Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 124: You stole my panties?


Xu Lingyun's words were implying Xiao Jianming, although you are the first person in the true biography, with a special status and a high position and authority, but this kid is not as weak and deceitful as you imagined. From this sentence, it can be seen that Xu Lingyun is still helping For Fang Xing, at least after what she said, Fang Xing seemed to have really become the favorite of everyone in the Qingyun sect, but in fact it was far from it.

Xiao Jianming sighed slowly, and said: "I feel the aura of the stolen thing in him!"

Xu Lingyun was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Even she understood that with Xiao Jianming's identity, he wouldn't lie. Since he said that he felt the aura of his stolen item on Fang Xing, it probably belonged to Fang Xing.

The others also looked at Fang Xing, whether they were looking for him or not, they were vaguely suspicious.

Fang Xing pointed to Feng Qingwei and said, "I can still feel the smell of my obscene pants on her, can you let me search it too?"

Feng Qingwei trembled suddenly, she just interjected, but this brat got into a fight with her.

I hate it, I am a big girl with yellow flowers, and I am guarding senior brother Xiao Jianming, but this brat keeps talking about linking himself with his obscene pants, isn't he deliberately ruining his reputation

At this time, the Big Golden Crow, who had been hiding aside and pretending to be a monster with a low IQ, couldn't help snickering. When meeting Fang Xing for the first time, it only saw the ferocity of this little devil, but it didn't expect him to have such a savage side. It really fits well own appetite.

Xu Lingyun said: "Forget it, Junior Brother Fang, in order to prove your innocence, I think you'd better let him search for it!"

Fang Xing folded his arms, pretending to be embarrassed, and suddenly said: "It's not impossible to touch me, but you have to promise me three conditions..."

Xiao Jianming's eyes narrowed, and he said, "What conditions?"

Fang Xing pointed to his nose and said, "First, if you slandered me for stealing your things, it's fine if you find them out. If you don't find them out, you have to compensate me for mental damage, reputation damage, and spiritual damage. …”

Xiao Jianming smiled coldly. When he was in the air, he vaguely saw a flash of purple air, and he was sure that the purple mist orchid was on Fang Xing's body, and he had been tightly attached to him, and the brat had no chance to throw it away. Or transfer it to other people, as long as you search carefully, you will definitely find it, so you agreed casually, saying: "Okay, if you don't have it, I will compensate you!"

Fang Xing said again: "The second condition is that I won't let men touch me. If you want to search, you can only search for women!"


Everyone was a little surprised, thinking that this condition is really weird.

Xiao Jianming also frowned tightly, but he turned his head and glanced at Feng Qingwei, then nodded and said, "It's okay!"

This Feng Qingwei was taught by his uncle himself, and he has known him since childhood, and even had a secret love for him, trustworthy, there is not much difference between letting her search and doing it yourself.

Fang Xing rolled his eyes, coughed, and said, "The third..."

Suddenly turned to Feng Qingwei, said: "I suspect that this woman stole my obscene pants, after searching me, I have to search her!"

Feng Qingwei was furious in an instant. Seeing that many people around were secretly laughing, she hated it even more. She gritted her teeth and said, "Are you still messing around? Want to delay time? Wait until I find the lost property from you." , see what you say!"

Fang Xing opened his arms and said, "Come on, wait until I find my obscene pants from you, and see what you say!"

Feng Qingwei gritted her teeth and turned to Xiao Jianming: "Brother Jianming, what does that thing look like?"

Xiao Jianming said: "You just need to take out all the storage containers on his body and open them. I will sense its breath!"

Feng Qingwei nodded, and walked towards Fang Xing, but when she got close to Fang Xing, the back of her head suddenly felt cold, but it was Xu Lingyun's long sword pointing at the back of her head, Feng Qingwei couldn't help being scared After a jump, Xu Lingyun said: "Practitioners, it's taboo to let people get close to you, Junior Sister Feng, it's all right for you to search for Junior Brother Fang Xing, but it's best not to do anything else!"

Only then did Feng Qingwei understand what Xu Lingyun meant, she let out a long breath, and said, "Senior Sister Lingyun, don't worry, I won't mess around!"

Practitioners have great supernatural powers and various powerful means, and they are most refrained from letting others get close to themselves. If someone with malicious intentions suddenly becomes malicious when they touch themselves, they will use dark force to hit themselves, or do something else. If you use an evil Gu, or stick a body-fixing talisman or fire-explosive talisman on yourself, wouldn't you be in big trouble? He didn't even have a chance to hold up the barrier technique.

It was because of this that Xu Lingyun pointed her sword at Feng Qingwei, telling her not to act rashly.

