Please Obey The Game

Chapter 85: Styx Kingdom (8)


Before Gao Yan saw the light, he stood in the dark for a long time.

In the darkness, there was no wind, moisture and water vapor, and no sound could be heard. It was silent, empty, and vague. He was sleeping like a dead soul at the bottom of the Styx. After a long time, a majestic voice rang in his ear.

The voice asked him, "What is reality?"

Gao Yan: "True."

"Real? In your eyes, is there a difference between the game field and the real world? The game field is a magic cup made from realistic materials to cultivate gods. Reality is the root of everything. Sooner or later, you will return to reality, even if you become a god in the end, you I also feel that I will return to reality sooner or later, right?"

Gao Yan was very calm: "Isn't it?"

"You know what the essence of a playground is?"

"The place created by the gods, the place supported by the power of the gods, the place where the gods were born, the atrium of the gods."

"Wrong." The voice rejected him without hesitation. "You live in chaos, you don't see reality, you don't know reality."

Gao Yan: "Generally, people who say this kind of tricky words are called magic sticks."

The voice was silent and did not answer for a long time.

Gao Yan: "Do you know the meaning of the god stick?"

"Do you believe in fate?"


Gao Yan bluntly affirmed that he would not deny the other party's words, and then be caught to accept the so-called fate. But he underestimated the shameless degree of the game field, because the other party changed his words.

"You don't believe it."

Gao Yan spread his hands: "I'll let you say anything."

"If you can break fate, you can see through the mystery of the Sphinx and pass through the gate guarded by the Sphinx."

The voice just fell, but seeing that the darkness was torn apart, the light of the sky fell in from the crack, and Gao Yan was pulled and walked in the direction of the light. He tore open the darkness, and the world in his eyes was filled with white light.

When he opened his eyes, the air, the humidity, the breeze and the noise returned to the world.

The prosperous city-state of Osiris can directly reach the lively streets of the Central Temple, where many souls, foreign players and permanent residents of the Styx Kingdom live in harmony. Don't ask Gao Yan how he knew, because he found that he could see the tips above the heads of the three.

Just like when playing a game, each game character will have an attribute bar above his head, telling who is the player, NPC and boss. So Gao Yan distinguished their respective identities and was surprised at the peaceful coexistence between the three.

"This is the kingdom of Styx ten years ago. It has maintained peace and stability for thousands of years. Even if it has been involved in the game field several times, it still maintains a fair and orderly order under the rule of the god of underworld."

A familiar voice sounded behind him, Gao Yan turned his head and saw Baozi-faced little Guanyin with his hands behind his back, staring at the Styx Kingdom ten years ago.

Gao Yan crouched down: "Are you Xiao Guanyin or a mysterious person?"

'Little Guanyin': "Is there a difference? He is me, and I am also him."

Gao Yan: "Don't pretend to be tender."

'Little Guanyin': "… "

He sighed heavily, and his eyes were full of vicissitudes and a heavy and simple feeling, which could easily remind people of ancient times and long rivers of time. If it was the original 'Little Guanyin' pretending to be mature, it would be very cute, but in front of him, even under the skin of a child, the vicissitudes emanating from the soul are prohibitive.

'Little Guanyin': "I am a god."

Gao Yan: "Which god?"

'Little Guanyin' stared at Gao Yan, Gao Yan saw that his eyes were pitch black, and there were some stars in the pitch black. Looking closely, it was the stars of the universe!

The cosmic stars in the eyes of 'Little Guanyin' are rotating at high speed, destroying into dust, reuniting into novae, and destroying stars into dust again, in a never-ending cycle.

Gao Yan suddenly stood up and stepped back, his face changed drastically: "What are you?!"

"I am God."

He is God, that's all.

'Little Guanyin': "You don't want to see your old friend?"

Gao Yan calmly asked, "Which old friends?"

'Little Guanyin': "The old people you know and you want to know are all there."

