Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 122: Swallow the elixir


"This kid runs away as soon as he says he wants to, there must be ghosts in his heart!"

Xiao Jianming's teeth itched with hatred, but the distance he walked was beyond the reach of his iron sword, and Tie Ying's eyes were fascinated, so he couldn't catch up for a while, so he could only take out a bottle of spiritual liquid in a hurry, and sent it to Tie Ying with magic power. On the eyes, wash the eyes for it. Luckily, what Fang Xing sprinkled out was just ordinary sand, which was not poisonous, but simply blinded the eyes. After two washes, the black eagle could already see.

Without waiting for his order, the black hawk let out a bitter cry, spread its wings and chased after Fang Xing.

Both he and Tie Ying acted and reacted extremely quickly, and the whole process took less than ten breaths. However, after such a delay, Fang Xing had already escaped nearly a thousand feet away, and he could only see it from a distance. a little bit.

"Damn it, you're too shameless to throw someone's eyes..."

While flying hard, Jinwu shouted: "...but I like it, haha!"

Fang Xing glanced back, and said coldly: "The most powerful one is yet to come. Sooner or later, the eyes of that furry animal will be blinded!"

There was so much murderous intent in this voice that Jin Wu couldn't help shivering in fright.

Fang Xing laughed, patted Jinwu on the back, and said, "I didn't mention you!"

Before he had escaped far, he heard the chirping of an eagle behind him, but it was Xiao Jianming who had already driven the iron eagle to catch up.

"Damn it, how did that strange bird fly so fast?"

Jin Wu glanced back inadvertently, and screamed strangely.

Fang Xing was also taken aback, he didn't expect Xiao Jianming to come so fast, his head turned sharply, thinking about the strategy to defend against the enemy.

No matter what, he would definitely not hand over the Purple Mist Orchid. He had a big enmity with Xiao Jianming, and he would have to kill him sooner or later. To hand over this rare elixir at this time is simply an enemy.

But Xiao Jianming bit him hard, but he couldn't get rid of him, so he made a decision.

At this moment, Jinwu suddenly wrapped his voice with demonic aura, and said to Fang Xing: "I said, I can't get rid of them, they chased you, and found that purple mist orchid plant on you, maybe you will be angry I will kill you, how about this, you feed it to me, I eat it, and it will become a poop in a while, and they can't do anything if they catch up... "

Fang Xing, who had just made a decision, was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Can you take the elixir directly?"

Monster beasts are the same as human beings, directly taking elixir beyond their own tolerance will lead to explosive death.

Jin Wu thought that Fang was motivated, and proudly said: "You don't understand this, I have my way, you can feed me the elixir first, if it doesn't work, I can control the speed of digestion, and I will give you a few a leaf..."

Fang Xing laughed, and said: "It's good that you are not afraid of dying. After taking the elixir of the young master, you have to stand on the same front as the young master. Otherwise, I will hand you over to the guy behind, and I will not let you die." It's not that I'm scaring you, our Qingyun Sect has a way to directly use monsters to make alchemy, he may have nothing to do with me, but he will definitely capture you directly and refine the medicinal properties... "

Jinwu didn't listen to Fang Xing's threats at all, and shouted: "Okay, okay, our relationship is of course on the same front!"

Fang Xing smiled, and sure enough, he took out the purple mist orchid grass from the cave ring on the back of his head, tore off two leaves and stuffed it into Jinwu's mouth. Jinwu pouted and called, "Feed it all to me …”

Fang Xingdao: "You think beautifully!"

Jin Wu shouted: "Then at least you have to feed me another half tablet..."

Fang Xing didn't play tricks, he tore off half a piece and fed it, and then swallowed the rest cruelly.

However, Jin Wu also happened to turn his head around, just in time to see Fang Xing's act of eating the elixir, he was startled immediately, and shouted: "Aren't you afraid of violent death?"

Fang Xing chuckled and said, "What about you? Why aren't you afraid of being violently killed?"

Jin Wu was stunned, he laughed and said: "Of course I have my own way!"

Fang Xingdao: "Then I have my own way!"

One person and one bird looked at each other, and suddenly smiled ghostly at the same time, not prying into each other's secrets.

After swallowing the elixir, Fang Xing's face became a little ugly, his face turned red, and his body was steaming.

The elixir is like a belly, and it has already refined a powerful essence, which keeps dispersing and disappearing, making his qi and blood extremely strong, which is obviously different from usual, only refining this essence can do it, but he endured it by himself. He stopped, took out a few round pills from the cave ring, swallowed three of them at once, and then slowly refined these three pills, using the properties of the pills to suppress Qi and blood.

