Please Obey The Game

Chapter 83: Styx Kingdom (6)


"When the time is up, I allow you to guess a word in my real name within two minutes. If you guess right, the poisonous scorpion in the desert river will not climb out. If you guess wrong, at least one soul is needed to calm the poisonous scorpion. anger."

The boatman looked at the players on the boat, his head shook left and right, and suddenly stopped: "Are you two teams?"

There are a total of nine players on the boat, five of them are Xie Sanqiu and the others, and the other four are gathered to the right of the five Xie Sanqiu, and the opposite of them is the egret boatman.

Both players looked at each other and both looked back.

Xie Sanqiu: "Not very good."

Tang Ze: "I didn't expect it."

Su Jiang: "It's troublesome."

Yang Mian and Yu Xiaojie were confused: "...what the hell are you talking about?"

As soon as the words fell, the egret boatman burst into laughter: "You are foreign players!!"

Yu Xiaojie: "Fuck! How did he suddenly know?"

Tang Ze: "Because only players will be grouped together and divided into teams. It seems that the nine people on board are players."

That's right, although there were nine people on board, Xie Sanqiu and others were not sure whether the other four were players at first. Or from the beginning, they didn't put other players into consideration for clearance.

However, the egret boatman suddenly noticed that they were divided into two groups, and reminded them that both sides were players.

Yang Mian understood, she said: "If it is an ordinary soul body, it should not know each other and will never form a team."

"Foreign players - blasphemy and offend the underworld degenerates!" Heron boatman burst out with strong hatred, looked coldly at the nine players present, and said, "I decided to change the rules and let the two teams tell my real name. "

"When I reach the city of Osiris, I will give three tips, whoever can say their real name at the end will be able to safely cross the desert river. The remaining team will stay and be buried in the desert river. "

"Every three minutes, I'll give you a tip. In two minutes, answer my question."

Yu Xiaojie: "Why are there five minutes in total?"

"Of course it's because the scorpions can only stay in the desert river for five minutes."

Five minutes later, the huge poisonous scorpion will break through the desert quicksand, appear on the surface facing the sun, and attack the soul body on the ship because of starvation.

The so-called desert river is actually a desert road. The river is full of quicksand. There are seven poisonous scorpions hidden under the quicksand.

Heron boatman: "Who will tell me which character is part of my real name?"

The two teams of players did not move, and after a while, someone said, "It's the shadow shuwt!"

Xie Sanqiu and Tang Ze said at the same time, "Wrong."

The egret boatman: "Wrong!"

As soon as the voice fell, the big ship jolted violently and gradually sank, and the speed of travel slowed down. At the same time, the quicksand in front of the ship and on the left and right sides quickly collapsed into huge pits, and then a black glowing carapace appeared in front of everyone.

Crash - quicksand slides down like water, and the poisonous sunlight shines on the back of the poisonous scorpion and the two large claws waving in the air, emitting a purple-blue light. There were two poisonous scorpions in front of the ship and on the left and right sides respectively, making a total of six poisonous scorpions.

The upper body of the six poisonous scorpions are all human, but their hands are two claws. They stopped pulling the boat and attacked the players in the boat in turn. The opponent was agile and powerful. The most terrifying thing was the tip of their tail, which was clearly visible in blue-purple light.

The egret boatman steered the rudder steadily, and turned his head to the back to watch the embarrassing scene of the players.

Yang Mian preempted Xie Sanqiu and pulled out a long knife to cut off the head of a poisonous scorpion that climbed up. The poisonous scorpion fell into the quicksand and jumped out again after a few seconds.

The severed head grew back onto the poisonous scorpion's neck again, leaving no trace of the scorpion's neck.

"Fuck, it belongs to earthworms? The regeneration ability is so strong!"

Xie Sanqiu: "It should be related to quicksand. You try to cut off the head of the poisonous scorpion and then drag his body and throw it on the boat."

In the chaos, a loud whistle attracted the attention of Yang Mian and others. They looked over and found that it was Su Jiang.

Su Jiang leaned against the edge of the boat quite leisurely and said, "Poisonous scorpions will not attack us."

Yang Mian retracted the long knife and squatted down immediately. The poisonous scorpion that was fighting against her jumped over her head and rushed towards the other team of players. The six poisonous scorpions attacked another team of players in unison, and there were only four players in that team, so it was difficult to deal with the poisonous scorpions with regeneration ability.

Only three of the four players were actually dealing with the poisonous scorpions. The three players surrounded one of the players, and the player stood quietly on the deck and suddenly looked towards them.

These four players are quite special. They are all wearing gray robes, and their faces are covered with wide hoods, which are quite mysterious and low-key.

Xie Sanqiu noticed that the three players raised their gray robes during the fight, and under the robes were bright yellow and bright red robes. His eyes narrowed immediately, and he looked suspiciously at the guarded player in the middle.

After careful observation, Xie Sanqiu found that the player had a string of Buddha beads wrapped around his wrist. It was a very special string of Buddha beads, because each Buddha bead was as big as a walnut, and it looked oddly deformed on a thin wrist.

The six poisonous scorpions began to join forces to deal with the players. They all trapped the four players by weaving a fine network of poisonous tail needles, and jumped to the boat at the last moment. Through the player's defense, hit the heart of the fourth player.

The fourth player was the protected player. He raised his head slightly, stretched out his hand, touched the tail of the poisonous scorpion with his palm, and patted it lightly, and the poisonous scorpion began to petrify from the end of the tail.

In just a few seconds, the entire huge poisonous scorpion was completely petrified.

One of the other three players lifted his leg and kicked it fiercely, and the poisonous scorpion instantly turned into powder.

The remaining six scorpions retreated like a tide.

The boat, which had stopped and fell into the quicksand, continued to start and moved forward at a high speed.