Gao Yan: "Illusion?"

"You think it's an illusion, it's an illusion. You think it's real, it's real. Can you crack it?"

Gao Yan raised his lips and smiled: "I'm not participating."

"Really?" 'Little Guanyin' tilted his head, stared at Gao Yan and said, "Do you know the mystery of the Sphinx?"

"That riddle to guess animals, the answer is a human riddle?"

"To be precise, the Mystery of the Sphinx is reality and destiny. Have you heard the tragedy of Oedipus Rex?"

"Kill the father and marry the mother in the prophecy, and solve the riddle of the Sphinx and successfully kill it, and succeed the king of Oedipus."

When King Oedipus was born, he was prophesied to kill his father and marry his mother. His father feared the prophecy and tried to change his fate, so he sent King Oedipus to other countries to be raised.

When he grew up, King Oedipus learned that he had murdered his father and married his mother. He killed an old man at a fork in the road, then solved the sphinx disaster raging in his biological father's country, was embraced as king, and married the queen of the previous king.

When the previous king was killed, King Oedipus ordered the investigation of the real murderer, and finally found that the person killed by him at Sanchakou was the king, his biological father.

As predicted by the gods, King Oedipus killed his father and married his mother.

Fate cannot be changed, the reality is tragic, cruel, a real disaster.

"I promise you in the name of God, but any actions you make at this moment to change your destiny will affect the previous fate line. Are you willing to try to save Chu Sianbi?"

"The Book of the Dead can save him, I don't need to do this."

Gao Yan was not sure whether God's words were credible, but since the other party's attitude was certain and his fate could not be changed, why should he do useless work

Thanks to TV series and novels for developing his brain hole, the principle of infinite reincarnation has been understood. If you know you can't do it, then don't do it, because he has seen the end.

If the ending is not desperate, Gao Yan will not be arrogant and intend to change.

"Are you sure you've seen the end?"

'Little Guanyin' grabbed Gao Yan's wrist and pulled hard, Gao Yan fell into the darkness, when he opened his eyes, he saw that the world was in chaos and disorder.

Tens of thousands of gods fell before his eyes, turned into meteors, turned into dust, and returned to the mighty world. Heaven and earth collapsed, and order was lost. In the great flood, the giant pythons of the earth stirred the sea and drowned the land and human beings.

Despair and fear filled the world, mourning and death were all over the place, and the stars of the universe were destroyed bit by bit before his eyes.

Turning around, Gao Yan saw that Xie Sanqiu and the other five were trapped in an endless desert. The boatman with the head of an egret asked them questions again and again, and teased everyone cunningly. Various monsters emerged from the desert and continued to consume their energy. strength.

Until the end, they pierced the lies of the egret boatman. The egret boatman became angry, tore through the desert, came to the seventh gate, and incarnated as the serpent Apep between the sun and the moon.

Yu Xiaojie, the weakest, used the godhead of King Qingshan to protect others, resisted the attack of the serpent Apep, and finally vomited blood and died.

In order to protect Yang Mian and other players, Xie Sanqiu chose to use props to open a special channel to send them to the central temple, but he was swallowed by the serpent Apep.

The scene changed, and Gao Yan saw him, Song Beiliu and Juli Hualing see through the mystery of the Sphinx again. He went to the two fact halls, Song Beiliu and Juli Hualing stayed at the seventh door.

When they were about to part, Song Beiliu begged Gao Yan to resurrect him. He also said that for the sake of merit, both the Underworld God and the Forty-two Judgment Gods would let him pass the trial, even if he stood on the scale, he was definitely heavier than the feather of truth.

However, Gao Yan refused Song Beiliu, and the object involved was Chu Shuibi, and he could not be kind and generous.

Song Beiliu couldn't, but insisted on staying.

He is a spirit body and cannot kill his brother without the cursed blood. But the chrysanthemum bell is the blood of Song Beiliu, and they killed Song Beiliu's brother in an unexpected way.

