Please Obey The Game

Chapter 73: Ursula's revenge


Gao Yan took the red spear tip given by Song Beiliu: "The spear of destiny?"

Song Beiliu squatted on the floor and said with a smile, "How is it? Are you sincere enough?"

Gao Yan held the tip of the gun head and moved it down hard. The whole gun head seemed to be triggered by a mechanism, just like Gundam transformed, the red metal cracked and fused, forming a red metal ball suspended in the palm of his hand.


Both Xiao Guanyin and Asura got up and stared at the small red metal ball with envious expressions on their faces.

Song Beiliu: "The holy spear that kills the Son of Jesus, you can use it to kill Ursula." After a pause, he added: "You can also take it to other game fields and deal with any one you want to kill. God of death."

Gao Yan put away the spear of destiny, looked down at Song Beiliu, expressionless: "I agree with your exchange, the moment you resurrect you, I will take away all the merits from you."

Song Beiliu: "Happy cooperation."


Song Beiliu left their room and went back to his room.

In the room, Gao Yan was dealing with the wounds on Asura's face and palm: "Don't be too impulsive next time."

Asura: "Got it."

Xiao Guanyin played with the metal ball, and it turned into a red holy spear at a time, and turned into other weapons at a time.

Gao Yan: "Little Guanyin, do you need merit to become a golden body?"

Little Guanyin turned back: "What is needed, Guanyin gave up his body as a Buddha to save people, and finally became a Buddha. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also did not become a Buddha in order to save people. He finally cultivated a great merit and finally achieved the body of a Vajra Buddha."

"This is the way of great compassion. Accumulate merit and become a Buddha. Some players go the wrong way and go to collect beliefs, so they can't become a true Buddha."

Gao Yan was a little curious: "Don't they know that collecting beliefs can't become a true Buddha?"

Xiao Guanyin: "I know. But so what? Not everyone is as smart as you, Yan Yan, and not everyone chooses to help the ghosts in the playground like you. It’s very difficult, and many people can’t actually live in the intermediate field. Under the premise that they can’t survive, who can insist on a difficult path?”

"Collecting beliefs is very simple, you can quickly increase your luck, abilities, get props, and upgrade your player's level. So you see, a road full of flowers and a road full of knives and pits, of course most people choose the former. "

Gao Yan: "You have worked hard to collect beliefs, but you cannot become a Buddha at the last minute. Is there anyone who is not reconciled?"

"Yes." Xiao Guanyin tossed the small metal ball and said indifferently: "But they have fallen into demons. Buddha and demon are in one thought, but the ending can be seen from the beginning."

There is no good thing in the world to have both, how can there be a good thing that not only needs a smooth journey, but also needs to be crowned with a throne of flowers

After suffering and suffering, there may be a chance to become a Buddha. On the contrary, there are flowers all the way, and in the end there is only one way to fall.

Gao Yan narrowed his eyes and looked up at Xiao Guanyin: "The player will not resist? Willingly accept the result of falling and dying?"

Xiao Guanyin caught the small red metal ball, and was stunned when he heard the words: "I don't know... I met Song Beiliu not long after my incarnation, but when I was with him, I was very ignorant, and my basic sanity was not yet enlightened. Later, I met you, So I don't know what other players with the Bodhisattva mark think."

Xiao Guanyin followed Song Beiliu from the beginning, but he had just incarnated at that time, and he couldn't remember the appearance of Song Beiliu's female body. It was stripped out shortly after.

This is why Xiao Guanyin did not recognize Song Beiliu when he met Song Beiliu, although he found that he was surrounded by merits and virtues.

Xiao Guanyin jumped off the chair, put the red metal ball back on the table, ran to Gao Yan's side, put his hands on his knees, raised his head and said, "Guanyin and Yan Yan are in a companion relationship, and when I become a golden body, Yan Yan becomes When you are a true Buddha."

Gao Yan touched Xiao Guanyin's head and subconsciously looked at Chu Shuibi: "Brother Chu, are you too?"

Chu Shuibi's divine imprint is Fuzun Mingwang Bodhisattva, and I don't know if he will follow him on the path of accumulating merit.

Chu Shuibi: "It's not the same. But other players have worked hard to collect beliefs, and they have long been raised with ambitions along the way. Not only are their ambitions inflated, but they are also getting more and more crooked. Therefore, they will not be reconciled in the last step of becoming a god. give up."

