Please Obey The Game

Chapter 81: Styx Kingdom (4)


Gao Yan woke up, and it was four o'clock in the afternoon when he woke up. At this time, the sun was already in the west. The warm yellow light dyed half of the sky orange-red, and the remaining half of the sky was clean and clear like a mirror.

The streets of the city are very lively, and countless souls have lived together in it throughout the ages, and there is no sense of disobedience.

The street leads directly to the city gate, and there are two statues of Osiris on both sides of the gate, about 20 meters high.

Gao Yan looked at the scene in front of him, and suddenly felt a sense of time dislocation. He hugged his arms, leaned against the door and said, "Does the kingdom of Styx seem like the best place to retire?"

"It's not like." Song Beiliu corrected him: "Since ten years ago, Minghe Country has been the best place for retirement."

Egyptian mythology has always been self-willed, with death as the ultimate destination, dislikes fighting and killing, and belongs to the Buddhist gods. Therefore, the main gods of Egypt can survive to this day, instead of dying early like the main gods and creation gods in other mythological systems, leaving only some minor gods.

At that time, many players who felt that they could not go to the high-level field planned to stay in the Styx Kingdom, waiting for a green card, and then settled here forever.

"Okay." Gao Yan pressed his fingers, turned his neck and slightly sore shoulders, and said, "Let's go to the central temple now."

Song Beiliu was ready.

He said, "Let's go."

The two walked side by side and set off towards the city gate. There are guards at the city gate to check the people who passed by, most of them are residents from other cities.

In the area of kingship and the guardian deity of the Styx, the laws are relatively strict, so the investigation is also more serious, but in fact, it is considered to be releasing water. As long as you reach other urban areas, the inspection will not be so strict, and there is basically no need to queue.

Song Beiliu said.

Gao Yan was lining up at the moment, and there were four lines at the city gate, two coming in and two going out. He frowned, thinking that the inspection was so strict that he still said it was releasing water

The speed of the interrogation was actually very fast. There were hundreds of people in front of them, but after about ten minutes, there were more than 20 people left in front of them.

Two minutes later, there were only three people in front of them checking.

Gao Yan and Song Beiliu stepped forward, and the latter took out his temporary residence permit from ten years ago and planned to take Gao Yan out.

As soon as Song Beiliu handed the temporary residence permit to the guard of Crocodile Head, he heard a huge bell ringing in the distance, attracting the attention of all those who passed by.

Gao Yan heard the guards and passers-by whispering, probably meaning that the bell came from the central temple, that is, the god of the underworld, Osiris, will have an important will to announce. The souls knelt down together and worshipped in the direction of the central temple.

About a dozen people in the crowd did not kneel down, including Gao Yan and Song Beiliu.

Gao Yan didn't have time to think about it when he heard the eagle chirping in the sky. Looking up, two eagles passed through the clouds, piercing the air like arrows and descending vertically. They stretched out their claws and stopped on the shoulders of the 20-meter-high statue of the god of the underworld. His eyes fell on the weak citizens below.

Two eagles, one on the left and one on the right, conveyed the important will of Osiris, the god of the underworld: "From today, the gate of the kingdom of Styx will be opened again, and the kingdom of Styx will return to the game field!"

"Guardians and eternal residents of the kingdom of Styx, in order to protect the second volume of the Book of the Dead that has been stolen for ten years, the kingdom of Styx will maintain a first-level security from now on! Implement the most severe laws!!"

When the will was over, the two eagles turned into clouds and dispersed in the air. At the same time, the other seven regions announced this important purpose one by one.

From today onwards, foreign players and the eternal residents of the Styx Kingdom are in a competitive relationship!

In order to preserve the dignity of the second volume of the Book of the Dead and the Underworld God, we must entertain foreign players with the strictest laws and strictest guards!

Gao Yan didn't feel very good. Sure enough, the next moment they were all standing surrounded by guards.

Those who were standing showed panic and wanted to run subconsciously, but these crocodile-headed guards were very powerful, and the player who fled the fastest was stabbed by a spear and hung up.

Gao Yan whispered: "Those who didn't kneel down are really players."

