Plundering Creation

Chapter 94


Dongfang Wugui's true essence became more and more viscous with the addition of a lot of energy. He urged the magic arts of good fortune. With his efforts again and again, his dantian began to compress inward, and the liquid true essence that could not be compressed at all was finally compressed again, but his dantian came out of needle-like pain.

The impact formation requires constant compression of the liquid true essence, and the original thick liquid true essence is naturally far more difficult than the original gaseous true gas compression. While the dantian compresses the liquid essence, the liquid essence will also have a reaction force on the dantian. Although the dantian of Dongfang Wugui is far tougher than that, the quality of his essence is extremely high, and the difficulty of compression is also doubled. The reaction force produced by the pure essence is also stronger.

Dongfang Wugui endured the colic from his dantian, and at the same time used his spiritual consciousness to help compress it. When a cultivator condenses the golden core, the reaction force of the true essence is also very dangerous. If the dantian cannot withstand the reaction force of the true essence during the process of compressing the true essence, it will cause damage to the dantian, or even break the dantian. He didn't dare to be careless.

Dongfang Wugui's good luck transformation has shown its effect at this time. Although the true essence continuously releases fierce reaction force, making his dantian tremble constantly under the bombardment of the reaction force, it still continues to compress the liquid true essence. , His spiritual sense is also insisting on compressing the true essence in the dantian, the original rich and extremely rich true essence began to slowly shrink under the continuous compression.

As the liquid true yuan is further compressed, signs of solidification have appeared in the center of the true yuan. With the passing of time, the solidification of the true essence became more and more condensed. Finally, five solid round spheres of gold, green, blue, red, and yellow close to the size of marbles appeared in the Dantian of Dongfang Wugui. That is natural. It is the golden core of the immortal cultivator.

Don’t think that the golden cores the size of marbles are too small. If you let other monks know that Dongfang Wugui's golden cores are the size of marbles, they will be stunned. The monk is about to commit suicide directly. For example, the ancestor of Wanjia has condensed the golden core for hundreds of years, but his golden core is only a little bigger than the soy bean.

Of course, this is the difference caused by the level of the cultivation technique. In the heaven-level cultivation technique, the amount of true energy accumulated every time the cultivation level is advanced is 10% more than that of the earth-level cultivation technique, and the true energy of the earth-level cultivation technique is improved more than that of the mysterious. The level of practice is nearly 10% higher, and each level of improvement is 10% more, and the improvement gap is even greater during the advanced stage of the cultivation period. This is why the practice of the practice determines the strength of the immortal cultivator.

There are huge differences in the purity of true essence in different cultivation methods, and the purity of true essence is not only related to the strength of the cultivator, but also determines how far the path of cultivating immortality can go. If it is only the cultivation of the mysterious level, the basic Nascent Soul Stage is the culmination. This is the main reason why all the cultivators in the Yingzhou area stop at the Nascent Soul Stage. And Dongfang Wugui, due to the effects of good fortune energy, the true essence quality is even higher than that of the cultivator who cultivates the Heaven-level cultivation technique, so when he condenses the pill, the true essence's reaction force is also stronger.

With the formation of five golden pills in Dongfang Wugui's body, his body seemed to become a magnet, and the aura of heaven and earth within a hundred meters from his center quickly gathered to him. The ability of a monk to absorb aura when forming a pill formation is closely related to his own strength. A monk who cultivates a profound level technique can also absorb aura within a range of one to twenty meters. He is condensing because of the cultivation of the heavenly level technique. With five golden cores, it can absorb the spiritual energy of the world within a hundred meters.

It's a pity that Dongfang Wugui is forming a pill in a place where the aura is barren. No matter how strong the body is to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, the actual aura that it can absorb is very limited. Of course, if you build a pill within the sect, although you can absorb a lot of heaven and earth aura, it will inevitably alarm other cultivators. I am afraid that those Nascent Soul cultivators will also have a covetous heart for his practice.

However, the spirit gathering array arranged by Dongfang Wugui played a role at this time. The richness of the spiritual energy in the cave is absolutely worthy of the large amount of spiritual stones he has consumed, and the strong spiritual energy is poured into his body under his attraction. Suddenly, his skin felt like thousands of sharp needles pierced, and then his body was as painful and unbearable as being bitten by countless ants.

