Please Obey The Game

Chapter 68: Relic Box


Song Beiliu looked at Asura and Xiao Guanyin: "What about you? What crimes can you two children commit?"

Asuro gnawed on the cucumber, and when he heard the words, he tilted his head and said, "Maybe he betrayed the gods?"

Song Beiliu: "Then the crime is quite serious."

Asura: "Hey."

Little Guanyin: "I can't make mistakes."

Song Beiliu: "You may not be wrong, but you must be guilty. At least Ursula finds you guilty."

Xiao Guanyin: "Then I don't know what crime I committed."

Asura seemed to suddenly think of something, looked up at Chu Suibi and asked, "Dear father, how about you?"

Chu Suibi glanced at her, and said lightly, "Is the slaughter of the gods considered a serious crime?"

"Forget it." Asura nodded solemnly: "You will definitely go to hell, please rest assured and go well, I will take good care of Yan Yan."

Xiao Guanyin raised his hand and said, "I will too."

The two little ones are very filial: "Dad, you are well, please rest in peace."

Chu Suibi said earnestly: "I will remember to take you with me a moment before I leave, after all, the family must be neat and tidy."

Little Guanyin and Asura shook their heads together, wanting to say that they didn't want to be a neat family with Chu Laogou.

"Don't want to?"

"… "

Xiao Guanyin and Asura had no choice but to nod.

Song Beiliu smiled and said, "You two are in a good relationship."

Hearing this, Chu Suibi, Xiao Guanyin, and Asura stared at him blankly, all of which conveyed a meaning in their eyes: Are you fucking blind

Song Beiliu smiled: The gloomy expressions are the same, it's really a personal relationship.

Gao Yan concentrated on solving the food on the table, and ignored Song Beiliu. The latter also accepted it as soon as possible, but the two parties finished their dinner quietly.

Song Beiliu pushed away the chair first, stood up, and said goodbye to Gao Yan and the others.

After a long time, Song Beiliu's figure disappeared in the hall. Asura bit his spoon and asked, "What is the purpose of him being courteous to us?"

Song Beiliu was the first to say hello since they entered the game field, and then took the initiative to show his goodwill repeatedly. Just now, he even took the initiative to say the crimes he had committed, which seemed to be surrendering.

However, from the nave of the church until he got up and left just now, there were obviously several opportunities to cooperate, but Song Beiliu never said it.

Gao Yan: "I don't know, he hasn't come out, so let's just treat it as an ordinary chat."

Asura: "Oh." She wrinkled her nose: "But I don't feel his desire."

Gao Yan: "What do you mean?"

Asura: "Although the smiling man was laughing all the time just now, his emotions didn't fluctuate, like a straight line without fluctuations. Whether it's a human or a ghost, there is always one or two sentences mixed with desire, which is the bottom of their hearts. What I want. But Song Beiliu didn't have it, even when he said he wanted to kill his twin brother, he didn't notice any hatred."

Xiao Guanyin nodded affirming Asura's words: "When he was facing me, he was smiling, but not in his heart. We Guanyin can see through all falsehoods."

Chu Suibi also said, "When he mentioned killing relatives, he didn't have any murderous intent."

Gao Yan: "I see."

He didn't notice Song Beiliu's emotional changes, because people's emotional changes are very subtle, and with a little practice, they can be controlled freely. Song Beiliu's smile was quite fake, but the emotion he showed when he put away his smile was very real.

Gao Yan didn't expect that the emotions that seemed real were actually fake.

The group of four finished dinner at the dining table, and after they were full, they walked around the church as a walk to digest their food. When passing the tower in the east, Asura jumped to the front, opened his big golden eyes and said straightly: "There is an iron gate inside, it is locked, we can't get in."

Little Guanyin: "We guess the relic box is hidden in the tower."

Gao Yan: "Can't the iron door be opened?"

Little Guanyin: "Can't open it."

Gao Yan: "Violent destruction is not enough?"

Asura said quietly: "I tried it, but it doesn't work. Because there is a promise from God on the iron gate, nothing in the world can destroy it except the key. As for the tower, there is really no road other than the iron gate. There are other ways to get in. We couldn't find any other way after searching for a long time, so we had to look for the key."

