Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 38: Python dry clam


Hou Qing originally planned to use Fang Xing as a bait, but with Liu San's death, this bait is meaningless.

Even if there is a bait, he will not be so reckless as to single out the python clam by himself. After all, it is a fourth-level monster, which is equivalent to a monk with a fourth-level agility. In the previous plan, he used squares as bait to lure the python Ku Ha fell into the trap, and joined forces with Liu San, Qian Tong and other three-level smart masters, and Zhao Zhi, a second-level smart master, to kill him with all his strength, even at the risk of not being small.

But now that Liu San and Zhao Zhi are dead, Qian Tong has been poisoned, and his strength is only 30% left, and he has formed a grudge with himself, how can he kill him

So for Hou Qing, Fang Xing was useless at this time, and he planned to kill him directly.

But Fang Xing's words aroused his anger, and he decided to torture Fang Xing first before sending him on the road.

Although he was furious, he still did not relax his vigilance, picked up the Qingfeng sword, and pressed forward step by step.

And Fang Xing was smiling on the surface, and his right hand was already holding the cave ring on his ponytail.

Whether he can escape from birth depends on this blow!

The footsteps are approaching, the murderous intent is gradually rising, and the temperature is cold...

Unexpectedly, just when the two of them were about to strike their own blows, suddenly, from the mountain forest beside the emperor, there was a deafening "guwa", the sound was like a cow mooing, resounding through the sky, It made the whole mountain forest rustle.

As the cry fell, in the northwest direction, suddenly there was a black shadow like a camel hill jumping high into the sky, blocking the moonlight and casting a terrifying shadow on the Demon Miasma Mountain...

After a breath, the black shadow fell down like a meteor again, and the falling direction was exactly where Hou Qing and Fang Xing were.

With a bang, the strong wind swept across and the trees were broken.

Both Fang Xing and Hou Qing were a little unsteady, they used their spiritual power to protect themselves, and at the same time looked blankly to their left.

A ten-foot-tall toad was squatting on the ground, looking at them with two blood-red eyes.

"Python withered clam, a fourth-order monster, a hybrid of monster python and withered clam, sprays poisonous mist, wears python armor, can't be hurt by non-magic weapons..."

A series of information flooded Fang Xing's mind, which made him open his mouth in shock.

It turned out to be the only fourth-order monster on the outskirts of Monster Miasma Mountain, the target that Hou Qing and the others wanted to kill on this trip!

Who would have thought that at this time, this old man would take the initiative to deliver to the door...

"It's Liu San..."

Hou Qing's eyes also turned cold, he quickly figured out this verse, damn it, it's the time for the python to go out to hunt at night, but at this time Fang Xing killed Liu San and stabbed him a lot The knife, a large amount of blood mixed with spiritual energy, spilled out, making Liu San's corpse look like a piece of fragrant braised meat to the boa clam, and he came here after looking for the taste.

It's just that I didn't expect that this monster came so fast, just when I was about to kill this little devil!

Intimidated by the ferocious aura of this fourth-order monster, Hou Qing dared not move even if he was at the peak of the third level of agility.

Fang Xing even sat there in a daze, leaning against the big tree stiffly, not daring to move.

Facing such a powerful monster, no one dared to move casually...


At this moment, a ghostly idea suddenly flashed in Fang Xing's little head...

His expression suddenly became very horrifying, his mouth was puckered up, as if he was about to cry in fright, he boldly called out to Hou Qing cautiously: "Brother Wait...Brother Hou...I beg you...Take me ... escape together ... "

The voice was as thin as a mosquito, and it didn't disturb the python clams. It seemed that it was only the performance of being extremely scared.

Hou Qing was taken aback, and noticed Fang Xing's expression, it was really like a child's reaction to extreme fear, he soon understood, and a burst of joy rose in his heart: "This guy is still a child after all, Although he is usually bold and ruthless, the thought of becoming the food of this dead python makes him pee his pants in fright... It's normal for children to be afraid of monsters!"

At this moment, Hou Qing suddenly noticed that Fang Xing risked being stared at by the python, and wiped the blood on his body vigorously. While wiping, he looked at the python in horror, as if he was praying that he would not Stared at by the python withered clam.


Hou Qing was taken aback, and cursed at himself that his reaction was not as fast as this kid's. The python withered clam was obviously attracted by Liu San's smell of blood, that is to say, which of the two people in the field had the smell of blood on his body? The thicker it is, the easier it is to become a target. This kid thought of this a little faster than himself, and began to wipe the blood on his face...

There is more blood on my body, it was all stained when I killed the demon python, but the blood is all on the clothes, how to wipe it off

A trace of cruelty flashed in Hou Qing's eyes, and he secretly said: "Little devil, today I will let you know how to write the word 'miserable'..."

As he spoke, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his waist pocket, then glanced at Fang Xing, and flicked it with his fingers.


