Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 42: Essence is like the sea refining the spirit body


This night, Fang Xing did nothing, but ate a lot, eating the clam meat non-stop, sensing the changes in his body.

After eating the clam meat, he will run the method of refining and transforming energy to transform the energy into spiritual energy. If he does this normally, it will only hurt the source for one night, because such continuous refining His own energy is as good as that of a person who has been courting ten girls overnight. No matter how strong a man is, his legs will become weak, let alone him at such a young age

But this night, Fang Xing ran the method of refining and transforming Qi at least ten times, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

After using the method of refining and transforming qi in the past, he felt that there was no feeling of emptiness in his body at all, which showed that his guess was correct, and it was indeed because he ate the clam meat and directly refined it to produce the essence. Qi, because it is an outsider, is rolling in his body, making him feel that the energy is very strong, so that there will be excess energy for refining.

And in the process, Fang Xing also gradually felt the reason for such a change in himself.

He found that whenever he ate a large amount of demon clam meat, the qi and blood in his body would slowly circulate according to a strange and mysterious law, and it was this movement of qi and blood that gave him this A powerful digestive power.

At the same time that he figured out the method of the circulation of qi and blood, in his mind, the magic mirror of yin and yang began to operate automatically, and a message appeared in his mind: "Taishang Hualingjing... Swallowing the sky and eating the earth... Refining all things Denying itself…”

After getting the news, Fang Xing was stunned. The movement of Qi and blood in his body turned out to be a profound art.

Its function is to refine any spiritual things that you eat...

Fang Xing became excited. With this formula, wouldn't he have an extra shortcut to practice

By endlessly using the method of refining and transforming qi, one's spiritual qi will increase faster than a disciple with first-class qualifications!

Much faster!

"Refining the flesh of the demon clam is easy, but the energy produced by the flesh of the demon clam is still a bit meager, not enough to greatly increase the cultivation level, and it is far from the change that I made when I refined the demon spirit pill that night. And the demon spirit pill is actually refined from the demon pill, but it’s just a few extra elixir, so if I think about it, can I also directly refine the demon pill of the python dry clam?"

Fang Xing's eyes flickered, and he looked at the dead python with great interest.

Doing so is extremely risky, but Fang Xing is eager to try it out on a whim, bold and bold.

Immediately, he took the dagger, got into the python clam's body, searched for a while, and took out a longan-sized bead that exuded crystal red light. This bead was the demon pill of the python clam. In the hand, it feels as warm and moist as jade, and the aura in the body is activated. It seems that it is attracted by the aura filled in the python withered clam demon pill, and it is very joyful.

Facing this demon pill, Fang Xing even felt a faint sense of fear.

This is a kind of oppression of spiritual power. After all, the python clam is a fourth-order monster. The aura contained in the demon core is far from what he can compare. At that time, he was like a Confucianist facing a giant.

"His grandma's, eat!"

Faced with this sense of fear, Fang Xing hesitated for a while, and then made a decision in about a breath.

The adventurous concept of seeking wealth and risk has been firmly engraved in his soul since he was a child.

Opening his mouth wide, he threw the demon pill into his mouth, then his neck swelled, he rolled his eyes, and swallowed desperately.

Then Fang Xing sat cross-legged, actively mobilized his qi and blood, and circulated the Supreme Spiritual Sutra.

It didn't take long before Fang Xing felt a scorching heat surge in his body. It was like a trickle at first, but soon it hit his narrow meridians like a violent river wave. His small body immediately seemed to be full. The airy balloon seemed ready to explode at any time. There were tens of thousands of pores all over his body, each of which seemed to have a tearing pain from the inside out.

That bulging feeling was far stronger than when he swallowed three stalks of Huajingcao in one go.

If you had to describe it, it would be like swallowing a hundred plants of Huajingcao in one go!

At such a young age, his lower body is congested with blood, like a mallet!

At the same time, there are also various thoughts intertwined in my mind, full of all kinds of gorgeous young people's fantasies.

At this time, he even thought of the only strong woman in the bandits' den. He often called her a big buffalo, because the two lumps of flesh on her chest were bigger than a human head. Dare to hit her idea.

In Fang Xing's heart, the big buffalo has always been the ugliest woman in the world, a synonym for ugliness, but when he thinks about it now, he feels that the big buffalo is also pretty... This is too scary!

"Refine gas..."

Fang Xing's face turned red, he gritted his teeth, forced himself to restrain his mind, didn't want to be so messy, and began to work his mind silently.

Essence like rivers and seas emerged from his body, as if mushroom clouds exploded in his body one after another...

It was a majestic stream, filling every inch of his meridians.

The body was terribly hot, and the blood was rolling. Within ten feet of the body, there was a red light, as if a raging flame had been ignited.

The grass and vines around him were all baked dry by him, turning yellow and dry, almost burning.

Fang Xing, on the other hand, seemed to be tempering his body in a tripod, enduring every inch of pain in his body.

He really wanted to jump up and run wildly, to vent the sense of power that seemed to surge out of his body endlessly.

But he restrained himself strongly, because he knew that if he really did that, there would be only one end, that is, his meridians burst and he died.

At this time, only by using the method of refining scriptures to transform Qi, turning this majestic stream of essence into spiritual energy as much as possible, and then waiting for all the essence that was too late to refine to dissipate, can he survive and his cultivation level will skyrocket.

The heart formula emerges, and the aura flows. Gradually, the violent essence begins to be refined bit by bit, and then the speed becomes faster and faster. The rolling essence turns into aura, which madly replenishes Fang Xing's meridians, making Fang Xing's meridians The aura in it is constantly increasing, like a large amount of water flowing into a stream, making the stream more and more powerful, turning into a river!

Soon, the aura in Fang Xing's meridian reached its limit and began to drain continuously.

In every realm of practice, the aura that the body's meridians can store is limited, and if it exceeds this limit, it will be lost.

"It's time to break through!"

When the aura in his body was filled to a certain extent, Fang Xing gritted his teeth and began to forcibly control the aura to push his limits.


The first must hit, failed.

The aura in Fang Xing's body collapsed, and his meridians were in severe pain.

In normal times, he would have to calm down first, sort out the meridians, and wait for the next time when the spiritual energy is full.

But Fang Xing didn't care about the failure this time, because his body was still full of energy.

Quickly refining and transforming Qi, he soon had enough spiritual energy again to launch a second attack.


Still a failure!

Fang Xing gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain of the failure of the impact, and started the third impact!

With every impact, it seemed as if his pores were closing, leaking out some impurities from his body.

This is the spiritual energy crazily washing his bones, flesh, and internal organs, like a big wave washing sand, or like a raging fire refining gold.

The seventh time, shock!

The expression on Fang Xing's face was a little distorted, and he started the seventh attack almost desperately.


At this moment, something seemed to be smashed, and the spiritual energy in the rear suddenly felt unimpeded, as if a violent small river flowed into a big river at this moment, and the turbulent water immediately seemed to calm down.

Smart Triple, Official Breakthrough!

But it hasn't stopped yet, the demon pill of the python withered clam is still not fully refined at this time, and the billowing energy is still emerging, and Fang Xing also suppresses the joy in his heart, continues to refine and transform the energy, and pours the billowing spiritual energy into his body Meridians.

The cultivation base is still increasing, like a surging river.

Smart Triple Elementary…

Smart Triple Intermediate…

Fang Xing didn't feel his body loosen until he reached the third level of smartness, and the fountain-like flow disappeared.

So far, the demon pill of the python clam has been completely refined by him.

Fang Xing's cultivation base is only one line away from reaching the third level of agility!