Please Obey The Game

Chapter 94: Styx Country (End)


"Reincarnation represents rebirth and destruction, so in the myths and legends in different regions and countries, there is a big snake that surrounds the world and participates in the destruction of the world."

Gao Yan murmured: "There is also the Great Flood, the Great Flood that destroys the world. In the era of God, it has experienced the same creation and destruction of the world, which is called destiny. In essence, destiny is the same, the beginning, the process , result, then repeat, it's reincarnation - but why?"

"Is destiny unchangeable? Why can't it be changed? Since he is the only immortal 'god', why can't he be free to make his own decisions?" Gao Yan shook his head, feeling wrong: "At present, the balance of this world is not out of balance, and it should not be destroyed. World."

Gao Yan raised his head and looked at the empty scale opposite.

"So it's not that you can't make your own decisions, at least you can choose to destroy the world."

After a long silence, Gao Yan was thinking.

The turmoil in the outside world affected the Styx River, the river Styx swayed, and even the central temple at the bottom of the Styx River was shaking, and the balance swayed twice.

After a long time, Gao Yan stopped thinking and suddenly caught a flash of light: "It's order!"

"Order, that is, rules."

The sun god Ra represents order in the world, and Apep the serpent represents disorder and destruction. The world needs balance and stability, and the cornerstone of maintaining balance and stability are rules.

The equation in exchange is - balance equals rule.

From the day the world was born, the rules of the universe and the stars were also born.

Surrounded by stars, dusk and dawn, the appearance and function of air, moisture, and all natural elements, the breathing, eating, and survival of living things are all determined by rules.

The rules are not created by the creator gods, all gods serve the rules.

Fate obeys the rules, and 'God' should obey the rules too.

"So the biggest lie God has ever told, God's fallacy is - please listen to God!"

The words of the gods are equivalent to the rules of the gods, but the gods obey the rules, and he does not have the ability to make and change the rules.

The alternation of old and new gods is to maintain the balance and stability of the world, so the rules of the game field come from the rules themselves.

'God' has no right to make rules! !

He can only move from the existing rules to require players and the gods and bosses of the game field, and has no right to order the game field to obey him.

Gao Yan: "It was originally a simple matter to refute God's fallacy, because God cannot change fate, and has no right to intervene in changing the existing rules. But now that he has advanced the time to destroy the world, the original fallacy does not hold. The fallacy does not hold. Under the circumstances, there is no way to argue.”

"So, the fallacy must be established."


The short cone was filled with blood, turning from black to a strange blood red.

Chrysanthemum Hualing asked two shikigami to suppress the Jizo, while Song Beiliu used a short cone to poke the Jizo into a hole.

Ksitigarbha won't die, but he could feel the pain, so Song Beiliu let him taste the torture.

When the Land of Dawn was merged, Song Beiliu was driving the short cone into Jizo's head, from the top of his head, again and again.

At the same time, he firmly nailed Jizo's soul body into his body, forever suffering the pain of having a short cone nailed in his head.

Chrysanthemum Hualing hurriedly helped Song Beiliu bandage the wound on her wrist to stop the bleeding first.

Song Beichu had too much blood, his face was pale, and he looked down at the trembling earth: "Hua Ling'er, let's leave the Land of Dawn."

Chrysanthemum Hualing also noticed something was wrong, and nodded quickly: "Okay."

They left Dawn Land quickly, and Dawn Land was fused shortly after.

Song Beiliu took the chrysanthemum bell back to the house he bought near the central temple, and fell down as soon as he entered the yard.

Chrysanthemum Hualing was puzzled at first, but then she looked down and saw the blood on Song Beiliu's wrist.

The black cloth that bound the wound couldn't stop the blood from spreading out at all. Hualing in the chrysanthemum was puzzled and anxious, so she quickly pressed the wound and asked Song Beiliu, "Sister, what should I do?"

Song Beiliu grinned and told her, "Go get a basin. Also, don't cry."

Chrysanthemum Hualing's eyes were blurred, she couldn't see clearly, and she was in a hurry, so it took a lot of time to find the pot. He hurried over, put the basin in front of Song Beiliu and asked, "Next... what are you going to do?"

