Please Obey The Game

Chapter 78: Styx Country (1)


Song Beiliu: "Leviathan can knock on the door of the kingdom of Styx. If you miss this time, you will never find another chance. The door of the kingdom of Styx has been closed for ten years, and it will be closed forever."

Egyptian mythology is relatively closed, emphasizing obedience to the mandate of heaven, advocating the reincarnation of life and death, and not afraid of death. Therefore, Egyptian mythology rarely participates in the game of gods. Because the book of the dead was stolen ten years ago, the kingdom of Styx, which represents Egyptian mythology, directly quit the game of gods, closed the door, and prohibited players from entering.

Gao Yan didn't answer, just changed the subject: "Is your curse still in effect?"

Song Beiliu was stunned: "It seems to be still in effect."

Chu Suibi, Gao Yan, and Xiao Guanyin communicated with him normally, which caused Song Beiliu to forget for a while that he still had the curse from his blood.

and many more-

Song Beiliu suddenly remembered that there were three other players including the blond man, and when he looked back, he realized that they were all murderous.

Gao Yan: "The appearance of Leviathan is too sudden, the player's life is threatened, and the sense of crisis erupts, so I'm busy running and ignoring you. But don't worry, with the crime of resurrecting Leviathan, everyone not only wants to kill you, but also There are valid reasons."

Song Beiliu raised his hands and confessed: "I know the residents of the Styx country, and I can give players their normal status there. They hate players, but they don't hurt their friends." Some players are involved in the kingdom of Styx because of me, I will at least ensure their lives are safe and send them away within the scope of my ability."

Gao Yan believed Song Beiliu's words, and the golden light of merit that blinded people's eyes was the best proof.

"I know, but that doesn't stop us from wanting to beat you up."

As soon as the words fell, the three players rushed to beat Song Beiliu.

Gao Yan walked up to Chu Suibi and said, "Give me Asura."

Chu Suibi shook his head: "She's a little troublesome when she wakes up, I'll take care of it."

Hearing this, Gao Yan gave up and looked at the Leviathan in the water instead: "Ursula broke free from the Leviathan's organs and dived into the deep water, waiting for an opportunity."

Chu Suibi turned his face slightly, still staring at Leviathan: "How is she recovering?"

Gao Yan: "The lower body has blood and flesh, and the skin and tail haven't grown out yet."

Chu Suibi pressed his right wrist with his left hand and walked forward with his green sword in hand. After taking two or three steps, as if thinking of something, he turned around to look at Gao Yan, and beckoned him to come over.

Gao Yan walked over suspiciously: "Why—"

The rest of the questions were sealed in the mouth that Chu Suibi leaned over to kiss. Gao Yan subconsciously blocked Xiao Guanyin's eyes and responded to Chu Suibi's kiss. After a long time, Chu Shuibi let go of Gao Yan and chuckled, "Don't believe the prophecy of the Book of the Dead."


Gao Yan was puzzled.

However, Chu Shuibi quickly turned around and jumped off the top of the mountain, fluttering like a piece of paper, stepping on dead branches and big trees, sliding from the top of the mountain to the middle of the mountain. Halfway up the mountainside has been flooded, so he stepped on the dead branches and debris floating on the water surface, and slid all the way to the foot of the mountain near the church.

In that room, the three players and Song Beiliu stopped fighting and ran over to watch.

Song Bei squatted down with a runny nose and a bruised face: "If Leviathan is killed, Ursula's church will disappear, but as long as she doesn't die, the player can clear the level."

Because of the influence of the resurrected Leviathan and the trial of Ursula, Song Beiliu's blood curse didn't work very well. At least the players didn't kill him, and his arms and legs were fine.

Gao Yan didn't respond to Song Beiliu's words, he hugged Xiao Guanyin tightly, and then looked at Chu Shuibi intently.

Chu Suibi stood on the water with a dead branch under his feet. Leviathan found his existence, raised his head, opened his huge mouth, and suddenly it was another scene of swallowing the sky and covering the sun.

With Leviathan's mouth as the center point, a huge vortex formed on the water surface, swallowing all the water and foreign objects around, including the top of the mountain closest to her, suddenly breaking and going in the direction of the water flow.