Gao Yan nodded, indicating that he could guess.

No one will give up at the last step and be willing to become a pawn in the gods' game field.


Ursula's Church, day three.

The players came to the nave as scheduled, but did not see Ursula.

The three mummified corpses wrapped in white cloth were side by side, and the parchment rolls were taken out from their stomachs and spread out for the player to take the initiative to look forward to them.

The player at the end of the inspection angrily scolded Ursula: "She changed the rules of the game without authorization!"

"She obviously violated the fair rules of the game, why is there no punishment for dogs than gods?"

"Ursula is the god who dominates the game field. As long as the basic rules are not violated, other rules are formulated by her privately, and players have no ability to resist."

Some players are angry, some are calm, but in the end they all choose to accept it.

Gao Yan and the others were the last to come, and before they could think about it after reading the parchment scroll, the parchment scroll burned to ashes.

Asura raised his head: "What do you mean?"

Gao Yan: "Ursula changed the rules. She released everyone's charges at one time, and asked players to find the charges and the players who matched the charges. Whoever finds other players' charges first can be tried and convicted in advance. Players, instead of judging the severity of the crime and punishing it as before."

In the game rules of the first two days, the two players with the most serious crimes were selected from the three crimes for trial and punishment.

Today's rule change, the crimes of the remaining twelve players will be released at one time, as long as each player's corresponding crime is found, and the player is found and his name and crime are written on the parchment, the trial can be conducted. .

It is equivalent to giving the player the right to judge the player, and also putting the number of survivors in front of the player, allowing them to compete for the chance to survive by killing each other.

Chu Shuibi: "Oh, then I wish you a safe life, Asura."

Asura: "..." Will Spicy Chicken's father die if he doesn't attack her for a day

The news last night made all players aware of Asura and Song Beiliu's guilt. Song Beiliu's 'whoever kills others will be punished seven times' buff is too scary, at least at the end of the game, no player is stupid enough to touch him.

The rest is Asura. She is a child of unknown origin. She may not be very strong in combat. Although she escaped the trial last night, in the hearts of other players, they think that Gao Yan and Chu Suibi may have helped.

Asura and Xiao Guanyin have the weakest combat power and are the easiest to clear.

The mummy standing in the middle turned his head, his bones clacked and clacked, and two dark eyes stared at Gao Yan and Chu Shuibi: "You, kill, Ursula's guardian, she very angry."

The three mummified corpses raised their index fingers at the same time and pointed at the two of them: "Kill them!!"

"Kill them!!"

"Ursula's decree, kill them, player - clear the level!!!"

Gao Yan, Chu Suibi, and Asura shot at the same time and twisted off the heads of the three mummified corpses, but they were still a step behind.

Those icy gazes fell on the three of them, and a terrifying murderous aura erupted in an instant.

"Ha." Song Beiliu chuckled: "Ursula's revenge."

The behemoth Beamon was a pet created by Jehovah on the fifth day of the creation of the world. It had a docile temperament and later guarded hell and was very popular with Jehovah. Ursula imitated the Lord in every way, so two fake Beamon beasts were killed, angering her.

She wants all players to hunt down Gao Yan and Chu Shuibi.

Gao Yan and Chu Shuibi turned around and faced the players with bad intentions indifferently.

Asura took out her scythe: "Oh, can you finally start killing?"

Xiao Guanyin tried his best to climb onto the chair. He had to raise his toes to reach the back of the chair when he stood up straight. As a result, he looked up and saw a pile of corpses wrapped in white cloth, and he couldn't see the player at all.

The seven players other than Song Beiliu stayed in place at the same time. One of the sturdy blond male players said: "Kill two of them, we can live two. After the two small ones, the remaining four As long as we find the relic box, the seven of us can clear the customs at the same time.”

The other six players moved, but someone pointed out the existence of Song Beiliu: "He won't disturb the game?"

Song Beiliu squinted his eyes and smiled: "I'm in charge of watching the show, not participating."

"You won't compete with us for a spot?"

"Huh? Do you think it's possible? Why are you so naive?"

With eight people and seven places, Song Beiliu cannot exist.

So a female player pointed out coldly: "I saw him come out of their room yesterday, they are accomplices."

Even if Song Beiliu is not an accomplice, he must be an accomplice now!

Seven players played against five other players, including two children, and they had a better chance of winning.

