Please Obey The Game

Chapter 71: was reported seven times


"Murder relatives."

Gao Yan's heart moved slightly, and he glanced at Song Beiliu from the corner of his eyes. The latter's smiling face showed a hint of surprise and surprise, as if he was also wondering who the player who murdered his kin was.

The expression is very comfortable, there is no flaw.

Ursula took out the sheepskin from the mummified corpse and said, "When the younger brother, he hates the innocent elder brother. He tried every means to kill the elder brother, and the land drank the blood of the elder brother, and it opened its mouth to accuse the younger brother of murdering the relatives. Crime. Whoever murders a kin, the land will drive him out forever. Whoever finds a murderer, kills him."

In the past, Cain was jealous of his brother Abel and murdered him, and the Lord punished him. Let all the land drive out Cain, cause Cain and his descendants to be lost forever, and whoever meets Cain will kill Cain.

Ursula said without the slightest pity: "Murdering kin is really a sin. The Lord will not forgive him, and no one will forgive an executioner who murders kin."

The players stared blankly at Ursula, unmoved by her emotions.

It's just murdering relatives, and they've encountered more crazy bosses in the game field. By comparison, murdering kinship seems milder.

The second charge was made by Gao Yan: "arrogant and stubborn."

Ursula took out the second scroll of parchment, and after just one glance, she became a little disinterested, and said with little interest: "A stubborn man also has a arrogant personality, does not listen to advice and advice, acts He will always go his own way, putting his friends and relatives in danger several times. If he does not learn to obey the advice and admonitions, he will be punished like Lot's wife."

The story of Lot’s wife turning back to Sodom and turning into a pillar of salt without heeding advice is a classic example in the Bible. Anyone who knows the Bible will know such a classic story.

Therefore, the players understood the punishment, and at the same time heard the meaning of Ursula's words.

If the player gets rid of his arrogant and stubborn character flaws, he may be able to escape punishment. Like Lot's wife, if she hadn't looked back, she wouldn't have turned into a pillar of salt.

Offending players who are arrogant and stubborn is not a mortal outcome.

Now wait for the third player to announce his crime, if the crime is serious, then the second player can escape the fate of being judged. But even if he can't escape, the player's result is not a dead end.

Lucky for you, second player.

The crowd sighed in their hearts.

Ursula asked about the third crime, and no one was willing to answer at first, perhaps because of concerns. Ursula started the countdown, and only at the last second did she hear the response: "Betraying the gods."

Everyone, including Gao Yan, turned his head sharply to look at the person who made the sound, a young player who still had fear and apprehension in his eyes.

Song Beiliu suddenly whistled and said with a smile: "Don't all players betray the gods and oppose the gods? So, the players present have committed the crime of betraying the gods."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes darkened.

This is the reason why the young players didn't say it until the end, because strictly speaking, everyone committed the crime of 'betraying the gods', and no one knew which player was more unlucky to be picked by Ursula.

Ursula held the sheepskin scroll and stared at Song Beiliu: "You are indeed guilty of blasphemy." She lowered her head, spread out the sheepskin scroll, and said, "Children born in a place blessed by the gods, in order to survive in the world, out of selfishness And to satisfy his own ambitions, he left the arms of the gods. The child ignored the gods' retention and turned to the camp that was hostile to the gods-since he was willing to fall, the gods would not bless him (her). Worms and spiders will eat him. (her) flesh and blood."

Asura suddenly chuckled, attracting everyone's attention, and even Ursula turned his attention.

"I like bugs and spiders." Asura stared straight at Ursula, his golden eyes full of nasty interest: "Especially the bugs and spiders gushing out of people's bodies."

It is both vile and perverted, and it sounds even more bizarre when it comes from the mouth of a five- or six-year-old girl.

At this moment, the players felt strangely that Asura, as a player, seemed to be more like a boss than Ursula, a big boss full of bad taste.

Ursula got up and threw the parchment to the ground, and the parchment that touched the ground instantly burned to ashes. She said softly, "I hope you will always like it."

Asura smiled sweetly: "I will."

Ursula's eyes were cold, and she left with an aura of terror and horror that enveloped her body.

The players breathed a sigh of relief, and when they relaxed, they suddenly realized that Ursula did not seem to announce which two players would be tried and convicted.

However, it should be 'murder of kinship' and 'betrayal of the gods'.