Chu Shuibi: "God's promise... There is no other way but to find the key."

Gao Yan looked at him, Chu Suibi explained: "In the earliest times, the gods liked to walk around the world, and he would make promises to humans, and in the life that humans still believed in him and worshipped him, the gods would keep their promises. The promise of the gods, players cannot forcibly break it."

Gao Yan understood that just like the Old Testament was a promise made by Jehovah with the Israelites, it was actually a promise made by Jehovah. When the Israelites had good morals and believed in him, Jehovah gave them food and peace.

When the Israelites were full of evil and converted to other gods, the Lord would break his promise and slaughter the city with his own hands.

After the walk, the four returned to the third floor of the west entrance hall and opened the room at the end of the corridor. As soon as I walked in, I found something wrong, and the room changed.

Gao Yan exited and looked at the layout outside the corridor. After making sure that he was right, he went in again, closed the door and said, "The room has changed."

The original room was full of burnt smell, and the corners of the walls and ceiling were covered with burn marks, but now those marks are gone. In addition, there is a wooden cross on the wall facing the door.

The wooden frame is about 4.5 meters high and reaches the ceiling. It should be 20 centimeters wide and thick.

Chu Suibi went over to check it, and supported the wooden frame with one hand and said, "Embedding it in the wall should be a kind of punishment."

Gao Yan also walked over, and when he got closer, he found that the wooden frame was higher and heavier.

"The previous room was burned at the stake, but some players were tried, and the punishment was burned at the stake. So the rooms were swapped, and now it's a wooden frame... Is this the gallows?"

"It's not really." Chu Suibi said, "This kind of punishment is mentioned in the Old Testament. The arrogant superior enslaves the commoners, plunders the lives of the commoners, and hangs him on a high wooden frame in order to punish him. , I haven't eaten or drank for a few days, and my hands, feet, and body have different degrees of disability... but it's not fatal."

"There will be players on trial tonight... I want to see."

"it is good."

Asura and Xiao Guanyin originally wanted to wait until the evening to watch the fun, but the two little ones are still cubs, even if they are incarnations of gods, they can't change the fact that they are cubs, so they fall asleep automatically when the time comes. , can't wake up no matter how noisy.

In the middle of the night, the moonlight was blocked by dark clouds, and Wan Lai was silent.

Gao Yan's head rested on Chu Suibi's shoulder, and he was closing his eyes and resting. Chu Suibi played with his Walkman, and lowered his eyes to listen to the child's babble from the earphones.

There are a lot of audios in the Walkman, but Gao Yan has only listened to a few pure music in it. He doesn't like pure music very much, so even if Chu Suibi invited him later, he would not listen to it.

Therefore, Gao Yan didn't know that Chu Suibi's Walkman included many other audios in addition to pure music, from children's babble to children's tenderness and crispness, and later to the youthful vigor, all of them were recorded in the portable Listen inside.

Chu Suibi's eyes were so gentle that they seemed to be oozing water at this time, and the corners of his lips twitched involuntarily, as if he saw the staggering child he first saw through the babble in his Walkman.

Gao Yan snorted softly: "No movement yet?"

Chu Cuibi: "It should be soon."

Gao Yan: "Are you smiling just now?"

Chu Suibi: "I remember the past."

Gao Yan: "Is there me?"

Chu Suibi: "Yes, it's about you."

Gao Yan opened his eyes, raised his head, took off Chu Suibi's earphones, and kissed his cheek: "I miss you too."

Chu Shuibi put away his Walkman, rubbed Gao Yan's soft black hair, and there was a gentle smile in his eyes. He was about to speak when he heard terrified screams from outside.

The two looked at each other and quickly got up to open the door and walked out. When the door was closed, Gao Yan deliberately glanced at Xiao Guanyin and Asura, who were still sleeping and were not woken up.

Next door to the room is Song Beiliu. He also came out to check the situation. When he saw Chu Suibi and Gao Yan, he raised his hand to say hello: "Are you also waiting for the situation?"