Chu Shuibi was not spared, and flowed into Leviathan's mouth along the frantically swirling water flow until the figure disappeared. Leviathan closed his mouth and slowly dived into the water, revealing only seven orange-red eyes.

When the player saw this scene, he was shocked: "Being, swallowed?!"

They subconsciously looked at Gao Yan, but when they saw Gao Yan's complexion was as deep as water, his eyes were always on Leviathan at the bottom of the water, as if he could see the Chu broken jade that was swallowed through the turbid water and Leviathan.

The blonde player asked in a deep voice, "The man who was swallowed by the Leviathan just now should be an advanced player, right?"

Gao Yan and Xiao Guanyin glanced at the blond player and didn't answer.

The blond player said to himself: "He is very strong. When I fight against me, I don't think he has any strength. At that time, I guessed that he was a high-level player. You were talking about killing Leviathan just now. It seems that before He has done things like killing bosses or gods. There are only a handful of players who have not been killed by a dog than a god after doing such a thing, except for a few players at the level of pseudo-lord gods. The only notorious... Cough, famous, keen on slaughtering There is only one player of God."

Everyone looked at the blonde player and silently called out a name in their hearts.

"The world's only main god-level player, Chu Shen."

Although there have been speculations, but someone really said it, the players are still shocked.

They are mid-level players, and they only survived until now after passing five levels and killing six generals, and they may not be able to reach the high-level field. There are only a handful of high-level players. According to statistics, the number of high-level players does not exceed 300, and the number is still decreasing.

Forty thousand players and only three hundred advanced players, one can imagine how difficult the following levels are.

Therefore, the only player in the world who is the only main god-level player should have many fans and sisters who worship him.

The players are slightly weaker and feel honored.

Blonde player: "Better than seeing the crucifixion."

Hearing this, Gao Yan looked at him strangely. He remembered that the blond player said that he was a devout Christian.

The blonde player smiled embarrassedly: "It's mainly because I've been in the game field for several years, and I feel deceived by the gods, so I'm not so religious."

Everyone twitched the corners of their mouths and looked away, focusing on Leviathan. After a while, a player suddenly said, "Why do I think the water level has risen?"

"It's not an illusion." Xiao Guanyin whispered: "The water is constantly coming up, and it will soon become an ocean."

Gao Yan touched Xiao Guanyin's head: "Leviathan is a monster born in the sea. The place where she lives is naturally the ocean, and she will submerge the land with seawater. Ursula's church is built on the bones of Leviathan. , to be precise, all the land we can see is built on the bones of Leviathan."

So once the Leviathan is fully awake and rises from the sea, the land will be submerged.

Xiao Guanyin yawned tiredly, hugged Gao Yan tightly, and said with drooping eyelids, "Yan Yan, I want to sleep."

Gao Yan pressed Xiao Guanyin's neck: "Go to sleep."

Xiao Guanyin yawned again, then turned into a light and disappeared in front of everyone. Although the player knew that Xiao Guanyin was unusual, he was still surprised by the scene in front of him.

"That child is a prop?"


The players whispered, Song Beiliu looked up at Gao Yan, and narrowed his eyes slightly. He saw that after Xiao Guanyin disappeared, there were faint lines on Gao Yan's neck, extending around the red moles.

But those lines soon disappeared.

Gao Yan didn't care much about the reaction of the players. He was full of Chu Shabi now, but fortunately he could see the actions of Chu Shabi underwater. Leviathan is doing her best to devour all foreign objects, including mountains and land, and the skin on her lower body has begun to grow.

At this time, Chu Shuibi was in Leviathan's abdomen, and he cut the intestines blocking the way into two pieces, and followed the blood vessels all the way to find the heart. It was a heart the size of a basketball, quite small compared to Leviathan's huge stature.

When Chu Shuibi wandered inside Leviathan's body, he left a small cluster of flames by the way, and the flames were thriving. Chu Shuibi ran forward, then jumped down, raised his green sword high, and stabbed towards the pulsing heart.

