Plundering Creation

Chapter 48


Dongfang Wugui also carefully put away the basic life spike of the porcupine, not to commemorate the injury, the power of the basic life spike even exceeded the category of level 2 monsters, and was an excellent material for refining flying needles. After collecting the spirit grass into the good fortune space, he looked for a hidden location to restore it, absorbed the demon pill, and then continued to search for other spirit grasses in the central area.

In a blink of an eye, sixty days passed, Dongfang Wuhui found more than 20 spirit grasses in the central area, and killed nearly 20 level 2 monsters and more than 50 level 1 monsters. He was injured more than a dozen. Second, the talisman in his hand was basically consumed. However, the results are equally gratifying. His cultivation base has reached the fullness of the Qi refining period, and the physical cultivation base is the peak of the refining period, and he has also collected more than 300 various spiritual plants, of which there are more than 100. The plant takes root in the soil of the good fortune space by itself.

Although Dongfang Wugui's cultivation base has further improved, his magical weapons have also been seriously worn out. His three-sided best magical weapon shields have been completely damaged, and now only one high-grade magical weapon shield can be used; two best magical swords are also used. All were destroyed; coupled with the exhaustion of the talisman, his current combat effectiveness has naturally dropped significantly.

At this time, most of the monster beasts in the secret realm were killed by the trialers. However, the trialers who entered the secret realm also died of hundreds of people. For the independent testers who have already gained, the most important thing at this time is to be able to get out of the secret realm safely.

The surviving disciples of the three sects have already gathered, and the disciples of each sect are divided into two or three groups to search for monsters in the central area. For the disciples of the three major factions, the low-level spirit grass in the outer area does not have much meaning to them, and their goal in entering the secret realm is the more rare central area spirit grass.

The killing in the outer area has already begun, and the teams temporarily organized by casual repairs have begun to kill each other in the outer area, and more than 20 disciples of the small sect trial have also joined the killing and hunting of treasures, and the death rate of the trial has risen sharply. ;

Chapter 57 Design Trap

As a tester, especially those who practice the yellow-level exercises and only have common magical implements, they generally dare not go deep into the central area with the second-level monsters. Of course, the disciples of the small sect's trial will also form a team to enter the central area in order to win the sect's rewards. However, due to the lack of instruction discs in most of the small schools, it is difficult for trial disciples to rendezvous quickly, and they lack effective mass destruction or super defensive items. Although entering the central area is also rewarding, most of them have paid a heavy price.

Dongfang Wugui encountered several hunting monks who entered the Central District in the Central District. However, the unlucky gods found the opponent in advance and guided him to avoid them, but did not encounter other monks head-on. He also found several spirit grasses in the central area that were succeeded by other testers. In addition to the seedlings that had been collected, there were still monks' corpses on the ground in three places, but there was nothing on the corpses.

Nowadays, the biggest force in the outer area is not a disciple of the Xiu Xian sect, but a looting brigade composed of more than two dozen casual repairs. They have killed three batches of casual practitioners and 6 sect disciples who acted alone. These casual practitioners have a natural resentment towards them. From the beginning of the trial, those casual practitioners have begun to attack and kill the sect disciples, plundering property and Gong method, technique.

This team of loose cultivators got a map of the secret realm before the trial, and agreed in advance to gather at a certain location in the secret realm. Then, the assembled squad gathered again to the general assembly position. Although this group of casual cultivators had prepared in advance, there were still a few people who were attacked by monsters after entering the secret realm. However, most of them finally assembled in one place and formed the largest force.

However, in the middle of the trial, there were very few monks who were still acting alone. This team of casual cultivators also killed several monsters in the outer area. After collecting some low-level spirit grass, they began to rest and wait until the trial began. Many days later, this team of casual repairs began to slaughter and looting.

These casual cultivators are very cunning, with more than a dozen people hiding in ambush, and other casual cultivators will go out in groups of two to find and lure other monks. It was not only the casual cultivator team that was unlucky. On the sixty-seventh day of the trial, a group of people sent by the casual cultivator found a team of Xiuxian sect disciples. It was a trial disciple of the small sect Dongtiemen, composed of seven people. Composition, the remaining three people have already lost track.