Of course, ordinary physical training cannot withstand such a large amount of spiritual energy tempering, but Dongfang Wugui itself has physical training, and his body is much stronger than ordinary physical training. Although the physical tempering spirit still makes him feel unbearable soreness, It will not cause the aura to explode and die because of the aura that is too abundant.

The soreness and numbness of the spiritual energy quenched Dongfang Wugui’s brain, and his keen five senses became the source of pain at this time. He could only grit his teeth and endure the waves of pain from all over his body, and the ants bite. The ordinary pain may be easier to bear. The most unbearable thing is the strange itching, and it comes from the internal organs and bones, so that he almost has to stretch out his hand to stop itching.

However, Dongfang Wugui finally gritted his teeth and held back, embraced the unity, guarded his mind, and operated the magical powers of good fortune to stabilize his golden core. Reiki tempering is a subsidiary effect of the immortal cultivator when it forms alchemy. Although it is of great benefit to the body, it is also a test of the mind and will. If the monk can't bear to move around at will, the golden core that has just condensed is likely to collapse.

After about an hour, the discomfort of the whole body gradually subsided. It was the tenacity of Dongfang Wugui's soul, and he was also tortured to exhaustion. After the body tempering was completed, he directly collapsed on the ground and fell asleep. He slept in a deep sleep for three days before waking up, looking inside the five-element golden core in his dantian, he said with lingering fear: "God, I really didn't expect the formation of a core to be so difficult."

The unlucky god said: "Boy, you think you are lucky. If a demon appears during body tempering, do you think you can resist it with your exhausted mental state? However, this magical skill is really amazing. When forming pill formation, the range of absorption of heaven and earth aura is several times stronger than that of the gods back then, huh, how your kid lives will be so good."

Dongfang Wugui This is the first time he has heard the unlucky god praise himself. Although the words did not mean the slightest praise, it can be heard that the god is also quite enthusiastic about his strength. He immediately smiled and said: "God, my strength is also good for you. After all, the stronger the strength, the greater the confidence that I will help you regain your body in the future."

The unlucky god said: "That's the truth, but the stronger you are, the more true essence you need to accumulate in the future to improve your cultivation level. I don't know where you go to grab so much energy for good fortune. Okay, hurry up and watch. Look at the changes in the space of good fortune."

Dongfang Wuhui quickly let the soul enter the god of good fortune, and the space of good fortune has reached more than 20 square meters after he advanced into the golden elixir period. There are five springs that release spiritual energy around the stele of good fortune. The eyes of Chu Lingquan release different five element auras, although they are slow, but continuous, so that the concentration of auras in the space of good fortune is continuously improved.

Dongfang Wugui didn't know how five spiritual springs suddenly appeared, but the good fortune space could have an independent source of spiritual energy, and the concentration of natural aura was guaranteed, and the effect of planting spiritual grass would naturally be better in the future. His primordial spirit came to the stele of the god of good fortune again, and repeatedly explored the four characters of good fortune space on the stele, but this time there was no change in the four characters, and the god of good fortune had no new functions.

Dongfang Wugui is not disappointed by this. Although there is no magical effect like the last time transforming the spiritual root, the appearance of the five elements spiritual spring is also a magical change. In the future, spiritual grass can be planted in the good fortune space, which is also to obtain good fortune energy. One way. Of course, if he relied solely on space to plant spiritual grass to supplement energy, he might not have the chance to advance to the next stage when his cultivation reaches the end of his life.

Seeing the completion of Dongfang Wugui's advancement, the little black bird spread his wings and flew to his shoulders, and his two heads rubbed his cheeks as if they were competing for favor, making a cheerful cry, but it was like a crow and it was not good to hear. He petted the little black bird, played with the little black bird for a while, and collected it into the good fortune space. The little black bird immediately noticed the change in space, and flew directly to the eyes of the Fire Element Spirit Spring.

Dongfang Wugui simply sacrificed the quasi-magic flame brick, and the unlucky god taught the new sword cultivation technique, Jian Qi Jue, and Jin Danqi's Imperial Sword Jue. He also practiced the fire technique, Ling Huo Jue, and further practiced. Ten days later, he basically mastered the technique and the Royal Sword Art. Only then did he break through the rocks blocking the entrance of the cave and leave the cave without flying. Instead, he walked back to his home.