


Chu Suibi stood behind him, and the two looked up at the huge oil painting in front of them. The closer they got, the more terrifying they felt.

Gao Yan lowered his eyes and looked at the goose bumps floating on his arms, which was a horrifying physiological reaction that his body could not control. He wasn't scared, but his body was scared.

"So it's really interesting... Brother Chu, look. The horror all over the place directly affects my body's reaction. If I reach a certain horror threshold, will my body run away uncontrollably?"

Gao Yan clearly felt that his heart was very calm, and the beating frequency did not increase, but his sense of fear was increasing, which means that the oil painting in front of him could create a kind of tension and horror.

And this kind of tension and horror will make people's body uncontrollable to produce conditioned reflexes, and they may be frightened to the point of weakness.

Chu Suibi raised his arm, and he also had goose bumps on his arm, but it didn't cover as much.


Gao Yan looked back and looked up again to observe the oil painting of the Son's death: "greed and injustice, the people under Jesus' feet were in pain in the fire, and still stretched out their hands to drink blood. This is greed. The Son is greedy. Judas of 30 silver coins betrayed and died on Golgotha, which is unrighteousness and covetousness."

He raised his hand, pointed to the oil painting and said, "The sin of the player is in the most conspicuous place, that's it."

As soon as they came in, they found this oil painting, and other players would also find that it was placed in a very obvious place.

Chu Cuibi: "That's right."

Gao Yan "Destroyed?"

Chu Shuibi flicked a smudge of yang fire from his fingertips onto the oil painting, and the oil painting immediately burned, turning into gray-white ashes in less than two seconds. Ashes fell on the corners of the wall, but any player with a sharp eye could spot the problem.

But even if they find it, it doesn't matter, because they can't restore the content of the oil painting.

After the oil painting was destroyed, the goose bumps on Gao Yan's body disappeared, as did the shrouded horror.

Chu Suibi reminded: "Someone came up."

Gao Yan turned around and saw Song Beiliu walking up. Seeing the two of them, Song Beiliu showed a very contrived expression of surprise: "We are really destined to meet again just after we separated."

Song Beiliu approached, and at the same time he saw the white ashes on the corner of the wall, and his eyes were clear: "It seems that you have found the first sin." He put his hands on the back of his head, and said somewhat contemptuously: "Princess Ursula's declaration does not seem like it. Like the seven deadly sins on which God judged the world?"

Gao Yan: "There is no such thing as the seven deadly sins in the original text of the Bible."

Song Beiliu shrugged: "Ursula treats herself like a god."

Gao Yan didn't answer this sentence, he smiled politely and dragged Chu Suibi to choose a nearby room and walked in. Song Beiliu watched them leave behind him, his smile remained unchanged, and he turned back to look at the ashes in the corner.

He patted his head and walked away, muttering to himself as he walked, "The first sin was taken away, and the remaining two. Tsk tsk, wish me luck."

The room was furnished with a simple wooden bed, table and chairs covered with white cloth. The gray-white walls were unadorned, and the top of the fourth wall had only a small narrow window, and the whole room was like a prison.

There is no light, and all you can see is a pale color, which is very depressing.

Chu Suibi grabbed the white cloth and told Gao Yan to go back to the door and stay out of the room for a while. Then he grabbed it hard, and there was a sound of breaking through the air. The huge white cloth was collected and thrown into the corner, and it was piled up like a hill.

After removing the white cloth, the old wooden bed, table and chairs were exposed in front of the two of them, not white but gray-black, and the floor was also gray-black, as if it had been burned by fire.

Gao Yan walked in and smelled a very pungent smell. His throat and nose were choked, and he coughed involuntarily.

"Brother Chu, do you smell burnt?"

The deeper you went, the stronger the pungent smell, and Gao Yan was absolutely sure that it was the burnt smell after the fire.

"There was a fire in this room." Chu Suibi tore off the last piece of white cloth and threw it into the corner, then pulled out the chair for Gao Yan to sit over, while he walked along the corner of the room.

Finally, Chu Suibi stopped beside Gao Yan and looked up at the ceiling: "The fire is very big, the walls of the room have been repainted white, but it is very confusing. There are dark burn marks on the floor, the base of the wall and the corners of the ceiling. The room did have fires before."

Gao Yan suddenly thought: "Has there been any fires in other rooms?"

Chu Shuibi narrowed his eyes and looked down at Gao Yan: "What if not?"

"If it doesn't... then it can explain one thing. Players once lived in this house, and they may be sentenced to be burned at the stake because they were found guilty. So this house corresponds to burning at the stake, and other rooms correspond to other punishments." Gao Yan said.