Listening to the punishment and the meaning in Ursula's words, it is obvious that the first and the third are the ones with the most serious crimes.

The players left one after another, and some players invariably cast their obscure eyes on Asura. They had doubted Asura's identity. When Asura answered the question just now, he took the initiative to admit his crime of 'betraying the gods'.

'Betraying the gods' and 'born in the land of the gods', should she be a child blessed by the gods, or the gods themselves

When the players all left the hall, Song Beiliu said his guess: "It should be the boss. Asura used to be the boss of a certain game field and was born in the land of gods, so it should be born in the game field. God's game. The field is not a good place... and it's still a cub," he glanced at Asura, who looked like a child, and continued: "Maybe he was born in the ranks of lower-level gods with ethnic groups, and they have the protection of adults from the same clan, so they can turn their backs on the gods. without punishment."

"Having a low-level god who is still very protective of the ethnic group, and the very suggestive name of Asura, so Asura is the king of Asura." Song Beiliu narrowed his eyes and smiled at Xiao Ah who showed murderous intent. Su Luo: "Ordinary asuras are not qualified to be protected from the gods by adult asuras, so they can only be a little asura who has been the king of asuras since birth."

Asuro said indifferently: "I will kill you."

Song Beiliu: "I like smart kids. They're not that bad, and they won't be unbearably arrogant. So Asura, I like you very much."

Asuro has completely exposed her cold killing intent: "Thank you for liking, I promise to bury your body on the top of the mountain."

Song Beiliu was curious: "Why is it the top of the mountain?"

Asuro tilted his head, expressionless: "The scenery is the best."

As soon as the words fell, her figure disappeared directly from the crowd, and appeared behind Song Beiliu in the blink of an eye, holding a huge sickle in her hand and cutting it towards the back of his head.

Song Bei was surprised, as if he didn't understand why Asura suddenly disappeared.

The huge sickle slashed Song Beiliu's neck, about to touch his skin, and the strong wind brought by the speed and strength lifted the roots of his hair.

Gao Yan didn't have time to stop it, so he could only shout loudly, "Stop Asura!!"

Hearing Gao Yan's call, Asura hurriedly retracted the sickle. She held the long handle of the sickle with her other hand, and the soles of her feet pressed against the table at the same time to stop the car. But due to inertia, even if the sickle was retracted in time, Song Beiliu's neck would have to be cut in half.

At the critical moment, Chu Shuibi dragged the stool next to him and smashed it towards Song Beiliu's forehead. Song Beiliu saw that the stool was about to hit his forehead, his pupils shrank, and he subconsciously leaned back to the right.

Following the smashed stool, Chu Cuibi jumped in front of the two of them in a few steps, stretched out his hand and grabbed Song Beiliu's collar, and yanked it over—with a 'bang', he smashed Song Beiliu out.

At the same time, Gao Yan used the three-second space reorganization skill he obtained from the long-braided game field to not only buy time for Chu Shuibi, but also allow himself to reach Asura in the blink of an eye, holding one hand firmly Hold the sickle that cannot be retracted.

The strong wind brought by the sickle raised the broken hair beside Gao Yan's forehead, and made a trembling sound due to the sudden sudden braking.

Asura was startled, quickly put away the sickle, looked at Gao Yan's palm nervously, and felt relieved when he found that he was not injured. When she thought that if Gao Yan hadn't suddenly appeared and Song Beiliu was kicked out, then the person hit by the sickle would become Chu Shabi, and she felt a little uneasy.

Gao Yan looked at Asura in disapproval: "Asura, you were too impulsive just now."

Asura bowed his head, his hands behind his back, and even the huge sickle stood obediently behind her.

"Sorry, but he knows my identity, I have to kill him." Asura murmured: "I can't let anyone other than you know my true identity, they will get in the way!"

Gao Yan looked down at Asura, who did not admit his mistake, and frowned tightly.

Chu Shuibi turned sideways, glanced at Asura, put one hand in his pocket, and swung the other hand, and said with a slight sarcasm on the corner of his lips: "The boss of the game field is just facing the things he really cares about. Will show greed and tension, full of flaws, and even the IQ will fall back to minus 100."

Asura was indignant: "I know exactly what I'm doing. We don't know the details of Song Beiliu. He is a player who is completely unfamiliar to us. He knows my identity, and I want to kill him to prevent him from talking nonsense."

