Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey

Chapter 838: Rebellious


Although General Xinchuan was not a young man, he was still considered to have outstanding martial arts skills. He had no time to look back, so he lowered his head and dodged to the side.

Two knives, one slashing towards the head and one leading to the back of the heart, were just dodged.

"What are you doing!" someone exclaimed.

But the danger did not end when the two men missed. On the contrary, several more people drew out the ceremonial knives on their waists and rushed towards General Xinchuan.

"Kill the traitors and be loyal to the emperor."

These people, together with the two people who took action, were all family members who had been protecting General Xinchuan.

They are all members of the bodyguard. They are all clean-blooded and have been with the Shinkawa family for generations. Now they suddenly rebel and assassinate General Shinkawa. Even General Shinkawa has long known that a large-scale replacement of the entire world will bring about all kinds of negative consequences. , and couldn’t help but feel a sinking feeling.

Even people who have no problem with their loyalty will immediately rebel after their memory is replaced. How terrible is the replacement of memory!

"Inoue! The general has been kind to you, but you rebelled!"

When they discovered that one of them was an important minister who had been with General Xinchuan for many years, other colleagues were furious, and some of them yelled.

"Kill, kill these traitors." These people also drew their ceremonial knives and rushed over.

Although it is a ceremonial knife, it has been sharpened and has seen blood.

No matter which party they were on, even if they were colleagues who once had a drink with their arms around their shoulders, they all drew their swords against Zhongyi without hesitation.

This is naturally because they know more of the truth.

When I think about the possibility that my long-time colleagues may be replaced in memory and transformed into people and supporters of another world, this is already a contradiction in stance.

It is a matter of loyalty and the survival of a world. When rebellion occurs, it must be suppressed.

For a moment, the sword flashed, and people kept screaming and falling.

Fortunately, the number of attendants supported by General Xinchuan was obviously more than those whose memories had been replaced. Soon, these people who suddenly rebelled were beheaded to the ground.

The air was filled with rich blood, which was nauseating. Many people were injured and were helped to the side for bandaging and treatment. But because of their good training, no one made a sound at this time, even if the wound was painful.

General Xinchuan's face was solemn. The matter had come to an end and there was no other way. He immediately ordered: "Enforce martial law at the highest level!"

When necessary, a cleaning plan should be carried out.


As the shogunate's orders were passed down and phone calls were made one by one, the atmosphere became even more tense.

But this situation only lasted for a short time. As a government office in Tokyo was blown up by artillery fire, the stability and peace that had been barely maintained fell apart in an instant.

Outside the General's Mansion, a car sped by. As soon as the car stopped, a man pushed the door out of the driver's seat and stumbled because he came out in such a hurry.

"Who is it?" The man guarding the general's mansion immediately aimed his gun.

When the visitor was about to speak, a man suddenly ran from a distance and shouted: "Oh no, the Ministry of Justice has rebelled! Take me to see the General!"

The legal department rebelled

Japan, where the emperor is the virtual king and the shogun is actually in power, has set up multiple departments to assist the shogunate in its work. It can be regarded as a team that coexists with the ministers' team. This should be the power controlled by the shogunate, but unexpectedly it was openly used at this time. rebel.

Everyone present was in a daze, but they also knew that the matter was serious and immediately stepped forward to check and prepare to let them in.

The man who got off the car suddenly woke up and said hurriedly: "I also have something to report to the general!"

Since these two were familiar faces and often came to the General's Mansion, they were brought in after checking that they were not carrying weapons or dangerous items.

As soon as they entered and saw General Xinchuan, both of them hurriedly knelt down and knelt down to worship.

The news brought by the car was equally surprising.

"Sir General! The entire Japan, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and all the police stations have lost contact! I suspect they have all rebelled!"

police station.

For Japan under the rule of the shogunate, although the police force is not as good as the army, it is still a force that cannot be underestimated, especially many of them are equipped with weapons. Even if they are not as good as the army, they have a better understanding of the situation in their jurisdiction. More familiar than the army, once they rebel...

General Shinkawa's face became more and more ugly. Just as he was about to speak, someone rushed in to report: "Report to General, Nagano Prefecture has rebelled! It has just declared independence!"

"Report! General! There is an armed conflict in Hyogo Prefecture, and the government is requesting support!"

"Report! General! Chiba County has rebelled!"


News came one after another urgently, and everyone in the hospital held their breath and did not even dare to breathe.

Their eyes fell on the silent General Shinkawa. There was obviously chaos now, and the whole of Japan seemed to be divided. How should the general restore the situation

Could it be said that the whole of Japan is really going to fall into chaos again and be torn apart like it was during the Warring States Period

"I will go into the palace to see His Majesty the Emperor." In just a moment, General Shinkawa made up his mind: "At the same time, I announce that the Kandaiki Project will be launched."