Heron boatman: "Poisonous scorpion has always held vengeance. If you kill it, the next time it will chase and kill it ten times as crazy."

The player who was stung by the poisonous scorpion spoke with a hoarse voice, like scratching sandpaper.

"Tell me the second tip."

"Your heart was stung by a poisonous scorpion's tail, yet you didn't die?" The egret boatman was surprised and a little curious at the same time.

The players didn't have time to explain, and only urged him to give the second prompt.

The boatman: "Isis, the goddess of fertility and magic, gave birth to Horus, and fled to avoid Seth's pursuit. Passing through the city of two sisters, he knocked on the door of the rich family and asked for shelter. The rich family's mistress ruthlessly refused. After that, The mistress of the poor house took in Isis and Horus. The scorpion by the goddess Isis wanted to avenge her, so at night they stabbed the child of the rich mistress with a poisonous needle from its tail."

"The child was dying, and no one could save it. The rich mistress begged the goddess Isis, who used her magic to save the child."

"A word of my real name is in the story, you can find it."

Yang Mian: "I can only extract two names from the story, Isis and Horus."

Su Jiang: "Reading comprehension passed."

Yang Mian: "Did I guess right?"

Su Jiang: "No, you guessed wrong."

Yang Mian: "Except for the correct answer, don't praise me the rest of the time, lest I swell up."

Su Jiang made an 'OK' gesture, indicating that he understood.

Xie Sanqiu: "The four players on the opposite side are tantric disciples."

"how do you know?"

"I saw the Tantric Zen clothes under their gray robes, and the player who was stung by the poisonous scorpion's tail but didn't die. He is very capable."

"I can see it." Yu Xiaojie gestured with his eyes: "I can see clearly with both eyes, and when I patted my palm lightly, the entire poisonous scorpion turned into powder. Feel."

Yang Mian: "Ignore the opposing player for the time being and summarize what happened just now. The poisonous scorpion will attack the player who answered first and answered incorrectly, and the player who did not answer will not be attacked. But if the player answers correctly, then I guess the poisonous scorpion will attack the target. It's the player who didn't answer."

Yu Xiaojie: "But it sounds like it's safest not to answer first."

"Don't worry, the players on the opposite side also think the same as you." Tang Ze said, "But I guess the poisonous scorpions will hunt down from both sides."

Yu Xiaojie: "Okay, which one of the boatman's real names in the last tip?"

Everyone answered succinctly: "I don't know."

Yu Xiaojie: "...I don't know!!"

Tang Ze: "The story about the boatman in Egyptian mythology is seldom recorded, and the only record is another version that is contrary to the popular Egyptian mythology now. There is no Styx country and the god of the underworld in this legend, and the dead pharaoh To get to the kingdom of heaven and the gods to live forever, you have to take a boat. During the voyage, the boatman asked the pharaoh to guess his real name. However, the real name of the boatman did not appear in the records. In fact, the real names of the gods and living beings are not easily known by outsiders. ."

Yang Mian: "So the egret boatman is imitating the boatman in this version?"

"There is a high probability, so it is impossible to judge which of the five syllables is his word. We only have three chances to guess, but there are five options, and these five syllables are just one word in the real name." Tang said.

Yu Xiaojie looked suspiciously at the calm expressions of his teammates, as if they were not worried about it: "If you can't guess the word, you won't know the boatman's real name. If you don't know the boatman's real name, we won't be able to reach the Central Temple."

Suddenly, Yu Xiaojie suddenly realized: "Because the boatman's real name is not important, we only need him to take us to the Central Temple. But there are other ways, and knowing his real name is not the only way!"

"I finally figured it out." Tang expressed his relief and wanted to set off firecrackers to bless him.

Yu Xiaojie muttered: "Only I can guess the last one."

"Since the real name is so important, and you can easily destroy the other party as long as you master it, how can the boatman really take his real name as the answer for us to guess? So this must not be the only way, and you can even boldly guess that the real name is just the boatman. It's just a smoke bomb."

Su Jiang: "However, guessing the answer through the boatman's tips can avoid at least one poisonous scorpion attack."

Yang Mian carried a long knife: "The story of the boatman mentions Isis and Horus, as well as the rich mistress and the poor mistress. Apart from that, there are no other characters."

Xie Sanqiu's big palm covered Yang Mian's head, sighed softly, and then pressed down sharply: "Idiot, there are poisonous scorpions! Seven poisonous scorpions!"

Yang Mian threw away the knife in his hand, held Xie Sanqiu's hand with both hands, and then broke it with force, with a 'click', Xie Sanqiu's hand was broken and dislocated. Not only that, Yang Mian also gave Xie Sanqiu an over-the-shoulder throw.

"Respectful exchanges, courtesy is light and affectionate."

Xie Sanqiu climbed up with support on his waist, deeply feeling that the disciples of the church beat the master to death.

"The seven scorpions in the story were given to Isis by the scorpion goddess Serqet to protect her and Horus, so the focus is on scorpions. One of the words is Serqet, which translates to the Egyptian word as serqet!"

Yang Mian: "Oh, I see. So, what is the relationship between the boatman and the poisonous scorpion?"

She thought that the six poisonous scorpions that appeared to attack them just now were also related to scorpions, but there were still differences.

"One less scorpion." Yang Mian narrowed his eyes and looked at the boatman with the egret head: "His head is really out of tune with his body."

It belongs to the head of the egret, thin and long, like a metal hook. Put it on the strong and tall body, like a two-meter strong man with a question mark on the shoulders.

"What is the relationship between the boatman and the poisonous scorpion? He was a boatman in the desert river, using six poisonous scorpions as his car, and happened to tell the story about the seven poisonous scorpions and the scorpion goddess."

"Seven, just one less."