Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 48: The little devil returns


Hei San took a sip of his wine and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Liu is a little more aggressive. You have asked someone to remove him from the position of supervisor and take away all the Lingshi and silver taels from him. It will take three days for a big Beating, a small beating every two days, this guy has suffered enough, so Baba came here to apologize, please forgive me, why do you do it now? If you are beaten to death, it will be troublesome... "

"Hey, even if I beat him to death, I wouldn't let go of my hatred, that's why I'm saving his dog's life to play slowly..."

Liu Feng sneered and said: "The little devil is dead, but it's a pity I didn't teach him to die in my hands, so I have to take this dead fat pig to vent my anger. Who taught him that he can't make friends? Hmph, junior brother Yu Sanliang , don’t say I won’t give you a chance, now you just climb around this small bamboo building tortoise, and every time you climb around, you will say ‘Fang Xing is a little bitch’, if you climb a hundred times, I will spare you, How are you?"

"I... I crawl... I crawl..."

The fat on the fat Taoist's face trembled twice, and the wine jar in his hand had the urge to hit Liu Feng's face, but he put down the wine jar after all, and went down the small bamboo building in a daze, kneeling on the ground like A really big tortoise slowly got up, one step, two steps... The small building is not big, so it quickly completed a lap, but the fat Taoist opened his mouth, but made no sound...

I have a strange impulse in my heart...

It seems that he remembered the way he was drinking with Fang Xing, and the way Fang Xing gave him the spirit stone...

This feeling was very weird, and it made the fat Taoist shout "Fang Xing is a little bitch" two breaths later!

"Fuck, what are you doing in a daze? Shout!"

Liu Feng cursed angrily, and threw a wine jar at the fat Taoist's head.

"Snapped… "

The wine jar fell, but it didn't hit the fat Taoist's head, but was firmly caught by a small hand.

"You can yell if you want to, Senior Brother Pig, if you can save yourself from suffering, don't call me a bitch, it doesn't matter if you call my 18th generation ancestor..."

A voice sounded, and the fat Taoist turned his head tremblingly as if he had been electrocuted.

But he saw a smiling little devil standing beside him, his clothes were torn, but he was obviously a living person, he was holding the wine jar in his hand, shaking it in his hand, seeing that the wine was running out, he threw it away to the side.

"I said why are you so stupid?"

The little ghost complained: "You just scolded me a few times, and you won't lose a piece of meat, but you can suffer so much less, why hesitate?"

The fat Taoist stared blankly for a long while, tears streaming down suddenly, and he cried, "It's you who killed the little bastard today, and made me into this appearance, I want to call you a bastard more than anyone else, A hundred times is not enough, I have to scold you a thousand times!"

As he spoke, he opened his arms, wanting to hug Fangxing.

Seeing how dirty he was, Fang Xing frowned in disgust, kicked him away, and cursed: "It's disgusting, get out!"

The fat Taoist was kicked to the ground, tears streaming down his face, but the look of despair was no longer in his eyes.

Being bullied and suppressed by others during this period, the fat Taoist was really disheartened and almost desperate, but at the moment when he was most desperate, he suddenly saw this little face smiling indifferently, and a strange feeling suddenly surged in his heart. a feeling of…

This little devil is back

He came back alive

Obviously he is just a little boy, why did he suddenly seem to see a big backer

At this time, Fang Xing's smile had disappeared suddenly, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he looked up the bamboo building.

Liu Feng and Hei San upstairs were stunned. After rubbing their eyes a few times, they were sure that the person in front of them turned out to be the real Fang Xing, and not a ghost who came back to seek revenge. The shock in their hearts was hard to describe. Liu Feng After staying there for a while, he jumped up first and shouted: "Little bastard, you are not dead? Where is Senior Brother Hou Qing? How could he let you go?"

Fang Xing walked slowly up the bamboo building with his two little hands behind his back, and said calmly, "Hou Qing is waiting for you at a certain place!"

Liu Feng's expression softened slightly, and he immediately raised his voice again, yelling, "Brother Hou wants to see me? Where is he?"

