Please Obey The Game

Chapter 79: Styx Country (2)


Egyptians were polytheistic, they believed in Egyptian gods and other religious sects, the main sects were Christianity and Islam, based on the Bible.

Gao Yan wiped his face, turned and swam towards the shore. Soon he reached the bank of the river, stood up slowly, walked to the steps and sat down, wringing out his clothes while looking at where he was.

The river divides the earth in two, with crops and people on each side. On both sides of the river, two huge black stones stood on each side of the ferry.

Huge chains wrapped around the black boulder, as if suppressing something.

The shore was shrouded in mist, the pine forest in the distance was sent into the clouds, and there were chaotic running sounds and the roar of beasts in the mist. An eagle chirp resounded through the sky, and with a 'shak', the majestic eagle slid into the sky, disappearing and appearing in the clouds and mist.

After a while, a figure stopped above Gao Yan's head.

Gao Yan stiffened his hands and slowly raised his head. On top of his head was a man with an eagle head and eagle wings. He was wearing soldier armor and holding a long spear, looking at him.

"Rumette." The eagle-headed guy called Gao Yan that, and then landed in front of him, aiming the spear between Gao Yan's eyebrows: "Where are you from?"

Rumet is the Egyptian name for people, which means tears. Because human beings are the tears of the lord of the universe.

Gao Yan: "Beyond the Ming River."

The guard with the eagle head put away the spear: "You are very honest, I like honest human beings. But you should not barge in. The Styx Kingdom refuses human entry."

Gao Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, of course he knew that the guards liked honest humans. Because he is the race of the sun god Ra, then he must love honesty and kindness.

"I was brought to this place by accident by flood, and if there is a way to get me out, I will leave immediately," he said.

Guard: "You may be disappointed, the kingdom of Styx will never open to the public."

Gao Yan frowned: "I can't get out?"

Guard: "You can get eternity in the kingdom of Styx."

Gao Yan: "I don't need it, I have to leave."

The guard hesitated for a moment, then said, "I express my regrets."

Gao Yan's heart gradually sank, he knew that the Styx Kingdom had been closed to the outside world for ten years. But since it is closed, there must be a way to open the door, and the guard's hesitation also shows that he knows this way.

But obviously he won't help.

The sound of 'crashing' water attracted Gao Yan and the guards to look over, and found that Song Beiliu was wet, wringing his clothes as he walked. When he saw Gao Yan and the guards, he raised his hand to say hello, and when he walked to the front, Song Beiliu put on the old language to speak to the guards.

The guard looked at him suspiciously: "Where are you from?"

Song Beiliu: "Beyond the Ming River." He pointed at Gao Yan: "The reason is the same as his, we are stray boys who accidentally fell into the Ming River."

Gao Yan: "..."

Guard: "Have you been to the Styx country before?"

Song Beiliu: "Before it was closed, I lived for a while. I was in the area managed by Your Excellency Sobek, near the Styx River Basin."

Sobek is one of the eight major gods in Egypt, with a crocodile head, and is mainly responsible for digging and guarding the Styx.

The guard nodded, apparently believing what he said, and asked him if he would go back to where he lived. Song Beiliu nodded yes, and pointed to Gao Yan to take him through the pine forest.

Guard: "Do you need me to lead you in?"

Song Beiliu: "No, thank you."

The guard nodded, spread his wings and whistled into the sky, circled a few times above them, and then swam to patrol the rest of the Styx. After the guards left, Gao Yan asked, "Does he trust you like that?"

Song Beiliu walked forward and turned around and said, "Ten years ago, the Styx Kingdom was a peaceful game field that didn't like killing. Players can enter the game and play whatever they want to clear the game and leave. Some game fields with a mortality rate rated as 0, some If the players are interested, they will stay in the Styx country, waiting to get the green card of the eternal resident.”

Gao Yan lowered his eyes: "It sounds very peaceful, but why did the players almost get wiped out later?"

Chu Shuibi didn't say much, but Gao Yan knew that the player's complete destruction was a scar buried deep in his heart, so Gao Yan always took this matter to heart and kept it firmly in mind.

Without waiting for Song Beiliu to answer, Gao Yan continued to ask: "Because the game field was suddenly upgraded to a high-level field? A game field with the eight main gods of Egyptian mythology was only an intermediate field ten years ago?"

Song Beiliu: "Because the game field is not dangerous enough, and the death rate is 0, it is not enough to be judged as a high-level game field."

Gao Yan: "Don't lie to me, the loopholes are too obvious. First, there are eight main gods in the game field, which fundamentally determines the level of the game field. The mortality rate is one of the factors to determine the level of the game field. It is not an absolute factor. Second, if the game field is judged to be an intermediate field because the death rate is 0, what is the specific reason why a game field with eight major gods is suddenly upgraded to a high-level field?"

