Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 75: Monster blood?


Fang Xing was a little nervous. He knew that the magic of the Taishang Hua Ling Jing allowed him to practice the method of "refinement and transformation of Qi" without restriction, and the speed was astonishing. If it aroused the covetousness of this white-haired young man, I'm afraid it would not be a good thing After all, this white-haired guy's cultivation base is too high, he can kill himself with a single finger, even if he wants to fight with others, he is not qualified to do so.

Unexpectedly, the white-haired young man just sighed softly, and said: "The Qing Yunzong's disciple selection rules still have loopholes, you have such a peculiar physique, and you have been regarded as a D-level disciple in the outer sect. Even I only discovered it by accident!"


Fang Xingqi asked, "What kind of physique am I?"

The white-haired young man smiled slightly and said, "Don't you find it strange that you can directly digest this kind of wine made from demon pills?"

Fang Xing was slightly stunned, and then he said nonchalantly: "You should eat, you should drink, who cares about this?"

The white-haired young man seemed to see the twinkle in his eyes, so he smiled slightly and said: "I can probably guess what you are worried about, but this is superfluous, when I am feeding you the healing elixir , found that you can quickly absorb spiritual energy, I felt a little strange, after careful inspection, I found that your physique is different from ordinary people, and your digestion ability is more than ten times that of ordinary people!"

He paused, stroked his forehead lightly, and said: "In the past few days, I have checked some classics, and I think you probably have the hidden blood of the ancient gluttonous, the ancient gluttonous demon clan, with the ability to swallow the sky and the earth, you Your ancestors should be the bloodline left by the combination of Taotie and human beings, which has been passed down to your generation, and although the bloodline has faded, it also gives you the ability to directly devour the elixir!"

The white-haired young man spoke very seriously. Although it was just a guess, he did not doubt his own thoughts, because he did not find out that there were other movements in Fang Xing's body, so he could only attribute this characteristic to Fang Xing's The physique is special, and in his cognition, only those Yao Barbarians who have the blood of the Taotie clan can develop this kind of physique.

In this matter, his profound knowledge and knowledge became his hindrance at this time, ignoring other possibilities.

"What is this all about? You are the one born of monsters and humans, and your whole family is..."

After Fang Xing heard this, he slandered directly in his heart, thinking, isn't this a curse

Of course, the white-haired young man understood it this way, he couldn't get it if he wanted it.

Bai Qianzhang saw that his face changed slightly, so he smiled and said: "The world despises half-blood monsters, I understand that you cover up this fact, but you don't have to be so self-conscious, monsters are also living beings, and they often have innate strange supernatural powers, which are easy to appear. Some special bloodlines, so the practice world doesn't dislike monsters and barbarians, besides, your bloodline is easier to hide!"

"Eh... hehe, yes, no one can tell if I don't tell you..."

Fang Xing followed his words and admitted it, smiled, and picked up the gourd beside him.

After taking a sip of spiritual wine, I immediately felt the energy in my body dissipate.

However, he suddenly felt that the wine in the gourd tasted a bit wrong, it was quite different from the spirit wine he brewed before.

The white-haired young man smiled and said: "I tasted the spirit wine you brewed, and it tasted really bad, so I used a new recipe to make it, not only the taste is much better, but also the potency should be stronger than before. , this prescription is for you!"

As he spoke, he tapped his finger lightly on Fang Xing's forehead, and Fang Xing's sea of knowledge suddenly had an extra thought.

That turned out to be a medicinal prescription, which was exactly the way to explain how to brew spirit wine.

Fang Xing was overjoyed and said with a smile, "Oh, thank you so much!"

The white-haired young man smiled slightly and said, "Wufang, it was dangerous for me to let you comprehend the picture of beheading before. This medicine can be counted as part of my compensation for you. Have you understood the mystery of the picture of beheading? "

When he said this, his usual indifferent expression appeared a little dignified, as if he was very concerned.

"Tell the truth or lie?"

This thought quickly flashed through Fang Xing's mind.

