Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 20: Re-enter the ghost city


The days of practice are very boring. How easy is it for a trickle of water to merge into a river and eventually into a sea

The simplest truth is, you have to eat one bite at a time, how can you become a fat man from one bite? Fang Xing was like this. He thought that he would soon break through to the second level of agility, but after having this kind of beginning, he practiced for another month, but he was still stuck at this bottleneck. He felt that there seemed to be some barrier in the middle, which made it impossible for him to spread the aura throughout his body.

It's a very helpless feeling, obviously there is only a short line, but it is always impossible to break through that line.

However, in the past few days, a major event happened among the disciples of Qing Yunzong's outer sect, which attracted everyone's attention.

It is said that an outer disciple named Hou Qing went to Danxia Valley to visit a female disciple in the past few days. The two seemed to be old acquaintances, but when he just walked to the gate of Danxia Valley, he was caught by three spirits Sanchong's disciples stopped him, and the three saw him alone, with a strange face, gorgeous clothes, and a rather extraordinary jade pendant around his waist, so they thought of blackmailing him.

Hou Qing didn't say a word, but with a smile on his face, but there was no trace of his sword, defeated three people in a row, and left in a huff.

For a moment, all the outer disciples were shocked.

The person who called Hou Qing was an outer disciple who entered the Immortal Sect with himself and others. It has only been six months now, and he has the cultivation level to defeat three Lingdong third-level disciples in a row

For a while, Hou Qing's reputation was greatly shaken, stirring up the situation, and for a while he was hidden as the head of the outer sect disciples of Qingyun Sect.

Some people even asserted that within a year Hou Qing would break into the fourth level of spirituality and become an inner disciple of Qingyun Sect.

"Hou Qing, is that the one who arrested me?"

After the fat Taoist mentioned this person, Fang Xing suddenly remembered, and looked at the fat Taoist with malicious intentions: "I remember that you had a good relationship with him back then, and you saved him the trouble of queuing up, so help him sign up in advance …”

When the fat Taoist saw him, he was a little flustered. He hurriedly laughed and said, "Junior Brother Fang, don't laugh at me. With my status, how can I make friends with others? At that time, he was very polite to me outside the mountain gate, but once I entered the mountain gate After that, it changed completely. Not long ago, I met him once in the Supervisory Office. I greeted him with a smile on his face, but he didn’t even look at me..."

"Listen to your tone, if someone looks at you straight in the eye, you're going to obediently go up and flatter me?"

Fang Xing looked at the fat Taoist with contempt, and the fat Taoist smiled mischievously, holding up a bowl to persuade him to drink.

"That bastard helped you catch me, and even kicked Xiaoman. If I met him, I had to kill him..."

Fang Xing cursed angrily, his eyes burning.

The fat Taoist was taken aback, and hurriedly comforted him with a smiling face, thinking that this guy is too young and too good at holding grudges.

"Junior Brother Fang, calm down. If you want to pay back your anger about the mountain gate, you can beat me to vent your anger, but that person can't be offended..."

Fang Xing jumped up and shouted: "You think I dare not..."

Angrily kicked the fat Taoist's feet before giving up. The fat Taoist also smiled and didn't care. After four months of friendship, he can be considered to understand Fang Xing. Although he is cruel and daring, he doesn't catch anyone like a mad dog. People, young, are very loyal. At the beginning, they stuffed the two spirit stones to themselves without thinking about it. Not everyone was willing to do so.

After eating and drinking, Fang Xing kicked the fat Taoist out, and took the time to continue practicing.

For some reason, after hearing about Hou Qing's deeds, he felt angry.

"I have been cultivating with spirit stones for four months, and I have consumed twelve spirit stones, but I still can't break through the second level of true energy, but that bastard named Hou Qing is about to break through the fourth level of true energy. People really want to be pissed off, can it be said that I am really an idiot in practice? No, how can my young master be so much worse than that bastard, today I must break through to the second level of true qi!"

Holding this resentment, Fang Xing took out the thirteenth spirit stone.

Breathe out and adjust the breath, the spiritual energy and the spiritual stone pull each other, and a little bit of spiritual energy gradually soaks into the meridians.

Soon, that situation reappeared. Whenever the spiritual energy wanted to spread throughout the body, there would be a slight uncontrollable situation. In the end, the spiritual energy overflowed and failed to break through the second level. But this time, Fang Xing became ruthless and slowly After figuring out the rules of aura dispersal, when a new impact was about to come, his whole body was shaken suddenly, and the speed of aura suddenly accelerated.

The consequence of doing this is that the speed of drawing from the spirit stone suddenly accelerated, and a large amount of spirit energy poured into the body.