Only foreign players have less respect for the god of underworld.

All the players were arrested and questioned. Song Beiliu had a temporary residence permit, but the time was ten years ago. Ten years ago, due to the theft of the second volume of the Book of the Dead, all temporary residence permits were revoked.

Song Beiliu had no choice but to take out the real estate certificate. He owned real estate in each urban area of Minghe Kingdom.

Gao Yan, who heard the news, was stunned. What kind of desperate god unfolded? !

What is shocking is that the guards saw that Song Beiliu's real estate certificate actually recognized his temporary resident status and did not include him in the player list!

Gao Yan gritted his teeth: "Why is there such a thing as real estate in the Styx Kingdom?"

The real world is already desperate, why does the world after death still do this

He has to take back what he said before about the best place for retirement.

Song Beiliu: "Ten years ago, a lot of players came in, and some people brought over the real-world real estate speculation and real estate speculation, saying that they wanted to develop the economy. At that time, I wanted to kill my brother one day and come back to Styx. In the country, it was estimated that house prices were soaring at that time, and I had seven or eight houses, and I could live very well by collecting rent.”

It's a pity that I didn't expect to encounter the real estate bubble economy later, and the house I bought was abandoned for ten years. Fortunately, it has finally realized its value.

Song Beiliu had a real estate license, but Gao Yan did not.

The guards did not agree to release Gao Yan, no matter how Song Beiliu bribed it was useless.

God's will is above all else.

Gao Yan pressed his slightly painful temple, turned his back to the guard and said to Song Beiliu, "Go first, I will always find a way to leave."

Song Beiliu shook his head: "If it was in the city of other main gods, I would believe what you said. But this is the city guarded by Sobek. He is the god of kingship and the guardian of the Styx, equal to the general of the pharaoh. The city law under his rule The law is the most strict, the army is the most complete, and the guards are the most brave and good at fighting, you can't escape alone."

Gao Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Not necessarily, Sobek maintains the inviolability of the king's power, so the laws are strict. But he was originally the god of digging and guarding the Styx, so he valued the Styx very much. We spent a day and a night yesterday. The soul body in the River Styx, the soul body blocked the bottom of the River Styx before, causing frequent floods in the river basins on both sides, and Sobek needed a lot of effort to dig the silt of the River Styx."

"I helped him and solved a big problem for him." Gao Yan lowered his voice and said very confidently: "You and I have been seen by the guards who inspected the Eagle Head. He can help me not to be imprisoned."

Hearing this, Song Beiliu's look at Gao Yan changed a bit.

"I said, did you think about it long ago?"

"No, I don't know that Styx Kingdom will return to the game field again." Gao Yan said without changing his face: "I just thought of it."

In fact, he only inquired about the main gods of the eight major urban areas and their personalities and preferences one day in advance. And he didn't believe that Chu Suibi would honestly stay in the real world and do nothing, although he didn't expect Chu Suibi to use the second book of the Book of the Dead as a bargaining chip, to the point where everyone knew it.

Song Beiliu looked at Gao Yan deeply, the latter's expression was magnanimous, but everyone knew that each other was far from innocent on the surface.

"Okay, I will find the guards with the head of the eagle. It is estimated that they can be found at the mouth of the Styx."

The crocodile-headed people are descended from the gods who guard the kingship and the Styx, while the eagle-headed people are descended from the sun god Ra, who are usually responsible for aerial reconnaissance and patrolling.

As soon as Song Beiliu left, Gao Yan and the other players were imprisoned in a cell in the dungeon. Because of Song Beiliu, Gao Yan didn't have to stay in the same cell with others.

Afterwards, many players were detained one after another. Gao Yan learned from other players that the Kingdom of Styx had returned to the game field, and the reward given by the game was the Book of the Dead.

Gao Yan couldn't help but ask curiously, "What is your mission?"

The player looked at Gao Yan vigilantly, with a strange expression, but never spoke again.

Gao Yan couldn't find the answer, raised his eyebrows, leaned his back against the wall, closed his eyes and rested. After a while, he heard a familiar female voice: "I want to be locked in the same cell with him."

