Please Obey The Game

Chapter 69: Sodom and Gomorrah


On the second day of the game field, X 2 players were killed, and 12 players remained.

Ursula prays in the nave, where she spends two hours each morning praying.

Players appeared in front of her one by one, and Ursula was still praying like no one else. When she finished her prayers, she had free time to pay attention to the players behind her.

"Is the trial over? The sinner is indeed punished." Ursula's tone was flat, as if everything had been expected. "Then, today is a new Judgment Day, and the rules remain the same."

The player said gloomily: "The rules are unfair, the initiative of the trial is in your hands, the players are passive, and they have no power to fight back in the face of the punishment of the gods. When those players face punishment, their strength and props are It's restricted!!"

Gao Yan looked back and found that except for the player who questioned, the other players did not show surprised expressions, indicating that they all noticed the most important point - when the player was punished by God, his power and props were limited.

The first player was in the room last night, they couldn't see the specifics, but the second player was killed right in front of them.

When the second player was escaping from the first player who jumped over, his movements were a little stiff, as if he was imprisoned by something. Later, when she was finally able to move, she just retreated to the wall, and the arm in the wall stretched out to lock her.

There were 11,000 dead bodies hidden in the walls, so they were just ordinary ghosts. It is impossible for the player to deal with it, unless the player's power has been imprisoned before being locked.

In addition, players have props on their bodies, and using props when danger is approaching should be the first conditioned reflex.

However, neither player took out any props, the reason could never be that they did not have props, then they could not use their props.

Power and props are imprisoned, and the player will definitely die!

The rules are too unfair, the players are suppressed, and even the number of people who can survive is decided by Ursula.

Four people, plus a relic box, only five people can clear the level at most.

Ursula: "Rules? Fair? You talk to me about this? I am a believer of God, and all my actions are in accordance with God's will, I am God! I have the right to make rules, and I am fair!"

The faces of the players changed suddenly, and Ursula spoke too clearly, and they could not take chances.

She didn't lie. As a believer of gods, she had the belief of gods. Ursula was the god of the game field, and she had the right to make rules. Even the god Gobi, who dominates the playground, can only ask Ursula to abide by the rules she has set herself, but cannot enforce the fairness of the rules.

Ursula: "The fairness I give you the rules is that you have a total of five players who can leave the field alive."

Other than that, there is no other option!

Ursula: "You're just atonement for the crimes you've committed, so don't hold grudges against me. But—"

She looked around the players, raised her index finger and said, "First, one player can survive the three crimes every day. Second, the spear of destiny and the sword of the Holy Spirit, they can give the convicted a chance. Third,"

Ursula raised her third finger, and the corners of her lips twitched, instantly filled with terrifying evil.

"Third, the relic box. Those who own the relic box can obtain the forgiveness of the gods."

The eyes of the players flickered, but they were all silent, each with a strange mind.

Ursula watched them all, and the smile grew even more sinister. When she touched Gao Yan and Chu Suibi, she smiled slightly, and she was a little unhappy that the other party was unmoved.

He looked away and moved to the player next to him, who smiled brightly and showed no fear at all.

Ursula chanted as she left the church: "Using truth and justice, faith and salvation as armor and iron shield, the Gospel of the Son grants peace to the world..."

As soon as she left, the tense atmosphere in the church not only did not ease, but instead became more tense.

The enmity between the players was so strong that it almost materialized, and they stopped for a moment before leaving each other to find the crime and what Ursula said could save their lives.

The Spear of Destiny, the Sword of the Holy Spirit and, most importantly, the Reliquary.

Soon only Gao Yan and a pile of corpses were left in the church. Xiao Guanyin pulled Gao Yan's sleeves and asked, "What are the spear of destiny and the sword of the Holy Spirit?"

Gao Yan touched Xiao Guanyin's head and said, "The Spear of Destiny is the holy spear that killed the Son of Jesus and was stained with the Son's blood. Later in the legend, it became the holy spear that can save the world. With it, you can easily win any A battle, but once the holy spear leaves the side, the original holder will die instantly."

"The sword of the Holy Spirit means the word of God, or it can be said to be the word of God." Gao Yan shook his head: "What exactly is it, and how to get it, I don't know."

In the Bible, God created the world in six days, and whatever He said, the world would appear. God said that if there is light, the world will have light.

The word of God is the absolute will.

Asura wrinkled his nose: "Ursula definitely said these two things deliberately. On the one hand, it distracts the players from looking for the three crimes, and on the other hand, it can provoke disputes among the players."

Chu Suibi: "Everyone can see what is obvious."

Gao Yan: "Brother Chu and I will find the key to open the iron gate of the tower. You two will go over there and look for it. Instead of looking up, try to look down."

"The cellar?"

"Yes, maybe there is something hidden."

"All right."

"be careful."