People eat in quantity, and if they eat too much in one bite, they will choke.

The practice of spiritual energy is similar, Fang Xing seemed to be choking on this mouthful, and his meridians were in severe pain for a while.

However, he endured the severe pain and charged the invisible barrier with the power of the spiritual energy in his whole body.


Suddenly, something seemed to be broken in the brain area, and a cool feeling traveled all over the body.

This feeling is very strange. If one's body is hot, it will appear cool and pleasant. If one is in an extremely cold environment, it will appear warm and comfortable. This is the magical effect of aura.

"Finally broke!"

Fang Xing whispered in his heart, he finally broke through the second barrier of agility, and aura filled his whole body.

Now, with a thought, the spiritual energy can reach every flesh and blood. Although it is not enough to protect against all injuries, if any place is injured, the spiritual energy can be transferred immediately to nourish the wound, and even when necessary Sometimes, you can forcefully close the wound with spiritual energy, so as to prevent the blood from leaking out and consume too much physical strength...

At the beginning, Senior Brother Liu wanted to do this after being stabbed, but Fang Xing immediately punched his wound again, which scattered his aura, and it was difficult for Senior Brother Liu to let it out once he let it out. Reiki came.

In order to break through this second level of cultivation, Fang Xing took another risk, but luckily it succeeded. If he didn't succeed, his meridians might be damaged, and it would take at least ten days and a half months to recover.

But this is also his temperament, he is ruthless to others, but he is also very willing to attack himself.

"Try the Nine Snake Golden Flame Sword again!"

Fang Xing was a little happy in his heart. He paused his cultivation and took out the Nine Snakes Golden Flame Sword. However, after trying it out, he found that the situation hadn't changed much. , but after the first blow, there was really not much spiritual energy left in his body, and he couldn't get out the second blow at all, and he even felt a little dizzy.

Fang Xing put away the Nine Snakes Golden Flame Sword, thought about it carefully, and quickly figured it out. One was because his cultivation base was indeed too low, and the other was because the Nine Snakes Golden Flame Sword was too high-grade, and it took far too much spiritual energy to control it. An ultra-ordinary flying sword, that is to say, it is best for me to continue to put the Nine Snake Golden Flame Sword away, and find a way to find an ordinary flying sword to be serious...

"The Taoist sect has strict rules, and it is not allowed to snatch other people's flying swords. What should I do?"

Fang Xing thought about it for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he remembered a good place: "But the fat man said, the ghost market is now open again, I saw it last time, and many people took out flying swords , I only took the best one last time, but it's a sin..."

He quickly made a decision to go to the ghost market again.

Then he inquired about the opening time of the ghost market through the fat Taoist, so that Fang Xing could make preparations.

After the fat Taoist told him, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, looked at him suspiciously, and thought to himself, the last time he inquired about the ghost market, he heard that a strange thing happened in the ghost market. After becoming a pauper, this guy has been honest for a while, and now he is asking about the ghost market again. Could it be that what happened last time was actually...

Fang Xing noticed the fat Taoist's gaze, and said fiercely: "What are you looking at, believe it or not, I will goug out your eyes?"

The fat Taoist grinned and hurriedly said it was nothing.

But he quickly rejected it in his heart: Although this kid is so bold, he might not dare to do such a thing. Besides, someone said it last time, the person who did this was a thin adult...

Coincidentally, on this night, there was a ghost market, and Fang Xing got the fat Taoist drunk early, and then drove him back.

Fat Daoist Fang Xing's drinking capacity has always been very good. He firmly does not believe that a child who is only eleven years old can have such an amazing drinking capacity, but Fang Xing scoffs at this. How can this fat man compare with himself

I grew up in a wine tank since I was a child!

If I want to talk about other real skills, I don't dare to boast indiscriminately, but when it comes to drinking capacity, even ten fat people can't do it!

After seeing off the fat Taoist, Du Bianfang took out the Wanluo ghost mask, put it on his own face, changed his appearance, and left the valley.

The ghost market is still in a valley more than ten miles away from the Taoist gate, but this distance is also deliberately selected by the person who held the ghost market. After all, the ghost market is forbidden by the gate rules of the Taoist gate. Among them, there are many monsters and ghosts, and the cultivation base of these outer disciples is not good for going too deep into the mountain, so they chose to be within ten miles from the Taoist sect.

According to the news, Fang Xing came to this area and soon discovered where the ghost market was.

It was too obvious, because this time there were eight people responsible for the defense of the ghost market, and they looked meticulous and capable.

Fang Xing secretly laughed, probably because he did this last time, so that everyone who held a ghost market learned how to do it.