At this moment, the pain of the damaged internal organs was transmitted to Leviathan's nerves. She felt the burning pain, so she made a deafening howl, and rolled her body, stirred the sea water, and collapsed several mountains.

Among them was the mountain where Gao Yan and the others were located. The mountain collapsed into two halves, the players scattered in all directions, and two people fell into the sea. The sea was scalding hot, but they protected themselves with protective props in time.

It's just that the sky collapses, the sea is stirred like a storm, the sea is rough, and a wave can break a small mountain, and almost all objects close to the Leviathan are twisted into pieces.

Gao Yan had to jump to the object floating on the water, but the object quickly fell apart and was knocked into the water by a wave when he turned back. Fortunately, he used the props quickly to avoid being hit.

He fell into the water, and when he came to the surface, he saw Ursula standing on a dead branch in front of him.

Ursula also held a player's head in her hand, which she had just torn off. She stared at Gao Yan gloomily, the corners of her mouth twitched, she stretched out her fingers, and the tips of her fingernails were long and shiny.

She said in a hoarse voice, "I left something in Leviathan's body. Do you remember the 'Sword of the Holy Spirit'?"

Gao Yan's pupils dilated, staring at Úrsula, his voice also became hoarse: "The way of God, isn't the iron gate on the second floor of the tower?"

"Just as there are two reliquaries, so there are two words for the word of God. The first is on the iron gate on the second floor of the tower, and the second is on the seventh floor of the tower, the source of the convergence of four rivers, and the restored Paradise Walk together, stand shoulder to shoulder with eternity—judgment!!”

"The Word of God - is Judgment!!"

Úrsula roared, then pounced, her movements in the water moving with ease.

Running through the entire playground, the word of God in the entire Bible is judgment!

Jehovah judges the world, the world judges the gods, and the world ushered in destruction and rebirth in the judgment. That is the way of God left behind by Jehovah before the demise of the world, and it was stolen by Ursula at the same time.

That's the way of maintaining Hebrew mythology, and that's why the gods of the playground condoned Ursula.

Gao Yan dived into the water and swam towards Leviathan. If Ursula didn't lie, then the 'trial' she left inside Leviathan's body would be branded with the mark of 'trial' along with Chu Shuibi.

He didn't know what the consequences would be, but the results were definitely not going to be much better.

Ursula suddenly appeared and stood in front of Gao Yan. The buoyancy of the water was too small for her to ignore. She quickly jumped in front of Gao Yan, and her long black nails turned into phantoms and inserted them.

Gao Yan quickly retreated, but because of the buoyancy of the water, there were three more marks on his cheeks, and the blood quickly melted into the sea water. The stinging pain in his cheek was far more irritating to Gao Yan than Ursula's 'Judgment' buried in Leviathan's body. His eyes gradually became cold, as if covered with ice.

With five fingers open, the void grasped, and in his hand was a red Longinus spear made of a combination of willow branches and holy spear. The spear that killed Jesus terrified Ursula.

Ursula was extremely fast, disappearing in front of Gao Yan in the blink of an eye, and reappearing around him in an instant, creating many wounds on his body.

Gao Yan had more and more wounds on his body, and after soaking in the sea water, he formed a pale and terrifying appearance. The pain was intense, but it made him more conscious.

The good thing is that he won't faint from the blood loss, and it's enough for him to figure out what Ursula is doing.

The current hindered his speed of movement and affected his hearing and vision, so Gao Yan simply floated to the surface and listened to the movement while changing his breath - the roar of Leviathan and the loud noise of the waves crashing, but there was no movement from Ursula.

Gao Yan clenched the holy spear, and caught a glimpse of a shadow out of the corner of his eye. The shadow was very fast, and his bright black nails had already touched his neck. Three blood holes appeared on his neck instantly, and Gao Yan calmly spat out a few words: "Ursula can't kill me."

The space was delayed for three seconds. In three seconds, the blood hole on Gao Yan's neck recovered, only a few drops of blood came out, but it was enough for him to insert the holy spear into Ursula's heart.

Ursula's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it, and she also didn't understand why she killed Gao Yan, but at the same time that she didn't do anything, the wounds she had caused were restored as before? !

