Please Obey The Game

Chapter 97: Extra (3)


Su Jiang had no parents. His parents divorced when he was very young, and they formed a new family soon after, and no one wanted to take him in.

Su Jiang is very stubborn, no one wants him, and he doesn't want anyone.

Su Jiang's parents agreed to give a monthly living allowance of 500 yuan, which would be credited to his card, and then they would not care.

Su Jiang lives in an old unit building, living alone, no one cares, no one cares, he doesn't care, so he indulges himself.

When I was in elementary school, I ran away to play games, and when I was in middle school, I played with people in the community, and I almost killed people. Su Jiang's parents were furious and had a big fight after losing the medical bills. After that, no one would take care of Su Jiang anymore.

They said that the monthly living expenses are 500, and the medical expenses are 2,000, and the living expenses of Sujiang for two months are gone.

Su Jiang sneered: "Whatever."

After the source of living expenses was cut off, Su Jiang went to work. At that time, he was not yet an adult, so he could only work as a black worker.

With little money, he was also taken advantage of by others. Su Jiang was so angry that he directly hit people on the head with a beer bottle. As a result, he was beaten until his stomach bleeds and was thrown into the street like a dog.

Su Jiang was 15 years old at that time. He grew up like a weed, and he was fierce like a wild dog.

He really ran out of energy, and simply fell to the ground. The rain poured down, which was even heavier than the rain when the hero and heroine of the idol drama broke up.


Even scolding people is not enough.

Arthur Gard appeared at this moment, holding a black umbrella, wearing meticulous clothes, appearing in front of him in an elegant and noble manner, looking at him from top to bottom.

The icy rain hit his face, stinging a little. Su Jiang opened his eyes, saw a pair of deep ice blue eyes, and then passed out.

When he woke up, he suddenly found that he was sleeping in a hotel, and the price of the hotel was a place that neither he nor his parents could afford.

Su Jiang lifted the quilt and rushed out of the room like a little leopard, barefoot and aggressive, but when he saw a man wearing glasses watching a video in the living room, he was startled, as if his tail had been stepped on, full of vigilance.

"Who are you? You brought me here? I warn you, I'm underage, don't think about it." Su Jiang leaned against the wall, hunched his teeth and grinned at the man, his toes even arched nervously.

He showed a bluff that he didn't even know about and warned the man: "I know that old men like you like minors the most, and also like to play with men's p-eyes, it's disgusting!"

"Anyway, if you dare to bang me, I'll go to the police station and tell me on TV! I'm shameless, you should be shameless."

He talked about it, but in the eyes of the man, it was a little leopard who had just been weaned threatening, and he was not even the size of a slap.

Arthur Gard thought it was very interesting, he couldn't believe that his future wife would be the little boy in front of him.

Yes, after Chu Shabi, Arthur Gard is the second player to become a pseudo-lord god.

And the reward is naturally also the prediction of the future partner.

Arthur Gard didn't take it to heart, but he didn't reject it, so he came all the way from Northern Europe to a small town in China, and appeared in front of the destitute little boy at the most opportune time.

Then take the bullied poor little leopard back to the nest.

Arthur Gard asked him bluntly, "Will you be my little wife?"

Su Jiang immediately blew his hair and rushed up to beat him angrily, but to Arthur Gard, it was like being scratched by a little leopard with no nails, and there was no scar on his body at all.

Su Jiang realized that he couldn't make any scars on Arthur Gard's body, and his eyes were red with anger, he tore off the man's collar and bit the Adam's apple fiercely.

He was proud, raised his tail and said arrogantly: "Next time I bite your throat."

But the next moment, Su Jiang's face immediately turned green, he jumped down suddenly, ran away, and angrily scolded Arthur Gard for being a pervert.

Arthurgard touched his Adam's apple, where there was a fresh bite. After a two-second pause, he suddenly laughed.

The original little interest in Su Jiang has turned into a very strong possession. Anyway, it is destined to be his little wife, so why can't he have it for granted

"My name is Arthur Gard, your future husband."


Su Jiang raised his middle finger at him and ran away quickly.

Arthurgard stared at the back of him fleeing in a panic, fingertips pointed at the bite marks on his Adam's apple, and a beastly smile on his lips: "Cute." Then he sighed: "It's still young."



Su Jiang went home cursing, facing the dilemma of being unemployed, having no money, and starving. He went to his friends to borrow money, but those friends avoided him. He went to work in even more unlawful places, washing dishes at night, taking out the garbage, helping in the kitchen and so on.