After Song Beiliu's brother died, the curse on him was no longer limited to his bloodline, but came from his soul body. Juli Hualing was affected by the curse and killed him.

After sobering up, Chrysanthemum Flower Bell almost collapsed.

In the end, Yang Mian, Tang Ze, Su Jiang and Juli Hualing, who lost their close relatives, and various players all appeared in the two fact halls, and they all wanted the Book of the Dead.

But there is only one Book of the Dead.

Gao Yan got the Book of the Dead and resurrected Chu Shuibi.

Others felt desperate, and Su Jiang was even more despairing. It turned out that his Nordic husband died when he failed to clear the World Tree level.

The Styx Kingdom that lost the Book of the Undead experienced a huge shock. The River Styx reversed, and the river turned into a flood to submerge the land. The sleeping gods at the bottom of the river woke up one after another, and the Kingdom of the Stygian was forced to come to the real world.

Everyone who returned to the real world found that the Shenming Game Field had been completely integrated with the real world, and the world order had collapsed.

The world in which the order has collapsed is facing destruction, the sky is falling sulfur fire, the ocean flood is overturned, the earthly python, ouroboros, the serpent Apep, all the signs of extinction come to the world one after another.

The catastrophe is coming.

All things, including the gods, will die.

After the world perishes, it returns to chaos. Thousands of thousands of years later, the God of Creation was born from the Great Flood, opened his eyes in the stars of the universe, and started the journey of creation anew.

Destruction and rebirth, endless cycle.

Gao Yan abruptly opened his eyes, looked back at the ''Little Guanyin'' in front of him, and asked, "Is the picture you showed me a real future or a fictional future?"

"It's a prophecy, the prophecy of the Book of the Dead—collapse."

'Don't believe the prophecies of the Book of the Dead. '

Gao Yan's eyebrows jumped: "The prophecy of the Book of the Dead? The world collapses and perishes?"

"The collapse of order heralds a catastrophe."

"Can the future change?"

"Fate cannot be changed, but you can try."

God was trying to induce him, but Gao Yan was tempted.

No matter who they are, they will be tempted after seeing the disaster.

So Gao Yan promised him to go back ten years ago and try to change his fate. At the same time, God must promise him not to interfere in any of his decisions.

'Little Guanyin': "My strength can only support you back ten years ago and the trajectory you changed. Besides, I can't predict your movements."

"Aren't you afraid of my hands and feet?"

"If you die, everyone will die together, and God is no exception."

Simply put, a community of interests, life and death in one.


Gao Yan returned to the Styx Kingdom ten years ago. He left Osiris City and used a temporary residence permit to come to Best City, the city ruled by the cat goddess.

Best City is full of cats, the guards are also cat-headed, and most of the residents are cat-headed. They have the characteristics of cats, and they will show a tame side when they treat those they like, and even kill each other when they dislike them.

However, even the law is very kind to cats, even if they violate the law of the Styx Kingdom, considering that they are the race of the cat goddess Best, even the gods are willing to give them tolerance.

Not many people are willing to come to Best City, except for Chu Suibi and his party.

Gao Yan carried a basket of dried small fish and homemade catnip wine, and watched casually. In fact, he didn't know why Chu Suibi chose to go to Best City. To be honest, cats are not very easy to coax.

But the gods prefer cats. If you get the favor of the cat goddess Best, you may be able to learn the prophecy of the Book of the Dead in advance.

As far as he knew, Chu Suibi's mission when he entered the Styx Kingdom was to obtain the 'Book of the Dead's prophecy'.

As long as Gao Yan stood at the city gate, the cat guards and cat residents at the city gate waited with their heads raised.

They can smell the rich aroma from far away, it is delicious that has not been tasted before!

Gao Yan murmured, "I haven't seen anyone yet."

After thinking for a while, he turned to enter the city, but was startled by the large and small cats behind him.