Song Beiliu put the bleeding wrist into the basin: "Of course it's blood, don't waste it."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Then... will it be good if you drink it?" She patted her head and said suddenly, "Isn't it enough to make up for the lost blood by drinking it? Sister, you are so smart!"

Song Beiliu: "Hua Ling'er, don't cry. It doesn't look good, it's more beautiful."

Chrysanthemum flower bell: "I've become beautiful, so you don't want to die, okay?"

Song Beiliu's voice became weak: "I wasn't here before, and you were fine too."

The chrysanthemum bell fluttered on Song Beiliu's body and didn't cry, but the tears flowed so fiercely that she didn't know that she was crying.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

"I earned a lot of property for you. I don't use it as a dowry, but treat it as your property. Spend it well." Song Beiliu raised his lips and looked up at the sky, his vision gradually being swallowed by darkness.

"Sorry, I still can't accompany you."


Yang Mian followed behind Xie Sanqiu, bowed his head and flicked the long knife, and suddenly looked up at him again: "Hey, do you need my help?"

Xie Sanqiu thought Yang Mian was so cute, so she rubbed her head: "I can't use it for the time being."

Yang Mian raised her eyebrows and put aside Xie Sanqiu's hand: "Where are the claws?"

Xie Sanqiu: "Tsk, what happened to the teacher and the apprentice?"

Yang Mian: "No. My hairstyle is precious."

Xie Sanqiu and her were poor for a while, and the big snake Apep had already emerged from most of his body and ate two-thirds of the sun. The cat god Best and the god Sobek, who guards the kingship and the Styx, have already run up to kill Apep the serpent.

The side effect of Apep is that the river Styx capsized, and the ghasts in the river climbed ashore one after another, causing chaos.

The guards ran to stop the ghasts, but the ghasts were numerous and still losing ground.

The players couldn't see it and ran to help.

Other gods and the forty-two gods are trying their best to stabilize the kingdom of Styx, at least delaying the integration of the kingdom of Styx with the real world.

Xie Sanqiu waved: "Let's go."

Yang Mian watched him leave without saying goodbye or blessing.

Saying goodbye is inappropriate, blessing... Everyone knows that blessing at such a dangerous juncture is equal to the flag!

"嘁." Yang Mian twitched her hair, and if she didn't say it, it was still rotten in her heart. When Xie Sanqiu came out, she would find a good time to say it.

Yang Mian also ran to support the guards of the Styx Kingdom, and the last scene when he saw Xie Sanqiu was that he was swallowed by the big snake Apep.

Just as Gao Yan saw the future, Xie Sanqiu left the Land of Dawn safely, but was still swallowed into the belly of the big snake Apep.

"Xie Sanqiu..."

Su Jiang suddenly suffered from a heart attack and had a severe headache. He didn't know what to think, his face was pale and his expression was sluggish.

He covered his heart and muttered to himself, "What's wrong with me?"

And the big snake Apep sprayed sulfur flames, and the magma quickly emerged from the ground and gradually submerged the black pine forest, heading towards the city.

A bunch of brimstone flames fell from the sky, facing Yu Xiaojie's back.

Tang Ze saw this, his eyes cracked: "Yu Xiaojie!!"


Gao Yan's pounding on the balance became more and more urgent: "Construct the truth of the existence of God, God already exists, and people in the real world have not completely rejected the existence of God."

Humans have discovered the truth of the origin of life, but they have not completely rejected the existence of God.

But 'God' asked him to prove the truth of God's existence, indicating that God should not exist, or that there is no need for God's existence now.

"Balance." Gao Yan said to himself: "The balance has stabilized! The original existence of gods and the alternation of old and new gods is to maintain balance and keep the world in a stable state. The fall of higher gods is actually a sign. The world no longer needs gods. The rules have stabilized enough to keep the world in balance."

"So gods are no longer important, and they have no meaning of existence. If the existence of gods disrupted the balance, they should have been eliminated by the rules long ago. But 'gods' must construct the truth of the existence of gods, indicating that gods can actually exist, only But it is optional.”

"The world has been maintained and stable, and then it will go in the direction of imbalance, because this is the path of fate and reincarnation, which must be experienced."