Song Beiliu complained dissatisfiedly: "It's too much, isn't this forcing me into the enemy's camp?"

Someone raised concerns in a low voice: "You saw what happened yesterday... I don't know what props he has on him. The person who hurts him will have multiple wounds on his body. How to kill him?"

Hearing this, the other players also thought of this, and hesitated for a while.

The sturdy blond male player at the head squinted his eyes and scrutinized the four of Gao Yan, then looked at Song Beiliu who seemed to be relying on him, thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Cain murdered his relatives, and the LORD expelled him and gave him a mark, 'If Kill Cain and you will be punished seven times'. Not a prop, but a curse."

"The curse of the gods, but there is also a line in front of 'Whoever sees Cain will kill him', but now we see that he has no urge to kill him, so as long as his crimes are not exposed, trial and conviction are not triggered Awaken the curse. So kill him before the curse is awake."

The players were reminded, so Song Beiliu was completely included in Gao Yan's team.

The smile on Song Beiliu's face gradually disappeared, and his expression was confused: "I'm really just watching a play."

Gao Yan: "This probably means happy cooperation."

Song Beiliu had a bitter face. The other seven players were not opponents of Gao Yan's group at all. Not to mention that they had a cub of King Asura, Chu Shuibi was also a big weapon.

Since it is equipped with high-end equipment, why should it involve people who eat melons

Before Song Beiliu could accept the reality, he found himself under siege. Because of the curse of the gods on him, the sturdy blond man at the head decided to kill his time bomb first.

Song Beiliu dodged left and right: "Fuck! Crazy! The players who can clear the level by killing are over there—those two...Fuck!!"

Song Beiliu, who was scrambling and escaping the encirclement, ran towards Gao Yan and the others, but the four of them retreated in unison and refused his approach with their actions.

Four players surrounded Song Beiliu and decided to kill him. The other three players faced Gao Yan, Chu Suibi and the two children. The strong blond man headed against Chu Suibi, the thin black-haired youth faced Gao Yan, and the other white-skinned woman was in charge of dealing with the two children. .

Of course, the white-skinned woman's goal is to focus on Asura.

Both sides shot together, but neither did their best, but tried their own way.

Gao Yan did not use a weapon, while the black-haired youth opposite him used a German two-handed sword.

It is a two-handed sword about 1.9 meters long. The handle of the blade exceeds the blade. The body of the sword is 1.3 meters long, while the blade is about half a meter long. The blade has curved teeth and is extremely lethal. .

The black-haired young man clenched his two-handed sword in both hands, and first hit Gao Yan with the hilt of the shot put inlaid, and when he blocked it with his hands and feet, he attacked with the curved-toothed blade with his backhand. Usually, the enemy will be cut many wounds.

The nave is quite large, but it is full of seats and corpses, which is inconvenient for fighting, but easy to dodge.

Gao Yan shuttled between the seat and the corpse, with his toes on the three-centimeter-wide back of the seat and running fast, the black-haired youth behind him chased after him with a two-handed sword. From the corner of Gao Yan's eyes, he saw the sharp two-handed sword stab at his vest, quickly took out a willow branch, rolled up a corpse and threw it in front of the black-haired youth, blocking the sharp tip.

The two-handed sword directly pierced the chest of the corpse. The black-haired youth threw the corpse out. The corpse hit a mummified corpse hanging on the wall, and then fell to the ground. The white cloth wrapped around him spread and the limbs inside were broken.

The black-haired young man continued to chase and kill Gao Yan without looking at it.

Gao Yan jumped from the back of the chair and fell to the ground. After running around the unobstructed path for a while, he suddenly turned around. The soles of his shoes rubbed against the ground, and he stepped on the ground with excessive force. The willow branches entangled the ends of the two-handed sword, flung it sideways, and stepped forward to approach the black-haired youth.

Unexpectedly, the black-haired youth pulled out the two protruding sharp blades at the end of the hilt near the blade with one hand. The iron chain connected the sharp blade and the two-handed sword.

Gao Yan was startled and hurried back, his neck still scratched. He quickly released and stepped back quickly. After standing still, he touched the scar on his neck, and there was a trace of blood on the pulp of his finger.

The black-haired youth mocked him in his unskilled Chinese: "What you use, is that a weapon?"

Gao Yan's eyes were heavy, and he calmly denied: "No, it's not a complete weapon."