When she mentioned Song Beiliu, her eyes unconsciously looked over, still undisguised murderous intent.

Song Beiliu looked up at the cracked wall behind him like a spider web. It was where he was thrown to land just now, and he almost smashed through the entire wall.

It can be seen that when Chu Shuibi threw him out, he didn't show any mercy at all, maybe he still had some thoughts of really killing him.

Song Beiliu couldn't help coughing and laughing: "You little girl, I just praised you for being smart and said I liked you, but when I turned around, you wanted to kill me. I said I liked you a lot, so why would I talk about you everywhere? What about your identity? Besides, if I really want to harm you, I won't be so stupid as to expose your identity on the spot."

Asura bared his teeth, his expression was cruel: "I don't care if you like me or hate me, if you say it, you will die!!"

Gao Yan couldn't stand a shudder and smashed Asura's forehead: "Calm down, if you kill him, you will die too."

Asura's grim expression froze for a moment, then became a little dazed: "Huh?"

Chu Suibi: "It means that you can't kill him. If you kill him, you will die even worse."

Asura: "Why?"

Neither Gao Yan nor Chu Suibi said a word. They glanced at Song Beiliu, then picked up the two children and left the hall. There was only one Song Beiliu left in the hall. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled bitterly: "It really hurts."

After a long time, he muttered again: "I hit me, but it's still fine. It really is a problem player."

Returning to the changed room, Asura asked suspiciously: "Why would I die even if I kill Song Beiliu? Is there a curse on him? For example, those who hurt him will have doubled the rebound damage. ."

Gao Yan: "Whoever meets me will kill me, and whoever kills me will be punished sevenfold."

Asura: "?? What do you mean?"

Gao Yan explained: "Cain killed Abel, and the land that Jehovah punished him and his descendants planted would never bear fruit, and all the land would drive him away. Cain said that Jehovah's punishment was too severe, and he It will definitely float on the ground, and everyone who meets him will kill him. The LORD said to him, whoever kills Cain will be punished seven times. I don't know if Song Beiliu also has 'Whoever kills him' in other playgrounds Those who kill others will be rewarded seven times, but in Ursula's church, Song Beiliu who murdered relatives should also have the buff of "whoever kills others will be rewarded seven times"."

Cain killed Abel because there was a blood feud in the deep sea. At that time, the two of them were considered human ancestors, so everyone who had seen Cain wanted to kill him to hold a blood feud.

Song Beiliu was convicted of murdering relatives. If Ursula regarded him as Cain, then the game field would definitely give the same buff.

"I'll see if I can kill Song Beiliu by looking at the results tomorrow."

Asura was silent for a while, then slumped his shoulders: "Okay."

She was uneasy.

For the little Asura king cub, being known to make her restless and restless. Gao Yan and Chu Suibi were both accepted by King Ashura, but not others.

Little Asura King's former boss status would bring her life danger to her walking on the playground, so Asura would suddenly lose her judgment just now and just wanted to attack Song Beiliu.

Asura muttered, "What if he said it out?"

Gao Yan squatted down, put his palm on Asura's head and said, "What are you talking about? Do you think we will tolerate others spreading your identity out? A father's job is to protect his children, so Asura, Brother Chu and I will protect you. If Song Beiliu threatens you, we will try our best to kill him."

Asura's big golden eyes stared at Gao Yan, his cheeks as white as snow slowly flushed: "Yan Yan, you are so handsome."

Her eyes were rolling, and she secretly glanced at Chu Shuibi next to her eyes.

Chu Suibi was pretending to study the wall, and suddenly saw Asuro's little look of anticipation, so he fell into a strange silence.

After a while, he nodded lightly: "Well, your little dad is right."

Xiao Guanyin leaned forward and said arrogantly: "Then don't worry, I will protect you reluctantly."

Asura didn't actually appreciate it very much, but if she showed no appreciation, Xiao Guanyin would definitely lose her temper, and she would have to coax her for a long time, which was really annoying. So she said a little indifferently: "Oh."

It's just a simple 'Oh', Xiao Guanyin's cheeks are shaking with joy, which means that even King Asura recognizes him as being very powerful, so he is very proud.

After dealing with Asura's emotions, Gao Yan and Chu Suibi discussed how to find the key to open the iron gate of the tower.