She would never know, because when the holy spear was drawn, Ursula quickly turned into bones in front of Gao Yan, and the bones sank into boiling water and quickly turned to ashes.

When Gao Yan killed Ursula, he used the abilities of 'Lie Badge' and 'Space Reorganization'. Ursula's fingernails were indeed inserted into Gao Yan's neck, and the blood hole was about a centimeter long. After a second delay, Gao Yan was killed on the spot.

But the ability of 'Space Reorganization' is superimposed, causing 'Emblem of Lies' to have a three-second time buffer. So when Gao Yan said 'Ursula can't kill me', this sentence became a lie.

When the lie came true, Ursula couldn't kill Gao Yan, so she was killed.

Gao Yan retracted his holy spear, pursed his lips, and swam towards Leviathan with a pale face. Halfway through the swim, it was too slow, so he surfaced, stepped on dead branches and gravel and ran over quickly, but he was always a step slower.

When Chu Shabi's green sword touched Leviathan's heart, it was separated by a layer of membrane, and that layer of membrane turned into golden text, wrapped around Leviathan's heart, and wrapped around the green sword. his wrist.

Chu Shuibi looked at the rune on his wrist, raised his eyebrows and whispered: "The way of God?" He sneered: "This kind of thing—"

As he spoke, he held the string of runes and pulled it from his wrist, but when he was halfway out, he found that Leviathan's roar became more intense and shrill. He frowned and looked at the heart.

Leviathan's heart was wrapped in runes and pulled aside, and each rune turned into tiny blades, cutting through Leviathan's heart layer by layer.

The wrist suddenly stinged, Chu Shuibi looked down and found that the rune also cut his wrist. The white yang fire wrapped around the golden rune, and it would not be burned for a while, as if the two were fighting.

Leviathan sensed the danger, and she began to fear, so she lurked into the deep sea, the sea formed a huge vortex, submerged the entire land, and all the mountains collapsed. Gao Yan was also involved in the whirlpool. Although he was protected by props, he was completely out of control.

The entire playground was out of control, and the Leviathan dived into the deep sea and crashed into the cracked surface. The huge body, as big as the sky and the earth, almost filled the deep sea, and a black copper door was knocked open at the end of the deep sea.

The black copper door slowly opened a gap, sucking all the living things in like a black hole.

Gao Yan couldn't control himself and disappeared into the black copper door.

Chu Shuibi suddenly raised his head, his eyes were dark. Although he was in Leviathan's body, he still looked in the direction of the black copper door accurately. Anger made him no longer suppress his killing instinct, and the raging fire burned under his feet, jumping up to a height of one meter.

The white flame quickly burned everything it touched into ashes. Leviathan's heart was cut by the rune blade formed by the 'judgment' of the word of God, and the blood vessels, organs and flesh of the body were also burned by the white flame. big hole.

Chu Shuibi came out of Leviathan's heart, holding a green sword, carrying a fierce fire on his back, and his cheeks were clustered with blue-blue complex patterns, like vines growing wildly, like a brand of eternity.

Tall and strong, with a strange blue and black pattern on his handsome face, he is both bewitching and unbelievably beautiful, like a Bodhisattva who kills thousands of evil people and evil spirits.

Chu Suibi's eyes were completely black, and his eyes were full of ruthless murderous aura, and his eyebrows were also full of terrifying anger. He grabbed the golden rune on his right wrist, tore it open, and threw it under his feet. He was burned before reaching the ground.

"Yan Yan."

The black copper door has been closed, and the kingdom of Styx is rejecting Chu Shuanbi, who has stolen the Book of the Undead. Therefore, all things in the world can enter the kingdom of Styx, but Chu is the only one who breaks the jade.

The gate of the kingdom of Styx will never be opened for Chu Shuibi! !

The fierce fire burned wildly, like the weeds blown by the spring wind growing everywhere, and soon burned the body of the huge Leviathan, leaving a head and tail, but the flames continued to burn.

And this time, Chu Shuibi left no bones for Leviathan, and no chance of resurrection.