Chu Shuibi: "It is possible. The crime committed by the player should correspond to the punishment. The "Old Testament" mentions that those who are arrogant and evil will be like stubble, and the fire will consume its roots and branches. Therefore, our room once and Arrogance and evildoers will be burned in the future, and if none of the four of us commits arrogance and evildoers, then we have chosen a room destined for fire."

Gao Yan said calmly: "At least tell us in advance that the room is not suitable for hiding things."

They guessed on their own, and the others in the other side left the nave one after another, went to the entrance hall to the west, and searched for a while in the entrance hall. Some players did not find any clues and went upstairs.

The painting of the crucifixion was burnt, and nothing drew them to the end of the corridor to view it. Players watch out for each other in the corridor, and after random inspections, they choose a room to live in, and the rest follow the door to open the door.

Half an hour later, some players came out of the room one after another with rather ugly expressions.

The companions whispered, as if they were discussing.

Gao Yan and Chu Suibi also came out, swept the expressions of the players one by one, and said, "It seems that they all found the problem in the room."

Song Beiliu came over and said, "I have a tent in my room, and there are four tent nails on the ground. What do you have in your room?"

Chu Suibi glanced at it indifferently: "Scorch marks."

Hearing this, Song Beiliu, who was smiling, looked at Chu Suibi, and when he touched the other's icy gaze, he couldn't help but stiffen, so he slightly restrained his unusual smile, and instead raked his hair and said, "I'm hungry, I'll go down to find something to eat first, you can do whatever you want. However, Ursula's church is built with bones, and it's interesting to be covered in bones."

"Are they staring at us? Eleven thousand servants, just to our left and right, above and below our feet, watching us?"

Song Beiliu repeated this sentence as he walked, so that all players heard it. I have to say, this is very scary. Although the players in the intermediate field are very courageous, they are more careful about whether they are 'being watched by the boss'.

Gao Yan sighed: "A master at creating panic."

Just one sentence made the already tense atmosphere even more anxious.

Gao Yan and Chu Suibi were the first to arrive and the last to leave. When the other players went to the hall, the two of them walked down slowly.

Gao Yan: "What punishment is related to the tent?"

Song Beiliu mentioned that there was a tent in his room that was nailed down by four tents, which was different from the wooden beds and furniture in other rooms, so it should have something to do with the punishment.

Chu Shuibi: "Bible · Old Testament, the Israelites were brutally ruled by the enemy, and God sent prophets to help the Israelites. The Israelites were victorious, but the enemy generals escaped the battlefield and passed a woman's tent, thinking that the woman was from his kingdom. , so he drank the milk that the woman brought to his hand and fell asleep. After that, the woman used tent nails and hammers to hammer the tent nails into the enemy general's temple, from which it penetrated to the other side, and the general was nailed to the ground."

Gao Yan: "Punish the brutal."

The two walked downstairs together, and ten players in the hall were already sitting around the dining table. At this time, Xiao Guanyin and Asura ran in from the entrance of the hall hand in hand, and when they saw Gao Yan and Chu Suibi, they ran over and rushed towards Gao Yan from left to right.

"Yan Yan!!" The two little ones shouted in unison, and then lowered their voices: "We haven't found the relic chest yet, but there is a little clue about where it is."

Gao Yan: "It's amazing!"

Xiao Guanyin and Asura were very proud, and looked up at Chu Shuibi with their chests raised, their faces full of anticipation.

Chu Suibi, who was originally bored and too lazy to take care of the two little ones, noticed the sight, looked down at them, and was silent for a moment: "You did a good job."

Xiao Guanyin and Asura had extremely bright smiles on their faces, although they were always tit for tat with Chu Suibi, in fact, just one sentence from Chu Suibi would definitely give them a great sense of accomplishment.

Xiao Guanyin patted his chest: "Small meaning, no more words for Xiao Guanyin! I'll find it out for you tomorrow!"

Asura complained: "Everyone will say big things!"

Little Guanyin: "Asura cub, you question me?"

Asura waved his hand lazily, like waving a fly: "How dare I?"

The child with a little fart kept calling her cub, funny!

Although he was a hundred years old, Asuro, who was actually a cub, always had a good sense of superiority because he was a head taller than Xiao Guanyin.

The little Guanyin snorted: "It's good to know each other." Cubs!

Asura: "Oh." The little brat without all the hair!

The four of them walked towards the dining table, and the player's gaze fell on Xiao Guanyin and Asura. Due to the fairness of the rules, no children were seen in the playground, but Xiao Guanyin and Asura were indeed recognized as players by the playground.

That means that the two children in front of them are not ordinary children, and the adult players who are with them are not ordinary.

Therefore, players pay attention to Gao Yan and his party of four.

Song Beiliu warmly beckoned to invite Gao Yan: "Come here, I have helped you occupy four positions!"