Asura waved his hand, took Xiao Guanyin's hand and walked towards the tower on the east side.

Gao Yan and Chu Suibi left the main hall of the church, entered the closed corridor through the west foyer, and passed through the arched door to a garden surrounded by the Ursula church. There is also an old and dark building behind the garden.

The grass in the garden was completely dead and blackened, and against the gray sky, it looked lifeless. There is a fountain pool in the middle. Naturally, the fountain has no water, and the pool is 80% full.

The water was dark and thick and very dirty.

In the center of the pool stands a statue of a woman. The white lime on the surface of the statue has peeled off a part, revealing the dark blackness of the inner force. Going around to the front of the statue, you can see that the face of the statue is still intact, and the lifelike expression on the face tells of 'her' horror.

The gesture of 'her' seemed to be fleeing, but she turned back on the way, and she saw something terrifying, so her expression became both surprised and frightened in an instant.

However, this horror was forever frozen.

Gao Yan crossed the fountain and looked away at the same time. When Chu Suibi walked past the fountain, he glanced coldly at the statue from the corner of his eye.

Until the two completely walked into the dark and outdated building, the face of the woman statue changed from panic to distortion, and the eyeballs rolled twice, directly hooking on Gao Yan and Chu Suibi.

The corridors of old buildings rarely have ventilation and light, so they are very dark. The walls are mottled, the skin peels off, and the complete skeletons in the walls can be vaguely seen.

Clang-a copper lantern suddenly fell from the wall and rolled to Gao Yan's feet.

Gao Yan picked up the copper lantern, borrowed Chusuibi's lighter to light the lantern, and then used it for lighting.

The light was much brighter, and they could see the scene in the wide but dark corridor. The corridors are covered with abstract paintings, full of flames, full of screaming faces and twisted figures.

In addition, the floor of the corridor is very dirty, and there are pools of water stains. There are many rooms on both sides. The door of the room is an iron door, welded to death, only half a meter high.

On the door was a small window about twenty centimeters long and five centimeters wide, which could probably allow a hand to go in.

The lantern fell outside the iron door, and he observed it from left to right, up and down, and Gao Yan said, "It's a bit like the prison door in the past, where prisoners with severe or death sentences were kept."

The underground prison cells of the older city-states in some European countries are exactly this structure, with almost no ventilation, light and water, and the air is very poor and very oppressive. The prison door is an iron prison door. The iron plate is hard and heavy, and there is no key hole. The only way to open it is to cut the iron plate.

This is used to detain criminals who have committed appalling serial murder cases, or enemy spies, war criminals, defeated crown princes, etc. Basically, those who are imprisoned will stay in it for a lifetime.

"How come there is such a cell in the church?" Gao Yan got up, frowning slightly.

Chu Suibi didn't know either, he bent down and knocked on the iron door, but within two seconds, there was a sudden loud noise inside the iron door, and something inside responded to him.

Gao Yan glanced at him, and both of them saw a touch of surprise in their eyes.

"There's still something locked in there."

The reason why he said it was a thing was because Gao Yan was not sure if it was a human being.

Chu Shuibi bowed, leaned over to the small palm-width window on the iron gate and looked in, it was pitch dark inside.

He stretched out his hand: "horse lantern."

Gao Yan handed him the lantern, Chu Suibi took the lantern and raised it to the small window, lighting up the cell. Due to the limited angle, only one corner of the cell can be seen. The corner is empty, but it looks dirty and the walls are mottled. When I look closely, I find that it is engraved with unfamiliar Israeli characters.

A dark shadow flashed from the corner of his eye, Chu Shubi's eyes moved slightly, the dark shadow in the retina rapidly expanded and rushed to him in the blink of an eye, a face with many cracks and scars and two eye holes.

Accompanied by the movement of the black shadow rushing over, there was also the sound of a loud iron chain. When the black shadow rushed over, a dry black arm squeezed out of the small window, trying to grab Chu Shuibi.

Chu Shuibi raised the lantern to block, and bounced off the protective cover. The dry-black arm reached out and grabbed the flame in the lantern. The shadow immediately let out a terrified howl and retracted his hand.


After the black shadow wailed, he roared and uttered two unfamiliar syllables.

Gao Yan didn't understand, but Chu Suibi understood.

Chu Suibi took two steps back, turned his face to Gao Yan and said, "The shadow inside is saying 'Go quickly'."

Gao Yan: "Do you understand? What language did 'he' speak?" It was a syllable that was completely unfamiliar to him.

Chu Shuibi: "Israel's pronunciation in ancient times has been to the kingdom of the River Styx, which is the border of Egypt. Egypt once invaded and ruled Israel, so there was an era of mutual circulation of words."

Gao Yan vaguely heard the sound: "Something is coming."

The two of them turned around and looked towards the corner of the corridor, where there were fast and muffled footsteps, and after more than ten seconds, a figure appeared there. Looking closely, it was Song Beiliu.