The black-haired youth couldn't understand: "What?"

Gao Yan took out the metal ball, put it in the palm of his hand, and threw it up and down. At the same time, he said to the black-haired young man, "Although I don't know if it can be as I imagined, but give it a try."

Black-haired youth: "??"

The corners of Gao Yan's lips widened, the metal ball was thrown into the air, and when it fell down, it immediately split into scaly things, which opened up like a scaly snake skin, which happened to land on the willow branch, which fits the willow branch very well and pushes it away. Wrap tightly to form a fiery red metal whip.

The right hand flicked the whip a few times, the sound of breaking through the air was loud, and the long whip changed two forms in an instant, one soft and the other hard.

"It really is to use this fusion method to upgrade."

Gao Yan is very satisfied. He has long known that Yang Liuzhi is an upgradeable weapon, but he has never been able to find a way to upgrade it. When he got the holy spear, he found that it could change its form at will, and it was a weapon given to him by Song Beiliu.

Gao Yan didn't think Song Beiliu would give him useless things. Since he said it was used for sincerity of cooperation, at least its role should be more multi-faceted.

The willow branches belong to Guanyin. Since Song Beiliu was able to obtain the divine imprint of Guanyin, he should have also obtained the willow branches. When the imprint of the gods was stripped, the willow branch that matched it may also be lost.

So Song Beiliu knew about Yang Liuzhi.

Then, the act of giving him the 'Holy Spear' that can change its form is very interesting.

Black-haired youth: "What?"

"A good thing that makes you want to die." Gao Yan raised his lips and ran forward while holding the long whip after the fusion of the two artifacts. The speed was so fast that it turned into a phantom, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the black-haired youth.

The black-haired young man was shocked. He didn't expect Gao Yan's speed to be so fast. The scene he saw seemed to have no process, as if Gao Yan would be able to move in space.

In fact, Gao Yan used the skill of 'spatial reorganization' to reverse the time within three seconds, so there was a time difference. Relying on the time difference of three seconds, Gao Yan came to him before the black-haired youth could react. The soft whip wrapped around the hilt of the two-handed sword and tied the black-haired youth's right hand at the same time.

The black-haired youth wanted to repeat the old trick, attacking Gao Yan with the sharp blade on his two-handed sword. But just as he moved, the metal whip wrapped around his right hand and the two-handed sword instantly opened hundreds of scales.

The edges of the fiery red scales were extremely sharp, and when they were suddenly opened, they cut the two-handed sword's blade into a tiny gap. The hard two-handed sword was still like this. The black-haired youth's hand was even worse. Up bloody.

The black-haired young man's eyes were stern, his left hand opened another sharp blade, the tip of the sharp blade flashed blue-purple cold light, and he swiped directly towards Gao Yan.

Gao Yan stepped back quickly, while the black-haired youth seemed to be irritated, pressing him step by step, not caring about the long whip with strange shapes.

On the other side, the sturdy blond male player was showing his hole cards step by step, but Chu Shuibi on the opposite side was still able to handle it with ease, and he felt deep fear when he didn't even reveal any hole cards.

The fear of facing the ocean made the blond male player flinch, but as soon as he flinched, Chu Shuibi would not let him flinch.

Like a smile but not a smile, like a gangrene attached to the bone, and like a ghast, the fear that can't be shaken off, life will be seized at any time. The blond male player was quickly stained with blood, because he found that Chu Shuibi didn't kill him directly, but wounded him continuously, and those wounds were not fatal.

But it wasn't that he couldn't kill him.

Realizing this, the blond male player almost collapses, and the fear of the sword of Damocles hanging over his head will only make people crazy.

As for the other white-skinned female player, she was equally frightened and frightened when she dealt with Asura. She felt as if she was facing a terrifying evil spirit.

Just like an evil spirit she encountered in a hotel in a certain playground before, it was the evil spirit of a little girl, cruel and terrifying.

The three players soon discover that they have faced a formidable opponent, and as such, they are both terrified and strongly motivated to kill them.

Otherwise, the winner won't be their turn.

Gao Yan shook off the black-haired youth, ran under the cross, and glanced at the battlefield coldly: "Brother Chu, help me delay."

Chu Cuibi moved, blocked the black-haired youth, and raised a cold smile: "Come through me first."