After a full hour and a half, the elixir was finally refined, the power of the medicine was released, and the qi and blood were finally stabilized.

Fang Xingchang let out a long breath. At this time, his expression was normal, and there was no abnormality.

But it turned out that he had passed on the "Taishang Hualing Sutra" in his dream, which was a way to transfer Qi and blood and increase his digestion ability ten times or even dozens of times. Because of this sutra, once he ate it Things, especially things that are full of spirituality, the blood will skyrocket, and all the spiritual things that have entered the body will be refined into vigorous essence, which is surging like a wave.

At this time, he must concentrate on refining the essence without distraction, otherwise the essence will overflow and be completely wasted.

However, during these three years of practice, he has gradually realized a method, which is to take Guixi Pill, and use the medicinal properties of the pill to control the speed of his own blood flow, that is, to delay the speed of the refining of spiritual things in the body.

This kind of pill, ordinary people will fall into a deep sleep immediately after taking it, but Fang Xing took it after swallowing the elixir, but it will only suppress the blood in the body, so that he can return to normal, and will not affect his movements and thinking.

Through this method, he can delay refining the elixir in his belly for a period of time in some urgent situations.

At that time, he did not directly swallow the elixir in the cave, because this method would take a certain amount of time, almost half an hour, and Xiao Jianming was outside the cave, before he had time to refine the turtle breath pill, so he swallowed the elixir at that time , will only cause his qi and blood to swell, and then the qi and blood will be completely dissipated, and in the end it will all be wasted, so that there is nothing left for him.

At this time, it is not safe to use this method, but there is no other choice.

Ask him to hand over things, especially to his enemies, without even thinking about it.

Since you are chasing after it, I will simply eat it first!

But Xiao Jianming was chasing after him, he seemed to see a flash of purple energy, and when it disappeared, he became more anxious, raised his spiritual energy, and sternly shouted: "Fang Xing, please stop, otherwise don't blame me for being rude... "

The sound wave was rolling, coming from behind, it was so loud that Fang Xing's eardrums went numb.

Fang Xing was not afraid of him, so he jumped up, crossed his hips and cursed on Jinwu's back: "Go to hell with your dead rabbit son, you want to touch me, are you the kind of casual person you think you are? You don't chop your paws." Lost yours!"

His voice was naturally not as loud as Xiao Jianming's, but it reached Xiao Jianming's ears clearly.

Xiao Jianming was furious: "Little bastard, stop if you have the ability!"

Fang Xing yelled: "Go to your uncle, catch up with me if you have the ability!"

Xiao Jianming was furious immediately, never thought that a disciple of Qingyun Sect would dare to speak to him like this, he immediately grasped the iron sword tightly in his palm, and kept urging Tie Ying to catch up, but the speed of the Golden Crow in front was not slow, he This iron eagle has already started to fly at extreme speed, flying in the air like black lightning, but the distance of thousands of feet in the middle can't be shortened.

Xiao Jianming couldn't bear it anymore, and finally he felt ruthless, and said silently: "Heiyun, I can't bear you anymore, and I will make up for you in the future!"

Saying that, a few more silver needles were added in his palm, aimed at several acupuncture points of Tie Ying, and pierced deeply.

Tie Ying seemed to be in extreme pain, and let out a strange scream, but after the scream, his speed suddenly increased by at least 30%.

Xiao Jianming sighed. What he used was a method of stimulating the blood of the iron eagle with acupuncture, which could stimulate the potential of the iron eagle and increase its speed, but doing so would burn the life energy of the iron eagle. Moreover, it has various side effects, and he would never be willing to use it unless his life was in danger, but at this time, in order to catch up with him, he couldn't care less about it.

"Damn, how did that guy catch up?"

Both Fang Xing and Jinwu noticed that something was wrong, and the speed of Tie Ying behind him had increased a lot, and was approaching quickly.

"Damn, it's impossible. That guy is also at the sixth level like me, but I still have the blood of the Golden Crow. It's just an ordinary demon. It stands to reason that it can't catch up with me. Why is it like being injected with chicken blood? Flying so fast quick?"

The Golden Crow also cried out, flapping its wings vigorously, but couldn't keep the distance away.

"It looks like I can't escape, but I have a way!"

Fang Xing changed his mind, took out the jade talisman, contacted Wu Tongtong, and asked urgently, "Where are you? Is Senior Sister Lingyun with you?" He flew towards the direction where the disciples of the Qingyun Sect converged at a high speed, and after a while, he had already reached a valley, and he could vaguely see the disciples of the Qingyun Sect.

"It's not good, help..."

Fang Xing suddenly yelled, then signaled to Jinwu, and flew down.

But at this time, the distance between Xiao Jianming and him was less than three hundred feet.