Three religions and nine streams are with him, and they don't need warmth, let alone dignity and sympathy, because they are all bugs in the mud.

When the work was over, it was already three or four in the morning, and it was almost dawn.

Su Jiang was walking home when he saw a man smoking by the street lamp.

There is no doubt that the man has the capital to attract all women and girls, clean and elegant clothes, handsome Nordic man appearance and tall figure, just leaning on the street lamp and smoking, can attract many girls without saying a word. People stop chatting.

The women stopped, said a few words, and then left regretfully, looking back at him when they walked all the way.

Su Jiang let out a snort, and then dragged his tired body over.

Arthur Gard stopped him: "It's not good for your health to stay up late."

Su Jiang rolled his eyes: "I'm fucking working to support myself. You told me that staying up late is not good for my health? Where did the Virgin Mary come from?!"

Arthur Gard snuffed out the cigarette butt, followed, and said with a smile, "You are a minor, so you can only work as a black worker. The work of black workers is tiring and earns little, so why don't you come to me. I have a job, Stay with me for seven days and earn 3,000 yuan."

"Don't go." Su Jiang said, "I don't sell my body. If I want to sell my body, I also sell it to women, not an old man like you."

Arthurgard raised his eyebrows and touched his face. He didn't seem to be that old, but he was indeed much older than the child in front of him.

"I'm not going to be the beast to attack a child - I just want you to play with me."



"I don't like seeing you well."

Su Jiang was very unhappy. He found that he had stopped his back and was only as tall as Arthur Gard's chest, which was really unpleasant.

Hearing this, Arthur Gard stopped talking, and the ice blue eyes that looked over were particularly deep.

Su Jiang frowned, feeling uncomfortable all over, hurriedly swept a shared bicycle, got on it and ran.

Arthurgard stood there watching him leave, but didn't catch up, but waited for him outside every night after that.

Su Jiang was very annoying and asked him what he was doing.

Arthur Gard: "I like you."

"Dead pervert! Dead pedophile!! Go away!"

The continuous viciousness made Arthur Gard disappear for several days, Su Jiang was a little disappointed, but more relaxed to get out of trouble.

On this day, Su Jiang was beaten.

The person who beat him was the rubbish he beat into the hospital before. The other party was discharged from the hospital, and a group of people blocked him in the alley and beat him severely.

Su Jiang dragged his aching body towards the house, passing by a western restaurant on the way, where a birthday party was being held. He ignored it and walked over directly, but saw a familiar figure—his mother.

Su Jiang's mother held the gift and pushed open the door of the western restaurant with a warm smile on her face. Su Jiang's eyes moved with it, sticking firmly to his mother.

The protagonist of the birthday party in the western restaurant, a little boy jumped up and hugged his mother's leg, smiling brightly.

Su Jiang's mother brought the expensive gift in front of the little boy and blessed him with a smile. Later, when he accidentally caught a glimpse of Su Jiang outside the window, his smile froze, and then he showed an expression of disgust.

Su Jiang's abdomen was hit the hardest. It was very, very painful before, but at this moment, his heart seemed to be hurting even more.

The pain even covered the wound in his abdomen. He thought to himself that the garbage just kicked his chest, hoping that there would be no sequelae.

Su Jiang wanted to leave, but his feet took root.

Su Jiang's mother came out in a hurry, gave him two hundred yuan, and complained in a low voice: "I beg you, can you not show up in front of me? You ran to fight again? I tell you, if you put people in the hospital again, I will never mind!"

Su Jiang twitched the corners of his lips and wanted to laugh, but he couldn't laugh. He accepted two hundred yuan and said, "Just passing by."

Su Jiang's mother's eyes dodged: "In short, I hope you can be sensible, and you will be an adult in two years. When you become an adult, we don't have to take legal responsibility for you. You, you can do it yourself."

It turned out that he was waiting for him to become an adult. It turned out that the responsibility was due to legal constraints and had to be done.

He is a burden that everyone wants to throw away, no one wants it, no one dislikes it.

Su Jiang already knew.

He just doesn't care.

Su Jiang went home and met Arthur Gard at the entrance of the corridor.

The man suddenly appeared in front of him a few days after disappearing and explained to him: "I have something to deal with, sorry I didn't tell you."