Song Beiliu turned and walked towards the thick fog. Gao Yan followed. Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the huge black stone that seemed to have engraved words, but it was not very clear. With the fog filling it, it was even more unclear.

Song Beiliu: "Because the eight main gods were sleeping in the abyss of the Styx, the game field was a mid-level field. But blood, life, and acts of breaking the just laws would offend the eight main gods and wake them up from their slumber. Once the main gods woke up, the game field would It will be upgraded to a high-level field. With that, there will be a sudden spike in death rates.”

Gao Yan: "So at that time, some players killed people in the game field, stained with blood, and violated the justice of the law, thus awakening the Lord God."

Song Beiliu: "Don't you suspect that this player is God Chu?"

Gao Yan: "I know it won't be him."

Song Beiliu: "Really confident."

Gao Yan glanced at Song Beiliu: "If you don't have that confidence, I will kill you right now, Song Beiliu."

Song Beiliu shrugged: "I'm sorry first, but it's good for you to come to Styx Kingdom."

Gao Yan: "What's the benefit?"

"Transcendence. There are countless souls here, the pine forest, the bottom of the Styx, the undead stone... A lot of souls have been suppressed. You can transcend them and collect Yangzhi nectar. Of course, this is indeed better for me, whether it is Yangzhi nectar or Book of the Dead."

Song Beiliu is quite frank, or in other words, he has been frank from the beginning, and his purpose is to resurrect from beginning to end.

Gao Yan: "I thought our cooperation collapsed."

Song Beiliu waved his hand and shook his head, strongly expressing his hope that the cooperation will continue: "I promise to take you out of the Styx Kingdom safely, the only requirement is to continue the cooperation. And after the resurrection, I will give you the merit immediately, and I will never regret it. If you regret it, you can Let God Chu hunt me down from all over the world."

Gao Yan narrowed his eyes: "Why do you hate your brother so much?"

Song Beiliu: "Haven't you heard the story of the Terrorist Twins?"

Gao Yan: "Twins do have a stronger emotional connection than ordinary siblings, but some are love, and some seem to be hatred for no reason. In fact, hatred also has preconditions, such as you were separated from childhood, you grew up in an island country, you Brothers are in Huaxia, you have no entanglements, maybe you haven't even seen each other, where is the hatred?"

Song Beiliu tilted his head and thought for a while: "It may be that we had a grudge in our previous life, and we have a deep hatred. In this life, we were reborn as brothers and sisters. We have no fate to be brothers and sisters. Only then can this hatred be extinguished."

Gao Yan said coolly, "Aren't you just bleeding dry?"

Song Beiliu smiled: "But my memory is still there. So I want to resurrect and find my blood full of resentment and hatred."

Gao Yan didn't reply, they stepped into the fog, they couldn't see clearly all around, they could only hear the roar of beasts and some strange sounds.

After walking for a while, Gao Yan asked again, "Are you siblings?"

Song Beiliu: "It should be, my brother said that I was born one minute later than him."

"Back to the previous topic, who violated the fairness of the law? What happened back then? You should know, you lived in the game field for a while."

Song Beiliu mentioned it before, and Gao Yan wrote it down.

Song Beiliu: "That's it. In addition to the other players who came to have a cutscene or get a green card on vacation, two teams of players also came in. Their purpose was more obvious, and they went for the prophecy of the Book of the Dead. But one team's A certain person used sublime means to undermine the fairness of the law, and also killed and sacrificed in the temple to awaken the god of underworld. The god of underworld was furious, the game field was upgraded, and neither team of players involved was spared."

After a pause, Song Beiliu said again: "No, it's wrong, someone was spared."

Gao Yan subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Chu?"

"No, Chu Shen died in the hands of the angry God of the Underworld."

Song Beiliu said this in a very casual tone, and then he didn't hear Gao Yan's response, and even the footsteps stopped, so he couldn't help but look back curiously. However, he saw that Gao Yan looked confused, his face was quite pale, and his palms were still trembling slightly.

Gao Yan felt that someone had driven a nail into his heart, otherwise why would there be so much pain there? How could he be in so much pain that he almost suffocated

After a long time, Gao Yan said in a hoarse voice, "Song Beiliu, if you lie to me, no matter how great the interests are, I will kill you!"

Song Beiliu looked at him quietly, without a smile, but responded calmly, and then said: "I didn't lie to you, you should have guessed it yourself. At that time, Chu Shen was just an intermediate player. Although he was domineering in the game field. , notorious, but really against the high-level field and the main god, can he survive?"