Song Beiliu was very happy to see them, raised his hand and shouted, "Hi! I'm so happy to see you!"

He ran over, and after saying hello, he didn't stop, but continued to run forward. When he passed the two, he kindly reminded: "Run, there is a guard behind the monster!"

Gao Yan turned back suddenly, and saw a tall figure standing at the corner of the corridor, with long hands and feet, and a height of three meters. He was hunched during the movement, and if he stood up straight, he would have been four meters tall.

This is a monster like a hippo walking upright, but with a yellow mane growing from the back to the back of the neck, and a thick, long, straight tail. When the monster saw the two players, Gao Yan and Chu Shuibi, he immediately roared and rushed over on all fours.

The speed is not slow at all!

Gao Yan cursed lowly: "Fuck!" Then he quickly turned around and started to flee.

Chu Suibi chuckled lightly, leisurely and leisurely without appearing to be in a hurry, he ran easily, not far from Gao Yan's side.

The monster quickly came behind them, raised a huge fist and smashed it down at Chu Shuibi's back. Chu Shuibi easily jumped to avoid the fist, but instead landed on the back of the monster's fist.

The monster raised his hand without even thinking, and hit the ceiling with the back of his hand. A large crater appeared where it was hit, and the ground was cracked like a cobweb.

Chu Shuibi easily dodged twice, causing the monster to switch targets and turn to attack Gao Yan.

Gao Yan ran forward, bounced onto the wall, and landed on both feet following the inertia, with his knees slightly bent, jumping on the walls, ground and ceiling like a spring.

The speed of the monster was very fast, the fist rubbed Gao Yan several times, and the impact force of the rolling almost hindered his movement. After repeating this several times, Gao Yan jumped behind the monster, and out of the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of the monster wanting to turn around.

But more difficult.

Although the corridor is wide, it is narrow for the monster's huge size, and it almost blocks the corridor. Gao Yan spun his footsteps, jumped to the back of the monster, came to its head, raised his fist and hit the softest and deadliest part of the forehead hard.


The monster was in pain and was quite angry. He reached out and wanted to grab Gao Yan, but Gao Yan was quite dexterous, avoiding the monster's blind spot and hitting him with his fists from time to time.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a sharp weapon such as a dagger, otherwise the monster can see blood at this moment.

The monster was so annoyed that it directly slammed its entire body against the wall and iron door, and there were terrifying cracks and dents where it was hit.

Gao Yan ducked slippery and flexibly, and ran to Chu Suibi's side: "Go."

The two began to run away again, and they saw Song Beiliu again after a short distance. There was a woman behind Song Beiliu, and he waved happily when he saw Gao Yan and the others.

Gao Yan's eyelids jumped violently, feeling very bad.

Sure enough, the next moment, a larger monster came out of the corner on the other side of the corridor, and the monster looked a lot like the one behind them.

Song Beiliu saw the monster behind Gao Yan and the others, he slowed down and whistled, "Huh! Flanking from front and back."

After speaking, he turned around, using some props to push open the iron door that was welded to the side and get in. Gao Yan and Chu Suibi looked at each other, then bowed and got in.

The woman finally got in, relieved when she landed, looked up and said only one word: "I—"

The monster's huge arm stretched in through the unclosed short iron gate, grabbed the woman and pinched her, then dragged away the woman's stump and broken arm, stuffed it into its mouth and ate it whole.

Two monsters lingered outside the iron gate, they put their hands in several times, trying to grab the remaining three people. Gao Yan and the three of them leaned against the wall, staring coldly at the hand that the monster was looking for.

Song Beiliu said with a smile: "It's really cruel."

Gao Yan's eyes darkened, and before he could move, Chu Suibi stretched out and kicked Song Beiliu out, and said with no guilt on his face, "Missed, leg cramps."

Song Beiliu twitched the corners of his mouth, and the other party was too lazy to find an excuse to take the opportunity to retaliate because he was not pleasing to the eye.

The bigger monster just reached in, grabbed Song Beiliu and pinched it, but no blood was seen. The pinched Song Beiliu turned into a yellow talisman and fell to the ground, and the real Song Beiliu appeared in the corner.

"Wasting a surrogate." Song Beiliu said wasteful, but his expression didn't show the slightest bit of distress.

Chu Shuibi: "Props?"

Song Beiliu nodded: "Unfortunately, the cooling time is up."

Chu Suibi nodded and said nothing, just kicked Song Beiliu out again when he was unprepared. In any case, he will be vindictive, and he is famous for his stingy and vengeance on the entire game field.

Song Beiliu: Come on!

Fortunately, he had quite a few props, and after using a total of four props, Chu Shuibi finally stopped kicking him out. At the same time, the two monsters outside the iron gate lingered for a while and then left.