Hearing this, Asura raised his neck and said, "There is a box in the cellar of the tower. There must be something hidden in the box. Are we going to steal it tomorrow?"

Chu Suibi waved his hand: "It's not that easy, and going to get the box will delay the time to find the relic box. Our purpose is the relic box. It's best to get other items. If you waste time, forget it."

Asura: "Okay."

Gao Yan turned his head and squinted at Asura: "Tonight is the time to judge you, aren't you worried?"

Asura: "What are you worried about? A group of man-eating bugs and spiders? Although King Asura can't beat gods and advanced players, but he can't even handle a bunch of small bugs, then I can commit suicide by jumping into a sea of fire."

Gao Yan nodded: "Really? Then you should be able to handle it alone."

Asura is very sure: "Of course!"

Gao Yan got up: "Not bad."

He picked up the little Guanyin, and then sat with Chu Suibi in the living room. At some point in time, a yang fire was lit around, and the yang fire encircled them in a circle.

Chu Suibi raised his index finger and pointed behind Asura: "You can deal with it."

Asura turned around slowly, and saw that the originally empty wall suddenly cracked seven or eight gaps, the gaps became bigger and bigger, and then seven or eight silkworm chrysalis nearly two meters fell out from it.

The silkworm chrysalis fell to the ground, raising a layer of dust.

It was quiet, and after a while, you could hear the sound of rustling, and the sound of something cracking, as if there were many small eggs in the silkworm chrysalis, and those densely packed eggs were cracked and crawled. come out.

Then, many black cloud-like things slowly poured out from the surface of the white silkworm chrysalis, and the black cloud gradually covered the white silkworm chrysalis.


With a very subtle sound, the white silkworm chrysalis cracked open, and many black spider-like bugs crawled out of it.

But inside the silkworm chrysalis that had split open was a corpse, and the inside of the corpse was eaten up by small spider-like worms, turning it into a human skin covered with black holes.

Asura whispered: "Fuck! Ursula is disgusting to treat a cute and kind little girl like this."

Little Guanyin whispered: "Cute and kind? King Asura's cub is really thick-skinned."

"Shut up! Guanyin cub!"

Asura's sickle was useless against these dense insects. She saw that the insects would deliberately avoid the yang fire created by Chu Shuibi, so she tried to burn the insects with fire.

But there are too many bugs, which can burn them to death at first, but in the later stage these bugs are not afraid of fire.

Asuro jumped, hiding from the bugs in a bit of a daze.

Chu Suibi lazily asked her if she needed help, but Asura was stubborn: "No, King Asura can handle mere bugs."

She jumped to the high platform, stared coldly at the small insects that were densely climbing up from the ground, thought calmly for a while, put away the huge sickle, and then stood up and stretched out the palm of her left hand.

The fingernail of the right index finger is very long. With a slight stroke to the palm of the left hand, black and red blood drips down and falls on the ground, turning into black and red embroidered-eyed birds and bees.

Seeing this, Chu Shuibi smiled, "It's pretty smart."

Gao Yan had a smile in his eyes: "She was distracted by Song Beiliu just now, and now she is concentrating on dealing with those little bugs, and naturally she will soon be able to think of a solution."

After all, he is the king of Asura who has played a lot of players, and he is known for his cunning.

The black-red black-eyed birds and bees seemed to have been drawn, dragging blood-red traces that looked like cloud patterns in the air, and then leaned over and dashed into the black cloud, killing most of the spiders in an instant.

Black-eyed birds and bees both feed on spiders, so Asura used his own blood to transform into these two small animals. The number was small compared to the black cloud-like bugs, but it was enough to get rid of most of the bugs.

After all the bugs on the ground were eliminated, Asura stopped the wound on his palm, but when he was about to jump down, he found that the crack in the wall continued to expand, and a few cocoons fell out of it.

Asura's expression immediately became very cold. The so-called punishment was that the player would not give up until he died. No wonder Ursula was so sure that the convicted player could not escape.

She simply cut open wounds on the palms of both hands, adding hundreds of black-eyed birds and bees. These black-eyed birds and bees swarmed up and devoured the black cloud-like spiders that poured out in countless waves.

As soon as the wave was eaten up, the walls cracked, and countless corpses fell out of it, as if it were inexhaustible.