For this move, everyone thought it was reasonable, even Xiao Jianming didn't feel anything wrong.

And Feng Qingwei didn't care. Anyway, she concentrated her energy and searched him. After a while, Fang Xing took out the eight storage bags on Fang Xing's body, opened them one by one, and found that they were medicine bags. The air was soaring, or the aura flashed, obviously there were many good things in the eight storage bags, but there was no trace of the purple air that Xiao Jianming was looking forward to.

Xiao Jianming had inspected these eight storage bags, and after a brief glance, he hinted to Feng Qingwei to continue.

Fang Qingwei was a little curious, and glanced casually into the storage bag, and suddenly her whole body was shocked.

Everyone looked at her nervously, wondering what she had discovered.

Feng Qingwei stared blankly at Fang Xing, and suddenly shouted: "Why are there so many Dream Soul Grass in your storage bag?"

Fang Xing frowned and scolded, "What the fuck is your business?"

Feng Qingwei was full of embarrassment, and scolded: "This is the valley I discovered, but you..."

However, as soon as she saw so many dream soul grasses, she was sure that all the dream soul grasses must have been collected by this little ghost, and she felt extremely distressed at once. According to the trend of mountains and rivers, the person who found that valley was She, in the end, she only picked a few trees in total, but there are nearly a thousand trees in the storage bags of this brat, so how can she not be excited

Hearing the words, the other Qing Yunzong disciples immediately looked at Fang Xing with complicated eyes.

Fang Xing chuckled, and said: "The big monster in the foundation building period didn't like these Dream Soul Grass at all. He just felt that the place was full of monster energy, so he chose to practice there. Later, he was disturbed by us, so he didn't want to go there. I continued to stay there, so I took something from the back of the mountain and drove away with the clouds, these Dream Soul Grass, I didn't even touch it!"

Everyone was stunned, never expecting this situation.

Suddenly someone said: "If that monster in the foundation building period had no intention of killing us, wouldn't we be... wouldn't we be..."

But he wanted to say, then don't we have to escape at all, and missed so many Dream Soul Grass in vain

There are many people who have this idea, even those who felt that they were "saved" by Fang Xing looked at Fang Xing with some resentment.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "I don't know anything else, but I don't think that big monster is a master who is reluctant to kill..."

"How did you survive?" Someone asked, his tone already a little bit bad.

Fang Xing rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Is there something wrong with my young master's handsome looks?"

The other party was choked and shut up angrily, but this displeasure had already spread.

At this time, a voice suddenly said bitterly: "You still have to be shameless? After all, Senior Brother Fang saved us under the hands of the great monster who established the foundation. Who dares to guarantee that he will not stay if the monster looks so cruel at that time?" Will he die? Brother Fang survived under the hands of the big demon, no matter his luck or ability, he always took risks when he saved us, but now you want to doubt him?"

The person who spoke was Qin Xing'er, her eyes were filled with poison, and she looked at the person who spoke with extreme resentment.

The man looked away, not daring to make contact with her, obviously it was difficult for him to answer Qin Xing'er's question.

In the end, they were just jealous, seeing that Fang Xing had obtained so many Dream Soul Grass, they felt a little unbalanced.

"Okay, don't talk about these useless things, keep searching!"

Xiao Jianming spoke displeasedly, he didn't want to pay attention to these things, it was only related to the issue of purple mist orchids.

Seeing him speak, no one dared to speak anymore, Feng Qingwei also nodded hurriedly, and squatted down to search carefully.

From Fang Xing's boots to the trouser legs, all the way up, she didn't find anything. When she touched Fang Xing's crotch, she hesitated slightly. Fang Xing suddenly laughed and said, "You should be gentle..."


Some of the disciples of Duan Zhengu couldn't help laughing.

Although Fang Xing is not very old, he is a man after all, but Feng Qingwei is a girl. It is really embarrassing to ask her to touch Fang Xing's place, her face is flushed with embarrassment, but this is Xiao Jianming's order, and she will not Dare to be careless, although he didn't reach out to touch it directly, but he used the induction technique, he skipped it with a slight sweep, and then continued upward, not letting go of every inch.

Seeing that nothing was found, Xiao Jianming couldn't help frowning.

He was sure that he should have read correctly when he was in the air, and he became even more suspicious of where Fang Xing was hiding.

At this moment, Feng Qingwei suddenly noticed the iron ring on the ponytail behind Fang Xing's head, and said softly "Huh", a strange color flashed in his eyes, and said: "Your hair Iron ring, show me!"

Fang Xing seemed a little unhappy, and said, "Then what's there to see?"

Feng Qingwei sneered, nodded to Xiao Jianming, and then proudly said: "I'm going to reveal my secrets, are you worried?"