Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey

Chapter 840: Position your way home


"I, am I back?" In the main hall, a bed collapsed, and Bando Yuanzi felt her body ached. She slowly opened her eyes. The next moment, she realized something and hurriedly sat up.

There was no need to open her hands to see, nor to look at the surrounding environment. As a spirit, she had already noticed the difference between body and soul as soon as she woke up.

Because Yaozi had just killed the attacker, the surroundings were very quiet. Bandō Yuanzi also smelled the strong smell of blood. Looking along the smell, he saw the figure at the entrance of the temple.

Is it Yaozi

At least a hundred people had died here just now, and Bandō Yuanzi immediately came to this conclusion.

She was very self-aware and naturally knew that this kind of attack and counterattack would not be directed at herself. Therefore, she immediately went to find Yamada Shinichi who might have been moved here at the same time.

"Shinichi-kun!" Finally, when he saw his figure, he found that Yamada Shinichi's body flashed and disappeared into the temple.

Bando Yuanzi realized something and chased him out the next moment. She looked up at the sky and saw the familiar young man, with his head raised and his eyes fixed on the sky, slowly flying into the sky.

There were two people beside her who were looking up at the same thing. Bando Yuanzi had no time to pay attention to it, so she just asked quickly: "Nobuichi-kun! Where are you going?!"

"Yamada Shinichi is back!"

"What should we do now? Even the underworld can't trap him. He has become a god now and has gained the foundation of part of the ghost army. His strength must be stronger. How can Fusang suppress him? Are we just going to let him go? Destroy the plan?"

Shuten Doji threw away the wine glass in his hand with a gloomy face, and the bright red liquid inside flowed all over the floor.

"It's the good deeds of those losers. They couldn't even stop the person who read out the edict, and the canonization was actually successful." Tamamo Mae also felt aggrieved that these people could do this.

They really trapped Yamada Shinichi here, thinking that there would be no problems, but in the end they were held back by what those guys did.

He was originally a monster, with a ferocious nature. At this moment, Tamamo Mae's demonic face had a terrifying malice.

If a human appeared in front of him at this moment, he would probably be torn into pieces immediately.

But in addition to this evil intention, there was also fear that he tried hard to suppress in the beast eyes in front of Tamamo.

You know, they died in the hands of Yamada Shinichi in another world.

In that world, their strength was equal to theirs, and they also had the right time, place, and people. It could be said that they had the home field advantage, but in the end, weren't they killed by Yamada Shinichi

When he learned about the tragic death of the person opposite him, Tamamo Mae was angry, and at the same time, he seemed to be infected by the pain of his own tragic death and fear of Yamada Shinichi.

Now Yamada Shinichi has returned from hell. Do the three of them really want to stop such a strong man

Although their world is important, is it really so important that they need to risk their lives

"I think, should we... think about a way out?" Thinking of this, Tamamo Mae said in a deep voice.

Shuten Doji was startled for a moment and did not immediately refute.

On the other hand, Otakemaru snorted coldly: "Tamamo-mae, Shuten-doji, aren't you scared?"

Those eyes glanced at them: "I want to remind you that this is a critical moment. If you defect, you will inevitably be liquidated by that adult afterwards. When the time comes, don't say that I can't save you."

There was a warning in these words.

Tamamo Mae immediately looked over coldly. Before he could say anything, Shuten Doji said coldly: "You'd better not say such words again. If you piss me off, you can't bear it either."

"Shuten-douji is right." Tamamo Mae echoed, "The three of us are monsters after all, and we are monsters in this world. Do you really think that they will really trust you? Even if they give you benefits, it is just Just taking advantage.”

Otakemaru sneered: "So what? Now that things have happened, do you think we have other options?"

From the time they agreed to the request of the opposite world, they had no other choice. As world thieves, if they could not fully achieve their goal of swallowing up this world and achieving true replacement, they would inevitably be excluded by the rules and sooner or later they would become boundless wandering souls.

If we were really reduced to that situation, how much better would it be than death

Seeing that the two demons were silent but did not respond, Otakemaru knew that they were already timid, and their fear of Yamada Shinichi had penetrated deep into their bones, fearing that they would be useless.

"If that's the case, you don't blame me for taking action." Thinking like this, hiding his evil intentions on the surface, the hand behind Otakemaru made a quick seal.

A suction force suddenly appeared above the three demons, and the rotating black hole not far above the head looked ominous.

"Otakemaru, you have indeed betrayed us!" Shuten Doji, who was sucked up first, immediately understood and cursed.

Although Tamamo Mae was also locked by suction, her situation was better than Shuten Doji's.

In fact, it had already become suspicious of Otakemaru just now. Although this companion was one of the three demons, he was considered to be on their side before, but recently, Otakemaru's attitude has obviously become more subtle.

In another world, Tamamo Mae was a monster who had been in the Emperor's Palace. In terms of delicate thoughts, he was definitely not comparable to ordinary monsters. Therefore, at the moment when he was suddenly sucked up, unlike Shuten Doji's roar, he Then he immediately chose Nine Tails and attacked.

The nine fluffy tails have different functions, but at this moment, they all turned into ropes and wrapped around Otakemaru.

Otakemaru didn't expect that Tamamo Mae would be able to use this move when he was almost dead. He underestimated Tamamo Mae's ruthlessness. Shuten Doji was still using his strength to resist the suction, trying to break free. Tamamo Mae didn't care at all, or That said, Tamamo Mae was more keenly aware that Otakemaru had planned to frame them in advance, and it was impossible to break free easily. Instead of wasting all his efforts, it would be better to let this bastard die with him!

"Ah! Let go!" Seeing that he was tightly entangled with several tails and pulled up into the air, Otakemaru was also ruthless. His claws and sharp teeth fiercely clawed at Tamamo Mae's tail.