"'Gods' are tired of the unchanging cycle, so let the ancient gods that destroy the world appear in advance. If they appear in the real world, it will cause imbalance, and then it will be the real world. From the rules, there is no violation."

Gao Yan tilted his head and said to the air, "Am I correct in my analysis?"

For a long time, the air fluctuated, and the fluctuations quickly calmed down.

"Looks right."

Gao Yan closed his eyes and called out to Xiao Guanyin, whose golden body was almost ready to be shaped.

"Constructing the truth of the existence of gods, in fact, there is no so-called truth, as long as 'God' approves it."

'God' was actually hesitant, so he asked Gao Yan to refute God's fallacy and to prove the truth of God's existence. In reality, it is just to let him persuade the 'God' to destroy the idea of the world, but he is a mere human, how to convince him

Gao Yan: "I still haven't changed my opinion." He shook his head: "I have no confidence to convince you at all."

'God' was speechless, but the fluctuations in the air were already telling Gao Yan that since he couldn't be persuaded, the plan to destroy the world would not stop.

"So I'm not going to convince you!"

The last bit of Xiao Guanyin's golden body is molded, and the merits are transformed into golden light, wrapping the golden body of Xiao Guanyin, and the golden body is melted into Gao Yan's soul, just like the Yuan Ying in Xiuxian's novel.

The golden body turned into light again, and penetrated into Gao Yan's blood vessels, reshaping his flesh and blood.

"We've been working together for a while, and you should know that I'm not a civilized person. Things that can be solved violently are usually not verbally spoken. If they can be solved in other simpler ways, you will never rack your brains and go away. The road with greater cost and risk.”

A lotus pattern appeared in Gao Yan's pupils, a large golden lotus covered his forehead, and the golden and red lotus flowers on his back faintly shone. The skin became as transparent as white jade, but it was harder than anything.

After he finished speaking, he was silent for a few seconds, and his eyes crossed the empty hall and looked at Chu Shuibi who was stepping forward.

"Therefore, I refute—God's fallacy!"


Asura: "What exactly is in the box?"

Chu Shuibi opened the box in the center of the courtroom, and inside the box was an ordinary bronze badge.

Asura: "It's really a token of love."

Chu Suibi glanced at her and sighed: "I remember that you were clever and cunning, but I didn't expect it to be a false name."

Asura: "...Probably recognized my father, because of my father's IQ."

"The power of scolding people has increased."

The good ones don't study the bad ones, tsk.

Chu Shuibi took out the bronze badge in the box, which was the lie badge left by Gao Yan ten years ago.

When Gao Yan became a god, the power of the lie badge increased rapidly, strong enough to negotiate with the 'God'. The 'God' could no longer ignore the role of this little bronze badge, because it was a lie left by Gao Yan.

Chu Suibi read out its lie: "Please listen to the words of the gods."


The extremely faint, yet particularly clear sound, seemed to be plucking the string of destiny in an instant, the originally rolling wheel of destiny stopped instantly, and the time of the world was completely stopped.

As if the pause button was pressed, it was still and silent.

The world was terribly empty, no more scrambling or whispering.

Gao Yan moved his fingers slightly, raised his eyes, and saw 'God'.

'God' has no original form, no actual appearance. He can be human, light, air, or ocean.

Gao Yan smiled: "I seem to be right."

Rules are above all else.

Please listen to the word of God itself is a fallacy, even if the actions of 'God' seem to establish it as the truth, but peeled off the shell, this sentence is still a fallacy.

Gao Yan used the power of the gods to use the lie badge for the last time, so that 'Please listen to the gods' changed from falsehood to truth.

In other words, he refuted the 'God fallacy'.

As for 'please listen to the gods', it does not conform to the rules at all, so it is not in Gao Yan's consideration.

Because the lie of the lie badge comes true also falls under the rule recognition.

It is a paradox that 'Listen to God's words' has changed from a fallacy to a truth, but the lie is true badge is also recognized by the rules. Both are recognized by the rules and belong to the paradox.

Gao Yan doesn't care, this is the trouble of 'God'.

Who asked him to ask for troubles and engage in a plan to destroy the world

As long as 'God' is troubled by 'God's fallacy' and stops the plan to destroy the world, then it becomes less important to prove the truth of God's existence.