It was only the four remaining positions that were not next to each other. When Song Beiliu said it, he helped to occupy it, and his face was not ordinary.

Two of them were right next to Song Beiliu, and the other two were inserted between other players, not next to each other. Gao Yan and Chu Suibi chose to sit next to Song Beiliu, and they didn't want to be separated from them.

So in the end, I chose to sit next to each other, but it was replaced by Chu Suibi sitting next to Song Beiliu. Song Beiliu panicked inexplicably as soon as he saw Chu Cuibi's smiling face, and he didn't dare to open the screen to harass him.

The seats are relatively large, so Xiao Guanyin and Asura took the initiative to climb to the seats of Gao Yan and Chu Shuibi, still next to each other.

It didn't take long for Ursula to walk out from another open door in the hall, and sat in the main seat, looking around the crowd, her black lace glove-clad palm resting on the table.

"If you do something wrong, you will be punished. May the Lord forgive the crimes committed by the world." Ursula closed her eyes and read a paragraph, then opened her eyes and stared straight ahead: "So, have you found it? Have you found the three sinners who will be judged today?"

The players didn't answer, and they wondered what Urassu would do if no one came forward, or if three crimes could not be found.

Ursula: "Isn't anyone finding it? Are you blind to those crimes right in front of you? So it seems that you are guilty of a lot."

Gao Yan whispered: "Strange logic, she seems to force the crime on the player's head."

"I have God's righteous deeds!!" Ursula turned her head sharply to stare at Gao Yan, and a beast-like roar erupted from her throat: "I never lie!"

Gao Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he almost suffocated at the sense of horror that approached him.

Ursula has a terrifying and frightening power, something that cannot be explained or captured, similar to an aura. Gao Yan concluded that the oil painting artist of the crucifixion was her, the devout pilgrim Princess Ursula.

Not only Gao Yan, but other players also felt that terrifying power, and they trembled in front of this terrifying power unconsciously.

Chu Cuibi held Gao Yan's slightly trembling hand, and a firm power came from his generous palm, and Gao Yan slowly calmed down. Xiao Guanyin and Asura, who found out that Gao Yan was being targeted, immediately barked their teeth at Ursula, and Asura even assumed an attacking posture.

Gao Yan patted the three of them and reassured: "I'm fine, I'm just affected."

The terrifying aura that Úrsula had just burst out reached the threshold in an instant, and it was at that moment that Gao Yan was suffocated. But it quickly returned to normal, and in the non-threshold situation, in addition to the physical response, Gao Yan's heartbeat and brain nerves were normal and calm.

Gao Yan estimated in his heart what chance he had of escaping when facing Ursula alone. After he had a rough estimate in his mind, he felt relieved and comforted the other three.

Ursula calmed down: "If no one finds the crime, let the Lord make the choice. But if someone finds the crime but is unwilling to expose the guilty person, then the person will be judged and the wicked person's crimes will be covered up."


The players whispered, and their faces became ugly. They stared at Ursula very badly, and they wanted to kill Ursula. But Ursula just now was too terrifying, and they didn't dare to act rashly for the time being.

After a long period of discussion, a foreign female player with brown hair and ponytail stood up, looked around the crowd, and said a word to Ursula.

Violence and deceit.

Ursula's gloomy eyes slowly swept across all the players present, and her tone was hooked, like the cold wind walking through a desolate cemetery at night, making people's scalp tingle.

"Who is it? Who committed such a heinous crime?"

No one answered the player, waiting for Ursula's next move.

Wusu stretched his hand, and everyone looked over, but saw the ground cracked, a dry, black and thin arm that was completely devoid of moisture suddenly burst from the ground, the gravel particles exploded, and a small stone rolled to Gao Yan's ankle.

The mummy crawled out, the phalanx pierced through the tattered clothes into the abdominal cavity, took out a parchment from the abdominal cavity and handed it to Ursula's palm. Ursula opened the parchment and read the contents: "On XX, XX, XX, I have power, and I will become a god. Human beings are inferior, and the world will crawl under my feet. On XX, XX, XX, XX, They offended me, rebelled against me, and I killed them."

Ursula looked up, her eyes cold: "One hundred and thirty-seven people, the crime is terrible."

Players have different thoughts and have been prepared for a long time, but they are still shocked to hear the contents recorded in the Ursula sheepskin scroll.

The content of the parchment scroll is probably a game where a player accidentally enters a god's game, and because of fate, he will get the god's mark and props, thinking that he will eventually become a god. Therefore, human beings are regarded as inferior creatures, which can be conquered and enslaved, but they are resisted.

So he killed people, one hundred and thirty-seven people.

And this player is among the fourteen people, right by their side.

