Please Obey The Game

Chapter 90: Styx Kingdom (13)


Ten years later, Desert River.

In the case of another wrong answer, several large venomous snakes sprang out of the quicksand, and the venomous snakes sprayed corrosive venom.

After cutting off a black snake's head, Su Jiang jumped to the top of the mast to avoid the black snake's pursuit. After the three-minute siege time finally passed, he squatted down, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a crude container between the gap between the canvas and the mast.

Su Jiang picked up the container and saw a very ugly and simple Guanyin statue with eight arms and severed palms carved on the container. There was a line next to the Guanyin statue: Isis shared with Ra, q.

"This is-"


Central Temple, God's Way, Sphinx Atrium.

Chu Suibi and others were scattered, each trapped in the mystery of the Sphinx. Chu Shuibi pierced the eerie fog with a sword and called out the names of his teammates, but only his own echo came from the fog.

"You can't find them."

Chu Shuibi stabbed at the source of the sound with a sword, but only touched the mist of the void, and the sound condensed from behind him again after it was broken.

"You don't want to know the prophecy of the Book of the Dead?"

Chu Suibi stopped, turned his head and asked, "Are you the god of the underworld, Osiris?"

"I'm not."

"Then I'm not interested in knowing."

"I know more things than Osiris, including your future, and the futures of others."

Chu Suibi really got a little interested: "What are you?"

"I am the Sphinx, and I am destiny."

"嘁-do you know that you are going to be beaten like a god in our country?"

"...Aren't you interested in your future?"

Chu Suibi thought about it, but he was really interested in one thing, he asked, "Who is Gao Yan's boyfriend?"

"..." God was silent for a long time and asked him again: "Don't you care about the life and death of your companions?"

Chu's smile disappeared: "Are they going to die?"

"They will die." God's voice became more and more distant: "This is your prophecy, and we will meet again."

"Where are they?"

Chu Suibi raised his green sword and ran after the voice. He slashed through the dark space with a sword, but suddenly found that the Sphinx atrium was no longer in front of him, but the wide River Styx.

There were six people in the Styx River. They were walking towards the river, and the water had already submerged their waists and abdomens.


The six people are the team led by Jizo, and they cooperated with them yesterday.

Ji Zang turned his head and looked at Chu Shuibi by the river bank, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to have a root of wisdom, but you came out ahead of time."

Chu Shuibi: "Why are you here? What is the purpose?"

He remembered Gao Yan's reminder, and when he looked at everything he saw, he knew that Kizang and his party had other intentions.

Jizo didn't answer Chu Suibi's words. He stared at the young player in front of him for a long time, as if judging whether he would affect his plans.

At this time, Jizo looked like a young man, and according to the aesthetic standards of the real world, he was like a handsome little white face, but that handsomeness was completely destroyed by the indifference in his eyes.

The indifference of others is in itself, and does not care about everything outside. The indifference in Kizang's eyes is contempt, contempt for all living beings, high above, and regards all things as ants.

This indifference creates a strong sense of discomfort.

Chu Suibi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Do you want to enter the bottom of the Styx River?"

What else is there at the bottom of the Styx besides the fallen souls? Eight sleeping gods.

There is no benefit to awakening the eight gods. The only benefit that can be obtained is the Book of the Dead, the book of the dead hidden in the heart of the god of the underworld, Osiris.

The real body of the god of the underworld, Osiris, is buried at the bottom of the River Styx.

"You are brave enough to hit the Underworld God's Book of the Dead." Chu Suibi directly pierced Jizo's plan: "It had nothing to do with me at first, but it seems that you and us have all figured it out. There is no way, I am the best. I hate that someone is trying to calculate me, and it's all about me."

After saying that, Chu Shuibi stepped on the water and hit him.

"Stop him."

Jizo didn't want to entangle with him too much, and let someone stop Chu Shuibi first and quickly go deep into the center of the river bottom of the Styx. Chu Shuibi dealt with the two players who were entangled in him, got some injuries, and swam to the bottom of the Styx River.

At the bottom of the Styx River is a palace that is exactly the same as the central temple. On the central throne of the palace sits Osiris, the god of the underworld, and the thrones on both sides also sit on the bodies of the seven main gods.

Their eyes were not opened, and they were falling into a deep sleep.