Gao Yan: "God, how do you choose?"

After a long time, the 'God' answered him: "Please listen to the words of the gods!"

Hearing this, the smile on Gao Yan's face widened.

In the next moment, the gear of destiny turns again, and the world resumes its operation.

Xie Sanqiu injected the venom into Apep's heart, and then burst out the flesh like a mountain wall, and Apep the big snake was poisoned by his own venom, the body slowly fell, and the land of dawn and dusk was stripped again.

It's just that the sun in the Land of Twilight was swallowed up by one third, thus turning into a crescent moon, the Land of Crescent Moon.

Seeing this, Yang Mian flew over and kicked it first, followed by a warm hug.

Xie Sanqiu was stunned for a moment, then hugged back, his ears were quietly red, but he couldn't tell because his skin was too dark.

After Su Jiang's heartache returned to normal, it seemed that nothing had happened just now.

He was quite puzzled: "The danger was saved... Why did I say this? Strange."

Tang Ze's eyes cracked: "Yu Xiaojie!"

Yu Xiaojie was shocked and turned his head: "What's wrong?"

The two ghasts took advantage of his back and ran for a sneak attack, but they were burned to ashes by the sulphur fire falling from the sky, but they changed their trajectory and did not hit Yu Xiaojie.

Yu Xiaojie: "Huh? Wow - I'm so lucky."

Tang Ze: "..."

Tang Ze walked over and pressed Yu Xiaojie's neck viciously: "Be careful with me!!"

Yu Xiaojie: "I know - I know!"

The Styx River overturned, the sulphur flames in the sky, and the lava flow underground, still unresolved. But at this time the biggest crisis was resolved, and the gods began to wake up, first blocking the underground magma flow with the black pine forest, and then dousing it with the water of the Styx River.

The ghasts in the river are also used to suppress the lava flow, and the ghasts of Jizo happen to be among them.

The brimstone flames in the sky were swept away by the air guards, because the brimstone flames were spit out from the mouth of the serpent Apep, and when Apep died, the brimstone flames disappeared. Just need to clear the remaining brimstone fire.


Chu Suibi stepped into the two fact halls, and when he saw Gao Yan who was thinking about it, he immediately opened his hand: "Yan Yan, come and hug."

Hearing the sound, Gao Yan looked up in surprise, only to see Asura, a short dwarf with five heads, and his pleasant smile faded. He jumped off the scale and walked towards Asura: "Asura, why are you? Where's Brother Chu? Where is he?"

Chu Shuibi: "... I'm here."

Gao Yan smiled stiffly and looked down at Chu Shuibi: "You... Brother Chu?"

Chu Shuibi nodded.

Gao Yan opened his mouth slightly, expressing surprise.

Although he could guess that Chu Suibi might die without the Book of the Dead, he also guessed that Chu Suibi had entered the Styx Kingdom, and he knew even more about the rumors that had spread before, such as the six-year-old boy's search for his father, which must have something to do with Chu Suibi.

But he never imagined that Chu Shuibi would be able to use his daughter's body without any obstacle! !

"Brother Chu, can you be any more dog?"

"Baby, can you stop saying spoilers during the big reunion?" Chu Suibi still opened his hands, waiting for Gao Yan to fall into his arms: "Come and hug and kiss."

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure?"

To be honest, even if he knew that the Asura in front of him was Chu Shuibi, he couldn't do any other intimate actions. And Asura's body is only six years old, how could he be hugged into his arms

Chu Suibi: "I don't mind being hugged into my arms, but the body is indeed Asura's and cannot be taken advantage of. Baby, wait for me to grab the Book of the Dead."

Asuro crawled back with difficulty, thinking that he would get a kiss and hug, but the stingy old dog Chu disagreed, and suddenly he was so angry that he threw himself on Chu Suibi's head and bit him.

Chu Cuibi was as stable as an old dog, and it wasn't his body that bit him anyway.

The author has something to say: Phew~~ done.

The episode is still a bit long.

The game field will continue, and the gods will still be screened, but it may not be too tit-for-tat. Because for the world, the existence of gods is optional.