The porcelain bottle went straight to Fang Xing's head, which immediately attracted the attention of the python.

Seeing this, Fang Xing was taken aback, and hurriedly dodged his head to avoid the porcelain's blow.

With a "snap", the porcelain bottle hit the tree trunk behind him and immediately burst open.

A strong smell of blood came out, and the blood was red on the tree trunk, and Fang Xing was splashed all over.

It turned out to be a blood qi pill, which is a pill for feeding dragons and horses. Whenever dragons and horses are in a hurry and need to be nourished, they need to feed them this kind of pill. This pill is refined from the flesh and blood of low-level monsters , contains a lot of qi and blood, and added some stinky elixir, which is the favorite of monsters, and its overall shape, to put it bluntly, is like a pissing cow ball...

The python clam seemed to be attracted, and its two lantern-sized eyeballs rolled around, staring at Fang Xing firmly.

At this moment, Hou Qing smiled slightly, waved his hand to Fang Xing, opened his mouth silently, but said: "Farewell..."

Then, after he turned around, he took two steps back quietly, and flew away immediately.

At such a juncture, it is natural that escape is more important. If you use Qi and Blood Pill to attract the attention of the python, the clam will definitely devour the little ghost first, and you will take advantage of this time to escape, even if the python is not full. , will catch up again, but there are still five dragon horses in his pocket, they will be slaughtered later, and left behind him, presumably he can also buy himself a certain amount of time.

In an instant, Hou Qing calculated all the plans that went through, thinking that nothing would go wrong.

However, a scene he never expected happened. At the moment when he was running away at high speed, the eyes of the python that seemed to have been completely absorbed by Fang Xing suddenly turned around, and then "Guwa With a loud cry, he opened his mouth, and a blood-red silk tongue shot out like a flying arrow. Its power was like electricity, its sharpness was like a knife, and the target was Hou Qing.

Hou Qing was startled, he rolled his body hastily, and drew a beautiful arc in the air, narrowly dodging the blow.

Even Fang Xing couldn't help admiring, this guy's movement skills are simply too authentic.

It is very certain that even if Hou Qing doesn't mention the cultivation base of the third level of agility, he must be a good player in the Jianghu.

Whether it's the sword technique or the body technique, they are enough to break through to a top ten thousand children in the world of mortals.

However, no matter how handsome the body is, it is not as fast as the tongue of the python's withered clam. This fourth-order monster looks fat and fat, like a hill, but the tongue is like a snake and an arrow, and it is extremely flexible. Afterwards, before Waiting for Qing's figure to land, the second blow came out again. After all, Hou Qing had never learned the technique of plundering Qi, so he couldn't turn around in the air, so he had no choice but to slash out with his sword.


This sword slashed on the tip of the python's withered clam's tongue, unexpectedly limp and without any force, the sword with all its strength only made a shallow wound on its tongue, but it also angered the python's withered clam. With a roar, the hostility was fully activated. With a kick of his hind legs, he ran directly towards Hou Qing. At the same time, his fat front legs, as thick as a millstone, swept across the air and slapped Hou Qing.

"What the hell did this little bastard do? Why did the python come to attack me?"

Hou Qing was terrified when he was targeted by the python, he didn't understand that his scheme was flawless, how could he fall into that kid's scheme... Damn it, that kid obviously didn't do anything!

No matter what, Hou Qing couldn't think of what Fang Xing had done to put himself in such a predicament.

At this time, Fang Xing was smiling proudly at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, enduring the severe pain to correct his shattered left arm, while watching Hou Qing and the python withered to death. This feeling was mixed with joy and pain. It's really refreshing!

Suppression of knowledge!

Probably Hou Qing never imagined that Fang Xing didn't do anything, the only thing he did was to hint him to run away...

When the Yin-Yang God Demon Mirror saw the python clam for the first time, it had already mentioned its many characteristics. Among them, one that Fang Xing took a fancy to at a glance was: "If you don't take off the animal body, you will see that it can't move." quiet… "

To put it simply, monsters such as pythons and clams, unless they have cultivated to the point where they have transformed into a human, have a defect in their eyesight. They cannot see things that are still, but they can see things that are moving very clearly. It was also because of this that when it was attracted by Liu San's qi and blood and jumped in mid-air, it could see Hou Qing and Fang Xing.

But when it fell, Fang Xing and Hou Qing didn't dare to move rashly, and it couldn't see these two people.

If not, where would there be time for Fang Xing to pretend to be afraid, to cover up the bloodstains, and for Hou Qing to play Dan to blame

Originally, Hou Qing's blood flew out, which really attracted the attention of the python, and the strong smell of blood also gave the python a sense of direction in the blood, but, Hou Qing's following What he did, he made a huge mistake, and it was also the mistake Fang Xing had always hoped he would make, that is, to escape with extreme speed...

With this movement, it was over, and the Python Kuha's target immediately pointed to him.