Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 44: A big lie, a watertight one


"When I was about to choose a place to set up a trap, suddenly a big python rushed out and wrapped me up. Senior Brother Qian Tong immediately yelled, saying that the bait must not be gone... Only then did the disciple know what they were referring to. The bait should be the big python, and then several senior brothers rushed up and fought with the big python. The few senior brothers were very powerful and killed the big python together, but not long after, the dead python jumped suddenly. When it came out, several senior brothers had no choice but to fight against it..."

Facing the three elders, Fang Xing vividly described the unknowing but extremely lucky thing about a "bait".

According to him, the four of Hou Qing disrupted the plan at hand because of a python that appeared unexpectedly.

In order to protect the bait, I had to kill the boa constrictor, but I didn't expect that the blood of the boa constrictor attracted the boa withered clams that went out to look for food. In desperation, I had to fight the python withered clams. After the two were killed, Hou Qing left Liu San to hold on, and escaped by himself, but the python withered toad suddenly rushed towards Hou Qing, killing Hou Qing, and then, Liu San lay motionless on the ground...

And myself, because of fear, hid behind the big tree, but escaped unharmed.

Throughout the whole process, he was a standard bait for ignorance, and he was lucky to live until now.

When talking about Hou Qing and others beheading the big python, and finally attracted the python, the elder with the short beard nodded slightly and said: "The python likes to hunt at night, Hou Qing and the others killed the monster python." , it must have attracted the monster python that went out to hunt..."

And later, when Hou Qing left Liu San behind and fled by himself, the majestic elder suddenly interjected: "You said Hou Qing let Liu San support himself and run away by himself, but Liu San actually agreed?"

The implication is that there is obviously some disbelief.

Fang Xing said in a daze on purpose: "That's right, Senior Brother Liu San shouted loudly to tell Senior Brother Hou Qing to escape quickly, but as soon as Senior Brother Hou Qing escaped, Senior Brother Liu San immediately lay on the ground without moving. I don't know why, Yaoha went to hunt and kill Senior Brother Hou Qing instead, and didn't even look at Senior Brother Liu San who was lying on the ground, Elder, I still don't understand what's going on..."

The majestic elder said seriously: "This matter is indeed a bit strange, have you ever lied?"

Fang Xing was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "I swear, I never lied..."

The elder with the short beard smiled, and interjected: "Senior Brother Qi, don't worry, it's probably because you don't understand the habits of the boa clam. This monster has a flaw in its nature. It can see moving things, but not static things. Hou Qing seemed to be cunning, and he ran away by himself, but in fact he fell into Liu San's trick. When he decided to escape, he had already become the prey of the demon clam..."

The majestic elder was startled, then nodded, and said again: "Then what happened later? How did this demon clam die?"

Fang Xingdao: "Senior Brother Liu San lay motionless on the ground at the time, but the monster clam came back after eating Senior Brother Hou Qing, with a strange wind from its mouth, sucking the corpses of Senior Brother Zhao Zhi and Senior Brother Qian Tong into it. Senior Brother Liu San was still alive and was sucked in, but when the disciple saw him being sucked in, it seemed that he had raised a flying sword... "

Fang Xing showed a look of surprise on his face, and said: "I don't know what's going on. After the monster toad swallowed Senior Brother Liu San, it suddenly went berserk and bumped around, killing the big tree where the disciple was hiding. Knocked down, the disciple saw a silver light appearing from his mouth, thought that the monster was about to cast some evil method, so he ran away immediately in fright, but luckily the monster didn't chase after him, after the disciple ran several tens of feet away, he turned his head Look, but found that the clam has not moved, but the disciple did not dare to go back to check again, and fled all the way... "

Elder Qingshan sighed softly, and said: "Liu San is really extraordinary, it must be because the demon clam sucked him into his belly as a dead body, he sacrificed the flying sword, smashed the viscera of the demon clam, and then took the demon clam Fate, Fang Xing, after you escaped, did you go back to check? Although Liu San was sucked into the belly of the monster, if he killed the monster in time, there is still hope for him to survive... "

Fang Xing's expression seemed to be about to cry, and he said with a mournful face: "Disciple... cowardly, it took a day before he dared to go back. At that time, he found the corpse of the monster clam, which was almost eaten by monsters. Disciple... The disciple was still in its belly and saw the corpses of Senior Brother Hou Qing and the others... It was really... really miserable, the disciple... was terrified at that time... "

The elders sighed and looked at each other, and they almost believed what the other party said.

These words, there is some false in the truth, and the truth in the false, the ins and outs are very clear, and the elders can't find any mistakes.

Another point is that they are all experienced people, and they have a clear understanding of these dirty things among the disciples. In fact, there are some loopholes in Fang Xing's words, and they don't bother to pursue them, as long as they have a share in the speech.

