Please Obey The Game

Chapter 74: Kill everyone


Every corridor of the tower is full of portraits, and the portrait scenes come from the Bible and the Old Testament.

The bottom of the cellar was empty, except for the box that Asura and Xiao Guanyin saw.

The first floor of the tower is equally empty, perhaps foreshadowing a chaotic universe.

The second layer of portraits tells that God spent five days creating all things. When Gao Yan and the others came to the end, they saw Adam and Eve who were created at the end.

They stood at the entrance of the stairs and looked back. The ceiling, floor, and walls on both sides of the entire corridor were filled with bright colors, and the oil paintings of bright colors were about to emerge. The one closest to Adam and Eve was the two facing the sky Roaring terrifying big monster.

The big monsters occupy both sides of the promenade, and they are separated from the left and right.

The Leviathan on the left is in the deep sea, which failed to submerge it. The Behemoth on the right stood in the deepest abyss under the sky, but the abyss could not block its figure.

These two monsters seemed to be as high as the sky and the earth, terrifying and huge.

Compared with the two very inferior monsters created by Ursula, the two monsters painted on the wall in front of them are more like the monsters created by Jehovah on the fifth day, which can destroy the world.

A monster that was created a day earlier than humans, one lives in the deep sea, the other lives between the mountains, and the land and sea are controlled separately.

When the disaster strikes again, the Leviathan will push the underwater volcano to erupt, causing a tsunami to flood the land. The behemoth of Beamon overturned the mountains, erupted a huge earthquake, collapsed the city, and destroyed the civilized society.

Xiao Guanyin asked curiously: "The land and sea are under control, what about the sky?"

"The sky is dominated by another giant bird named 'Perch,' but it's not pictured here."

They continued to walk towards the upper floor of the tower. The third floor was the content of the agreement between Jehovah and the Israelites, and the fourth floor was where Jehovah dealt with sinners, including the destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

The picture is vivid, as if the reality that had happened was spread and printed on the wall, and even the most subtle expressions were clearly seen.

When they walked through the sin city surrounded by sulphur and flames, they seemed to hear panic and whine in their ears, the temperature was rising, and the skin was inexplicably hot and red, and the strange feeling of being in it disappeared until they left quickly.

There was something wrong with the tower, Gao Yan and the others had already discovered it.

They didn't say much and walked forward. On the fifth floor, they saw a picture like this. There was a conflict between Egypt and the Israelites, and the LORD killed the firstborn son of the Egyptian.

The Egyptians hugged their eldest son who died tragically and cried to the sky, and the atmosphere of pain and grief enveloped the entire fifth floor. The portraits use cold and bleak colors to vividly render the overwhelming atmosphere.

Asuro put his hands on the back of his head, looked at the portrait carefully, and muttered: "Israel fought with Egypt, Israel lost, and Egypt didn't believe in God, so he carefully killed the Egyptian's eldest son. Really... partial, cruel ."

Xiao Guanyin nodded again and again and pointed out that foreign gods are not as gentle and kind as their Chinese god system.

But if Jehovah wasn't cruel and partial, the Old Testament wouldn't be called the 'Terror Bible'.

The sixth floor is the overwhelming darkness, and the flame burning in the darkness is the only light. I don't know what paint was used, and the fireworks were able to glow, illuminating the dark tower.

In the sea of fire, there are countless twisted figures who need to be rescued. They are worshipping in one direction, and there is a huge cross in that direction. Jesus was crucified, and an old soldier pierced Jesus' ribs with a spear of Longinus.

The scarlet blood stained the spear, and Jesus' rib was not broken, confirming his identity as the Son of God.

But by this time, Jesus was dead.

Humanity will eventually lead to the second annihilation, but this time there will be no Noah's Ark, and all people and things on the earth will be washed away with all their sins.

From the first floor to the sixth floor of the tower, the content of the Bible is told, and the meaning it conveys is nothing more than the destruction of the world.

'For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God'.

Ursula's strange and low voice suddenly sounded in the corridor, and she chanted the words in the opening chapter of Nerve New Testament.