Gao Yan opened his eyes and looked up to see an acquaintance.

"How did you come?"

Chrysanthemum Bell: "All intermediate and advanced players can come in."

The guard saw that the two of them knew each other, and the number of cells might not be enough, so they let them stay together.

Chrysanthemum Hualing tilted her head slightly and looked at Gao Yan curiously: "Don't you know?"

Gao Yan spread his hands: "Actually, if it wasn't for the notification from the Underworld God, I wouldn't have known that Minghe Kingdom had opened."

Chrysanthemum Bell: "Oh."

Gao Yan: "What about you? Also for the Book of the Dead?"

"Yeah." Chrysanthemum Hualing nodded, paused for a moment and then said, "I'm also looking for my sister."

Gao Yan: "..."

He still couldn't put the eldest sister in Juli Hualing's mouth into Song Beiliu, the contrast was too great, and he was incapable of accepting it.

Juli Hualing's expression was serious: "I did divination, and I asked Yu Xiaojie for fortune telling. I think my sister should be here."

Gao Yan looked at the wall, then looked at her again after a while, and then lowered his head to look at the wall: "Then how do you get out now?"

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "It's okay, I'll replace you and me with Shikigami later, and then sneak out."

Gao Yan said 'oh', then asked her, "Your black cat—?"

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Do you want it?"

Gao Yan: "It's useful."

A black cat jumped out of Hualing's cuff in the chrysanthemum, and jumped on her shoulder after turning around twice. The two were inexplicably similar, staring at Gao Yan.

Gao Yan: "By the way, what is your mission to enter the Styx Kingdom?"

Chrysanthemum Bell: "Go to the central temple."

Gao Yan frowned: "Then what?"

Chrysanthemum Hualing shook her head: "No more."

Gao Yan was surprised: "That's it?"

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "No, but we only know that. Because only when we get to the central temple, do we know what the next task is?"

"Aren't you afraid of cheating?"

"The Book of the Dead can make people crazy."

The implication is that any danger is worth taking.

Chrysanthemum Hualing touched the black cat's head, let it slip back into the cuff, and said softly: "Actually... the supreme god who dominates the game field made a bet with the god of the underworld, Osiris. Ossi, the god of the underworld If Reese loses, he will bet on the Book of the Dead. The player is the pawn of the Supreme God, and whoever can help it win the Underworld will get the Book of the Dead."

She raised her eyes and looked directly at Gao Yan with a quiet demeanor.

"So, players want to know what the bet is. Once they know the content of the bet, players can be sure to win Osiris."

Gao Yan looked indifferent: "It sounds like the supreme god doesn't benefit."

Chrysanthemum Hualing: "Not necessarily." She hesitated and replied: "I always feel that no matter what the outcome of the battle between players and various gods and bosses, the ultimate beneficiary is the supreme god who controls everything."

"you're right."

Gao Yan's expression was flat, and he couldn't see any change. He just clenched his hand hanging by his side into a fist, and poked his nails into his palm, trying to use the external pain to relieve his inner anxiety.

Whatever the outcome, the Most High will benefit.

Because the god of underworld won, the Book of the Dead returned to the Egyptian mythology system. If the player wins, he may not be able to protect the Book of the Dead. And the final result is that Chu Suibi loses the Book of the Dead, and Chu Suibi who does not have the Book of the Dead will die.

This is the result that the supreme god who dominates everything most wants to see.

Players who are blacklisted are not as simple as laughing and scolding. They are really facing the murderous intention of the master of the game field all the time, or deliberately, or self-directed and self-acted.

Gao Yan slowly let go of his hand and opened his palm to watch it in front of him. After a while, he whispered, "So only the second volume of the Book of the Dead is not complete at all."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "What did you say?"


Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "When the moon rises in the middle, I will use the shikigami to distract the guards, and then we will run again."

Gao Yan: "I think we can wait."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "??"

When the moon was in the middle of the sky, the players who were locked in the cells started to escape using props. Several of them opened Gao Yan's cell door and fled in a hurry.

