Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 94: court death


After Liu Huazhang got the ten spirit stones, his eyes widened with joy, and he felt that he had earned it for nothing.

When other people saw this, they also stepped forward to pay the fine iron, each of them was incomparably cooperative and docile, honest, and even the fine iron they paid was either one or two more, or two or two, three or two more. , After paying the fine iron, they went to the basket to take the spirit stone, and looked at it happily, and some people showed undetectable disdain in their eyes...

"Hey, it's my turn..."

A thin man walked over with a smile, also holding a piece of fine iron in his arms. Seeing him coming, several other disciples stepped aside to let him come forward, respectfully calling him "Brother Bamboo Rat" , Brother Zhushu came to Fang Xing and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Fang, I have four taels of fine iron, why don't you reward me with a few more spirit stones?"

After seeing Fang Xing's majestic battle with Mu Rongying that night, other people, even though he was older than Fang Xing, called him "Little Brother Fang" when they met, but this bamboo mouse came up and called him "Fang Xing!" "Junior brother", smiling face, not as honest as ordinary disciples, when Fang Xing saw it, he felt a little disgusted in his heart, but said with a smile on his face: "It's easy to say, you can take twelve pieces of spirit stones!"

The bamboo rat laughed and said, "Give me thirteen yuan?"

Fang Xing snorted twice and said, "Take fourteen yuan!"

Everyone could see that Fang Xing was a little unhappy, but the bamboo rat laughed, put down the iron, and went over to take fourteen yuan.

"Then Junior Brother Fang, you should be busy first, I still need to go back first!"

The bamboo rat smiled, glanced at Fang Xing disdainfully, then said haha, and wanted to leave early.

Fang Xing said with a smile: "Wait a little longer, I still have something to say!"

Seeing this, the bamboo rat didn't leave. It lazily stood in the crowd and gave the other disciples a smug wink, as if to say, "How is it? Listen to me, no matter how fierce this brat is." , I have to drink the master's footwashing water..."

Not long after, twenty-one people paid enough refined iron, and half of the five hundred pieces of spirit stones in the big basket went down. Fang Xing stood up lazily, picked up a piece of refined iron and looked at it. Look, with a sneer on his face, he put it down again, then picked up another piece of fine iron to look at it, and then put it down again, during this process he didn't speak, everyone watched and looked at each other.

"Junior Brother Fang, we have already paid for the fine iron, can we go back to practice?"

The bamboo rat took a step forward and said with a smile.

Fang Xing remained silent, and continued to check Jingtie.

"Brother Fang?"

Seeing this, the bamboo rat took another step forward and called out tentatively.


Fang Xing suddenly spread his five fingers, using the gravity technique, the green dragon and green flame knife stuck on the ground flew into his hand, pointing at the bamboo mouse, he said: "Stand back obediently..."

"you… "

Bamboo Mouse was a little displeased, but thinking that he was no match for him, he swallowed his breath and stood back in the crowd.

After inspecting another four or five pieces of fine iron, Fang Xing gradually showed annoyance on his face. Suddenly, he lifted the long case, pointed his knife at the disciples, and shouted coldly: "You bastards, The young master pays out of his own pocket to give you rewards, this is the first time in history, you don’t even appreciate it, but take these junk to lie to me, is it easy to be a young master?"

While speaking, his eyes were red, but he was really angry.

But it turned out that although Fang Xing played the guise of the spirit stone in his left hand and the big sword in his right, and the group of disciples also cooperated very well, he was still worried, so when the group of people handed over the fine iron, they all used Yin-Yang Shenmojian checked it, but it didn't matter. He suddenly found that the refined iron handed in by these bastards was all inferior products that cut corners.

This kind of refined iron is used to cast magic tools. It takes nine revolutions of spiritual fire to remove the impurities and turn it into pure refined iron. If the time is not enough for each revolution, the impurities in the refined iron will be more. It is difficult to detect it with the naked eye, or even with the "sensing technique". Only a master who has a deep knowledge of the art of casting can detect it with some special techniques.

But Fang Xing can see through it directly with the yin-yang gods and demons!

Therefore, after Fang Xing discovered that almost all the refined iron was defective, he immediately lost his temper.

These bastards are so courageous, do they really think they are easy to fool

I can't say it, if I don't have the Yin-Yang gods and demons, I will really be fooled by them.

