Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 15: Four classes of disciples


The life of a practitioner is carefree, and there are many such legends in the world of mortals.

This statement is right or wrong. For two kinds of people, the practice life is naturally carefree.

One is those who have sufficient resources. In addition to practicing daily, they are visiting friends and discussing the Tao, tasting tea and cooking wine, talking about their practice experience, discussing the current sword fairy, admiring the rising sun at morning, and seeing the sunset at dusk.

The other kind is those who have no resources at all and have given up hope. Anyway, I can’t earn enough resources for practice anyway, so let’s just muddle along, sleeping with my head in my room all day long, or wandering around the mountains and plains , I hope that I will accidentally discover a former sage's cave, or be valued by the Taoist elders, take it as a mantle, and continue to be at ease from now on.

Except for these two kinds of people, the life of the Taoist sect is tense and busy.

In the early stage of practice, it is a resource. If you have resources, you will be able to advance by leaps and bounds. If you have no resources, you will stagnate.

Fat Taoist is such a person. According to his current conditions, others have given up a long time ago, but he is still running around all day long, working hard for the resources of two spirit stones every three months, although these two spirit stones cannot give He brought a lot of help, but he never got tired of it, and happily survived the hopeless practice life with a hopeful attitude...

The above is Fang Xing's overall understanding and evaluation of Fat Taoist.

That's all, Fang Xing will not kill the dream bubble that the fat Taoist has on the road of practice, because he is counting on this bubble to live. If there is no hope, the ghost knows what the fat Taoist will be like.

But Fat Taoist is still an extremely enthusiastic guy. After he consciously became friends with Fang Xing, in addition to paying Fang Xing's meal fee of one hundred taels of silver to the food supervisor every month, he also has the obligation to remind Fang Xing of his little brother. Age, don't become so lazy, sleeping in the room every day has no practice resources to earn, you'd better follow me obediently to the miscellaneous supervisor to get a job...

The oil and water are not shallow!

"In addition to the scattered silver every month, there are other things to fish for. Otherwise, where do you think the hundred taels of silver I paid for you every month came from? Of course, the more important thing is that every three One Lingshi per month, which is equivalent to twice as many resources as other D-level qualified disciples, Junior Brother Fang, are you really not tempted? Oh, don't cover your ears... "

When the fat Taoist was drinking, he didn't forget to whisper in Fang Xing's ear, with a look of earnestness.

In his opinion, Fang Xing has now become a bum in the Taoist sect. He eats and sleeps every day, and he is not in a hurry when the spirit stone is gone. Join in the fun, look at the scenery in the Taoist gate and think about whether you can try your luck, but this kid is lucky, he doesn't even need to go out to see the scenery, and stays in the wooden house all day long without seeing people.

"If you talk about it, get out of here..."

Fang Xing covered his ears and yelled, wishing he could kick the fat Taoist away.

Young Master, a person with more than 30 spirit stones, still needs to go to your miscellaneous supervisor to run errands

Saving time for practice every day is not enough!

Of course, these words cannot be said to the Fat Taoist, at least not for now.

"Okay, okay, I won't say..."

The fat Taoist waved his hands, and after a while, he couldn't help but said, "Then what about the resources for your cultivation?"

Fang Xing rolled his eyes: "Isn't it time to distribute the spirit stones?"

Fat Taoist said: "Just one spirit stone for three months, how can it be enough, and you may not get it in your hand..."

Fang Xing glanced at him disdainfully, thinking that two spirit stones for three months are not enough for you!

Seeing that the fat Taoist was about to say more, Fang Xing hurriedly waved his hand: "Okay, don't try to persuade me anymore, I'm too lazy to go to your miscellaneous supervisor, I don't know who is there, last time you invited them to drink, one His cultivation base is not very high, and he is still dragging two to five to eighty thousand. If you hadn't winked at me so hard, I would have just hit him with a wine jar, and he is still working. Do you want me to shoot those bastards too? To flatter you? Forget it, the only reason I might go to your miscellaneous supervisor is because I smashed that place!"

The fat Taoist was a little speechless. Thinking about it, the little bastard is not very old and has a strong temper, but he still couldn't bear to see such a good boy just let it go. ah… "

Fang Xing chuckled and said, "Sooner or later, I will show you how I earn Lingshi!"

Things happened quickly, and it didn't take long before the Taoist sect released the spirit stones. This is a big event for the Taoist sect. The distribution is not small, after all, this month is a big distribution, that is, the outer disciples, regardless of qualifications such as A, B, C, D, have spirit stones to receive.

Disciples with D-level qualifications get one spirit stone every three months, level-C qualifications get one piece every two months, level-B qualifications get one piece every month, and level-A qualifications get two yuan a month. Although the time to receive the spirit stones is the fifteenth day of the month, but because of the different frequency, it is difficult to meet the grand occasion where four types of disciples receive the spirit stones at the same time.

