Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 141: Men don't hit women


The entire altar is a huge seal. On the altar, there are nine iron chains across the sky, inscribed with runes. These iron chains are also magic tools, which have the ability to seal things in the altar. It's just that as time goes by, the spiritual power on the iron chain will be lost, and the runes will also be obliterated. Even if the iron chain is made of special black iron, it will be corroded by wind and rain and evil spirits, and its power will gradually weaken.

And what the disciples of the Qingyun Sect did was to repair the damaged parts of the iron chain and re-consecrate the obliterated runes. In addition, the magic circle inside the altar also needs to be inspected by a special person to see if there are any loopholes and cracks. , the big monster sealed inside has no chance of escaping. Of course, it may not be able to escape if it wants to.

It has been sealed for more than three hundred years, even if it is the demon king of the Jindan stage, it will be weaker than ordinary monsters.

Seeing that the disciples of Shanhegu took the lead in taking action, the disciples of the other three valleys could not sit still like this, and began to perform their duties one after another. The disciples of Qixia Valley prepared specific detoxification pills so that the disciples of Shanhegu could go deep into the altar, and the detection method while the disciples of Duan Zhengu went to the altar to check whether the damage of the nine seal chains needed to be repaired.

The disciples of Shuwen Valley naturally checked which runes on the iron chain needed to be re-consecrated. For a while, the disciples of Sigu were all busy. Shuwengu's disciple, Xu Lingyun's younger brother, the male alchemist Lu Yimin, who is good at distinguishing the properties of various medicines, is in charge of directing the Qixiagu disciples.

Fang Xing, Xu Lingyun and Xiao Jianming were naturally the only ones who didn't need to intervene in these matters.

Seeing all the disciples of Qingyun Sect busy in an orderly manner, while Fang Xing looked around, he faintly felt that something was wrong.

Just now he faintly heard the laughter of an old guy, it was so weird that it was difficult to tell the truth from the illusion.

"Junior Brother Fang, when I return to the mountain this time, I will recommend you as the true master!"

Xu Lingyun walked slowly and said to Fang Xing casually.

But it turned out that when Xu Lingyun came out this time, the suzerain had given her the responsibility to evaluate the performance of the disciples. After she returned, she would recommend it to the suzerain, and the suzerain would consider it seriously.

Fang Xing raised his head and said with a smile, "I want to enter Fengtian Palace!"

Xu Lingyun smiled and said: "After becoming a true biography, you can freely enter and leave Fengtian Palace!"

Fang Xing was taken aback, and thought, "This is good!"

Xu Lingyun smiled slightly, and said again: "However, since it is a true transmission, you should not be too jumpy. I saw that you have just buckled the storage bags of several mountain and valley disciples. You should return them. It is also necessary to get a good reputation. of!"

Fang Xing suddenly felt a black line in his head, and said, "I said, why did you come here and tell me these things? You were waiting for me here. Those disciples from the mountains and valleys were so arrogant, and my master took down their storage bags. They didn't even say 'thank you', so why give them back? Although the things in these storage bags are worthless, I can throw them away for fun... "

But it turned out that because of the special relationship between the disciples of Shanhegu and Xiao Jianming, they didn't have much respect for Fang Xing. Since Feng Qingwei, the disciples in the valley also talked and laughed freely. Saluted to show respect, but the mountain and valley disciples left without saying a word, Fang Xing naturally became angry and buckled their storage bags.

Xu Lingyun smiled and said: "You are the arrogance of Taoism, why should you be angry with them?"

Fang Xing's eyes lit up: "Am I considered a Taoist arrogance?"

Xu Lingyun was a little speechless about his reaction.

Fang Xing thought for a while and said, "Then I can't return it to them!"

Xu Lingyun wondered: "Why?"

Fang Xingdao: "My dignified Daoist Tianjiao saved their lives without even saying 'thank you', isn't this just a joke?"

Xu Lingyun was completely speechless, her eyebrows were slightly frowned.

She came here to persuade Fang Xing, but she was actually a lobbyist for Xiao Jianming, but it turned out that when the disciples of the Qingyun Sect received the storage bag just now, Feng Qingwei refused to bow to Fang Xing, so Fang Xing withheld it and refused to release it. Help her get it back, but Xiao Jianming also understands in his heart that Fang Xing, this little bastard, really won't give him any face, so he has no choice but to hint to Xu Lingyun to help him persuade.

And Xu Lingyun also felt that it was not a good thing that Fang Xing and Xiao Jianming were too stiff. After all, he had just started, his foundation was weak, and he was an enemy of Xiao Jianming.

Although she was asking for Feng Qingwei's storage bag for Xiao Jianming, her original intention was to ease the conflict between Fang Xing and Xiao Jianming, but she never expected that Fang Xing would bite him to death without giving him life or death. .

Not long after, the disciples of the Qingyun Sect who were repairing the altar came back separately, and finally all of them were able to inject their spiritual energy, and the task of this trip was considered complete. Although he didn't say anything, he still missed his storage bag in his heart, but because of Feng Qingwei's face, they couldn't come directly to ask for it.