The black-haired youth and the blond-haired male player teamed up to deal with Chu Shabi, while Gao Yan rolled down the mummified corpse hanging on the wall, dug out its abdomen, took out the sheepskin roll from the empty abdomen, transformed the metal ball into a needle, and then Lettering on the parchment.

After finishing, Gao Yan stuffed the sheepskin roll into the mummy's stomach, then patted the mummy's shoulder: "Get up and work."

When some players noticed this scene, they were shocked, and they couldn't help worrying about whether Gao Yan found his crime.

The mummified corpse got up, took out the parchment roll from its stomach, opened it and declared dryly: "Murder-murder-kinship-destiny-"

Murder relatives? ! !

The players were stunned for two seconds, then reacted extremely quickly, quickly backed away and turned to run away. At the same time, Gao Yan was holding Xiao Guanyin, and Chu Suibi carried Asura, who was having fun, and ran away.

The mummified corpse continued to recite: "Anyone who meets-sees-murders-kills-relative-destiny-must-must-kill-die-he."

Song Beiliu, who was besieged by four players and was embarrassed to avoid, heard the sentence: "???"

Time seemed to stand still, and the entire church was empty, except for Song Beiliu and a pile of mummified corpses. A deadly silence enveloped the entire church, and a dangerous and terrifying aura suddenly swept in and rushed towards Song Beiliu.

pat - an unsteady corpse fell to the ground.

Song Beiliu looked over, his eyes slowly moved upwards, and in the hole recessed in the wall, a row of neatly dressed mummies hanging suddenly turned their heads and stared straight at him.

Song Beiliu's scalp was numb: "I-fuck!"

Mummies: "Kill-die-you!!!"

Song Beiliu took a deep breath and suddenly burst into roar: "Gao Yan, I'm fucking your wife—"

On the way to escape, Gao Yan said to Chu Shabi with emotion, "Listen, Song Beiliu wants to fuck you."

Song Beiliu's perspective on the world is always so clear, and he is full of courage to do what he knows can't be done.

Chu Suibi smiled: "I'll let him know what a father's strict love is."

Asura smiled sinisterly: "Let's take the opportunity to hack other players, they can't beat us. Asura will kill them."

Chu Suibi: "Then go by yourself, don't come back and cry if you get beaten."

"Ah? You're not going?" Asura puzzled.

Gao Yan: "Let's go to the east tower to find the relic chest."

Little Guanyin: "Don't look for other people's crimes?"

"No need. Just go straight to Ursula."

Gao Yan's enemy has never been a player, and he doesn't want to play against a player. It is too stupid to fight both to please the boss and make her a fisherman.

So when there is a choice, Gao Yan prefers to face the boss.

Gao Yan and his party left Song Beiliu, who was besieged by the corpses, without any guilt or burden, and went straight to the east tower. Xiao Guanyin lifted the box in the cellar, and Gao Yan and Chu Suibi agreed to go up the tower first.

He used a metal ball into a dagger to cut the iron gate, and after some action, he successfully cut open the iron gate.

"it works."

The iron gate is attached to the way of God, and it cannot be opened without a key, but it is not clear what the key looks like. The original guess was that it was in Ursula's hands, but if she had the key in her hand, she would probably open the door herself.

"The relic box contains important things that Ursula couldn't ask for, and it must be hidden in a place that even she can't reach. The only special place is this iron door in the tower. Ursula can't get in, and players can also enter. Don't go."

So Ursula doesn't have the key to open the door, so what can make the Word of God give in

Of course it is the holy spear that kills the Son.

Gao Yan completely cut the iron door, and the iron door fell to the ground, shaking up countless dust.

Asura and Xiao Guanyin thought they would move on, but unexpectedly, Gao Yan and Chu Suibi didn't move, they stood there and stared at the fallen iron gate thoughtfully.

Gao Yan: "Ursula mentioned the 'Sword of the Holy Spirit'."

Chu Cuibi: "The so-called 'sword of the Holy Spirit' is the way of God."

Gao Yan: "This door is attached to the way of God, so it can also be said to be the 'sword of the Holy Spirit'."

Chu Cuibi: "It makes sense."

Gao Yan: "Can it be melted with yang fire that is very pure and undiluted?"

Chu Suibi: "I think I should give it a try."

So they carried the iron gate away.

It can be said that the geese have plucked their hairs, and their souls have been painted with charcoal.