This sentence echoed in the corridor, as if it had a terrifying demonic nature, desperately drilling into the hearts of the audience, trying to seduce their most filthy crimes buried in their hearts.

The sixth floor was surrounded by a sea of flames of nothingness. Gao Yan and his group of four had just stepped on the steps when a heat wave hit them. It is conceivable that when they walked through the promenade, it was estimated that they had been burned to black coal.

Gao Yan: "It seems like it's going to be difficult."

It's just a portrait, but it has a real feeling, it's really weird.

Asura frowned, and she was a little helpless. Facing the horror and terror brought by the death of the supreme god in Hebrew mythology, she could not guarantee that she would be able to escape.

"How do I get up to the seventh floor?"

Chu Shuibi thought for a while: "Refine this iron gate first."

Gao Yan glanced at the sea of real fire: "Good idea."

Chu Shuibi had not tried refining it with yang fire, but the flames covering the corridor were so high that it almost evaporated the air to the point of appearing a phantom.

So they decided to use the flames of the promenade to smelt the iron gate first.

However, in the process of refining the iron gate, Chu Shuibi also used the yang fire to wrap the outside of the iron gate to prevent the entire black iron gate from being melted into a large pool of molten iron.

The iron gate was thrown in the middle of the corridor, and the corners slowly melted into black molten iron. Then, he asked Chu Shuibi to wrap it in a small fire and try to separate it.

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows: "Is this purifying?"

Chu Cuibi responded, and then explained: "The iron gate is attached to the way of God, and the first figurative expression is that it cannot be opened except for the designated key. The iron gate is opened by the holy spear—that is, the 'key', and the god's The first figurative representation of the Tao is not valid, so the fire here and my yang fire can be re-melted, purified, and made into a real 'sword of the Holy Spirit'."

Gao Yan understood, but Asura and Xiao Guanyin didn't understand.

Gao Yan explained it carefully to them, while Chu Shuibi purifies the molten iron with the Tao of God to the highest purity bit by bit.

The so-called word of God is the word of God.

The words of God are specific to a word and the meaning of a word. The combination of words and words forms a complete sentence, and the meaning expressed by the sentence is the so-called first figurative expression.

But as long as the sentence is scrambled, the words and words will be reorganized to form a new complete sentence, which is equivalent to having a second, brand-new concrete representation.

The iron gate is attached to the way of God, which probably means 'except for the corresponding key, nothing in the world can open the door', so at the beginning, whether it was the fire of nothingness on the sixth floor, or Chu Smashing the jade The Yang Huo can't help the iron gate.

Later, the iron gate was cut open by the 'Holy Spear', which was equivalent to destroying the complete sentence, so the iron gate was easily melted.

Gao Yan, Asura and Xiao Guanyin quietly waited for Chu Suibi to refine the iron gate. After a while, Chu Suibi suddenly said, "I have a way to pass through the sixth floor of the tower."

Gao Yan: "What way?"

Chu Shuibi: "Fire out."

Gao Yan raised his eyes, not knowing if he was delusional or not, the black flames in the entire corridor rose a lot in just a few minutes, the fire was even more turbulent, and the spread seemed to be expanding.

Then, he saw that in the process of refining the iron gate, the black flames of nothingness were enveloped by the white icy flames and gradually compressed.

After staring at it for a long time, he found that the black flame wrapped in the white flame was gradually decreasing, as if... being swallowed.


At the same time, players look around for the crimes of other players.

Led by the burly blond male player, the other players temporarily cooperate and obey him.

In the end, it is an intermediate player, and the IQ and ability are not much different.

They quickly picked out the words that contained traps from the rules announced by Ursula, and the blond male player said: "Ursula is the god of the game field, she can change the rules of the game at will, but for fairness, there must be one The ground rules must be followed absolutely."

"On the second day, Ursula said that the most basic rule is - 'There are absolutely five places that can be cleared in the game field'!"

In other words, no matter how much the players kill each other, the number of players alive must be fixed at five.

Once the number of players dead reaches nine and there are five remaining, then these five people can pass the level smoothly as long as the sixth day comes.