When Chu Suibi arrived, the people who Ksitigarbha had brought over had already cut the main arteries all over the body, and the number of people exceeded fifty.

It turned out that when Chu Suibi arrived, the group of people in the Tibetan belt was the last group. Fifty players had already entered the central temple at the bottom of the Styx River. And among these fifty people, there happened to be Chu Suibi's captain and teammates. They were blank-eyed. After cutting the aorta of the whole body, they aimed the sharp weapon at the aorta of the neck.

Chu shattered his eyes and roared, "Stop!!"

His anger and eagerness turned him into the glaring look of the Bodhisattva Fudoming. His speed was like a gust of wind, and he quickly swept in front of his teammates, but he was one step too late. The blood was pouring like a spring, and it just sprayed onto Chu Shabi's face, as if even the retina was stained red, the overwhelming smell of blood.

The captain regained consciousness before his death. He said that they were all calculated by Jizo, and no one succeeded in entering the Sphinx Atrium except Chu Shuibi. So let Chu Shuibi hide carefully, and he must escape alive.

Then, the captain rambled about the private money he secretly hid, asking Chu Suibi to inherit the private money of all of them, and when he became a god in the future, remember to burn paper. After all, everyone is from China, and they don't eat the Bible and pray, as long as there are enough gifts to burn.

Chu Suibi scolded him for being insane while telling him not to speak, otherwise he would not be able to save him after the blood was sprayed.

He was trying to save the captain and teammates, using the spells he had learned.

But he is only an intermediate player now, and he is not even proficient in Yang Huo, let alone a curse whose effect is determined by the player's ability

Moreover, the captain and the others had already cut off the main arteries of the whole body before Chu Shuibi came over, and the blood had already become a sea under them, and no amount of powerful blessing could save the dying person.

The captain and his teammates cut off the arteries in front of Chu Suibi, and the blood dried until they died, and Chu Suibi's curses again and again would only bring them deeper torture and pain.

Chu Shuibi covered his face with one hand, tears fell from between his fingers, and under the eyes of the captain's prayer, he stopped praying.

He was an orphan, and he left the orphanage before he was a teenager and traveled all over the world. At the age of fourteen, he entered the game field. At the age of fifteen, he met the captain and teammates. He was the youngest, so he received the most care and tolerance.

The captain and the others didn't say that, in fact, they have always taken care of Chu Suibi as if they were their own bear children. In private, they are troubled by Chu Suibi's rebellion and the calamity that broke out. Ladies, you also have to worry about things like the house and property.

They are like the most common and worrying parents in the real world, and they are also his most trusted companions. They trust each other, rely on each other, and have long been a family relationship.

"It turns out that there is still the imprint of the god of the Bodhisattva." Jizo looked from far to near, looking at Chu Shabi in a pool of blood: "Just right, I'm still missing the blood of a player."

Chu Shuibi raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot and filled with hatred, like a thousand-mile glacier, and beneath the glacier was a bitter flame.

"You! Damn! Die!!"

Chu Shuibi, who was completely engulfed by anger, turned into an angry-eyed King Kong, almost overwhelmingly beating Jizo. He broke Jizo's limbs, knocked off his bones one by one, and finally met Jizo's fearful gaze. down, grabbing his neck.

But at the last moment, the gods woke up.

They turned their necks in unison, and saw the blood and stumps all over the floor, and they saw Chu Shuibi was killing Jizo.

The gods named Chu Suibi the murderer, and they were extremely angry.

- Violating the justice of the law, committing murder!

- Defile the sanctity of the temple, commit blasphemy!

—Blood on the Styx and the temple, commit! The sin of offending the gods! !

By the decision of the gods, the foreign player Chu was sentenced to be punished for several crimes!

To be punished for the crime of death and reincarnation! Unforgivable sin! !

The death penalty under the punishment of the gods, Chu Suibi had no chance to escape. He was killed at the bottom of the Styx River, his soul was suppressed under the temple, and the terrifying gravity almost crushed his soul.

Chu Shabi's soul must bear the gravity of the temple, the gods and the water of the Styx, and the gravity will crush his soul again and again. On the second day, under the action of divine power, the soul is replenished again, so the punishment of the previous day is repeated.

