Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 40: How to write cool?


At this time, Fang Xing naturally didn't know everything about the outside world, he only felt dizzy and under pressure around him.

Fortunately, although the whole body of this demon clam is poisonous, its body is not poisonous. It only has a poisonous gland on the upper jaw of its mouth, which can emit poisonous smoke. Fang Xing's location also happens to be at the throat of the clam. In addition, in order to display the supernatural power of sucking the prey into the belly, the demon clam also sprayed out all the poisonous smoke, leaving very little left.

Therefore, at this time, the demon clam could only instinctively wriggle its esophagus, trying to swallow Fang Xing down its stomach.

Fang Xing felt the pressure around his body doubled, but he also became annoyed. He kept holding the short knife stuck in Yaoha's throat with his right hand. I bought a cave ring to tie my hair.

"Nine Snake Golden Flame Sword, come out for me!"

With a roar of pain, the Nine Snakes Golden Flame Sword was sacrificed, and in an instant, the golden light was shining in the belly of the monster clam.

The outside world is taking advantage of the monster toad's madness and Hou Qing's desperate efforts, and the whole person looks terrible.

At this time, he also forcibly replenished his aura, taking advantage of the opportunity to fight the monster toad, and only wanted to take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take it down. He stretched out all his strength, flying swords vertically and horizontally, and his figure was like flying. To this demon clam, he was like a vicious bee, constantly stabbing his sharp venomous stinger into the clam's defense where the force is low.

And at this time, the monster toad seemed to have lost its mind, it only knew how to bump around blindfolded, and ignored some of his attacks at all. The entire forest was destroyed by the trees it hit, and strange rocks flew around.

However, in this crazy state, the crazy monster clam still caused a lot of damage to Hou Qing. His shoulder was pierced by the clam's tongue, his left leg was splashed with venom, and his chest was hit by the monster clam desperately. Three ribs were broken.

More importantly, his spiritual power was running low.

Of course, the results are obviously very remarkable. He stabbed one of the eyes of the monster clam blind, and he almost cut open the part of the abdomen that was not covered by python scales with a flying sword. The internal organs flowed out, and half of them were dragged on on the ground.

If it wasn't for the clam's madness, Hou Qing wouldn't have had the chance to cause such great damage to it.

At this moment, Hou Qing, who was exhausted, suddenly saw the monster clam jump up desperately, straighten its limbs, and a golden light appeared from its mouth, and was shocked.

"This monster clam has been hurt to such an extent, but still has some supernatural powers left?"

Shocked, he forced a breath of spiritual energy, and dragged his almost crippled left leg to try to escape.

But just a few steps away, the clam that had jumped into the air crazily fell heavily to the ground again, with its mouth half-opened and its body lying on the ground, it twitched lightly once or twice, and then stopped moving.


Hou Qing was shocked, but also had an unspeakable sense of excitement.

"I actually killed the fourth-order monster python with my own ability?"

Even though he has always been stable, this amazing record made him a little excited.

Fighting across the ranks and beheading the fourth-rank fierce monster, this is a record that the entire Taoist sect will marvel at!

Perhaps there are quite a few people who can kill this demon with a swing of a sword in the Taoist sect, but there are absolutely not many people who can do it in the third level of agility.

"It's really God's favor. I waited for Qing Jin to enter the inner sect, and I must burn incense to sacrifice to heaven!"

Hou Qing stopped, took a few breaths, prayed for a while, and then prepared to cut open the clam.

But at this moment, the dead body of the demon clam suddenly twitched, its mouth opened a little wider, and the fishy internal organs, minced meat, and dirty blood gushed out, and there were some undigested meat in it. As for the prey, what attracted Hou Qing's attention the most was that there was a child lying inside, it was Fang Xing, he was motionless and breathless, as if he had been dead for a long time.

Seeing this, Hou Qing couldn't help sneering, thinking: "If you are as slippery as a ghost, wouldn't you become a monster's Chinese food?"

He dragged his broken leg and was about to check it out when he suddenly remembered something.

"As soon as this little ghost was swallowed by the clam, the clam suddenly went berserk. Maybe he did something wrong?"

Hou Qing thought to himself, although he was extremely reluctant to share the credit for killing the monster clam to others, he still maintained his rationality and analyzed the problem carefully: "Although he seems to be dead at this time, in the face of this guy , it's better to be careful..."

As he said that, he gathered up the remaining spiritual power, raised his flying sword with all his strength, and slashed at Fang Xing who was moving on the ground.

Seeing that the flying sword was about to hit Fang Xing, Fang Xing, who seemed to be dead all of a sudden, turned over and sat up, and laughed loudly, "You're so smart, you can't even fool you?"

While speaking, five hands were in one hand, and suddenly a golden flying sword flew out from behind. The sword seemed to be burning with golden flames, and there were nine small snakes flying around in coils. It looked very strange. This flying sword was similar to Hou Qing's As soon as the flying sword touched it, it immediately blocked it, and Fang Xing took the opportunity to get up and escape, but he had just escaped for two or three feet, when he suddenly let out a "huh" and turned around suddenly.