No one would ever tell him where he was, because no one cared about him, and no one needed him to care. His parents just need to forget, forget like throwing out the trash.

Su Jiang asked him stubbornly, "Will you lose me?"

Man: "No, never."

Su Jiang: "Do you need me?"

Man: "I like you."

He didn't say need, because each other is not the most important thing in life, so there is no need.

Some hurt but frank, and the insecure Su Jiang needs this frankness.

No one wanted him, but the man in front of him wanted him.

Su Jiang asked again: "You said you want me to be your wife, does it count?"

Arthur Gard carefully hugged the injured little leopard in his arms: "It always counts."

Su Jiang: "I promise to marry you."

Arthur Gard: "I'll say it again when you really need me, so I'll be by your side until you get married."

"… the words count."

Arthur Gard picked up Su Jiang, took him back to the hotel, and let him recover from the injury. Then, without his knowledge, he moved Su Jiang's hukou out, put it in his own name, and asked Su Jiang if he would like to go abroad with him.

"If you don't want to, then find another school in China to study, and I'll come to accompany you. If you want, I'll have someone prepare everything."

Arthur Gard is very busy. Sometimes he takes Su Jiang abroad, and sometimes he handles affairs in a domestic hotel. He accompanies Su Jiang, like his father and brother, keeping a distance but at some point he truly feels his identity as a 'companion'.

Su Jiang gradually accepted Arthur Gard. Although he was still fierce like a little leopard, he relied on him unknowingly, as if he had found a companion and a powerful father.

Relying on him, and relying on his favor, he acts recklessly.

Su Jiang said fiercely: "Don't try to leave me!"

The bluffing little leopard looks fierce even if he is reluctant.

It was originally unpleasant, but Arthur Gard loved his lively appearance full of vitality, so he indulged and pampered him to make him more lively, like a little prince who was pampered and grown up.

Arthur Gard didn't want Su Jiang to enter the game field. The game field was too dangerous. How could he be willing to suffer the little prince he planned to spoil for a lifetime? How could he bear to push him to the brink of death

As long as he becomes a god, he will naturally find a way to give Su Jiang eternal life.

But fate is full of poisonous thorns, forcing him to let go.

Su Jiang was terminally ill and stopped breathing in front of him.

Arthur Gard snatched the shark bead, gave it to Su Jiang, and saved him.

After establishing cause and effect, Su Jiang had to enter the game field.

Arthur Gard broke his promise and was afraid that Su Jiang would die again in front of him, so he changed his identity and forced Su Jiang to grow up quickly. Although he was injured, he grew faster than he imagined.

The little leopard is always a beast, strong and confident. Even if he is pampered and raised by him, once it is released into the wild, it will quickly grow into a strong and beautiful appearance.

Arthur Gard looked at Su Jiang, who had grown up, so beautiful, powerful, and even more dazzling.

Fate was right about one thing, he thought.

It said his future partner was the injured child.

From the first side, fate is doomed to entangle the future.

Arthur Gard hugged his beautiful little leopard tightly, sighed and said, "You're twenty-two. When you reach the age of male marriage, why not register for marriage?"

Su Jiang, who had already reached marriageable age in northern Europe and married as a same-sex man, raised his head and rolled his eyes at his man, scolded his lips, "Are you suffering from Alzheimer's disease? The Chinese same-sex marriage law hasn't been passed, okay?!"

"Go wash and sleep, don't disturb me playing games."

Arthurgard thought, look, the little leopard is still lively and swearing so vigorously.

The author has something to say: it's over!

In fact, there was originally a game field. The original episode was a bit long, but I didn't expect it to be Kawen. The reason is that it was too tight before, and it suddenly loosened after the sudden end.

I couldn’t find the status for several days, so I wrote a short story if I couldn’t find it, and I tried to open a new article if I couldn’t find the status for the short story, but I couldn’t find the status for the new article. Suddenly, I couldn't write a single word for all the texts. I was troubled for several days. In the afternoon, I squeezed bubbles, and my hands hurt. After venting the pressure, I suddenly found the feeling hahaha.

However, I still feel very sorry. The comments in this chapter will be sent as red envelopes, but they will be sent after the comment area is opened. Although the background is visible, it is very troublesome to distinguish. (Closing the comment area is mainly for special days, everyone understands.)

Pen refill, the next article is "Rose Showcase", which is likely to be renamed "Love with the Lord of All Things", open after the National Day, bear with you~~~

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