After all, this world is our own world. Even if the other party replaces him, he cannot replace many people. He still has the upper hand. As long as the shogunate is not in chaos, he will definitely win.

"Hi!" The people around him immediately went to prepare. Listening to the sound of fighting outside, looking into the distance, the eyes of this high-ranking general flashed with determination to survive.

"Now, the first thing to do is to confirm whether the emperor has a replacement. If so, he will die immediately and support the new emperor to ascend the throne."

At this moment, more than a dozen cars that looked normal, but actually had high-grade bulletproof glass, were speeding on the road, and their destination was the mountain peak.

"These bastards!" He glanced through the rearview mirror and finally got rid of the people following him. Togawa Jiuxing, who was driving in one of the cars, couldn't help but curse.

After all, in order for them to arrive here safely, some of the people responsible for the break must have been loyal at this time.

The attack from the opposite world was too sudden. Even if they had realized long ago that they would not give up, they would definitely take action. However, this large-scale replacement of historical memories still caught Togawa Jiuxing off guard.

"Thanks to the general, I had a premonition and sent the decree to me early. Otherwise, if I wanted to get the decree from the general, I would have lost a lot of people. Many people are staring at the general. I hope that the general is safe and sound." .”

With this thought in mind, the first few vehicles in the convoy were attacked.


The gunshots rang out in an instant, and a car exploded.

There is an ambush!

Everyone's spirits were already tense, but now it was like pouring a basin of water into a hot oil pan, and everyone exploded.

"Those bastards! Fight back immediately!"

"Don't worry about who is behind them. They want us to die. If we don't have the belief to kill each other, we will be killed by them!"

Probably because they are afraid that some people will hesitate in their hearts. After all, they already know about memory replacement. Some people really feel that the people who have been replaced are also victims, and feel that they are internally consumed now. But the problem is that even so, if not Fighting back hard, can those former colleagues with memories and cognitions from another world let them go? impossible!

Those people will only become more murderous!

This reminder really worked. The enemy opened fire in an attempt to stop them. They fought back even more fiercely. Within a few minutes, the ambush gunfire was suppressed.

"Rush over now!" Togawa Jiuxing shouted into the intercom.

With their strong strength, the interception of these people only delayed them for a while.

Until we finally drove to the foot of the mountain, and when we looked up and could see the shrine, a group of people were almost touching the front of the shrine, which made Togawa Jiuxing understand immediately after getting out of the car.

"No wonder those people were repelled so easily. It turned out they were not the main force!"

"The main force is going to rush into the shrine!"

But where he was standing now, it would take some time to reach the shrine, which made him feel anxious.

"Follow me up the mountain quickly!"

Now there is only Miss Yako guarding the shrine. No matter how powerful Yamada Shinichi is, it will not help if his soul is pulled into the underworld and has not yet come out. If those people are allowed to rush in and destroy Yamada Shinichi's physical body, it will be a big deal. Gone.

Although the shogunate has many plans, having more Yamada Shinichi is naturally a huge bargaining chip.

Because he is the only one who can show his holiness in this world.

When he saw these people, these people were condescending, and naturally they also noticed the people who came down from the shogunate.

But with the mission in hand, they didn't even pay attention to these latecomers, and rushed in with guns.

"There is only one woman inside! The other party is a samurai, and we have the most advanced thermal weapons in our hands. Don't get close to her. If you see her, shoot straight away!"


Because I already had an understanding of the situation at the shrine before coming here. I knew that the girl guarding Yamada Shinichi was very skilled with a sword. If they fought hand-to-hand, they might not be able to win in a short time. However, they were not samurai and there was no need to abide by those rules. Just shoot!

No matter how fast this girl is, can she really dodge under the dense bullet attack

She is not that monster Yamada Shinichi!

"Get ready!" The person rushing in front raised his gun, and the shrine suddenly lit up with white light. Yaozi, who was standing sideways in the hall and guarding him with a knife, disappeared in a flash.

The intruder only heard a few screams. When he looked again, seven or eight people were covering their necks and slowly falling to the ground. It was not until their heads fell to the side that an expression of disbelief slowly appeared on the face of the deceased. It was obvious that the knife had How fast.

"Fire!" someone shouted.

"Click, click, click." Countless bullets were fired at the elusive figure, but the strange thing was that although they were clearly aimed, they always missed when they fired.

Occasionally, a bullet was fired, and with the splash of the knife, there was only a jingling sound, and then there were bullets that were cut into two pieces by the knife.

Although this scene was not as powerful as Pei Ziyun's impact on these people, it was enough to make people realize that this girl was no ordinary warrior!

"It's a spatial fold!" A more knowledgeable person screamed, and the intruder who had not paid much attention to the girl suddenly felt a sense of despair.

(End of chapter)