As for Jizo, he took the opportunity to escape the Styx country through sophistry and the chaos brought by the serpent Apep. However, the body was completely crushed, so he later used magic in exchange for an old and withered body.

Ugly as a monster.


Holding a spear, Gao Yan leaned forward, ran and jumped on the snake Apep's body, jumped to the top of the snake Apep's mountain-like head, and came to its eyes.

Apep's eyes were bigger than a boat, and Gao Yan stood on its eyelids, the size of an ant.

Gao Yan jumped down, and the spear inserted into Apep's eyeball, as if it was stabbed into a steel plate. Gao Yan's fingers moved slightly, and the spear head part of the spear moved away from the scales and extended to the side, turning into a large lotus petal.

The petals curled, split, and then reunited, turning into a palm-sized red lotus flower. The lotus petals split open one after another, tearing into thousands of steel needles the size of silk needles. Looking around, there are tens of millions of steel needles that are densely covered with the eyeballs of Apep the Orochi.

Apep the big snake was mad in pain, and slammed his head toward the sun. Behind Gao Yan was a boundless sea of fire, and the high temperature and scorching heat almost destroyed the divine power shrouded in him.

The sun behind him is controlled by the creator god La, who has fallen, but the divine power left behind is simple and powerful, and it is definitely not something that the new gods can resist.

Gao Yan's shirt was burned to ashes, revealing his back, which also had a golden lotus pattern growing rapidly. It was trying its best to protect Gao Yan. However, the closer it gets to the sun, the terrifying high temperature burns the golden lotus pattern to the point of melting, and after melting, it climbs and grows again, but the speed of extension is gradually slowing down.

Just when Apep the Orochi hit the sun, the cat god Best fell from the sky and landed heavily on Apep's head. Its powerful and terrifying gravity directly smashed a big hole in the center of the huge snake's head.

Gao Yan raised his head and looked at Best, the cat god. Time seemed to stand still, but it was only for a moment, as if the mechanism had been opened. The two cooperated very well, and the cat god Best jumped down and attacked the right eye of the snake Apep.

The red scales converged again and turned into sharp tips. Gao Yan shouted loudly, jumped to a high place with a spear and then jumped down, the sharp tips pierced directly into the center of the huge pupil.

He only heard the very slight sound of glass breaking, followed by a devastating chain reaction, with a cobweb-like crack opening at the center of the pupil, and Gao Yan released his spear, raised his fist and smashed it towards the center of the pupil.

Blood sprayed out, and Gao Yan smashed into Apep's eyes with one hand.

At the same time, the cat god Best also penetrated the right eye of Apep the serpent.

The big snake Apep tasted severe pain and began to shake like crazy. The world was knocked upside down and shaken. While Best and Apep were fighting, Gao Yan jumped into Apep's mouth.

The poison sac was found near Fang Fang. Considering that there was no container for the venom, Gao Yan aggregated the spear into a dagger, then cut the flesh on the gum with the dagger, and took out the entire poison sac directly.

The big snake Apep suddenly neighed, opened his mouth, and the sound of billowing waves came from the depths of his throat. Gao Yan stared at the abyss-like throat, and saw a very bright red in his eyes.

The magma erupted from Apep's mouth, and when it hit the ground, it turned into sulphurous sparks, making the ground of Dusk Land cratered.

Gao Yan quickly fell away from Apep the Orochi.

The magma spit out by Apep also burned and melted its head, and the cat god Best broke through Apep's heart and ran out, running on the body of the big snake, running towards the ground.

Behind her is the rolling lava.

Gao Yan blocked the falling Mars with a dagger, flipped his body in the air and landed on Apep's body and ran after him. The speed was about the same as the cat god Best, but faster than when he fell.

Because Gao Yan also used the ability of space reorganization to make his speed faster.

When they ran away from Apep and ran in the safe direction where Song Beiliu was, Apep behind them suddenly exploded, and the magma in his body rolled out, but all sank into the abyss.

Best turned into a cat in the middle of running, and jumped lightly to the mast of the high ship and squatted. Gao Yan also climbed onto the boat, collapsed on the deck exhausted, rested for a while, then got up and looked down, the ocean below had turned into magma.

"How did this ship get here?"

The original ship had long since been destroyed.