"Junior Brother Fang, Junior Brother Fang, are you up yet?"

Early in the morning, the fat Taoist came over early, ready to go with Fang Xing to receive the distribution of spirit stones from the Taoist sect.

"It's early in the morning, your name is Hun?"

Fang Xing practiced almost all night last night, and only fell asleep when he was ugly, but now his genius was dim, and he was still sleepy, so he immediately cursed angrily.

"Oh, my Junior Brother Fang, don't be so sleepy, go back early, so as not to cause more accidents!"

The fat Taoist screamed at Fang Xing, put the Taoist robe on his head, and dragged him out in a daze.

The place where the spirit stones were handed out was still at the Qingmu Pavilion ten miles away. Although it was still early in the morning, many outer disciples who got up early could already be seen walking there.

When they came to the Qingmu Pavilion, there was already a long queue here.

There are four teams in this team, and the one on the far left is almost empty, but the team with first-class qualifications to receive spirit stones. Among the more than a thousand people in the whole Taoist sect, there are only a dozen or so disciples with first-class qualifications. Before they even came over, in the gazebo, an old man with gray beard and hair in feather clothes was waving a cattail leaf fan to talk to a first-class qualified disciple who had come over earlier.

And the second item on the left is the disciples with second-class qualifications, but there are only a few dozen or so of them, and they are all in high spirits.

In the entire Taoist sect, there are naturally many more disciples with second-class qualifications than first-class disciples, and there are more than a hundred disciples. Although they are slightly inferior to A-level disciples, they are no different from geniuses compared to C-level or even D-level disciples.

And to the right, there are resources of class C. There are more than 300 disciples of this class of resources in the outer sect. At this time, there is already a line of dozens of people, and people join in continuously. They The superficial pride is not as obvious as that of second-class disciples, but when he looks at the queue of D-class disciples, the contempt in his eyes cannot be erased.

There is no way, Ding and other qualifications are the most qualified and the largest group of people in the Taoist sect. There are more than 600 people. Although it is still early, there are more than 100 people in the team, like a long queue It seems that the expressions on the faces of most people are also slightly excited, looking at the front of the line with their toes on their tiptoes, wishing that it will be their turn next, so that they can get the precious Lingshi in their pockets.

But those people with Grade C qualifications looked at them, but they didn't dare to meet them at all, and their inferiority complex was obvious.

The overall situation is like this, class A disciples look down on everyone, class B looks down on class C and class D, class C looks down on class D, and disciples of class D look down on themselves. Of course, there are exceptions for some people, that is, the rich and powerful people in their families. This kind of people use their own money to buy spirit stones. The resources are more abundant than the first-class disciples, and they all have their eyes above the top.

However, these disciples naturally wouldn't get up so early to line up to receive this one or two spirit stones, they didn't like this.

"What are you looking at? Gouging out your eyes?"

For the D-level disciples, Fang Xing was lazily queuing up, feeling bored, but he happened to see a person in the C-level qualification team looking at him with a sneer, and immediately cursed angrily.

The student with grade C aptitude is weak in writing. Although he is wearing a Taoist robe, he looks like a scholar. He is also a small man in Fang Xing, and he is mixed with a group of tall people, especially standing in front of him. The tall fat man seemed to be even smaller, and he was shrinking his head and yawning at this moment, which was very funny, so he couldn't help laughing at him.

But he didn't expect that this kid's temper would be so violent. When he caught sight of him, he would directly swear at him.

Although this C-grade disciple is weak, he still looks down on D-grade disciples. If someone scolds him, it’s fine, but he is very unhappy when he is reprimanded by such a D-grade kid. He snorted coldly. With a sound, he turned his head and muttered in a moderate voice: "Hmph, a disciple with D-level aptitude is so arrogant, how rude!"

Fang Xing was most annoyed by this provocative provocation, he suddenly became furious, and shouted: "Damn sissy, what are you talking about?"

His voice was so loud that it immediately caught the eyes of everyone in line.

The frail disciple's face flushed suddenly, and he said angrily, "Who are you calling a sissy?"

Fang Xingdao: "I'll call you a dead sissy, a dead woman, and a dead eunuch!"

Disciple Wen Ruo was anxious: "You are also a Taoist disciple, why are you speaking so vulgarly?"

Fang Xingdao: "Your vulgar girl, you are a sissy!"

The weak disciple stomped his feet angrily, and pointed his finger at Fang Xing: "You, rude!"

Fang Xingdao: "You are rude to your sister, you are a sissy!"

When it comes to swearing, Fang Xing is as capable as two matchmakers in the countryside. Back in Ghost Smoke Valley, he climbed up a tree by himself and scolded the four brothers and gangsters in the valley to the point of speechlessness. He had to cut down the tree with a saw so that he could be pulled down. Now, dealing with a clumsy and weak disciple is really easy, as simple as drinking water and eating.