Of the fourteen players, the lives of nine of them are in Ursula's hands, but she is definitely not willing to let nine players pass the level alive.

Conversely, if the death toll exceeds nine, it is Ursula's violation of the most basic rules of fairness in the game.

The white-skinned female player said with a gloomy face: "What do you mean by saying this? If you think about it, everyone can think of it, but now the problem is that there are too many surviving players, and there are simply not enough places. There are seven of us here, and everyone can Trying to get a spot. The five players on the other side—"

"Strength crushes us!"

Hearing this, the seven players, except for the three who had just joined Gao Yan, were all in disbelief, feeling that the white-skinned female players exaggerated the strength of their opponents.

"Maybe it's just that you are too weak."

"I remember your opponent was a little girl? You told us that a little girl under the age of six is strong enough to crush us?"

"It's ridiculous!"

The white-skinned female player sneered: "The four of you surrounded and killed a player, and it took so long to kill them. Now you have the nerve to talk about me?"

The four players were quite unhappy, and they were about to refute, but after careful thought, their hearts jumped in shock. After being reminded by the white-skinned female player, they suddenly remembered that the four besieged Song Beiliu.

The neglected details during the fight also surfaced one by one. Song Beiliu seemed to be fleeing in a panic, but in fact he was able to handle it with ease. His one player can withstand the siege of four players, which is enough to show that he hides himself, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger! !

Intermediate players should not be underestimated.

At this time, the black-haired young man and the sturdy blond male player gave their conclusions after fighting with Gao Yan and Chu Suibi respectively.

The black-haired young man commented on Gao Yan: "His martial arts skills are still a bit rusty, but he is good at using weapons, props and terrain, and is good at observing and splitting the opponent's usual moves."

The sturdy blond man commented on Chu Shuibi in a rather heavy tone: "If he wants to kill me or any player present, it will only take two or three seconds, and you and I may not be able to react."

The evaluation was so high that the players present put away their contempt and their mood became quite heavy.

The white-skinned female player didn't have to comment on Asura at this time, but said: "Song Beiliu can't touch him, the curse on him is too terrible. But the other four players are not easy to deal with, maybe we shouldn't tear our face so quickly. "

"It's useless." The blond man said: "Ursula used the lives of those two players as the green card to clear the customs, and it is destined that the two of us will never be able to cooperate."

He stood up, looked out at the gloomy and gray sky, and said, "The situation couldn't get any worse. We can't deal with them, and Ursula's trial!"

"Try to find all the remaining crimes, no matter who the crime corresponds to, designate three of them! All crimes are one-to-one, and there is always one. The crime of a child on their side is known, and there are three remaining players. One player, just another one, and Ursula's trial is enough for them to have a headache!"


On the third day of the playground, the first crime written on the parchment—murder of a kin.

Anyone who sees the murder of a relative will kill him.

The second crime of the parchment—blasphemy.

All blasphemers, worms and spiders will crawl out of the corpse and eat their flesh.


Tower cellar.

After finally getting rid of the undead corpses in the nave of the church, the embarrassed Song Beiliu walked towards the cellar while taking out a half-broken comb that he had picked up from some garbage dump to comb his messy hair.

Arranging the messy sleeves, Song Beiliu hummed a little song and walked forward briskly.

Every inch of the ground, walls, and ceiling he walked on had cracks, and the sound of 'crackling' filled the airtight cellar.

There are countless pairs of eyes hidden in the dense cracks, and these eyes are watching Song Beiliu, who seems to be defenseless. Every pair of empty eyes seems to be burning a cluster of small flames, which is hatred that cannot resist the curse.

But the mummified corpses buried in the walls and the ground were not as powerful as the mummified corpses that were hung up in the nave of the church, and the influence of the curse was also reduced, so they had no ability to climb out of the walls and kill Song Beiliu.

Therefore, Song Beiliu was confident and hummed a little song in a good mood.

Even better, there was no one in the cellar.