Song Beiliu: "I looked up and saw this boat appearing on the top of the mountain, exactly the same as the boatman's boat."

Gao Yan: "Is the evening over?"

Song Beiliu: "It's over." He raised his head: "The sun has set."

The sun goes down, Apep is dead, and darkness descends upon the earth.

Gao Yan: "Appep will be reborn after death. This ship is probably the same as it."

He took out the poison sac and asked Song Beiliu to take out the container he had prepared for a long time and poured a third of it.

Gao Yan tried to engrave a clearer reminder on the container, but it was erased as soon as it was engraved, obviously not allowing the reminder of the future. He thought about it, and in a more euphemistic way, engraved a hint, and then hid the container in the gap between the mast and the sail.

Song Beiliu was curious: "Who are you trying to save?"

"The man who will cross the desert river on this boat ten years from now."

"What tips did you leave? Isis and Ra share... what?"

"Divine power." Gao Yan said calmly: "Isis used Ra's saliva to raise a poisonous snake. The poisonous snake bit Ra, and Ra was about to die, so he asked Isis to detoxify him. Isis took the opportunity to make a request, she thought She wanted Ra's real name. So in the end she learned Ra's real name and shared the divine power of Ra."

"Ra is the god of creation, and no one can hurt him except himself. Who can kill him, except his real name is himself, and the poisonous snake is his own saliva, which is equivalent to his avatar. The only thing that really killed Apep the serpent was its venom."

Gao Yan looked at Best: "Thank you."

Best: "You can send me tons of cat food and catnip."

A smile appeared in Gao Yan's eyes: "I will repay you."

Best's expression suddenly became solemn: "There are foreign players' blood sacrifices polluting the central temple."

Gao Yan's heart tightened, and he clenched his fists and asked her, "Who?"

After a long time, Best looked relieved: "Oh, it has been executed. Unfortunately, the Styx Kingdom will be upgraded to a high-level field, and there will be fewer interesting players."

Gao Yan was restless, suddenly uneasy, as if a hole had been dug in his heart, and every time he breathed, he felt pain. Best said that the foreign players of the blood sacrifice had been executed, but he clearly remembered that Jizo was the only player who survived.

So, who was the player who was executed

"Who was the executed player?"

Best tilted his head and thought for a long time: "It seems to be called... Chu Shaubi."

Gao Yan's eyes went dark and he almost fell off the mast. He covered his head with a painful expression.

He thought that Chu Suibi died in the game field upgrade, but it turned out that he was executed by the gods at all.

Best told him the punishment, she said: "His crime is too heavy, the gods can't forgive him, no one can save him. When he is tortured and mad, he will become an ordinary bone pile under the temple foundation. "

"You better... don't be stupid."

Gao Yan's voice was hoarse: "I want to go back to Styx."


With the help of the cat god Best, Gao Yan returned to the Ming River, and handed over the eight-armed Guanyin with severed palms to Song Beiliu.

Song Beiliu: "Are you going to snatch the Book of the Undead alone?"

"I can't grab it." Gao Yan said in a low voice: "The gods have awakened, half of my merits have been consumed, and Xiao Guanyin has fallen into a deep sleep. Song Beiliu, the merits that I promised you before, you will come to take it in a year."

Song Beiliu frowned at him, disapproving of the stupid thing he was about to do, but he couldn't stop him.

Gao Yan asked the cat god Best to convey his wishes. He wanted to go to the bottom of the central temple of the Styx River to accompany Chu Shuibi. In return, he would help the gods to save the dead souls who fell into the river every day, and lighten their increasingly heavy weight. Styx's burden.

The cat god Best is willing to help for the sake of catnip: "I'm just helping you communicate, I won't help you plead for mercy."

Gao Yan: "I understand."

The cat god Best entered the temple and conveyed Gao Yan's request to the gods.

The gods rejected his request, and Gao Yan was beside the Styx River to save the souls of the dead every day. Half a year later, Styx's burden has been reduced a lot, and the attitude of the gods has eased.

Next, Gao Yan bribed the cat god Best with super-luxury cat food, ointment to stop cats from eating, and an improved version of catnip. Best agreed to make another request for him, and this time, the gods hesitated.

Best told him: "You come into the atrium, if your reasons are enough to convince the gods."