Gao Yan was silent.

Song Beiliu: "The entire army was wiped out, and even other players were implicated. After that, the Styx Kingdom was closed and all the players were expelled."

Gao Yan: "He is alive, and Brother Chu is still alive."

Song Beiliu: "The Book of the Dead. The reason for the closure of the Styx Kingdom was the theft of the Book of the Dead. At that juncture, who do you think stole the Book of the Dead? Chu Shabi, only him! Because the gods were furious at that time, the entire Styx Kingdom was The security is heavily guarded, and many players are even disgusted. Some have lived for more than ten years and finally waited for the green card result to be expelled. Do you know how angry you are?"

Gao Yan said coldly, "Even without Brother Chu, you can't steal the Book of the Dead."

"Why did you dismantle my platform like this?" Song Beiliu had been in the Styx Kingdom for a long time at that time, and the purpose was the Book of the Dead. "Tsk, but God Chu is also awesome, and the situation is completely dead. If there is a soul body left, if you don't do anything, maybe you can get a green card and become an eternal citizen in the Styx country. It turned out that he was better, and turned back. I stole the Book of the Dead."

Having said that, Song Beiliu really admired Chu Shuibi.

The Book of the Dead is not so easy to steal, but Chu Shuibi was stolen. Not to mention the successful resurrection, he also gained the ugliness of the entire Styx Kingdom.

Gao Yan frowned: "Is it so easy to be a permanent citizen of the Styx Kingdom?"

"Of course it's impossible! You have to put your heart or soul on the scale. If it's heavier than a feather of truth, then I'm sorry, go to hell. Speaking of this, when the game field was upgraded to a high-level field , Aren't many people dead? Just when the scale was weighed, there was a soul standing on it, but the scale didn't move!"

Song Beiliu laughed loudly: "Where did you say the evil spirit came from, but it doesn't even move, how dirty it feels."

He smiled and looked at Gao Yan, seeing that Gao Yan's eyes were gloomy and his expression meant something, and suddenly his face twitched and he thought of a possibility.

"No way?" Song Beiliu said cautiously, "God Chu?"

Gao Yan: "I will convey it."

Song Beiliu: "..."

Gao Yan: "You said just now that someone was spared... Who is it?"

Song Beiliu: "It was the captain of the other team, who was the leader at the time, and he also violated the justice of the law, killed people in the temple, and angered the god of the underworld. His purpose was the book of the dead, not the prophecy of the book of the dead, but he was really ambitious. Bobo. It's a pity that it failed, but Chu Shen took it away."

Gao Yan's tone was cold: "Who is that person?"

Song Beiliu: " brother."

Gao Yan suddenly looked at Song Beiliu, his pupils tightened, he really felt unbelievable, he didn't know there was such a relationship!

Song Beiliu looked at him with a smile: "So you know why we are so deeply entangled with cause and effect, right?"

Not only the eight-armed broken palm Guanyin, but also Chu's broken jade.

Gao Yan: "He wants the Book of the Dead—" He gritted his teeth and his eyes were red with anger: "He wants the Book of the Dead! Why did he kill Brother Chu?!"

Song Beiliu: "He is the kind of person who will do anything to achieve his goals."

Gao Yan: "Why does he want the Book of the Dead?"

Song Beiliu: "Resurrect me."

Gao Yan was stunned, then frowned: "Why?"

Song Beiliu smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, he is not for me, he is for himself. He took a path that is not very easy to walk, maybe it is the cycle of karma. He does everything he can and does all the bad things, so he is destined to be the best. He can never get what he wants. So he was planning early in the morning to fill the holes under his feet with my bones and help him become a god."

"He wants my merit."

"It's a piece of garbage." Gao Yan commented, and at the same time silently pulled Song Beiliu's brother into the blacklist.

Song Beiliu laughed: "He is not as good as garbage, at least the garbage can be recycled."

The sound of chains and hammers came from the fog, as if someone was walking with chains on in the fog, and at the same time he was hammering something with a hammer in his hand.

Song Beiliu: "There are eight main gods in the Styx Kingdom to suppress, but seven of them are still sleeping at the bottom of the Styx River, and only the god of the underworld, Osiris, wakes up. He is in the temple in the central area and usually does not come out. The Styx Kingdom is divided into eight The region is governed by the eight main gods and their ethnic groups."

The Egyptian god system is somewhat similar to Greek mythology, which belongs to family reproduction, but it is relatively simple. From the first generation of sun god Ra, the brother and sister gods of air and moisture were reproduced. The two brothers and sisters fell in love and gave birth to other gods.