Song Beiliu's footsteps became more brisk, the speed of combing his hair quickened, and his wrists trembled very arrogantly: "I knew that Chu Laogou was not easy to fool, I saw it in Minghe Kingdom... tsk tsk, like that, it looks like the world-destroying demon god. It’s not much worse than that. Having said that, this skin is breaking a bit fast now, and it is estimated that it will not last until the game field is closed…”

After a long while, Song Beiliu said rather depressed: "Next time I will find a better and more beautiful skin. This skin is too cheap and affects my gentle, generous and beautiful image."

Song Beiliu refuses to admit that it is the soul, not the skin, that is cheap. This is the biggest slander in the world.

Soon, Song Beiliu reached the deepest part of the cellar, a deep pool, the bottom of which was unfathomable, cold and treacherous.

There is a round platform with a diameter of one meter in the center of the deep pool, and a beautiful, small castle-like box is placed in the center of the round platform.


Song Beiliu narrowed his eyes, with a happy smile on his face: "Who said there was only one relic box?"

"Who would have guessed that there is such a thing hidden in the relic box? Hehe, Ursula is crazy, but indulging Ursula's dog to be more than a god is fundamentally an unpardonable sin."


The iron gate gradually melted into a pool of black molten iron, which was then quenched and purified by the white icy yang fire, and finally, a small glass of white liquid was purified.

The liquid was pearly white, with a very beautiful cold luster, and was quietly suspended in mid-air.

Gao Yan's forehead and cheeks were sweating, because the temperature on the sixth floor was getting higher and higher, and the flames burned to the ceiling. It is estimated that in a few minutes, they will be directly evaporated and melted by the temperature.

Asuro opened his beautiful golden eyes and swallowed saliva: "I don't know why, but I want to eat it. It feels delicious."

Gao Yan was a little surprised, he asked Chu Shuibi: "Why does Asura have an appetite for this thing?"

"The way of the gods is also equal to the power left over by the gods. The purified thing is very pure divine power. It is a great supplement to the cubs of King Asura, and of course she covets it."

Gao Yan subconsciously looked at Xiao Guanyin, who immediately said, "I don't need it! Xiao Guanyin only accepts merit and does not need to devour those messy divine powers."

Gao Yan let go of half of his heart and asked Chu Shuibi again: "Can Asura be eaten? Will it cause diarrhea?"

Chu Cuibi: "Yes, it will be fine." After speaking, he turned his head to look up and down Asura, hesitated for a moment and said, "It should be able to absorb."

Asura was flattered: "Give it to me?! Give it to me?!"

Gao Yan, Chu Suibi and Xiao Guanyin didn't need it, so naturally they gave it to Asura.

Asura happily turned around in circles.

Chu Shuibi put away the purified divine power, got up and said, "I'll give it to you after the sixth floor, it's not suitable now."

Asura nodded heavily: "Okay!"

Gao Yan smiled and touched Asura's head.

As a result, the extremely precious divine power was decided on the way, and no one had any objection, and no one felt that something was wrong.

Because the Tao of God could have been refined into a more important weapon, of course, it could also be refined into a 'Sword of the Holy Spirit'. Weapons with divine power could not only clear customs, but also be brought into other game fields to become advanced props.

However, the precious divine power that has been purified has been given to Asura as a drink.

After dealing with the way of God, the next step is the fire of nothingness that pervades the sixth floor.

Chu Shuibi stood in front of Gao Yan and the two little ones: "You all stand back, and I will put out the fire."

Gao Yan led the two little ones back and took out defensive props to protect them, and then watched Chu Shabi freely control the Yang Huo Jing to devour the fire of nothingness. Those flames wanted to resist at first, but later they wanted to retreat when they discovered the horror of Yang Huo, and they fought back when they knew that there was no way to retreat.

In the last scene, a raging fire rushed over, Gao Yan and the two little ones who were in it suddenly felt that they were as small as a boat in the sea. They were tense, always protecting each other, and the most important person was Chu Shuangbi, who stood at the forefront to protect them.

"Brother Chu!"


Chu Shuibi remained calm from beginning to end, his hands clasped together, his ten fingers flying like a fly, and he quickly gestured several seals. of fire.