Feng Qingwei, on the other hand, kept looking at Xiao Jianming, seeing that Xiao Jianming didn't respond, she immediately panicked.

He wanted to come over and make amends to Fang Xing, but he couldn't hold back his face, hesitating endlessly.

In the final analysis, she still looked down upon Shang Shang somewhat, unwilling to lower her status.

But after waiting for a while, seeing that Xiao Jianming never came to talk to him, he knew that he had to go out on his own. Gritting his silver teeth, he strode over, cupped his fists at Fang Xing, and said, "Tell me the disciples of Shanhegu." Give me back the pouch!"

Fang Xing was squatting on the ground to pick out the treasure, without raising his head, he said, "Give me back my obscene pants first!"

A gloomy look flashed across Feng Qingwei's face, she gritted her teeth and said, "I've never seen your obscene pants!"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "I don't believe it, unless you let me search it!"

Feng Qingwei's face changed again. She is a big girl with yellow flowers, but she is unwilling to let Fang Xing touch him. She knows in her heart that Xiao Jianming has always been lukewarm to her, and if she is touched by another man, she will not hoped.

"hey-hey… "

Around Duan Zhengu's disciples were secretly watching, and some people laughed softly.

Not long ago, Feng Qingwei used Xiao Jianming's power to deal with injustice and bully Duan Zhengu's disciples, but everyone dared not speak out. Now that Fang Xing retaliates, it immediately makes Duan Zhengu's disciples feel great He let out a bad breath.

Feng Qingwei's face became even colder, she suddenly lowered her voice, gritted her teeth and said, "Fang Xing, don't go too far!"

Fang Xing was slightly startled, raised his head, looked at her with a half-smile, and said, "So what if it's too much?"

Feng Qingwei sneered and said: "In the end, you dare to challenge Brother Xiao because of Senior Sister Lingyun's power, but Senior Sister Lingyun will not always protect you. When you return to the sect, be careful not to be... "

Hearing the threat in her words, Fang Xing suddenly fell silent.

Seeing that his face was dark, Feng Qingwei panicked and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Fang Xing didn't get angry, after a long silence, he suddenly said seriously: "It's not impossible for you to want a storage bag!"

Feng Qingwei was startled, with a gleam of joy on her face, thinking that Fang Xing had been intimidated, she hurriedly said, "Say it!"

Fang Xing thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "First, return the demon pill of the manticore to Junior Brother Liu!"

Feng Qingwei was startled, nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes!"

Junior Brother Liu, who was not far from Fang Xing, curled his lips. He was assigned a storage bag from the Hundred Beasts Sect, and he did not lack that demon pill.

Fang Xing said again: "Second, you personally apologize to Junior Brother Liu!"

Feng Qingwei's face changed slightly, she was a little reluctant, but she hesitated in her heart, and said: "Yes!"

At that time, the storage bag she threw out was just one left by the dead disciples of Shanhegu, and she didn't feel distressed, but the storage bags thrown out by other Shanhegu disciples were really accumulated over the years, and she was absolutely reluctant It was just abandoned like this, so as the team leader, it is very necessary for her to get it back for them, otherwise she, the leader of the mountain and valley disciples, might lose all prestige.

Because of this, even though Feng Qingwei felt that she wanted to apologize to an ordinary disciple of Duan Zhengu, she still gritted her teeth and admitted it.

"The third..."

Fang Xing pondered.

Feng Qingwei asked nervously: "What is the third?"

Fang Xing suddenly chuckled, lowered his voice and said, "I'll pay you back if you crawl on the ground twice naked!"

Feng Qingwei was stunned, and then realized that Fang Xing was playing tricks on her. She became angry for a moment, raised Fei Jian with a "buzz", and shouted: "How dare you play me, I will kill you..." However, Fei Jian just After offering sacrifices, she suddenly remembered Fang Xing's terrifying skill. Although she was the peak of the sixth level of agility, she might not be his opponent.

"Do you dare to show off the flying sword in front of me?"

At this moment, Fang Xing suddenly raised his eyebrows, revealing his fierceness.

Feng Qingwei felt a chill in her heart, she felt bad, and immediately wanted to get out.

However, in the blink of an eye, Fang Xing had already pounced on her, so fast that she didn't even have time to hold up the barrier. With a "slap", she was slapped on the cheek, and her whole body was thrown out, her ears buzzing. Buzzing, and after a while, Fang Xing's voice was heard clearly: "A man never hits a woman, but one of my uncles said that before the age of sixteen, I am not a man, let alone hit you. There is no psychological pressure to kill you. You better listen to me clearly. I snatched these storage bags from the Hundred Beasts. According to the rules you set, they all belong to me. Well, it doesn’t matter if I don’t give it to you, you don’t even have the qualifications to fart, so you can only pinch your nose and admit it!”

After finishing speaking, he directly looked at Xiao Jianming, and said coldly: "If you are not convinced, just come and grab a look!"