Juli Hualing raised her eyebrows, and Gao Yan said, "The more people there are, the more chaotic it will be, and the easier it will be to escape."

"But there's no denying that now is a good opportunity."

Gao Yan shook his head and said nothing.

Chrysanthemum Hualing stared at him, wondering how he would get out of the cell, so she simply stayed where she was and waited, and ran without taking the opportunity.

The guards rushed over quickly. They arrived quietly, searched in an orderly manner, and trained and cooperated in an orderly manner. They were completely a division of the king.

Chrysanthemum Hualing's pupils shrank, and before she woke up from the shock, she heard the long chirping of eagles in the sky again, and then the firelight lit up one after another. It didn't take long for the players who escaped to be caught back.

And this time, he was basically injured.

The heavy guard walked in, stopped on both sides of the cell, and then a tall figure walked in. That figure is a wolf-headed person, with extraordinary majesty and arrogance.

On his back is a serrated machete, without a scabbard, without a sharp edge, but the blood seals his throat.

Gao Yan: "The wolf-headed body, the race of Anubis, the god of death. How did you go to another god's area?"

Chrysanthemum Hualing was glad that she didn't run out with her. She was only an intermediate player, but there were clearly advanced players among the players who had just escaped. But when the other party was dragged back, there was blood all over his chest, and the scars with deep bone clearly matched the machete on the wolf-headed man's back.

"Not an ordinary guard."

The wolf-headed guard leader exchanged a few words with the crocodile-headed guard next to him, and then came to the door of Gao Yan's cell. A guard next to him opened the door and asked Gao Yan to come out.

Gao Yan did not move.

The leader of the guard with a jackal's head and a human body lowered his body and looked directly at Gao Yan: "You are a friend recognized by His Excellency Sobek, and also our esteemed guest. I'm sorry for making you suffer a prison sentence, you can now Get out of jail and get a temporary residence permit in Sobek."

Sobek, the god of kingship and guardian of the Styx.

Gao Yan's expression moved slightly: "My friend found you, right?"

"Yes, he found the ethnic group of the sun god La, who happened to be busy with work, so he found me and asked me to come."

Gao Yan: "Thank you." He pointed to Hualing in Juli: "She is my friend."

The wolf-headed guard looked at Juli Hualing and frowned: "Sorry, she has no identity, she may be a foreign player."

The inhabitants and guards of the Styx Kingdom could not distinguish the player from the soul body. Just now, the player panicked before being arrested and put into prison. Of course, the whole country is under strict security, and souls without identification will also be captured.

Gao Yan: "Then, my friend who owns seven or eight properties can also testify. Because she is my friend's sister."

Chrysanthemum Hualing was stunned, she couldn't help looking at Gao Yan, and she couldn't tell whether it was the truth or a lie to help her get out of trouble.

The wolf-headed guard leader thought for a while, and decided to let the two out first, and then let Song Beiliu come to recognize the chrysanthemum bell.

The god of kingship and the guardian of the Styx recognized that Gao Yan was his friend, so he was equivalent to the god's guest, a guest they should respect.

And Song Beiliu, who owns seven or eight sets of properties, would secretly envy even the gods and ethnicities. People who own so much property in the Styx Kingdom can't possibly be players with ulterior motives.

So if Juli Hualing had Gao Yan and Song Beiliu as bail for her, then the guard leader did agree to release her.

Chrysanthemum flower bell whispered: "Is it really my... sister?"

She was a little excited.

Gao Yan's expression was a little weird: "Anyway, just recognize it!"

I feel that I shouldn't recognize it, the gentle and amiable big sister has become a wretched and cheap man, no matter how I think about it, I find it difficult to accept.

After they went out, Song Beiliu was waiting outside, and when he heard the sound, he looked back, and immediately walked over with a smile on his face: "I don't bear the burden, right?"

Before Gao Yan opened his mouth to speak, the wolf-headed guard said first, "I heard that your sister has also arrived in the Styx country."


Where is his girl now

Song Beiliu was about to jokingly ask him where his sister was when he heard a warm and excited call-"Oh Naisang!!"