Dongtiemen is a small sect dominated by refining artifacts, but spirit grass is a resource that any immortal cultivator needs. Dongtiemen is of course no exception. The sect’s high-level leaders promised tempting conditions to allow disciples to enter the secret realm to collect spirits. Grass. East Tiemen is a refining sect in the end. Inside the door, a disc of mutual induction was refined for them, and they soon joined together after entering the secret realm.

At the beginning of the trial, the East Tiemen disciples formed a team and entered the central area and found three places where the spirit grass grows. It was just that when the guardian level 2 monster beheaded, the disciples of the sect fell three successively. With the gains that could be turned in, and worried about encountering the disciples of the three factions, the disciples of the East Tiemen left the central area, planning to go to the outer area to wait for the trial to end.

The disciples of the East Tiemen Trial found two investigators who deliberately showed their figures. These disciples of the East Tiemen were greedy for a while and decided to kill the two and looted some property by the way. As a result, this group of East Tiemen disciples entered the ambush area of casual repairs while chasing, and was attacked by a long-planned surprise.

Although the East Tiemen is a craftsman sect, they are a small sect after all, unable to bear a personal amulet. Only the captain is equipped with the amulet, and a sudden attack caused the group of East Tiemen disciples to suffer three deaths and two injuries. The captain reacted extremely quickly, and immediately organized the four surviving people to form a circle, and retaliated with a talisman.

During the Qi refining period, the only defensive tools that monks can use are unilateral defense shields. In an environment of attack on all sides, if they fight separately and escape separately, the result can only be death. The four defended in one direction. Although the strength of the enemy and the enemy were very different, there was still a ray of life. The captain judged the form in the shortest time and made the best choice.

The cultivation of disciples of the sect is more systematic than that of the casual cultivator, and the relative levels of the exercises and techniques they practice are also higher than those of the casual cultivator. Most of the weapons and equipment are also higher than those of the casual cultivator. Generally speaking, the strength of the sect disciple is stronger than that of the casual cultivator Random repair at the same level. However, the disparity in the number of people determined the final result. After killing and injuring five casual repairmen, the East Tiemen disciples died one after another.

The remaining two East Tiemen disciples resisted back to back for a while, but because they could not fully defend against attacks from all sides, the two also died in the siege of casual repairs. Although San Xiu paid some price, the harvest of the looting made them extremely pleasantly surprised. There are not only rare spirit grass and monster beast materials, but also mysterious-level techniques and techniques, which is already a shocking gain for San Xiu Lian.

This is also the reason why San Xiu is more keen on killing people and hunting for treasures. San Xiu originally had poor aptitude for Turing roots, and the resources of immortality cultivation were all occupied by immortal cultivation forces of all sizes. This makes San Xiu, in addition to hard struggle, full of envy and jealousy of the disciples of the Xiu sect, and can kill the sect disciples, not only makes them feel hatred, but also obtains the resources for the cultivation of the immortals they need. Why not? for.

Similar encounters with the disciples of the East Iron Gate are happening everywhere in the secret realm, but because the disciples of the three major factions are still searching for spiritual grass in the central area, there are not many superpowers in the outer area: the disciples of the little school enter the secret realm. Ten people, and although the number of casual cultivators is large, they lack a sense of trust between each other. The peripheral teams are composed of several people. When encountering teams of equal strength, unless there is an opportunity for ambush and sneak attacks, everyone will exercise restraint and avoid a fight that hurts both sides.

That’s the case. Fights and attacks in the outer area continue to occur. If you don’t pay attention, you may step into the ambush of other monks. The trial monks in the secret realm are all cautious. Has found a secret location and hides it.

Slaughter caused a battle after the disciples of the small sect trial returned from the central area to the outer area. Those small sect disciples were originally the main targets of casual cultivators to kill and hunt for treasures, and the trial disciples from the central area were the best targets. Not only did most of the trial teams suffer personnel losses, but they also basically harvested the rare spirit grass. Looting a small team may allow those loose repairs to exchange for the Jidan, or even join the Xiuxian sect.

Dongfang Wugui was in the central area of the secret realm at this time, and the killing in the outer area would not pose a threat to him. It's just that his current magical instruments and talisman have suffered serious losses, but he still has one task that he hasn't completed.