Please Obey The Game

Chapter 88: Styx Kingdom (11)


Song Beiliu thought Gao Yan was joking, Gao Yan looked at him blankly, then began to talk about Song Beiliu's brother, her hatred and death, and finally talked about the filter of Juli Hualing that was deeper than the Mariana Trench.

"If you want to talk about Hua Ling'er, I'll believe it." Song Beiliu sighed, even she couldn't resist the filter of the flower bell in the chrysanthemum.

Sighing for a while, Song Beiliu asked again, "Are you really from ten years later?"

Gao Yan repeated: "I met Hua Ling in the promotion field of 'Turtle Soup', and she said she had a gentle, beautiful and generous—"

"Stop! I won't ask anymore." Song Beiliu was afraid of him, and after a long silence he said, "Are you resurrecting me now?"

"No." Gao Yan shook his head: "I can only resurrect you ten years later, don't forget, I'm from ten years later. For the sake of resurrection, you resurrect Leviathan in the 'Ursula's Church' playground and open the deep sea The gate of the Styx Kingdom has drawn you and me in. If you are resurrected now, what will happen in ten years? If there is no me who will enter the Styx Kingdom in ten years, where will the Yangzhi nectar come from?"

"What a goddamn paradox of time." Song Beiliu sighed, "Don't I have to die for another ten years?"

Gao Yan had nothing to say. In fact, if Song Beiliu didn't believe him, and there were other small actions in private, then he couldn't understand it either.

Not everyone can easily give up the book of the dead, especially resurrection is one of Song Beiliu's obsessions.

Gao Yan: "What's in the desert river? Don't use scorpion venom to deceive me about what you really want."

"Snake Venom."

"The venom of the serpent Apep."

Song Beiliu was surprised: "Do you know that Apep is in the desert river?"

"I have seen."

"Impossible" Song Beiliu retorted without thinking: "As long as Apep is trapped in the desert river for one day, it will never be able to transform into its original form."

Gao Yan looked up at him sharply: "Is the desert river trapping Apep?! No—I didn't ask the right way, I wanted to ask... Apep can't leave the desert river on its own initiative, and it can't tear apart the desert either. Hehua out of its original shape?"


Gao Yan frowned, he remembered the future that 'God' showed him. In the future, Apep, the serpent bound by the desert river, was exposed to his lies. After becoming angry, the desert river was torn apart. The desert river instantly turned into a space where the sun and the moon alternated. The boatman changed his original shape and killed Yu Xiaojie and Xie Sanqiu.

But Song Beiliu said that Apep couldn't take the initiative to become the original form... Song Beiliu should be right.

The desert river was originally the place where Apep the Orochi was trapped. Since it was the prison that trapped it, it would inevitably trap its original shape.

Then the future he saw at that time must not be the snake Apep taking the initiative to tear open the desert river, the desert river should be torn apart by external reasons.

Gao Yan pressed his temples and tried hard to recall what he saw at that time. What did he ignore

At that time, there were two groups of players on board, one group was headed by Xie Sanqiu, and the other group was four people wearing black robes. After asking several times, except for the first time they were attacked by monsters in the desert river, they were not attacked at all.

Probability is questionable, unless Lady Luck is completely by that group's side.

But it was obviously impossible, because the first time the man in black robe was attacked, obviously the luck was not enough. The second time before they and Xie Sanqiu and others competed to answer the question, the man in black robe did not argue, while Tang hesitated for at least a minute before answering the question.

But when they really answered the boatman's question, the man in black robe was a second faster than Tang Ze!

Very wrong!

There was obviously a one-minute buffer time, but the man in black robe did not answer the question, but waited until Tang Ze opened his mouth to answer, and the time difference was very clever by one second.

Gao Yan now thinks back on the scene at that time, and he always finds it very strange, as if something was wrong.

He remembered the boatman's anger, tearing the desert river apart, and the world was suddenly swallowed up. Then came the alternation of the sun and the moon, but at that time, there were only Xie Sanqiu and the five people, and there was no black-robed man at all!

Gao Yan murmured to himself, "The people in black robes are doing ghosts?"

"What did you think of?"

Gao Yan returned to his senses: "It's okay, you continue to talk."

Song Beiliu shrugged: "The Orochi Apep cannot leave the desert river voluntarily, but foreign players or other souls can leave the desert river. Just say the Orochi Apep's real name at the moment of leaving, and then call out the space where the sun and the moon alternate. Its name guides its way, and it can leave the desert river."

Gao Yan: "So simple?"

Song Beiliu shook his head: "First, the soul body and foreign players will not be stupid enough to point the way for the Orochi Apep, because it is too brutal, it will devour the sun and the moon and eat it together with the players. Second, the sun and the moon alternate. There are two spaces, and you can't be sure which one will open."