The cat guards were embarrassed to become cats, and the other cat residents had no occupational burden and had long since turned into black cats. Egyptian cats are slender and long, more like tigers, majestic and agile, noble and mysterious, like pharaohs.

They gathered around, walked around Gao Yan's feet, then jumped to a high place and looked down at Gao Yan: "Outside player, do you want to be blessed by the cat god?"

Gao Yan: "...I don't really want to."

The cats: "... foreign players, do you want to know the prophecy of the Book of the Dead?"

Gao Yan: Did you know the prophecy so easily

He nodded: "Yes."

"Make a deal, foreign player. Use what's in the basket you're carrying."

Gao Yan: "Okay."

In fact, he just wanted to use dried fish and homemade catnip to gain the cat's favor and let him enter Best City smoothly.

Gao Yan lifted the basket cloth and exposed the fragrant dried fish to the cats. Then he found a ceramic bowl and poured catnip into it. He raised his head and greeted the cats: "Eat it."

The Egyptian cat has a high status. According to the ancient law, once a cat is killed, it will be punished by death. In other words, cats are equal to human life, and sometimes cats are more noble than people.

The laws of the Styx Kingdom show the lofty status of cats.

Therefore, even though the group of Egyptian cats in front of them were tempted by delicious food, they still did not abandon their noble upbringing. They lined up to take away small dried fish and scooped catnip with small cups.

At first it was reserved and elegant, noble and mysterious. Afterwards, they all lay in the streets and alleys, meowing and meowing, with their stomachs open and Gao Yan touching their stomachs.

Gao Yan was a little distressed as he walked among the cats, but he really liked fluffy animals, so he felt a little weird about touching them.

When the boy Chu Suibi and his teammates were planning how to please the damn cats in Best City, they happened to see this scene.

In the center of the city gate, a black-haired youth turned his back to them, surrounded by Egyptian cats who were usually arrogant and looked down on humans. Touch the belly.

"Fuck! The legendary cat master!"

"Is it also a player? It's better to get to know each other, maybe we can cooperate."

"Best's cats are of high status, and it's easier to pull the Book of the Dead prophecies out of their mouths."

Chu Suibi disdained this, and didn't want to approach the black-haired youth at all.

The young Chu Cuibi is arrogant and aggressive, but he is very loyal. Although he hates cats, he obeys the team.

The captain and teammates shouted that they came forward to know the black-haired young man, and they pushed Chu Suibi to come forward.

Chu Shabi: Neuropathy.

After approaching, Chu Suibi was the first to notice the black hair and snow skin of the young man, and the color contrast was too strong. For some reason, his eyes suddenly became very sharp, and all of a sudden he saw a red mole on the young man's neck.

Black, white and red, the combination of three extremely strong color contrasts, instantly produces strong visual stimulation.

The young Chu Shuibi's ears suddenly turned red, and his heart beat a little faster.

"Are you a foreign player?"

"We are the gods, the team name - 'the gods'."

Gao Yan turned his head and saw a middle-aged man with a full beard, and then the other four players.

There are three men and two women. Except for the middle-aged bearded players, the other two male players are both young, one looks ordinary, and the other has a warm temperament. The other two women are very good-looking, one is beautiful and the other is cold.

They were a team called the 'Gods', not yet known at this time. But ten years later, 'Gods' is the No. 1 team in the world.

I saw Chu Shabi, who was pushed to the front, the juvenile version of Chu Shabi.

At this time, Chu Shabi was tickling his head, his hair was so thin that only stubble remained, and his facial features were completely exposed. He was extremely handsome, but still a little green.

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows and smiled softly at Chu Suibi: "Hello, my name is Gao Yan, a foreign player."

Chu Cuibi answered one step ahead: "Chu Cuibi, cough... my name is Chu Cuibi."

Gao Yan: "The name is nice, you look like a friend I know."

Chu Suibi's indifferent face: "Oh."

I was thinking, is he trying to seduce me