Fang Xing looked up at him, with a half-smile on his face, and said softly, "He's in hell, and you're going too soon!"

Liu Feng was stunned for a moment, then an unbelievable expression appeared on his face, and he shouted angrily: "Nonsense, senior brother Hou Qing is so capable, and with the help of senior brother Liu San and others, how could he lose his life?"

Fang Xing said indifferently: "Not only Hou Qing, but also Liu San, Qian Tong, and Zhao Zhi are all dead, all dead, completely!" He pointed to his nose as he spoke, and said softly: " Only I came back alive, because I am a person who holds grudges, and I don’t want to die when I think of you bastards still alive in the Taoist sect, so I come back to send you back to the west..."

He is young, small in stature, and immature, but he speaks so slowly and coldly, which immediately makes Liu Feng and Hei San's vests involuntarily seep out a layer of cold sweat, and the whole body is covered with a kind of creepy feeling. It feels wrapped up.

"Hahaha… "

Liu Feng laughed out loud on purpose, to dilute the haze in his heart, deliberately brought up the viciousness in his heart, and said with a smirk: "Little bastard, it's fine to come back alive, but you came to this man immediately to seek death, I will grant you..."

As he said that, before Fang Xing could climb the stairs, he yelled loudly, condescendingly, and punched down hard.

At this time, he was dubious about the fact that Hou Qing was dead, and seeing Fang Xing's murderous intent, he decided to act preemptively and take him down before questioning. Although his injuries have not fully healed yet, they have recovered Almost 70% of his strength, and the last time he was defeated by Fang Xing, after all, the opponent had a sneak attack factor, so this time he is still very confident.

With a punch, the wind of the fist pierced through the air, and it went down the mountain like a tiger, adding to its power.

The fat Taoist standing under the bamboo building and looking up saw this scene, immediately stopped crying and looked up with concern.

But Fang Xing suddenly narrowed his eyes at this moment, looked coldly at Liu Feng's fierce punch, without saying a word, suddenly stepped up a step, and then clenched his small fist tightly , and directly punched Liu Feng's fist.


When the two fists intersected, Liu Feng already showed a triumphant expression on his face.

He was most afraid of this kid's nimble body skills and elusive and insidious sword skills, but he never thought that he would fight with him fist to fist. His own strength is not something he can resist.

But soon his face changed drastically, and when his fists collided, he suddenly felt a huge force hitting him, as if a huge boulder fell from the top of the mountain and hit his fist again, "Kakaka "Crack", in just an instant, his arm was broken into several pieces, and the broken bones rubbed violently. In an instant, the severe pain pierced into his mind like a sharp needle.

"ah… "

Liu Feng staggered back, opening his mouth to scream, but Fang Xing didn't wait for him to scream at all, his body was like a civet cat, he followed up, and a "bang" punch broke Liu Feng's nose, and also knocked him down. The screams came back into his throat, and then he jumped up, kicked his legs, and slapped several times. Several ribs in Liu Feng's chest were broken, and he lay on his back on the ground.

It took a full two breaths before Liu Feng gasped for breath, his eyes were full of fear, and he opened his mouth to shout.

However, he still didn't yell out, because Fang Xing had already stepped on his neck, and he was out of breath.

"You are such a waste, the young master has killed at least a dozen of them in the rivers and lakes before, how dare you plot against me?"

Fang Xing said coldly, took a jar of wine from the table, slapped open the mud seal, and poured coldly on Liu Feng's head.

"no, do not want… "

Liu Feng was injured all over his body and needed to breathe heavily, but Fang Xing stepped on his neck, and it was extremely difficult to breathe. After being poured with wine, the pain in his chest almost suffocated, and he choked on a lot of wine. In his chest, the wine that he thought was mellow and delicious just now seemed like poison, driving him almost mad, almost fainting...

"Junior Brother Fang, have you passed?"

Hei San who had been sitting on the side suddenly spoke coldly, looking at Fang Xing with unfriendly eyes.