Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey

Chapter 837: replace


Because it is an island country, it is often exposed to earthquakes. The Japanese people have actually been accustomed to earthquakes for a long time. However, even the elderly have rarely experienced such violent shaking. Their faces are pale at this moment, and the young people who were walking on the street are even more shocked. They were so scared that they gathered in open spaces and did not dare to go near buildings.

The whole of Tokyo, no, the whole of Japan was shaking.

Countless phone calls came in, and the shogunate office was tense and busy.

Although these officials themselves are frightened, under such circumstances, they still need to appease various agencies first and not allow chaos to escalate.

The Earthquake Bureau is even more the focus of attention.

But this is just what ordinary people or low-level officials think is the truth. The middle and upper-level officials of the shogunate have already figured out some inside stories. After the earthquake shook the mountains, they did not think about the earthquake, but realized that it was probably over there. People are starting again.

Many people in various branches of the Shinto Hall are also busy at the moment.

A courtyard in Tokyo. From the outside, it looks like a relatively ordinary and elegant house where rich people live, in a Japanese style. When you walk in, you will find that the people living here are not ordinary people, not even a family. There are also differences between them. Long corridors connect.

The people who live here are all retired onmyoji from the Shinto Hall. Of course, retirement is just a joke.

Although they are older, they are actually still affiliated with the Shinto Hall, but they do not usually carry out tasks, and even outsiders cannot easily see them. Only familiar people will become their guests.

The cherry blossoms bloomed regardless of the season in a centrally located house. A gust of wind blew by, the petals fell one after another, and the grass on the ground was covered with a thick layer.

Under the cherry blossom tree, a dozen men, all over fifty, sat together, none of them speaking at this time.

What filled the air was a depressing atmosphere that was completely opposite to the beautiful scenery.

After a moment, one of the old men suddenly spoke: "How?"

"It's a substitute." Another man with black hair but surprisingly white eyebrows said.

"Substitute has such a reaction? It seems that there must be many substitutes. This is the rejection of this life." Someone else said.

The old man who spoke at the beginning closed his eyes again, and golden light flashed in his pupils. When he opened his eyes again: "Look!"

All around the sky, the stars, sun and moon all showed double shadows.

No, it's not a double image, it's the power of the stars, sun and moon in the other world.

"Not good!" He counted his fingers and frowned: "This is not a substitution of people, but a substitution of historical memory. Hurry, tell the shogunate immediately!"

At the same time, in a commercial building in Tokyo

As he was hiding in the bathroom too late to go downstairs, he suddenly felt dizzy. A colleague who was hiding with him quickly supported him and asked, "Sakamoto-kun, are you okay?"

Sweat broke out on Ichiro Sakamoto's forehead. After a moment, he opened his eyes, looked at it, and asked without answering: "Who is the prime minister now? There is an earthquake. He should be the leader, right?"

"Sakamoto-kun, what are you talking about?" The colleague looked at him blankly: "Although we have a Prime Minister, our Japan is led by the Emperor and the Shogunate General Shinkawa. If something goes wrong, it will naturally be led by General Shinkawa?"

"General Shinkawa? No, it shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this!" Ichiro Sakamoto was startled at first, and then he covered his head with a pale face.

"Hey, Sakamoto-kun, where are you going?!"

Under the exclamation of his colleagues, he ran straight out.

The colleague shouted twice and realized that the swaying building had stopped. He tentatively took a few steps outside and quickly followed suit.

I didn't dare to take the elevator and ran down the stairs. I bumped into a middle-aged man running up. He looked familiar. Before he could say anything, the middle-aged man said hello to him.

"Oh, by the way, Kawakami-kun, who is the prime minister now?"

When the two passed by, the middle-aged man suddenly asked.

This question had already been asked by Ichiro Sakamoto just now, but Kawakami just felt baffled. What happened today? First there was a terrible earthquake, and then these two people suddenly asked such incomprehensible questions, as if they were talking about secret codes.

Kawakami frowned: "Not General Shinkawa?"

"Oh, I remembered it wrong." The other party did not give a violent reaction like Sakamoto Ichiro, but smiled.

This smile was a bit strange, which made Kawakami feel a little nervous. He quickly said goodbye and continued walking down.

What he didn't see was the expression on the middle-aged man's face who was standing there watching him go downstairs, which could be considered complicated.

"Is it me or the world that has the problem?"

At the same time, a government office in Osaka

After the earthquake shook the mountains, they found that there was no damage to the house. Thinking that it was the same as before, a few ordinary government employees walked back talking.

As soon as I reached the gate, I suddenly heard exclamations and curses coming from behind me.