Song Beiliu was so tired that he fell to the ground and rested, not forgetting the explanation: "I said there is no need to retaliate against me! The two monsters just now were guards, and their names were Behemoths. The monster created in five days, and then guards the hell. It is the imitation version of the Behemoth, it is quite small, and it guards the cellar and the prison on the first and second floors."

Gao Yan: "Didn't you provoke it?"

Song Beiliu exaggeratedly said: "Where are you going?! They appear in the prison regularly to inspect, and they start chasing and killing anything that can run. The skin is rough, the flesh is thick, and the blood strips are thick, no matter what you use to hurt it, Even if you beat it to death, as long as the time is up, it will disappear immediately after the inspection is over. It will appear again during the inspection at the next moment, and the health bar will be full."

That's why he chose to run away instead of being tough.

"Even if I don't lead the way, they will block you two sooner or later."

Gao Yan stared at Song Beiliu, the latter's expression was innocent, he could not see any sign of guilty conscience, and he had no flaws.

Chu Suibi said at this time: "Where did the woman who was pinched to death just now come from?"

Song Beiliu: "A player I met by chance."

Gao Yan and Chu Suibi stared at Song Beiliu with cold eyes, and their gestures clearly expressed the meaning of "beep again and I will kill you".

"Do you think I haven't seen the looks of the fourteen players?" Chu Suibi said.

Hearing this, Song Beiliu grimaced: "Have you recorded the player's appearance?"

But think about it, there are only fourteen players, and three of them still know each other. It was too easy to remember what the other ten players looked like.

The woman who was killed just now is not a player.

"She is indeed not a player, but a woman I rescued from prison." Song Beiliu pointed to the narrow cell where they were staying and said, "This is the cell. Didn't I run for my life? I ran here and stopped to rest. I heard her calling for help in the cell, and I thought how pitiful a woman is in prison, so I opened the door to save people."

Gao Yan: "How did you open the door?"

Song Beiliu: "If I said that I kicked it away with my feet, would you believe it?"

Gao Yan did not speak.

Song Beiliu: "Okay, you won't believe it." He sighed and continued: "She is indeed the one imprisoned in this cell. Didn't I provoke the Behemoth at that time? It was because I took advantage of it to be unprepared. , stole its keys."

"A dagger that can easily cut through everything in the world." Song Beiliu spread his hands and expressed his helplessness: "The woman in the cell is indeed asking me for help. I agreed to save her when I was soft-hearted, but the danger value was triggered, resulting in two Beamon appearing at the same time. beast."

Gao Yan carefully examined Song Beiliu's expression, his expression was very real, and there was no trace of lying. But Chu Suibi and Asura have both said that Song Beiliu has no emotional ups and downs at any time, so even if he is lying, he can't tell the difference.

Chu Suibi said in his ear, "You can believe it."

Gao Yan raised his head and frowned slightly: "Why?"

Chu Shuibi pointed to the words carved on the wall: "I recognize the ancient writings of Egypt and Israel, the two are mixed together."

Gao Yan looked over, and sure enough, there were many mottled symbols carved on the wall, layer upon layer, densely packed, covering the entire cell, and even the ceiling was carved with words.

"Written what?"

"I need to see."

Chu Suibi had been to the Styx Kingdom, but after a long time, he needed some time to retrieve the words in his memory. After finally regaining a sense of familiarity, he had to find useful information from the dense text in the cell.

The order of carvings on the walls and ceiling is reversed, sometimes it is a word, sometimes it is a sentence, it is difficult to sort out more specific and useful information.

Song Beiliu sneaked over: "Do you understand?"

He was quite surprised, after all, the ancient texts of Egypt and Israel are very difficult, and some texts may have been discarded and disappeared over time.

Gao Yan: "Don't be noisy."

Song Beiliu squatted down: "The woman just now should be the soul trapped in the cell. She doesn't have much consciousness and can only ask for help. After leaving the cell, she started to run away without speaking, and she started to run away when she saw the Behemoth beast. Response Like the obsession in life, calling for help, running away and fear."

Gao Yan remembered the unfamiliar language he heard at the door of another cell just now, Chu Suibi said it meant 'go away'.

Chu Suibi watched the words on the ceiling with his hands behind his back, and called Gao Yan to come to him.

Gao Yan walked over, Chu Suibi's arm was placed on his shoulder: "Probably the meaning is clear."

"say what?"

"Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah."

There are four cities in the Old Testament of the Bible that were destroyed by God himself, of which Sodom and Gomorrah are the most famous.

"You want to say that these are the two cities that were destroyed?"

"No." Chu Suibi raised his arm and pointed to the densely packed text on the left side of the wall in front of him: "Once a faithful believer of Jehovah brought her 11,000 servants to dock at the port of the Dead Sea. Settled down in towns and began to bring judgment and law."