Gao Yan entered the atrium, but instead of debating under the eyes of the gods, he whispered to Osiris, the god of the underworld. Except for the two of them, no one knew what they said.

But in the end, the god of the underworld, Osiris, agreed with a solemn expression that Gao Yan should stay at the bottom of the central temple to accompany Chu Shuibi, so the gods had no objection.

Gao Yan got the consent, and immediately stepped forward with long legs eagerly. In the end, it turned into a fast running, but the bottom of the Styx River was gloomy and dark. Those mists will erode everything in the world, and there will be no life in it.

Gao Yan endured the discomfort, searched for a long time in the underground of the Ming River, and finally saw a familiar white flame in the dark. He ran over and saw Chu Shabi wrapped in white flames.

The white flames are eroding the black, corrosive mist, and although it is very weak, it seems to be gradually expanding its territory.

Gao Yan stretched out his hand to touch the white flame. The moment he touched it, his fingertips were cold, while his pupils shrank and tears rolled from his eyes.

Chu Suibi once said, 'My flame will never hurt you', every word is true, and it will not hurt him since the first meeting ten years ago.

Gao Yan crossed the white flame and wanted to hug Chu Shuibi, but he only hugged an illusory spiritual body.

Chu Shubi's body has long been destroyed.

With tears in his eyes, Gao Yan hugged Chu Shuibi in an empty embrace, and then chanted a blessing, hoping to repair his spiritual body.

"Brother Chu..."

Gao Yan's figure was trembling, and he was a little overwhelmed. He clearly knew his fate and had a plan in his heart, but when he really faced the sleepy and tortured Chu Shuibi, he realized that his heart would really hurt so much that he couldn't breathe.

Gao Yan stayed by Chu Suibi's side most of the time, constantly chanting blessings. The rest of the time is a sleepless transcendence of the Styx soul body, using the Heart Sutra almost in a way of overdrafting life.

The last time the Heart Sutra was used on a large scale, nearly 50,000 souls were rescued from the Styx River. After the end, the Heart Sutra turned into golden light and disappeared in front of Gao Yan.

Gao Yan's heart was damaged, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, dyeing his clothes red, like the water of the Styx River.

He didn't stop to recuperate, but found Song Beiliu non-stop and gave him all the merits. At the same time, Gao Yan apologized to Xiao Guanyin who finally woke up but now has to fall asleep again.

Xiao Guanyin said sullenly, "It's okay, you just have to be happy."

After speaking, he disappeared in the golden light.

Song Beiliu accepted the merit, but asked Gao Yan what to do next.

Gao Yan looked calm: "Save Chu from the broken jade."

Song Beiliu: "How to save it? You said that the gods had woken up, and you couldn't grab the Book of the Dead. Now that the gods completely control the kingdom of Styx, you can't grab the Book of the Dead."

Gao Yan glanced at him lightly: "I didn't rob it at the time, not because the gods woke up, but because I wasn't sure about Brother Chu's situation at that time. Now that his situation has improved, of course he wants to rob the Book of the Dead."

Song Beiliu had a headache: "You lied to me then?"

"Best was there at the time."

"Okay, what can I do?"

"After grabbing the Book of the Dead and resurrecting Brother Chu, you are responsible for receiving him and sending him out of the Styx Country safely."


"Because-" Styx Kingdom will be closed for ten years because of this, but the truth cannot be told. "You'll know then."


Gao Yan stretched out his hand, and a drop-shaped transparent spar appeared in his palm, but it firmly attracted Song Beiliu's attention.

"Yangzhi nectar."

"...Damn, you are cruel. I agreed."

The props for resurrection were right in front of him, and Song Beiliu had no guts to refuse.

Gao Yan shrugged, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and asked Song Beiliu, "Is your brother called Jizo?"

Song Beiliu looked murderous: "Have you seen him?"

Gao Yan was expressionless: "The person who really sacrificed blood to the temple, framed Chu Suibi, and killed Chu Suibi's teammates is Jizo. Song Beiliu, you and I have a deep cause and effect."

Song Beiliu was shocked and fell silent.

Gao Yan left.

When everything was ready, Chu Shuibi was just about to wake up.

When Gao Yan went back, he saw Chu Suibi who had woken up. At this time, Chu Suibi had long hair, and his face was a little thin. And the original arrogance and arrogance can no longer be seen, and I don't know whether to hide it or abandon it completely.