After a pause, Song Beiliu said again: "But unfortunately, both spaces will be opened. Those who harbor evil intentions can lead the serpent Apep to one of the spaces, and then escape from the other."

"Where the sun and the moon alternate... dawn and dusk."

"Positive solution! Usually, it depends on the time to judge whether it is dawn or dusk, but there is no time in the desert river, so players can't judge. The probability of choosing one of the two, as long as you are lucky, you can win the lottery with a high probability."

"So you use the venom of the serpent Apep to paralyze the heart of Osiris, the god of the underworld, and take the opportunity to grab the Book of the Dead."

Song Beiliu said with a smile: "Yes, but now you don't have to take risks. Because you exchanged Yangzhi nectar with me, so I don't have to take risks to get Apep's venom."

"You don't want it, let me ask for it." Gao Yan raised his eyes to look at Song Beiliu: "You don't need to test me, you want it yourself. Song Beiliu, you don't believe me at all."

If Song Beiliu had a cigarette in her hand now, she would definitely have lit a cigarette and vomited a smoke ring to pretend to be the vicissitudes of life.

"I believe you are from ten years later, because of the imprint of the gods and the little Guanyin, and because you know Hua Ling'er. But Gao Yan, you said that it was ten years after I was resurrected, can I wait ten years? Besides, if you lied to me What should I do? You grabbed the Book of the Dead and ran to save your little boyfriend. Ten years later, you might have used Yang Zhi Ganlu yourself. In the end, I didn't get anything, so I'm going to lose?"

"Tell me, how can I endure it for ten years?"

"Then let's make a bet. If you can get the Book of the Dead, the Book of the Dead will be yours. If you can't get it, we will continue to cooperate. You won't have a second choice at that time anyway."

"it is good."

Song Beiliu agreed without hesitation at the moment.

"The only condition is that I want two-thirds of the venom of the serpent Apep."

Song Beiliu hesitated: "Too much venom will kill Osiris, the god of the underworld. Once he dies, the kingdom of the underworld will collapse, and the entire Egyptian gods will regard you as an enemy. This result is more serious than the theft of the Book of the Dead."

Gao Yan: "I just want to use it to save people."

After speaking, Gao Yan crossed Song Beiliu, climbed to the top of the mast flexibly and easily, and squatted in front of the noble and mysterious Egyptian cat who was hanging in the sky.

Gao Yan smiled in relief, and he jumped down.

At this point, the boatman said, "Tell me, on what charge did Isis punish the seventh scorpion?"

Someone replied: "Stupid and reckless, because the rich mistress refused to take in Isis, and the seventh scorpion stung her child. But what did that child do wrong? The rich mistress was wrong. Isis was affected by every All women experience the pain of childbirth, but the seventh scorpion will blame the child she gave birth to, thinking that Horus hurt Isis, so it stung Horus and nearly died."

The most classic story about the scorpion goddess is that seven poisonous scorpions were sent to protect the goddess Isis, during which the poisonous scorpions stung innocent children twice.

The scorpion foolishly took the pain of Isis's birth as Horus murdered her to retaliate, and the result was that Horus was almost killed.

Everyone who knows this myth and legend will laugh at the scorpion's stupidity and condemn it as reckless and stupid.

The souls on board thought the question was not difficult, and they felt the answer was correct.

The boatman's mung bean-sized eyes once again showed a malicious light that no one noticed. He said, "Wrong! Wrong!"

He wanted to say something else, but he heard someone by the mast say indifferently: "The real crime is - betrayal!"

The boatman's proud words stopped abruptly, he turned his head slowly and stared at Gao Yan next to the mast: "What did you say?"

"Betrayal. The seventh poisonous scorpion betrayed Isis long ago. It secretly colluded with Seth and deliberately crawled out at night to sting the child of the rich mistress. By the next day, the rich mistress was holding the poisonous child and begging for help. Isis couldn't bear the child's death from poison, so he used his divine power to save him, causing Isis to exhaust his divine power after giving birth to Horus."

"At this time, the seventh poisonous scorpion injected the poison on the tip of its tail into Horus' body on the grounds that Horus hurt Isis, and Isis, who had exhausted his divine power, was unable to save his son." Gao Yan repeated: " So the seventh scorpion is charged with betrayal."

The boatman stared at Gao Yan, and suddenly looked up at the Egyptian cat on the mast.

The Egyptian cat was condescending, her dark golden eyes reflecting the ugly appearance of the boatman, she suddenly 'meow', and the boatman seemed to be so frightened that his legs were weak.

The boatman growled, "Who brought the damn cat up?!"

No one answered, they didn't like the boatman, but they liked the Egyptian cat.

Egyptian cats eat poisonous scorpions, poisonous insects, and poisonous snakes.

The boatman held back his anger and said, "The third reminder, what is the place where the sun and the moon alternate?"

Hearing this, Gao Yan and Song Beiliu looked up at the boatman at the same time.