Gao Yan responded, and the three went to the room where the screams came from, while players in other rooms came out one after another. They all surrounded the room near the stairs, about three meters away.

As soon as he approached, a hot wave of heat rushed toward his face, and through the gap of the closed door, he could see that the room was flushed red.

Someone whispered: "Rape and Cunning, the fire will burn him to a mummy. Which player lives in this house?"

"A white player seems to be the chief of a remote tribe. There are still some tribes in the real world that strictly follow the feudal system. This player should be in this tribe and try to push the feudal system back to slavery. Killed a lot of people."

"...deserved death. It's a scourge anyway, and the real world kills for life. He killed so many people and should have been shot long ago."

No player sympathized with the players in the room who were being judged and punished, and no one would be stupid enough to save each other.

First, the character of the players present is hard to say. Some of them are indifferent to the real thing, some show excited expressions, and the rest are unable to sympathize with the players because of the heinous acts committed by the players.

Second, players don't know each other, so there's no need to risk their lives for it.

Third, the player treats the first killed player as a road stone.

They need to know what kind of punishment the player being judged will face, how the punishment will start, who will execute it, and whether the player being judged has a way to escape.

The first player to be killed confirmed that the punishment that Ursula said was true. The punishment venue was in the room, and the player was trapped in it and could not escape temporarily.

Well, a second player remains to confirm their guess.

Some players looked at the black female player who showed signs this evening. The player was horrified, and she rushed out to check the situation at the first time. Hearing the miserable and painful mourning in the room, the black female player took a few steps back, and when she lowered her head, her eyes flashed viciously.

Gao Yan: "The ability of an intermediate player is not low, and there should be a lot of props on him, so that he can't escape a fire."

Chu Shuibi narrowed his eyes: "Break the door open and have a look."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a loud 'bang', a chair slammed into the door of the room, and the red-hot door fell down with a sound.

Gao Yan and Chu Suibi looked at Song Beiliu at the same time, the latter raised a smile and said, "I just went back and got a chair ready to break the door at any time, because Ursula said that the punishment should be burning at the stake, kicking the door with my foot. It might be too hot."

Gao Yan: "..." Well, this guy is really not ordinary.

After the door of the room fell down, a figure surrounded by fire instantly rushed out, and the players avoided one after another, and this figure obviously wanted to pull back before he died.

The players cursed to avoid, but the figure was very revengeful and struggled to run for a long time. The most terrifying thing was that the flame on his body ignited as soon as it touched it, and the firepower was very strong.

The player dodged, and the figure finally pounced on the black female player. The female player with her back against the wall stared at Pyroman in horror and rushed towards her, and she was stiff and unable to move.

Gao Yan's eyes suddenly fell on the female player's ankles. Two black hands stretched out from the wall to hold her feet firmly. Looking at her wrists and abdomen, they were also firmly clasped by several black arms. Even twisted tightly.

Amidst the screams of the black female player, the fire man rushed to her, and the fire quickly burned the black female player. The black hand on her body was released in an instant, and the fireman fell to the ground and lost his life.

The black female player screamed frantically, trying to put out the flames on her body, kicked open a door while running frantically, and there was a sound of 'crashing' from the door, she wanted to rush into the bathroom to find cold water to put out the flames on her body .

But when he rushed in, a piece of flesh and blood flew.

The pieces of meat and bones on her body were all chopped into very fine pieces, and the whole person was in front of everyone's eyes, and it was shattered into minced meat in just one second.

The flames went out, and the players approached to take a look. At the beginning, the white players were burned into mummified corpses, and coal ashes shattered when they touched it lightly. They then walked to the door of the room where the black female player was killed. This room was the house where the black female player lived.

They clearly saw that the entrance of the seemingly empty room was actually covered with fine silver threads. The silver threads were very sharp, cutting the black female player who ran too fast into flesh.

"She has committed covetousness and injustice and will be crushed like straw."

'Tick', bright red blood fell to the ground from the silver thread. If it weren't for the silver thread that was soaked with blood and revealed a strange red color, it is estimated that players would still wonder what kind of sharp blade killed the black female player.