Because the entire church of Ursula was built of corpses, and countless corpses were buried in the walls. The 11,000 former servants, the townspeople who once escaped from the two sin cities, and the innocents who were tied into the cabin on the way, including later players.

There are too many corpses, so they are used to keep countless spiders and bugs.

Asura's anger was aroused, and she even wanted to cut her arm and let out more blood, but fortunately, Gao Yan and Chu Suibi stopped her and let her spend the night in the circle of fire.

Asura pursed his lips, and his two big golden eyes were extraordinarily bright: "I want to try again! A thief who steals the name of a god, how can my name as King Asura be so humiliated?"

It's about her pride and dignity, and Asura doesn't allow it to give up like this, because it's not the end of the road.

Gao Yan looked at Asura's pale face and was very distressed, but he respected Asura's pride more, so he did not stop her. He instructed Chu to break the jade, and the two watched from the side. If something went wrong, they would rescue Asura as soon as possible.

Asura stopped slicing the blood, and pressed his left hand against his right wrist, his right hand gestured, two fingers stood side by side, his golden pupils split, forming a lotus shape and extending to the four sides, turning into a golden sun shape, filling the whites of his eyes and pupils, making the eyes complete into golden suns.

She recited ancient Sanskrit in her mouth, and she must do what she said, and every word and precept had a spirit.


Hundreds of black and red white-eyed birds and bees divided into double and triple again. After eating up all the spiders that came out, hundreds of black and red white-eyed birds and bees gathered in mid-air to form a Huge nets stuck to the walls and slowly infiltrated along the cracks, and the crisp sound of bone cracking came from time to time.

The things in the wall were madly crushed by Asura's blood, like an army crushing the realm, and they were beaten to pieces.

Gao Yan smiled and clapped his palms: "Asura is amazing."

Asura's lips curled slightly, his chin raised: "That's it!"

Blasphemers, worms and spiders will eat their flesh.

The current situation is that the bugs and spiders have been eaten up by the blasphemers, which shows that Ursula is simply a thief who pretends to be a god.

Chu Shuibi put away the yang fire surrounding the three of them, and Asuro landed on his feet and walked over, the black blood behind him was still eating the whales and swallowing the spiders in the wall.

Gao Yan got up and just took two steps when he heard a loud noise in the corridor outside.

Asuro turned around, and appeared at the door in the blink of an eye. He opened the door and went out and stood by the corridor. Then he turned his head and stared at Gao Yan: "Don't come here!"

Gao Yan frowned: "What did you see?"

Asuro: "Song Beiliu. A player was chasing Song Beiliu. He cut off Song Beiliu's arm, and then half of his neck was broken, bleeding profusely, and there was still a breath left. His companion appeared blindfolded and rescued him. He. Song Beiliu is in the corridor now, and I want to kill him."

Gao Yan: "Come back! Asura, come back immediately!"

Asura: "I want to kill him!!"

Whoever sees Cain will kill him, and whoever kills Cain will be punished sevenfold!

Asura can't control the deep hatred that has been affected by the boiling blood, she wants to kill Song Beiliu!

The boiling blood is surging with monstrous hatred, and the hatred is telling her that Song Beiliu, who murdered her relatives, must be killed.

Asura, whose sanity had been taken over by hatred, bounced out like a cannonball.

Seeing this, Gao Yan was startled and ran out. The next second, Chu Suibi took a step ahead of him, ran in front of him and slammed the door shut.

The author has something to say: Explain:

Cain and Abel are the children of Adam and Eve, equal to the ancestors of mankind.

When Cain killed Abel, he killed half of the ancestors of the human race, so he had a bloody feud. And he murdered his brother, shamelessly.

So whoever sees Cain will surely kill him out of hatred or contempt for his actions.

Cain said the punishment was too severe and unfair to him. (referring to the penalty of eviction from the land)

God gave Cain a sign and said that whoever killed Cain would be punished sevenfold.

PS: A little knowledge, there is no statement in the Bible that Cain is the ancestor of vampires. This statement stems from a setting in a game in the 1990s.

It is also said that Adam's first wife, Lilith, was the ancestor of vampires, but the Bible also does not record it.

PPS: Not explained clearly.

1. God's punishment for Cain was to expel him.

2. The expelled Cain was not protected by God, so those who saw him would kill him.

3. God didn't want him to die, so he protected Cain with sevenfold revenge.