Hou Qing didn't kill Fang Xing with one strike, subconsciously he was about to make a second strike, but he was also startled suddenly...

At this moment, Fang Xing turned his head and looked at him excitedly.

Hou Qing also looked at Fang Xing, and suddenly a question came to his mind.


Without saying a word, Hou Qing suddenly turned around and ran away.

Fang Xing laughed and chased after him, shouting, "You don't have any spiritual power, you deserve to fall into the hands of the young master..."

But it turned out that after this fight, Hou Qing and Fang Xing suddenly discovered a problem at the same time.

After a big battle with Yaoha, Hou Qing's spiritual power was running out.

Fang Xing was overjoyed and turned around to chase after him, while Hou Qing's expression changed drastically, and he turned around and ran away regardless of other things.

After chasing and escaping, Fang Xing quickly caught up. After all, he was injured on his left arm, while Hou Qing was injured on his left leg. Furthermore, although Fang Xing was in danger, he had never actually fought head-on. The loss of power was very little, but when Fang Xing was making a fuss in the belly of the monster clam, Hou Qing had been fighting the monster clam head-on.

For practitioners, spiritual power is power, without spiritual power, they are no different from ordinary people.


Fang Xing chased after him for a few steps, and when he reached three or four feet behind Hou Qing, he suddenly sacrificed the Nine Snake Golden Flame Sword.

"Hey, my surname is Hou, thank you for that demon pill..."

Hou Qing was running wildly, his only thought was to run for his life, and he would not stop no matter what, but after hearing Fang Xing's words, he was suddenly taken aback, with an unbelievable expression on his face, and then As a thought appeared in his heart, he immediately remembered the strangely shaped Nine Snake Golden Flame Sword that Fang Xingji had raised. Where had he seen it before...

"It's you!"

An invisible anger scorched Hou Xing's rationality, he suddenly stopped and turned around abruptly.

"Could it be... you are the one who tricked me into taking away the demon spirit pill?"

Hou Qing's eyes were shooting fire, his expression was so distorted, and his hair was almost standing on end.

"That's right, it's Lao Tzu, the effect of the Yaoling Pill is really good, it made the young master break through to the peak of the second level of agility in one step!"

Fang Xing stopped, looked at Hou Qing with a sneer, poked his hand behind his head, took out the Wanluo ghost mask, put the mask on his face, poured spiritual power into it, and immediately changed his whole body, becoming taller and bigger , the mask disappeared, and another very ordinary-looking man's face was revealed. It was the thief who Hou Qing thought about day and night when he was in the Taoist sect.

"I didn't expect it to be you... It was you... It was you who made me lose the demon spirit pill... I was forced to accept this talisman... It was you again... Broken my mission... Killed my companion... Destroyed gave me a chance to complete the mission..."

Hou Qing gritted his teeth, and the anger in his heart almost burst out of his mouth, as if he wanted to choose someone to kill.

"That's right, it's me, and now I have to add one more point... to kill you!"

Fang Xing chuckled, and suddenly his face turned cold. The Nine Snake Golden Flame Sword hovering around him was about to slash out with a golden aura.

Hou Qing was startled immediately, and his head cleared up. The most important thing to do now is to run for his life. This kid stopped him because he was afraid of running away. However, it was too late to react at this time. When he made his footsteps, it was already very difficult to escape Fang Xing's pursuit. He felt ruthless in his heart, and hurriedly shouted: "Fang Xing, are you going to kill me?"

The sword in Fang Xing's hand froze slightly, and he asked suspiciously, "Could it be that we need to chat again?"

Hou Qing sneered: "That's right, didn't you say you wanted to let me know how to write the word 'Shuang'?"

While speaking, he quietly took out a pill and held it between his fingers.

This pill is called Fenqi Pill. After swallowing it, it will burn Hou Qing's cultivation base and make his cultivation base drop to the second level of agility. Chance to kill this nasty little devil in front of him.

Just like Fang Xing was delaying time under his sword, he also wanted to delay time under Fang Xing's sword.

After Fang Xing heard this, he really smiled and said, "It makes sense, it really doesn't feel good to just kill you like this!"

As he spoke, he walked over slowly, with a mean look on his face.

Hou Qing sneered slightly, and was about to get Fang Xing closer, so he slashed out with a sword, forcing Fang Xing to defend himself, and then swallowed the elixir.

At this time, his aura was weak, and only when Fang Xing got close could his flying sword have enough lethality to force him to defend himself.

However, he didn't think about it. Fang Xing seemed to be going forward, but just after taking half a step, he suddenly smiled ghostly and picked up the sword formula.

In an instant, the Nine Snakes Golden Flame Sword blazed with golden light, and slashed straight at Hou Qing.