And so on to the fifth-generation god Horus, a total of eight main gods were born, who were in charge of the heaven and the earth and all the natural elements that filled the heaven and earth.

The god of the underworld, Osiris, is the fourth generation of gods. He is also the god of harvest and abundance, and his status in later generations is equivalent to the existence of the sun god Ra.

Osiris was thrown into a box by his brother during the battle for kingship and thrown into the Nile Valley. After being rescued, he died again, this time being chopped into a dozen pieces. But after the corpse was recovered, Osiris was resurrected, so he became the god of the underworld and had many followers.

Song Beiliu pointed to the huge black stone that was suppressed on both sides of the Styx River and sent into the sky and said: "It's the undead stone. The soul floats along the Styx River to the Styx River country. If it is not eaten by the fish at the bottom of the river, then it will be smooth. Go ashore and be discovered by patrolling guards. If you want to have eternity in Styx, you must first engrave your name on the undead stone."

Gao Yan remembered the words he had vaguely seen just now, the words carved on the black stone, and the increasingly clear sound of the stone being chiseled.

"Did you hear it? The soul chiseled its name on the other side of the black stone."

The black stone is very huge, and after walking a long way from the river bank, the other side of the black stone is still not visible.

"The other place is the black pine forest. There are many wild beasts in the pine forest, and they will eat the soul."

Egyptian mythology believed in nature, plants and animals, so gods with natural elements and animal gods usually appeared in the gods. The black pine forests of the Stygian country hide wild beasts, which like to prey on malicious souls.

"The first pass of the soul body is the Styx River. If you can't walk, it will sink to the bottom of the Styx River, and will be eaten by fish for many years. The second pass is the black stone inscription. How long it takes to see what the soul body has done. The third pass It is the black pine forest, because beasts love ghasts. The fourth level is also the most difficult level. The soul body stands on the scale and the weight of the feather of truth. If it is lighter than the feather of truth, it will stay, and if it is heavier than the feather of truth, it will be shredded. ."

"But no soul body dares to stand on the scales and weigh the feathers of truth."

Song Beiliu admired Chu Shuibi very much because he would be immediately shredded by the Lord God or thrown into hell to suffer eternal suffering if he failed to pass the test.

Gao Yan passed the first pass, and because Song Beiliu was with Song Beiliu in the second pass, he didn't need to write on the black stone tablet for the time being. The third level is the black pine forest, which is the forest they are going to walk into now.

The forest is covered in mist all year round, and the trees tower into the sky. The dirt underfoot was a little damp, but not too uncomfortable.

Gao Yan held a weapon in his hand and raised his vigilance. As soon as he entered the forest, he saw a male lion biting another soul. Although they are all soul bodies, they are actually no different from human beings. They were bitten off their throats, and their limbs were eaten.

The male lion looked up at Gao Yan and Song Beiliu, and roared at them.

Gao Yan was tense all over, but the lion didn't pounce after roaring, but kept his head down and continued to eat it.

With a flick of his tail, he came around after he was full, walked around them a few times, and bumped them with his body from time to time. It feels... kind of friendly.

Song Beiliu: "They like to eat evil spirits, but they regard good souls as friends. You and I have a lot of merit and virtue, and in their eyes, they are pure and flawless good souls. So the beasts in the black pine forest will not harm us."

Gao Yan understood, so it was.

Well, the third pass is over.

The author has something to say: The story about the god of the underworld, Osiris, is very interesting.

The two gods of the sky and the earth are always together to give birth to stars. Later, they were forced to separate, and they only had five days to survive.

Four children were born in five days, a pair of brothers and a pair of sisters. Both are married and together.

Osiris is very good, and the sun god Ra is located in him. His brother was upset and jealous.

Later, Osiris got drunk and slept with his brother's wife (that is, his wife's sister, but also his sister), and his brother's wife gave birth to Anubis (the image you can often see, the head is a jackal)

Anubis was the original god of the underworld, who later gave way to his own father.

Osiris' brother couldn't take it any longer, and tricked Osiris into a box and threw it into the Nile. Osiris' wife found him and rescued him. Osiris's brother chopped him into fourteen pieces, his wife and his brother's wife were helping to find his corpse, and finally found thirteen pieces and resurrected again.

But, little brother is gone.

So Osiris's wife went to ask the sun god Ra, and made a little brother of olive wood. The sun god Ra agrees and gives divine power. Then they gave birth to Horus, who avenged his father when he grew up, killed his father's brother, and was passed down by the sun god to him and became the king of Egypt.

After reading it, what should I say

I think Osiris' brother is pretty miserable.