Players shuddered, they might become gods in the future, but before that, they were still human, they were human beings who grew up in human society.

Gao Yan knows that human nature is complex, and when there is a huge difference in status and power, some people have a heightened sense of responsibility, but some people's psychology is quickly distorted, enjoying superiority and enslaving human beings, ignoring the law and wantonly trampling on other people's lives.

It's just that Gao Yan was still angry when he heard this kind of thing with his own ears, and the murderer was still in front of him.

Chu Suibi patted the back of his hand to reassure him: "There will always be scumbags."

"Who is it?" Ursula did not name the player, but the players were already suspicious of each other.

If a player did commit such a horrific act, would they also be stabbed? Players who are ruthless by nature can't be trusted at all, maybe they will be stabbed if they turn around.

Ursula: "Rape and cunning, the fire will burn him to a mummified corpse."

Next, she begins to sentence the next player who commits the crime.

At this time, a player asked loudly, "Who killed 137 innocent people?"

Ursula: "He will be judged, and whoever is judged is the player who committed the crimes of rape and cunning."

No one spoke, the players looked at each other, trying to find clues from the expressions of other players, trying to find out the players who committed such terrible crimes. But none were found, all players behaved normally.

"Then, next—"

No one spoke for a while, Gao Yan said, "greed and injustice."

Ursula stared straight at him, and then another mummy crawled out of the floor, offering a parchment. She unfolded the parchment and read: "A woman has a gift from the gods, but she is still not satisfied. This woman kills her companions who trust her and eats the gifts given to her by the gods. A greedy and unrighteous woman, she Those who commit covetousness and injustice will be crushed like straw."

woman? !

There are a total of four female players among the players, one of which is the little girl Asura.

They were watched by the players, and one of the dark-skinned female players looked horrified when she heard that they were smashed like straw. In this way, players are sure of the candidate.

The male companion next to her is slightly away from her, after all, this is a woman who will kill her companion for an item or a god's mark.

Ursula: "The last crime, if the crime he (she) committed does not equal the previous two crimes. Then he (she) will not have to stand trial."


After a long period of silence, Song Beiliu raised his hand: "Arrogant and arrogant."

Ursula looked at the parchment, but didn't read it out. She just said regretfully: "The crime is not enough." She looked at the players, nodded and said, "I wish you a happy meal, and I hope to pray before the meal to thank the Lord for the gift. "

After she finished speaking, she got up and left, and the ground that had been torn apart quickly returned to its original state.

Players have no intention of eating at all. They all want to know the outcome of the two players who have been tried. Will they really be punished? Of course, the two judged players also want to know.

They were not in the mood, so they left the dining table, and a few players went to the nave again, hoping to find a relic box that could survive there.

In the end, only Gao Yan, Chu Suibi, the two little animals, and Song Beiliu were left behind.

Song Beiliu squinted his eyes to eat, and asked, "What major crimes have you committed?"

Gao Yan thought for a while and said, "It's probably unfilial."

Song Beiliu: "Those who are disobedient and unfilial should be punished. Those who agree with this bad behavior should also be punished. But according to the two players who committed murder tonight, your crime is probably not enough to cause death."

The first two sentences Song Beiliu said were fragments of the Book of Romans in the Old Testament, about the relationship between parents and children. To be precise, the conviction is quite harsh, but if the cause and effect and the degree of unfilial piety are investigated, Gao Yan's crime is not serious.

Gao Yan's father died and his mother got married. He was left in his hometown to live alone, and he rarely contacted his mother until he became an adult. I used to have resentment before, but later I became sensible. I didn't hold any resentment, but I couldn't get close.

Fortunately, Gao Yan's mother also has her own family and children. Although it is a little sad to not be close to Gao Yan, her life will not be affected.

Chu Suibi clenched Gao Yan's hand and gave him silent comfort.

Gao Yan smiled and said that he actually had nothing to do because he already had a good partner.

"As for me, it should be murdering relatives." Song Beiliu raised a bright smile and showed his big white teeth: "I tried to kill my own brother, and almost succeeded. But it doesn't matter, I will make persistent efforts to kill him as soon as possible."

Gao Yan was a little surprised by Song Beiliu's frankness, that the other party could tell his crimes without any grudges, wasn't he afraid of being guarded or betrayed

"Is there a reason?"

"There are many reasons, the main one is because I want to kill him! We are twin brothers, you have heard the saying of the horror twins. Some things in this world can only exist in the first and only one, if there are more One is bound to be destroyed." Song Beiliu shrugged and said indifferently, "Of course I was abandoned when I was born, but luckily I didn't die, so I had to get my existence back."

"It's not the status my brother has now, but existence."

"Twins, only one exists!"