Everything was silent, but the audience felt inexplicably thunderous and tiger roaring, which was deafening.

The white tiger bites into the sea of fire, and in an instant it shatters into a net covering the sea of fire.

'Edict' sounded and went out.

The promenade is still a hell scene submerged by a sea of fire, and the image of the death of the Holy Son at the end is still real, but the high temperature that originally distorted the air has disappeared, and the temperature has returned to normal.

Chu Cuibi turned sideways and looked at Gao Yan: "Let's go."

Gao Yan's heart was beating fast, and he looked away uncomfortably. He thought that Chu Shuibi was too handsome just now.

Although I have long known that Chu Suibi is very powerful, it is rare to see him make a move.

Rarely serious, handsome enough to close the legs.

With his back to them just now, facing the raging fire like a raging sea, he thought that the figure that would be almost invisible against the sea of fire was unexpectedly tall. Unhurried, calm, as if the terrifying sea of fire was just a little spark that could be easily extinguished.

In fact, Chu Shuibi really easily devoured the terrifying fire of nothingness.

Gao Yan covered his face, thinking that although his boyfriend is obsessed with his age, he is so fucking handsome!

Chu Shuibi looked at Gao Yan while walking: "Yan Yan, what do you think?"

Gao Yan blinked and pretended to be calm: "I'm thinking about what's on the seventh floor."

Chu Suibi was a little skeptical, but Xiao Guanyin and Asura chirped and asked him what the move just now was called, with a tone of admiration that they hadn't even noticed themselves, so they missed to ask Gao Yan's true thoughts.

If the true thoughts are known... tsk, it is estimated that the old dog will go crazy when he sees the bed.

despair. despair.

knock. knock.

In addition to the footsteps, the silent corridor suddenly remembered rhythmic sounds.

Gao Yan and the four stopped, he and Chu Suibi looked at each other, turned back quite tacitly, attacked one after another, and kicked the thing behind him fiercely. That thing was so huge that it seemed to block the corridor, so when it kicked out, it only took a few steps backwards before it got stuck.

The flames were extinguished, the corridor was plunged into darkness, and they could only see vaguely a huge figure. Afterwards, Chu Shabi's fingertips ignited a cluster of yang fire, illuminating the corridor, and finally saw what was behind him—


To be precise, it should be the corpse of the Behemoth whose heart was dug out.

There are two in total, and another one is also blocked in the back. The two corpses were blocked in the corridor, and there was no movement for a while. After a while, a rustling sound came.

Gao Yan listened attentively: "It's a little familiar."

It doesn't feel good.

Then, black cracks appeared on the bodies of the two Behemoth beasts, and what looked like black water poured out of the cracks, which flowed to the ground and turned into terrifying insects and spiders. But in the blink of an eye, the ceiling, walls, and ground of the promenade were densely filled with bugs and spiders, rushing in like a rising tide.

Gao Yan: "The players outside wrote Asura's crime into the parchment!"

The four of them reacted, Gao Yan grabbed Xiao Guanyin and ran quickly to the stairs on the seventh floor, Chu Shuibi threw a yang fire backward, between the insect and them. But the group of bugs and spiders rolled out like ants in a ring of fire, and then continued to catch up.

knock. knock.

Gao Yan shouted, "Have you heard other voices?"

Chu Shaibi: "Wall!"

Gao Yan: "Fuck!"

Something was trying to crawl out of the wall, and Asura opened his palm and used his blood to transform animals such as black-eyed birds and bees that eat bugs and spiders.

The author has something to say: There are three monsters in the Bible, the Behemoth, the Leviathan, and the Perching Branch, which are the land, the sea, and the sky.

Behemoth is a monster that looks like a hippo. Hidden between deserts and mountains, it can easily knock down mountains and cause earthquakes.

Symbol of earthquake.

Leviathan is an underwater monster that can trigger volcanoes and tsunamis, symbolizing tsunamis.

Perch is a giant bird, which is a god bird that protects birds.

The three monsters have the same name and become food for the holy ones when the end times come.