His eyes were ruthless, and his brows were filled with anger that could not be hidden. Hearing the movement, Chu Suibi looked at him sharply, his fierce gaze fixed Gao Yan's footsteps.

But as soon as he saw Gao Yan, the cruelty in Chu Suibi's eyes immediately dissipated and turned into tenderness.

Gao Yan: "Awake?"

Chu Shuibi: "Well, I'm awake."

Gao Yan: "How do you feel?"

Chu Cuibi: "It's okay."

Gao Yan: "Does it hurt?"

Chu Cuibi: "I'm used to it."

Gao Yan stood there, his heart aching.

Chu Suibi smiled, and beckoned him to come over: "Don't show the appearance of crying. Come over and let me hug?"

Gao Yan wanted to rush into his arms, but if he really threw himself, he would only rush in the air. However, the embracing of the virtual can still be done, so Gao Yan raised a smile and 'embraced' Chu Shuibi.

"You know I'm here?"

"Yes, conscious."

Being conscious means you can feel the pain you are suffering.

Gao Yan felt even more distressed.

They hugged each other for a long time, until Chu Suibi spoke again: "I know everything including what you said in my ear."

Gao Yan got up and looked at Chu Suibi: "I'm from ten years later, we are a couple, we first met at Luoyin Playground, you heard it all."

Chu Cuibi: "I heard." He held Gao Yan's hand: "The Book of the Dead, I'll get it myself."

Gao Yan shook his head: "You can't."

Chu Suibi raised his eyebrows: "Try?"

Gao Yan was stunned for a moment, then reacted and glared at him: "Don't waver! I took the venomous sac of the big snake Apep, and injected the snake venom into the god of the underworld Osiris to temporarily paralyze him, and the book of the dead is hidden in his heart. ."

Chu Shuibi: "Where is the poison sac?"

Gao Yan frowned, staring at Chu Shabi without saying a word.

Chu Suibi: "Yan Yan, you should go back. Time is running out. In fate, it is me, not you, who snatch the Book of the Dead. Since you are in line with fate, don't hesitate at this point."

Gao Yan: "Are you blaming me? If I choose to save you and stop Jizo from the beginning, your teammates won't die, you won't be trapped under the Styx Temple, and you may... won't die."

As long as he thinks that if his fate is changed, Chu Suibi will not die, he feels tormented.

Chu Cuibi: "Yan Yan, fate cannot be changed. Intervening without authorization may push fate into an unknown abyss."

"But, I regret it."

When he saw that Chu Suibi was in a coma, his physical body was gone, and his spiritual body was still suffering, Gao Yan regretted it. He almost lost his mind and hoped that time could be reversed. In that case, he will stop Jizo at all costs, and tell Chu Sianbi all the future that will happen.

Even if you change your destiny.

Chu Suibi tried to wipe away Gao Yan's tears, but unfortunately he couldn't touch it. It seemed that all the words seemed pale, he accompanied Gao Yan and coaxed softly: "Don't cry, you can see me when you go back, don't be unhappy."

Gao Yan's forehead pressed against Chu Suibi's chest, and it took a long time before he agreed.

"You promise me that nothing will happen."

"it is good."

"I want to see you when I come out."


Gao Yan calmed down slowly, and he said to Chu Shuibi: "When I was involved in the kingdom of Styx, you have to tell me 'I can't believe the prophecy of the Book of the Dead.'"

Chu Shuibi didn't ask the reason, he just had to be good.

Gao Yan: "This sentence is very important, at least it reminds me of one thing. In addition, I buried something at the bottom of the Styx River. Ten years later, you will come to find it. "

Chu Shuibi: "What?"

Gao Yan smiled: "A lie."

He got up and faced Chu Shuibi face to face: "Six months ago, when I asked the gods, I panicked at Moses, the god of the underworld. I told him that I came from ten years later, and I was going to prove the mystery of the Sphinx. I Convinced him, he chose to believe me, of course, he may have already sensed the end of the gods."

"And I can probably guess why I met the 'God' in Mystery of the Sphinx, and why the 'God' sent me ten years ago. Because he wanted me to show up, and he wanted me to help him - Evidence The truth that God exists!"