He turned around in shock and saw a group of heavily armed soldiers surrounding the area.

"What are you doing?" someone asked bravely.

The leading officer said coldly: "I have been ordered to come to investigate! Everyone is not allowed to move and wait where they are!"

Countless guns were pointed at them, causing these government employees to look at each other and shut their mouths.

Now they can't figure out what is happening. A wise man is a man who knows the current affairs. Faced with such a group of people who are armed with live ammunition, they naturally choose to remain silent.

After a while, nearby government personnel were gathered together.

At this time, the officer spoke again: "Now, let me ask you, now the Prime Minister's government rules Japan, stand on the left! Now the shogunate rules Japan, stand on the right! I'll give you ten seconds, now!"

What the hell

The government employees looked at each other, thinking that this kind of question was simply ridiculous. How could such a thing be asked with such seriousness

But when the ten seconds were over, almost everyone was stunned when they looked at the group of people on the opposite side.

"What, what's going on? Hey! Chunxiang, why did you run over there?!" A man looked at his fiancée in surprise.

She chose the side ruled by the shogunate, but it was clear that the shogunate had collapsed long ago. This is the history they have learned! Why would my fiancée make such a stupid mistake

Not only him, Chunxiang also looked at him in surprise: "Why did you run over there?"

Apparently, the psychological process is basically the same as his.

There are almost people on both sides, about the same number, and they are all acquaintances with each other. This is really a mess.

The more common sense things are, once you find that they are completely contrary to your own understanding, the shock and panic are simply uncontrollable.

Although they, as the bottom of the government, do not know the truth about the other world, during this period of time, they have still been exposed to a lot of information that ordinary people cannot have access to. At this moment, all kinds of speculations came to mind, and they looked at the past The eyes of acquaintances and even lovers are filled with scrutiny and suspicion.

Could it be that at some point that they didn't know, he\she was actually cheated on

Just as similar incidents were happening in various cities throughout Japan, the central hub of the shogunate was the residence of General Shinkawa. General Shinkawa was standing in the courtyard. Due to the shaking, a big tree fell to the ground, and its branches covered half of the room. courtyard.

But because of his order, no one was going to deal with the tree for the time being.

"This is a bad omen." The tree fell down, as if it foreshadowed something, making General Xinchuan's face sink.

He stood in front of the tree, looking down, thinking about something in his mind. The attendant did not know, but he also understood that the master must be in a very bad mood now.

"General, the Shinto Office has sent a message!" At this moment, an attendant hurried in and lowered his head and said.


"Hey, according to the Shinto Agency, this is the opposite world using all its strength to initiate substitution, and the substitution caused a violent collision between the two worlds!"

"It is said that it is not the replacement of people, but the replacement of historical memory. If a person is replaced, the person will still be the same person, but the memory will change, causing the whole person's cognition to become different, and he will identify with another world instead of this world. .”

This situation is quite serious.

After all, even if a person is not replaced, as a person, memory is still very important. When a person's memory is completely replaced, even if the soul is still the same soul, the recognition and sense of belonging will change.

In terms of consequences, this substitution is no different from the person being directly replaced.

"What else? Does the Shinto Agency have a solution?" General Shinkawa asked in a deep voice.

Just as the attendant gave a negative answer, another attendant hurried over.

"Report! The latest news came from the Shinto Office. They said that if we resist this wave of substitution and do not allow the order of this world to be tampered with, part of the opposite world will be digested by our world!"

"If the other is weak and I am strong, the world on the other side will continue to be pulled into our world until it is digested."

This is indeed good news. General Shinkawa did not think that the Shinto Agency would deceive him on this matter. After all, this was not just a matter of rights, but a matter of survival of his own world.

"How many people have replaced you?" General Xinchuan continued to ask.

"General, we can't count it yet." The official in question came over just after answering the phone and only mentioned a few serious substitution incidents that had been reported.

"It depends on whose historical recognition is higher. If our world has a higher recognition, then even if some people are replaced, when our world devours the other world, the memories of these replaced people should take the initiative. recover."

General Xinchuan did not speak again, but raised his head and looked into the distance.

There was a cloud floating over there, and through the clouds, he seemed to see another piece of history.

Similar to this world is the Warring States Period and before, with exactly the same characters and events, but without the Shinkawa family. Therefore, that world was the world of Oda, Toyotomi, and Tokugawa, and finally became Meiji, Taisho, and Showa.

To be able to encounter such a bizarre thing in his lifetime, is this another legendary event in his career as shogun

While he was silent, suddenly, an evil wind blew over him.

(End of chapter)