"The matter has come to this, it's useless to say more, by the way, what about the demon pill of the python withered clam? Did you get it back?"

The old man in green shirt sighed, and suddenly asked Fang Xing in a deep voice. The other two elders also looked over, showing obvious concern. Obviously, for them, whether they have taken out the inner alchemy of the dead python clam is the criterion for judging whether a monster slaying task has been completed! Even if Fang Xing was not the one who received the talisman in the first place, as long as the demon core of the python was brought back, they would count the mission as a success.

"Disciple... I searched for a long time, but I couldn't find it, so I came back on this toad's leg..."

Fang Xing took out the toad legs from behind and placed them in front of the three elders, deliberately disgusting them.

The three elders immediately covered their noses, and the short-bearded elder waved his hands in disgust, and said, "Oh, you are really useless, you have too little guts, it took a whole night to go back to check, I don't know how many monsters will be killed by pythons The smell of the clam's energy and blood attracts it, and the demon pill is the most demonic thing, so how can it be left? What proof can a demon clam leg have?"

Fang Xing blinked, seeming very aggrieved.

The majestic elder said: "You don't have to be depressed, there are rules in the Taoist sect, your mission this time can only be regarded as a failure, but for you, being able to survive may not be the greatest reward, well, you can leave now , By the way, are the magic tools and other things of those disciples on you? The magic tools issued to them by the Taoist sect must be taken back, and you must not hide them..."

Fang Xing hastily took off a burden from his back, put it in front of several elders, and said: "It's all here, I dare not hide my secrets. I searched for a long time, but only found these few pieces. Please look carefully at the elders. …”

The majestic elder glanced at him, and found that there was really nothing else, so he nodded, indicating that he could leave. He added this sentence at the end, which was also a routine. In fact, the inferior magic weapons of these outer disciples, he I don't like it either.

But of course he didn't expect that Fang Xing had actually divided all his collections into two parts long ago. One part was worthless, and he brought it back for business, but he put all the most valuable things in the cave ring behind his head. , and the cave ring was dyed a gray color by him, and it was tied on the hair casually, even the three elders couldn't see through it easily.

"yes… "

Fang Xing put on a disappointed look, glanced at the burden reluctantly, and was about to get up and leave.

At this moment, the elder in blue suddenly said: "You wait in the outer hall for a while, let's discuss it!"

When Fang Xing heard the words, he felt a little stunned. He didn't know what he meant, but he went to the outer hall to wait as he said.

"Junior Brother Yuan, what do you mean?"

The other two elders were also a little puzzled. Since the task was judged to be a failure, what was there to discuss

Elder Yuan in the blue shirt said with a smile: "Two senior brothers, listen to me. The junior thinks that what the young man said just now is not a lie, and the hind leg of such a demon clam, judging from the wound, is also It can be concluded that the clams were cut off, so if that is the case, what is written in our talisman is to let them go out to kill demons, so his mission has been completed!"

The short-bearded elder was slightly startled, and said strangely: "Since there is no demon pill, we have no income in the Fuzhao Palace, but the losses of the dragons and horses of the beast supervisor will be counted on us. I have to fill in another fourth-order demon pill on the thing, but there is nothing, here and there, isn't our Fuzhao Palace losing a lot?"

Elder Majestic followed and nodded, as if agreeing with Elder Shortbeard's words.

Elder Qingshan smiled and said: "Brother, what you said is wrong. May I ask that this group of outer disciples have just started, and when they start to receive a large number of talisman edicts, it will take six or seven years at least, and there are always some disciples in the Taoist sect. Legend has it that our Fuzhao Palace is described as a dragon pool and a tiger's lair. The mention of it is like facing an enemy, but if there is any other way, they will not come to us to receive the Fuzhao... "

"This is not a good thing. In recent years, apart from the talisman edicts assigned by the Taoist sect to the inner disciples, there are fewer and fewer other talisman edicts. They would rather be in the hands of their own brothers and sisters." Going to rob, cheat, and cheat, and don't want to come to the Hall of Talismans and receive Talismans in exchange for resources in an upright manner. The reason is naturally very simple... "

"The disciples of the Taoist sect have all demonized our Fuzhao hall, thinking that anyone who comes to the Fuzhao hall is the result of a narrow escape, and in many cases, even a narrow escape may not necessarily be able to exchange for the corresponding resources. In this way, naturally No one is willing to come and die in vain, unless Shi Jingsan, which is under our firm control and they cannot get resources from other places, will make them muster up their courage and come to Daomen in groups to receive the talisman edict. Still with the determination to die..."

After hearing Elder Qingshan's words, the other two elders couldn't help but nodded. These are all true facts.