As for the 'judgment' that was left behind, that ray of the Way of God was pulled over by Chu Shuibi, and was obediently staying at his fingertips. After the Leviathan, which filled the sea, perished, the sea receded, and the land resurfaced.

However, that majestic appearance is also pitted and bleak.

Chu Suibi stood in the air, his eyes still on the direction where the black copper door disappeared, his anger did not subside but became more intense.

The Sun Fire continued to burn and began to burn everything on land to ashes. And after that yang fire burns the land, it will go towards the sea water, and it will burn all the world of this game field.

Chu Shuibi wants to completely destroy Ursula's playground!

The god of the game field who sensed the threat slashed the thunder in the sky as a warning. The thunder cloud in the sky was low, and the thunder and lightning were thick. He used the posture of slicing the heaven and the earth in half to warn Chu Shuibi that it was best not to act rashly.

Gao Yan is Chu's anti-scale, and anyone who touches Gao Yan will go crazy.

Therefore, the warning from the gods of the game field did not work, but made Chu Shuibi even crazier.

Chu Shuibi laughed lowly, playing with the way of the gods with his fingertips and said, "Are you afraid? It's you who is afraid and afraid. Hebrew mythology is a god system worth developing. It has many believers and has a long development prospect in the human world. Better than other god systems. It's a pity that its god system is incomplete, so that the supreme god has fallen."

Rumble - The thunderbolt is louder, and wrapped in anger is the presumed bluff.

"'Judgment', the true way of God, is also the way to keep the Hebrew mythology alive. If it is gone, an immature system of gods will collapse. So you are afraid, fearful, and coerced by me."

There was no more thunder and lightning in the sky, and the silence was terrifying, as if there were gods in the clouds waiting for Chu Shuibi to make a request for negotiation.

Chu Shuibi raised his head and hid his madness in a calm tone: "I want the kingdom of Styx to return to the game field!"

There were a few dull thunders in the sky, as if questioning.

Chu Suibi: "I can't get in, but other players can."

As long as the kingdom of Styx returns to the game field, Chu Shuibi will have a way to save Gao Yan. The sky was silent, and the other party did not respond, as if considering whether it was worth it to force the kingdom of Styx to return to the game field.

After all, 'judgment' is the way of God to maintain the immortality of Hebrew mythology, and the kingdom of Styx is also the way to maintain the Egyptian system of gods.

In comparison, the Egyptian system of gods is a much more complete system than Hebrew mythology.

Chu Shuibi added more chips: "Add another condition, the Book of the Dead."

After a long while, the game god agreed to him. The heavy clouds in the sky dissipated, and the game field returned to calm.

At the same time, whether they are playing in the low-level field, gaining experience in the intermediate field, or clearing the level in the high-level field, a reminder sounded in their ears: [Styx Kingdom returns to the game field, intermediate-level promotion field players and advanced field players. Players can enter the kingdom of Styx.]

[Reward, Underworld God's Book of the Dead!]

[Rule: Please listen to the words of the gods! ! !]

The last sentence, replaced from a period to an overlapping and repeated exclamation mark, clearly and clearly expresses the anger of the game gods towards disobedient players.

But who cares

The advanced players and the intermediate players in the promotion field were excited and set their sights on the reopened Styx Kingdom game field. It is estimated that the Styx Kingdom game field will usher in a hot opening.

Chu Shuibi threw away the 'judgment' on his fingertips, and he promised Goubi Games not to destroy this thing, but when he left Ursula's playground, he still destroyed the entire playground.

Ruined completely.

Land, sea, and sky are gone, and nothing remains. As a result, the dog came back from the game and almost died on the spot without a myocardial infarction.

Leaving the game field, Chu Suibi contacted Xie Sanqiu, let him enter the Styx Kingdom, and brought Gao Yan out safely and unscathed. Xie Sanqiu wanted to bring Yang Mian, but seeing Chu Shabi’s arrogance, he agreed without bargaining.

On the other side, Gao Yan was swept into the black copper door by the whirlpool, and collided with Song Beiliu, who had separated, and was thrown out at the same time, landing on the Nile River, the mother river of Egypt.