Looking at the messy minced meat and organs on the ground, the players shuddered.

This so-called punishment is hard to prevent. It can be imagined that when the black female player came out, there were no fine silver threads in the room, and when she ran in, it was covered with silver threads.

They couldn't help thinking, if the black female player hadn't returned to the room, wouldn't she have been killed? Can she escape trial? The place of punishment is fixed in the room, so as long as the player does not return to the room that night, he should not be killed.

Gao Yan shook his head, it was not that simple.

The black female player must have the idea of not going back to the room to escape punishment, but she still accidentally rushed into her room and was minced into flesh.

Was this accidental or intentional

Gao Yan didn't think it was an accident.

Song Beiliu went back to the room and dragged a chair out and smashed the door. The player who was burned by the fire rushed out and entangled the black female player. The black female player was imprisoned with her hands and feet, and the flames burned to her.

After her hands and feet were freed, the black female player was eager to put out the fire. She kicked the door in the chaos and was lured by the sound of water. She sped up and rushed in. As a result, she rushed to the torture device and was killed.

Step by step, there are more calculations than coincidences.

Gao Yan thinks so, and other players can naturally think of it. At the same time, they look at Song Beiliu, and there is a vague hostility in their eyes. Song Beiliu smashed open the room surrounded by fire with a chair, which eventually led to the death of the black female player, which made them suspicious.

Song Beiliu noticed the hostility and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "Hey, do you suspect me on purpose? There is absolutely no benefit for me to do this! And even if it wasn't me, wouldn't it be because other players broke the door? You dare to say that none of you want to kick the door. Can you see what's going on in the room? I'm just smarter than you guys, I just thought a little bit more. You can't deliberately discriminate against me just because I'm smart, just pour dirty water on me."

A player asked him, "Why did you drag your chair out?"

Song Beiliu spread his hands and looked innocent: "Otherwise? Ursula has already said that the punishment for one of the players is burning at the stake, so I can't kick the door directly, right? Besides, everyone guessed that the punishment was carried out in the room. So will there be any traps when breaking the door forcibly? I have a problem with mopping the chair and breaking the door with an extra layer of insurance

His words are reasonable and reasonable, and no one else can question them. But it's too coincidental to believe it, so players are more wary of him.

Song Beiliu smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "Alas, I'm really unlucky. If I knew earlier, I wouldn't be strong and let others kick the door."

The players were noncommittal. Some players who were alone went back to the room early, and some players who were in groups of two looked at each other and entered the same room. It is estimated that they need to discuss.

But starting tonight, they may be living in separate rooms.

The players on trial are not named, so no one knows the identity of the players who were sentenced that night. If it is their own companion, will the people who live in the same room as them be implicated

For this reason, after tonight, the teams that live together and don't trust enough will be separated.

Song Beiliu returned to the room with a smile on his face, but his appearance showed no fear or worry.

Gao Yan and Chu Suibi also returned to their rooms. Asura rubbed his eyes and got up, yawning and asking, "Is something wrong?"

Gao Yan: "Two players were killed."

"Oh." Asura: "One was burned at the stake, and the other was crushed."

Gao Yan sat down: "Well."

Asura: "According to the actual law, if these two have killed people, they will either go to jail or die. Although the method of death is a bit tragic, but a murderer who has killed more than 100 people is suitable for a more tragic death. Law."

Hearing this, Chu Shuibi expressed surprise: "You Asuras still understand justice and law?"

Asura rolled his eyes: "Of course! The gods also need to be fair. The early gods were very strict with the law. Basically, those with a little misconduct would be severely punished, but at the same time, there would also be a lot of abuse. The unfairness of loopholes. Anyway, the law is inhumane, and it was changed later.”

After a pause, Asura organized the language before continuing: "What I really want to say is that Ursula's so-called judgment should actually be the law of the ancient times, a very strict law. Some crimes don't actually require death, But according to the law at that time it would have been punishable by death."

For example, Gao Yan's disobedience, but the so-called disobedience is only a weak relationship with his biological mother, and he must be executed according to the law at that time.

