Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey

Chapter 839: Yazi Wushuang


There are obviously many of them, but there is only one enemy, and she is such a slender girl, but this girl who is slashing with a knife is invincible!

Her speed was extremely fast inside the shrine, just like a ghost. Those who thought she would have the upper hand now became lambs to be slaughtered.

"Puff" she shuttled between them, taking away a bunch of lives before they could react.

After being beheaded one after another, more than twenty corpses were lying on the ground.

But they suffered heavy casualties, but they didn't even touch the girl's side. This couldn't even be considered a tragic defeat, but a one-sided massacre.

This could not continue like this. The commander was dead, and the deputy immediately became the new commander, and then issued the order to retreat.

"Withdraw! Get out immediately!" But as soon as he said these words, the commander covered his neck, opened his eyes wide, and fell down.

The remaining people rolled out and crawled out.

"Hold on! Backup will be here soon!"

In addition to comforting everyone, some people shouted with a ferocious expression: "Since you are the ghost of the shrine, blow up this shrine!"

"Even the shrine and the people there were all blown to pieces."

"But we don't have cannons..."

"A helicopter belonging to us is coming soon. We immediately ordered to use air-to-ground missiles to blow up the shrine and the people inside."

"Lord Togawa, we will protect you. Come into this palace and read out the edict!"

The people at the bottom of the mountain finally climbed up. A few people protected Togawa Jiuxing and continued to rush in, while the remaining people started fighting with the people in front.

There were originally a lot of people in front of them, but when they broke in, some of them were killed directly by Yaozi, and less than a hundred people were left. There was the sound of helicopters in the distance and the sound of cars at the bottom of the mountain. There must still be people coming. , the situation is not favorable for Togawa Jiuxing.

It's not that the shogunate is weak, it's that the shogunate doesn't pay attention to it at all.

But at the moment, Togawa Jiuxing and the others don't care about this anymore. They go in to read the edict to Yamada Shinichi and carry out the canonization. This is what they must do now.

It is related to the grand plan of the imperial court and the shogunate. This is a very important part, and other things cannot be taken into consideration for the time being.

Hearing the gunshots and screams that rang out again from behind, Togawa Jiuxing didn't even look back, gritted his teeth and continued running inside.

Someone shot at him midway. Although he dodged, he was still affected by the shrapnel and let out a muffled groan.

It was not easy to come this way, and now I was enduring the pain, my eyes were bloodshot, but I didn't dare to stop for a moment.

The emperor's decree was hidden in the clothes on his chest, and it was also wrapped in cloth, which could isolate the water and prevent it from being stained.

Because of this, his shoulder was scratched by shrapnel and blood stains spread to his chest and skirt, but Togawa Jiuxing was not worried that it would affect the edict inside.

"Hand over the edict!" Several people, who must have run out of bullets, rushed over with knives raised.

Although Togawa Jiuxing was an official of the shogunate, he was not a weak person. He was not panicked when he saw a few missed miscellaneous fish rushing towards him.

"Bang bang bang" these people fell down in response.

"It's right in front! Hurry!" At this time, another person rushed over, and finally the person next to him pushed him and continued running forward, while he stayed to intercept.

When Togawa Jiuxing rushed into the main hall, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a murderous intent hit him.

"it's me!"

Togawa Jiuxing shouted hurriedly.

Yaozi put the knife away. Looking at the man whose face was slightly pale from the shock of the knife, she remembered her identity.

"Is it you? Lord Togawa? What are you doing here?"

Even if he is an acquaintance and an official of the shogunate, he has been here before, and Yako does not know about the substitution of historical memory, but among the people lying in the hall is Yamada Shinichi, who she cares about most, even if Togawa Hisaki comes , Yaozi will not allow him to get close.

"Miss Yako, I am here to read His Majesty the Emperor's decree." Togawa Jiuxing said immediately.

While speaking, he glanced behind Yaozi, and this glance made his heart skip a beat.

Togawa Jiuxing saw two people lying down, one of whom was Bando Enzi, and the other was Yamada Shinichi, the owner of the shrine.

Gunshots were heard outside, but the two people lying there showed no reaction. This shows that Yamada Shinichi has not returned from hell at this time. Can the other party really come back in time

Togawa Jiuxing felt a hint of despair, but it was not the time to give up yet.

Without further delay, without even asking Yaozi to kneel down, he took out the edict from his arms, shook off the outer cloth and threw it aside, then unfolded the edict and began to read out its contents.

Togawa Jiuxing could not guarantee whether this announcement of the edict would bring help to Yamada Shinichi who was in hell. The reason why he risked his life and came here at this time was because he had no other choice.

He is loyal to the shogunate and knows that right now, the entire world is in a life-and-death moment. The two worlds are competing with each other. Either you die or I live.

With a little more strength, maybe we can turn the situation around.

Togawa Jiuxing himself had no regard for life and death, and only hoped that this edict would really help Yamada Shinichi as the Shinto Agency said.

The edict read out this time was to enshrine Yamada Shinichi as the fifth official.

The fifth official position in the imperial court, this kind of official position cannot be given easily even by the shogunate. It requires the consent of the emperor and the ministers, and all aspects have to be taken care of before it can be awarded.