That familiar and painful honorific title, Song Beiliu, even after ten years, still has a pain in the kidneys.

Gao Yan was really shocked this time, his always calm expression also cracked, and miraculously watched the chrysanthemum bells and milky swallows slam into Song Beiliu's arms, twisting his body like a child.

"Hua Ling finally found you!"

Gao Yan: How did you recognize it? Obviously the gender is different.

"I won't lose my sister this time." Juli Hualing sighed, hugging Song Beiliu's neck tightly.

The beautiful and cold girl is so attached, so affectionate - what the hell, Song Beiliu shouldn't deceive the underage boy to accompany him to be a concubine? !


Gao Yan looked at Song Beiliu with a slightly condemned look.

Song Beiliu was tired and vicissitudes: "No—don't get me wrong, listen to me... Hua Ling is just too sticky to me... "

It's so unconvincing that I won't believe it at all.

Gao Yan conveyed the above meaning with no expression on his face.

Song Beiliu: "..."

They thought of the business, so they explained to the wolf-headed guard. The guard waved his hand and said, "I believe it. You are a pair of brothers and sisters who love each other. We all understand."

He believed it, and left with emotion.

Song Beiliu was silent again, because he remembered the myths of ancient Egypt and the custom of marriage between brothers and sisters.

So the 'brother and sister in love' that the chief of the guards sighed—what does it mean? ! Too obscene! So insulting to him! !

"elder sister?"

Song Beiliu wiped his face and smiled: "Hey, Hua Ling'er!"

Chrysanthemum Hualing immediately smiled and raised her eyebrows.

Gao Yan: Oh dear.

Song Beiliu's face distorted: "Can you be normal?!"

Gao Yan perfunctory: "Oh."

Facing Song Beiliu, he was perfunctory, but facing Hua Ling in the chrysanthemum, he was a little curious: "Hua Ling, how did you recognize Song Beiliu?"

Chrysanthemum bell is very strange: "Why can't you recognize it? Sister is so beautiful! She is gentle and beautiful, just like ten years ago."

Gao Yan looked at Song Beiliu, fierce and vulgar, so the truth is that the filter of Chrysanthemum is as deep as the Mariana Trench

The author has something to say: recently, the work and rest have been reversed, and I am always sleepy during the day, so the publication time set at noon yesterday was wrong, and I didn't find it nearly an hour late.

Hualing loves Song Beiliu very much, but it's not love or sisterhood.

PS: Let’s popularize some Egyptian myths, my favorite goddess stories.

Horus' wife Hathor was transformed by the right eye of Ra, and was ordered to find the children of Ra, the second generation of gods. When he came back after the task was completed, he found that Ra's right eye had grown out again, and he was so sad that he cried, and the tears turned into human beings.

I think it's cute, because at this time Hathor is very ferocious and has a strong fighting power. He is the goddess of war, but he will cry because the father has grown eyes again and won't let her go back.

Then La Shen had no choice but to turn Hathor into a cobra and put it on his forehead, inexplicably petting his daughter.

The other is the moon goddess Best, who is better known as the cat god. She is also the goddess of war with the head of a lion, who offended Ra for the sins committed by the Egyptians, so Ra ordered Best to punish the sinners.

Best fought brutally, killing half of the Egyptians and turning the Nile into blood. Rashen noticed that something was wrong, so he discussed with the gods to use pomegranate to make wine to trick Best into getting drunk, but took away the murderous and brutal characteristics of her body and replaced it with gentleness and kindness.

So the cat god became very tame.

Egyptians worship cats, cobras, etc. In the past, most of the pharaohs were brothers and sisters who married close relatives and were influenced by gods.

And the last one that rocked my family, Horus and his uncle Seth vying for the throne, Horus' eyes are the sun and the moon, and that's where the power comes from. For the sake of the throne, Seth wanted to rape Horus when Horus lost his power during the lunar eclipse!

right! That's right! Set wants to rape Horus, uncle wants to rape his nephew!

Of course it failed, but the next day Set deceived the gods that he had raped Horus, so Horus was not eligible to inherit the throne, of course no one believed it.