Please Obey The Game

Chapter 96: Extra (2)


Song Beiliu knew the story of the Terrorist Twins since she was a child, because she came from a backward and closed village.

As long as there are twins, one will always be abandoned, and the girl will definitely be abandoned.

There is a disgusting custom in that village. If the twins are of different genders, the baby who is a girl will be sent to someone else's home to be raised, and when it is raised, it will be sent to the boy as a wife.

Song Beiliu's mother knew good manners, righteousness and shame, and could not accept the custom of brother and sister becoming husband and wife, so she quietly took Song Beiliu away, put her in a wooden basin, and went down the water.

Song Beiliu escaped the fate of brother-sister rape because of his mother, but was also exiled. On the night she was exiled, the river was high, the tub overturned, and the little baby fell into the icy water and was brought up with a breath of breath.

A life, but also birth and support.

Song Beiliu has since severed all ties with her original parents, including her brother.

Chrysanthemum is the surname of the witch, but it is not actually inherited by the family. They look for talented girls, adopt them, and change their surname to Juli if they wish.

Song Beiliu is a goddess maiden mainly cultivated by the Juli clan. She is very talented and soon surpassed the oldest shrine maiden in the clan. She is also surnamed Juli, and has another name, Juli Beiliu.

Later, she picked out the word 'Song' among a bunch of surnames, and she called herself Song Beiliu to the outside world.

Song Beiliu didn't know what he was obsessed with, so he explained to the outside world that Beiliu in Juli was difficult to read, so he had to take the surname of Huaxia.

At that time, the witch who raised her seemed to understand her mind, and only told her kindly: "Blood is the cause and effect, and the surname is also the cause and effect. If you change the surname, you will be responsible for the cause and effect."

Song Beiliu's name was also given by the witch. The witch seemed to see through her, and instead of giving her a name that is common in the island country, she picked words from Chinese poetry.

The north flow, the mountain threshold depends on the south, and the river flows to the north.

Nothing special, it just sounds okay.

Song Beiliu met her brother on the playground, and she didn't plan to recognize each other. But her brother is a scumbag. He chose a path that is not easy to walk, and if he can't accumulate merit, he hit her on the head.

Song Beiliu ignored her brother and devoted herself to the game field. Although she was not obsessed with becoming a god, she just messed around with the mentality of 'since you're on the road, let's go on'.

Later, she divided half of the blood to create the most human-like shikigami, and named her Hualing, which was followed by the surname of Juli.

Song Beiliu didn't tell Juli Hualing that she was a Shikigami, saying that she was her younger sister, but in fact she was raised as a daughter. So Hualing admires her very much, and the filter is really thick.

Song Beiliu wanted to mess around, but her brother didn't give him a chance.

When Song Beiliu entered the game field, he killed the witches who raised her.

Since then, Song Beiliu's purpose in life is to kill her brother. Even if she died and turned into a bone skeleton, she would try her best to crawl out of hell and kill Jizo.

Jizo cast a blood curse on her, which made Song Beiliu hated by others. Anyone who saw her would kill her, but she could no longer kill Jizo.

Song Beiliu was exiled in the game field, looking for a resurrection prop.

The gods in the Nordic mythology game field are very repulsive of outsiders, and the only resurrection item Qingguo has been stolen and its whereabouts are unknown. Yang Zhi Ganlu was originally the best choice, but first of all it was not easy to get over it, and it was even more difficult to obtain the "Heart Sutra" which was an overrun item.

Song Beiliu also didn't know which player the eight-armed Guanyin would go to after falling off her body.

She met Gao Yan in the desert river and made a very good deal.

Song Beiliu was very fortunate that he did not reject Gao Yan at the beginning, nor did he regret stabbing him in the back, but endured it for ten years, and spent ten years in exile in the game field with the body of his soul.

When she personally killed her brother, trapped his soul in a rotten body, and then filled it into a sea of sulphur and fire to endure endless pain, Song Beiliu felt that he had no regrets in this life and could die with confidence.

The only person who can't be sorry is Chrysanthemum Flower Bell, this child truly worships her.

After finally looking forward to her rebirth, and seeing her die with her own eyes, even her blood and soul were taken away as a deal, how sad should Hualing be

After Song Beiliu's complete death, his consciousness was trapped in the darkness, and he didn't completely dissipate. He felt very guilty. Moments before her death, the tears in Hualing's eyes kept dripping like rain. She felt sorry but also relieved.

Because Gao Yan and Hua Ling know each other, he will take care of Hua Ling.

Song Beiliu was relieved, so he lost consciousness, thinking that he would disappear forever.

She never thought she would wake up one day!

Song Beiliu raised her paw and swore that she really wrote a suicide note, bought a coffin, and even chose a cemetery and a sea view room!

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Sister, are you not happy?"

Song Beiliu is very indifferent, how could she be happy? Do you know how expensive a sea view room is

Juli Hualing smiled contentedly with her eyebrows bent: "I'm so happy. From now on, Hualing will take good care of her eldest sister. The eldest sister will never leave my side again, never leave."

Song Beiliu's eyes were tangled, wondering if her two deaths had stimulated the child Hua Ling

This feeling... won't change, right

She doesn't do orthopedics.

Song Beiliu thought indifferently, if Hualing dared to engage in orthopaedics, she would sacrifice the 18th-generation vine to get her to change her mind!

Fortunately, Chrysanthemum Hualing's feelings for her are still simple and have not deteriorated.

Song Beiliu breathed a sigh of relief and thought that when the flower bell was made, the witch who raised her would tell her when she saw it.

"Hua Ling is a born witch, she lacks affection. Beiliu, you are her parents, she is your cause and effect."

Flower bells are shikigami, watered by half of Song Beiliu's blood. At first, she had no soul, but later she had a soul but lacked feelings. All her emotional personality came from timely learning, and she could adjust to the appearance that others liked the most.

And Hua Ling's love for Song Beiliu is just a natural influence of blood.

Juli Hualing picked up Song Beiliu and walked steadily: "Sister, let's find Gao Yan."

Hearing this, Song Beiliu, who was immersed in heavy thoughts, suddenly froze: "Meow! Meow meow meow!!"

roll! Definitely don't go! ! What a shame! ! !

Chrysanthemum Hualing smoothed her hair: "Is my sister happy too? Let's go to Gao Yan and ask him if he can revive my sister again."

The fried-haired Song Beiliu was stiff and shy, and his face like a cake was full of melancholy and sadness.

She's not dead, but she's just as dead.

The cat god Best didn't want her soul because she had too many slaves and didn't need a useless soul. But there was an agreement ten years ago, so the cat god Best just stuffed Song Beiliu's soul into the body of a fat cat, and the right should fulfill the agreement.

The way it was handled… quite rude.

Song Beiliu thought sadly, a fat cat... it might as well die.

The author has something to say: I can't do it, the second update that I promised you can't be fulfilled, and Calvinka can't.

The code that came out has been deleted again, there is no way to send it out, sorry TAT