However, he quickly decided to tell the truth, because even if he told the meaning of the beheading picture he had comprehended, he would not lose anything to himself. It's no good for me.

Of course, his pleasing to the eye of this white-haired young man was also a very important reason.

When he is in danger, he is known to be quick-witted, but in normal times, he is careless and always judges people by intuition.

"It's actually very simple. The mystery of this beheading picture is the anger of the beheaded person. It seems that the anger can arouse a certain power in my body, making all my spiritual power split into a terrible flame..." Fang Xing slowly thought back, and said seriously: "However, if you only comprehend the flame, it seems that you can't control it, and you will be unlucky. You still need to comprehend the sword intent in the painting..."

"Sword intent?"

The white-haired young man was stunned, as if he had already understood the matter of anger, but this was the first time he had heard about the sword intent.

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Yes, no matter how angry the guy who was beheaded was, his head was still beheaded, which means that the sword intent is stronger than his anger, and in this beheading picture, the The second level of mystery is that sword intent..."

The white-haired young man fell silent, and after a long time, he smiled wryly: "Is that all... what a pity..."

Amidst the bitter laughter, the white-haired youth let out a long sigh and left the stone room.

When he came outside the cave, he took out the picture of beheading, looked at it for a long time, and sighed: "I thought there would be some kind of immortal skill hidden in this picture, which can help me break through the golden elixir, achieve Yuanying, longevity Yuan is twice as much, but I didn't expect that there are only evil fire and sword intent in this picture, both of which are fighting skills, but there is no cultivation formula. After all, I have no possibility of renewing my life... "

"Do you really want to go back?"

Bai Qianzhang meditated outside the cave for a long time, his body motionless, like a statue.

After three full hours passed, he suddenly waved his sleeve, and a small purple stone tablet flew out from his sleeve. The stone tablet was seven fingers long and four fingers wide, and made of an extraordinary material. Faintly exudes aura.

As soon as it appeared in the air, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth seemed to have life and rushed towards it.

Bai Qianzhang stared intently at the stone tablet. After a long while, his white hair suddenly moved, but a golden light flew out from the ceiling, and went straight up to the sky hundreds of feet high. With this piece of stone forest, it seems that this stone forest has become a place isolated from the world, and no one can detect it with divine sense, nor can it be connected with secret techniques.

After finishing these things, Bai Qianzhang hesitated for a moment, and suddenly stretched out his index finger, and lightly tapped on the purple stone tablet. The dense air ripples spread out around the stone tablet. After a while, the stone tablet turned into When it gets bigger, the front becomes like a jade mirror, and then the clouds and smoke on the mirror gradually dissipate, and countless voices and shadows change from inside, gradually becoming clear.

A big man with a lion's face and purple eyes appeared from the mirror, his eyes were gloomy, he was tall, wearing a wide purple robe, sitting on a jade chair, his eyes were gloomy and terrifying, in his eyes, there seemed to be infinite The sea of blood surged, and countless innocent souls rolled and struggled in his eyes. Occasionally, someone even stretched out a hand for help in his eyes, screaming silently.

But as the purple-eyed man blinked, his eyes returned to calm, and the grievances in the sea of blood disappeared.

"Old Jiu, is that you?"

The big man with purple eyes said, his voice was low and thunderous, "You are finally willing to contact the family!"

Hearing this voice, Bai Qianzhang's gaze suddenly became sad, completely different from his usual indifferent appearance.

The purple-eyed man in the mirror was silent for a while, then suddenly blinked, as if a few black smoke flew out of his pupils.

Bai Qianzhang let out a long sigh, and said: "Don't work in vain, I have already set up a huge array to deceive the sky, you can't deduce where I am!"

The purple-eyed man sneered, and said: "You are still as careful as before, but what's the use of being careful? You are willing to contact me now, must it be because your lifespan is running out? You are indeed a Genius, at that time the family treated you like that, you were able to secretly form a golden pill, and even became a blockbuster, snatched the mysterious coffin beheading picture, ran away quietly, and kept hiding for so many years, the family has never given up looking for you, but you can You have never been found, which shows that your skills are really good... "