"This brat just took a look, how could he see what we are doing in the fine iron?"

Seeing this, the disciples immediately panicked, and subconsciously looked at the bamboo rat.

This method was taught to them by the bamboo rats. When refining the refined iron, it needs nine turns of the spiritual fire. They deliberately made the heat unstable during one of the fires, or simply omitted it. Such refined iron, Even if it is not real refined iron, if you want to use it, you can only smelt it again, and ordinary people can't see anything tricky about the refined iron refined by this method, even they themselves can't tell the difference. The difference, I thought it would be enough to fool Fang Xing, but I didn't expect him to see it...

Bamboo Mouse was startled when everyone looked at him, but he kept his composure and thought to himself: "This brat has just entered Duanzhen Valley, how can he tell whether it is a defective product? Could it be that he deliberately deceived us? ?”

Thinking of this, he took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Fang, don't slander us. In order to cooperate with your private decision to confiscate the refined iron ten days in advance, we don't even care about cultivation. We work day and night to refine How can there be any problems after buying this batch of fine iron? If you have a red mouth and white teeth to smear us, won't you be afraid that all the brothers and sisters will be chilled?"

Fang Xing glanced at him and said, "No one else speaks, but you speak, which means you are the chief envoy?"

Bamboo Mouse's face turned red, and he shouted: "Nonsense, I'm just speaking for the brothers!"

Fang Xing looked at the others and said, "He thinks the fine iron he handed over is fine, does anyone else think it's fine?"

Among the other disciples, most of them looked at each other in blank dismay. They were already grumpy in their hearts, and they didn't dare to stand out at this time. However, there were also a few of them who felt that Fang Xing was deceiving them, and they were usually willing to show off. , I felt a little disdainful about Xing Xing, so I said: "Brother Zhushu is right, the refined iron we handed in has no problem!"

Fang Xing remembered the appearance of these people, and looked at the fine iron all over the ground calmly.

He stretched out his foot and kicked a piece of fine iron under his feet, saying: "This piece has five points more impurities..." He kicked another piece, saying: "This piece has three points more impurities..." Looking at the third piece, Frowning tightly, he couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, this piece is 10% more..." His eyes turned cold, he looked at the crowd fiercely, and shouted: "You really think I'm a fool, can't you tell?"

The eyes of all the disciples changed drastically. They never expected that Fang Xing actually stated clearly the content of impurities in each piece of refined iron, and they were all exactly the same. They immediately looked at the bamboo rat, hoping that he would Can come up with an idea.

Even the bamboo rat opened its mouth, but did not speak.

He thought that Fang Xing didn't know how to refine weapons and couldn't tell the quality of refined iron, but he didn't expect Fang Xing to say it clearly, which was quite unexpected.

He let out a long breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "I'll give you one last chance to act according to the rules, hand over the reward money you just got, and pay a fine of twenty spirit stones, go back and get the refined iron After refining, hand it over..."

As he spoke, his eyes glanced coldly, and a timid person in the crowd suddenly ran out with a tremor in his heart.

"Brother Fang, it's my fault. I practiced too quickly, and the heat was a bit off. I... I'll return the spirit stone to you..."

As he spoke, he put ten spirit stones into the big basket, picked up the refined iron, and was about to go back to refine it.

Fang Xing stopped him and said, "There is still a fine of twenty yuan!"

The disciple stood still immediately, he hesitated, but he still took out the spirit stone.

Bamboo Mouse suddenly said: "Wait a minute!" Turning to Fang Xing, he said, "Junior Brother Fang, because you have moved ahead of the deadline by ten days, everyone practiced in a bit of a hurry, and there may be some problems. At worst, we will return the spirit stone to you, and go back and start over again." It’s enough to refine it, but you actually have to charge a fine, isn’t that in compliance with the rules? I’ve been in the Zhenzhen Valley for two years, and I haven’t seen anyone fined for unqualified refined iron…”

Fang Xing glanced at him, smiled, and said, "You bastard, why didn't you say it was against the rules when you took my master's spirit stone just now? Hehe, I asked you to take my spirit stone first, just to tell you , since you have fooled the young master, then no one should tell me any rules, one counts as one today, and you will all be unlucky!"

"you… "

The bamboo rat's face changed, and he wanted to say more.

"Start with you!"

Fang Xing yelled loudly, swung his knife and slashed at him, his anger rose, and he endured for a long time.