These nine tails, for the nine-tailed fox, represent strength. Every time a tail grows, the strength will rise to a higher level, and every time a tail is cut off, the strength will be greatly weakened, and it may even take hundreds of years to practice. grow back.

But Tamamo-mae, who had already realized what fate he was about to face, broke his tail one after another and refused to let go.

This only happened within a few seconds. The next moment, the three demon figures were dragged into the black hole, and the black hole disappeared.

The sky above the entire Japan has begun to glow faintly with red.

The red color was extremely light, just like the sky far away from the setting sun at sunset, and people on the ground did not immediately notice that something was wrong.

At this time, Pei Ziyun, who was slowly flying into the sky, listened to Bandō Yuanzi's shout below, but did not respond. He only looked at the sky, as if there was the thing he dreamed of most. In addition, the people below , none of which he cared about.

It seems that the speed is not fast, but that is just an illusion. In fact, Pei Ziyun's speed in the sky is not slow. Even in Yaozi's heart, he couldn't help but panic. When he stared at the figure that had turned into a small black dot, the figure It seemed that he suddenly touched something in mid-air.

The entire sky, as far as the eyes could see, suddenly lit up.

"Ah! Look! What is that!"

Due to the earthquake and riots, there were almost no pedestrians on the streets of Tokyo. Many people who had escaped gathered in parks or other similar open-air places. When a person looked up and saw a vision and shouted out, he heard a sound The people also looked up one after another.

This sight surprised these people.

"Snake! Big snake!"

"What is that? Why is there such a scene? Is this a projection or a new weapon of the army?"

Many young people watched in stunned silence, wondering if this vision was a sign that the world was about to end.

Among the older people, some suddenly recognized a snake that was so huge that it could be seen in the sky and could be seen by the whole of Japan. It had multiple snake heads hanging down fiercely, as if it was looking at someone. Such a terrifying and fierce image, except in the legend Who else could be the Yamata no Orochi? !

"It's Yamata-no-Orochi..." Someone recognized it with fear on their faces.

The terrifying evil god that appears in the story actually appears in reality, and it is easy to think of the end of the world.

And as someone revealed the identity of the giant snake, more and more fear filled the crowd.

Not only Tokyo, but also Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto... the whole of Japan seemed to be collectively forced to watch a holographic movie, with an excellent perspective and the kind that was divorced from reality.

After all, from a scientific point of view, no matter how big the snake is, it is impossible for everyone in Japan to see it at the same time, and its appearance and angle are basically the same. It is more like it has the power to directly affect people's perception. .

It’s a perspective that blends reality and fantasy!

When Pei Ziyun felt that he suddenly hit a barrier, he jumped away. The next moment, several huge snake heads bit him at the same time as the giant snake appeared.

Pei Ziyun avoided it nimbly, but found that he could not avoid it.

As long as he retreats and moves again, the giant snake with all its heads firmly locked on him will immediately find his flaw.

And Pei Ziyun had no intention of evading. He came with the purpose of killing the opponent. Only by completing this task could he achieve his goal and return home.


The hand holding the knife tightened slightly, and Pei Ziyun spoke. As soon as the words came out, there was a faint sound of gold and stone, with an echo that could spread far away.

The next moment, a figure appeared in response, turning from virtual to real. The young face was exactly the same as Pei Ziyun, except that he was wearing a low-key and luxurious ancient robe. At this time, he was standing behind Pei Ziyun to the left, raising his head as well. Look at the big snake in the sky.

Almost at the same time, another figure appeared behind Pei Ziyun to the right. It also turned from virtual to real. The young face was also the same as Pei Ziyun. He was wearing a pure white robe. He had black hair and black eyes, but he looked like... Ancient Greek dress.

As soon as the two appeared, the Yamata no Orochi above immediately showed panic.

The breath of three gods! And the two of them are not weak at all, and even give it the feeling of becoming a god for a longer period of time!

How can this be? !

Pei Ziyun at the front didn't even move. The two figures behind him jumped up and slashed upward at the same time.

The sudden bright light was like the sudden explosion of the sun. Everyone who was looking up felt their eyes hurt and couldn't help but close their eyes.

Even Yao Zi and Bando Yuanzi couldn't open their eyes to see clearly what happened at this moment.

The light went out in an instant. When Yaozi and the others looked at the sky again, they found that the giant snake was still there. Just when they were surprised, the next moment, the giant snake, which looked like the Yamata-no-Orochi, struck the ground with a bang. The body instantly broke into countless pieces, as if there was a meteor shower, and meteors fell one after another.

This scene is truly spectacular and beautiful.

When it was tens of meters away from the ground, all the debris had disappeared.

In the space, the fragments of the Yamata no Orochi fell one after another, while Pei Ziyun was still standing in the air. Two shadows - the True Monarch from the world of Daxu, and the God of Disappearance from the Greek world, smiled at Pei Ziyun and nodded, then disappeared.

They are part of the nascent Shinto Gods, the Holy Trinity.

"Mission: Accept the canonization of Fuso Shinki God, kill the attacking Yamata no Orochi, and find the way home (completed)"

As Pei and the others disappeared, Yimei quickly appeared in front of his eyes, and quickly enlarged, transforming into an information frame with a faint sense of light.

When he found that the task was completed, Pei Ziyun lowered his eyes and looked down.

Although they are extremely high from the ground, whether it is Yaozi, Bando Enzi, or even Naomi Hayakawa who is not with them at this time but is also looking at Pei Ziyun, they can clearly see Pei Ziyun's expression at this moment.

His hair was gently blown by the wind, his expression was calm, but there was a sense of relief between his brows and eyes that he had finally achieved his ultimate goal.

Just smiled, and the young man who had influenced their lives disappeared.

(End of chapter)