Therefore, the gold content is actually quite high, and the social status and power will rise by more than one level compared to before, but for Yamada Shinichi, it is not actually important.

The canonization of the top five directly affects luck. It means that Yamada Shinichi is recognized by the court and is a high-ranking official of the court. He can be involved in Fuso's national destiny and can use the national destiny to strengthen himself.

At the same time, the coordinates of reaching the ground can also be obtained.

On this point, when the edict was read out, Pei Ziyun, who was continuously killing the ghost army in the underworld, had the most say.

As Togawa Jiuxing closed the edict, an invisible golden light fell directly to Huangquan and appeared in front of Pei Ziyun.

"Is this?" Pei Ziyun opened his eyes slightly, watching the light extending quickly from in front of him like a long golden thread, winding towards the unknown front. He also felt some kind of light in his soul at the same time. The connection to the world is once again strengthened.

"It turns out that the fifth one was canonized."

This is indeed a help. At least, the power of the canonization can reach directly to Huangquan, and show him the direction through the fog. It is clearer than the previous mark of Bandou Yuanzi. As long as he follows the golden thread, he can go out directly. There is still a wait. What

Pei Ziyun laughed, jumped up, raised the knife in his hand high above his head, and swung it down.


Thousands of white lights fell at the same time, so bright that Bando Yuanzi couldn't bear it and closed her eyes directly.

And the endless killing ghost army, under the attack of these millions of white lights, was unable to even fight back, and all of them were turned into ashes silently.

When Pei Ziyun landed, he found that Bandong Yuanzi had fallen to his knees and lost consciousness due to a sudden release.

Naturally, it was not good to stay in this place. Staying for a long time would be bad for the soul. Pei Ziyun hugged her directly, and then grabbed the soul of Yamada Kazuhiko beside him. The next moment, the three of them disappeared from the place.

The golden thread also shrank and disappeared at the same time, and the Huangquan area once again fell into deathly silence and darkness.

Now, in this palace, Pei Ziyun moved his fingers slightly.

But at this time, the sound of a helicopter came from the sky above the shrine. Yaozi and Togawa Jiuxing were already standing at the entrance of the main hall. In front of them was the person Yaozi had just killed, who had turned into a fresh corpse with blood still warm. , Yaozi was harassed by the enemy and had to face the enemy, so he did not notice the change in Pei Ziyun.

"Ready! Launch!"

Almost at the same time, the helicopter's missile aimed at the shrine. Following the order, the missile fired straight down with smoke.

In fact, because the enemy's backup team arrived, even though Yaozi had killed dozens more people, there were still hundreds of people attacking.

However, the people behind it obviously couldn't wait any longer. When this missile was shot down, it was bound to take the lives of hundreds of people on their own side, but the top management didn't care at all.

Yaozi was covered in blood at this time, but she was full of fighting spirit. Seeing the missile falling straight down, she not only did not sit still and wait for death, she also struck it with a sword. The missile was actually hit by the sword energy of this sword, but there was no Instead of exploding, it disappeared in mid-air.

This made Togawa Jiuxing, whose scalp was tense, look dumbfounded. He saw Yaozi slashing with another knife. The sword energy of this knife even had a faint red color that ordinary people could see. It flashed past like a flame, and the next moment, the helicopter still hovering in the sky exploded into fireworks.

Just the power of this sword made Togawa Jiuxing look at Yazi with something wrong.

You know, in order to prevent people on the ground from easily shooting into the helicopter, the helicopter is very high from the ground.

Ordinary people, let alone swinging a knife and using sword energy to destroy this helicopter, would be useless even if they shoot at it with a machine gun, because it is beyond the range.

But now, Yaozi's understatement of the sword did not show any effort, and the helicopter exploded like this. Is this considered human power

Could it be said that because she followed Yamada Shinichi, this Miss Yako actually joined the inhuman queue

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Togawa Jiuxing's mind quickly, and at this moment, Yaozi's third sword had been swung out.

The explosion of the helicopter not only shocked Togawa Jiuxing, but also "awoke" hundreds of people who attacked the shrine. After discovering that the helicopter they had pinned their hopes on had been destroyed by the girl's sword, despair spread instantly. .

For them, everything in that world is real. No matter whether they were replaced by their whole people or their memories are replaced today, they no longer have a sense of belonging to this world.

Thinking that their own world and their loved ones needed to be saved by themselves, even though they knew that rushing forward might just be cannon fodder, these hundreds of people still rushed forward to kill them the next moment, shouting "Everyone, it's time to show your loyalty."

Yaozi's third sword was given to them.

During the first two strikes, Yaozi had already faintly felt a powerful force blessing him, and this third strike was a breakthrough based on this.

The sword flashed, and hundreds of people died at the same time.

Watching this scene, Togawa Jiuxing even forgot to breathe. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the fallen people. These people were all hit with a fatal knife in front of them. Moreover, the position and location of the knife hit by each person were different. The depth is exactly the same.

It's like one sword turned into hundreds at the same time, rather than the sword energy causing death!

(End of chapter)