Asura was right, Princess Ursula followed the laws of the "Old Testament" to judge players and punish guilty players to capital punishment.

"We are both game bosses, I know what she's thinking, and I know her methods. Bosses naturally hate players, and they will use the rules to do everything they can to kill players. Players can't be without mistakes, and Ursula will use These mistakes, magnify them, and use the biblical examples and laws to kill the player."

Asura lightly speculates on Ursula's psychology and next behavior: "The player may not really commit a serious crime, but in Ursula's parchment, severe words will be used to increase the player's crime."

This is indeed what Princess Ursula, who is the boss, will do.

Asura added: "The relic box must contain very important things, very important things for Princess Ursula."

Chu Suibi smiled: "Tell me about it."

Asura raised his head, his golden eyes full of cunning and excitement: "I know these bosses in the game field, they are smart and cruel, but they can't wait to show greed and tension when they are facing something very important, this is the their flaws."

"You said that a reliquary is a box that holds items, sometimes a body part. Ursula treats the reliquary as a green card for the player to clear the level. For her, the reliquary is more important than killing the player. , more important than her strong sense of abhorrence, shows that the reliquary is important—mainly, of course, the contents of the reliquary."

"If the reliquary really contained a part of a body, with Ursula's loyalty and belief in the Lord during her lifetime, would she have put a part of her body into the reliquary before she died. And this part of the body could She has a big impact, like being able to kill her?"

Chu Suibi's smile widened: "Maybe it's something that can restrain the terrifying and terrifying aura she brings."

Asura's smile also rose, becoming somewhat similar to Chu Shuibi, just as evil and full of bad taste.

"What will this limb be?"

"Heart?" Chu Shuanbi: "If we find it, what can we use it for?"

Asura was even more excited, and his voice rose a decibel: "Threat her! Bully her! Kill her! You can easily kill her with a sharp dead branch!!"

Chu Shuibi: "Before killing her, let the playground be disabled, and the whole dead dog is better than the game."

Asura: "Awesome!!"

The father and daughter, one big and one small, looked at each other, as if they had finally managed to find a cordial blood relationship from the conspiracy.

"Cough cough!" Gao Yan coughed a few times, attracting the attention of the father and daughter, frowning tightly, looking at them very seriously: "Sometimes I agree with violence to solve problems, but I don't agree with indulging in violence. And excited by the violence."

"Brother Chu, you are an adult and should lead by example."

"Asura, you are still young, and now you can no longer enjoy violence when you are out of the playground."

Chu Suibi's expression slowly became serious, and after two or three seconds, there was a trace of guilt and regret: "Yan Yan is right, violence is not desirable, especially if you enjoy violence. Asura, how old are you? Age? You're still an Asura cub and shouldn't take pleasure in violence. But you're still young, and there's still room to correct it. You used to live in the playground, and you were prone to some bad habits of violence. But that's okay, Dad I will correct you and teach you the truth, goodness and beauty in the world."

Gao Yan nodded: "Asura's previous living environment was really bad."

Chu Suibi: "We don't need to be too harsh on her. She has just left those bad environments, and her temper is somewhat irritable. Just teach her well in the future."

Gao Yan took it seriously: "How about... give Asura an account and let her go to school?"

Chu Shuibi: "Good idea!"

Asura was expressionless: "..." Fuck his mother's old dog Chu!

The kind of loving father-daughter relationship that finally appeared was broken at this moment and could never be repaired.

The author has something to say: In the Old Testament of the Bible, Jehovah destroyed four sinful cities, and the people of these four cities were all too virtuous. One of the more famous cities is called Sodom, mainly for fornication, and of course other crimes. But mainly fornication, that is, homosexuality. Yes, Sodom was a gay city in the Bible, so the whole city was killed.

That's why the Bible is against homosexuality.

Sodom means anal sex.

Jehovah once sent an angel to find ten righteous people in Sodom, and if only ten were found, Sodom would not be destroyed. When the angel came to the house of the righteous man Lot, the young and old people in Sodom came to gather around and asked Lot to hand over the angel (a man) to sleep with them. Finally, the angel let the righteous man's family go, and God sent down fire to burn Sodom.