Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 1010: It's fun


It's still yesterday's Xitang, not as lively as yesterday, but it has a sense of tranquility that has been quiet for years. Gu Beiyue and Qin Min's attire is not so grand, but it is still quite formal. Gu Beiyue wore a tea-and-white robe with gold trim on the front and cuffs, and the decoration was simple and generous. His clothes were naturally prepared by Qin Min, but actually Qin Min prepared five sets of clothes for him this time. The five sets of clothes are all about the same style, three times more colorful than his usual clothes, but not out of the ordinary.

Compared with his usual elegant demeanor that couldn't be more elegant, at this time he clearly has a bit more dignity. It was as if the extremely low-key person who had been standing behind the light had finally come out a little bit. He sat on the main seat, looked out the door, his eyes were quiet and peaceful, but he was still distracted. No one knows what he is thinking.

Qin Min was wearing a crimson purple dress, gentle and dignified. She also looked out the door, just as peaceful and quiet. However, there is spirit in her eyes.

The two just sat there, waiting. Soon, there was a sound of laughter outside the door, it was Zhao Mama's voice teasing Ming Chen. They came together with Jun Jiuchen and Yan'er.

Qin Min already knew that Gu Beiyue was distracted, she said: "My daughter-in-law is here."

Gu Beiyue didn't move.

Qin Min turned his head to look, and reminded again, "My daughter-in-law is here!"

Gu Beiyue still didn't move.

Qin Min patted the table lightly and said, "Gu Beiyue!"

Only then did Gu Beiyue come back to her senses, and turned to look at her. Qin Min was patient, and said again: "My daughter-in-law is here."

Gu Beiyue smiled and walked out the door. At this time, Jun Jiuchen had already led Yan'er in. It stands to reason that Yan'er is as close to Tai Tuo and Aunt Min as her father and mother, and they have long been a family. However, when she saw the two of them sitting upright like this, she was actually shy and reserved. She is completely different from the way she put her hips on her hips when she was a child and told the two of them that she wanted to be their daughter-in-law.

Jun Jiuchen let go of Yan'er's hand and bowed, "Father, mother."

Yan'er didn't move, she just looked at Gu Beiyue and Qin Min and giggled. Both Gu Beiyue and Qin Min were amused by her, but they didn't speak. The maid brought two cups of tea and stood beside Gu Beiyue. Zhao Momo hurried forward, handed tea to Yan'er herself, and said with a smile: "The bride serves tea to the father-in-law."

Qin Min looked towards Gu Beiyue, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up. How could he look like a father-in-law! Apart from being calmer and calmer, he doesn't look old at all.

Yan'er quickly picked up the teacup with both hands, and handed it to Gu Beiyue respectfully. She was a little embarrassed, but she quickly said happily, "Yan'er invites Daddy to drink tea."

Gu Beiyue also smiled, and he, who was always calm, showed the emotion in his heart quite a bit on his face. After all, this is the daughter of Long Feiye and Han Yunxi! This "Daddy" is really not something that can be called casually.

He responded to Yan'er, took the teacup with both hands, drank the tea, and immediately handed over a big red envelope, jokingly said: "Yan'er, you will really be my lonely person in the future. If the shadow bullies you, just ask Daddy, Daddy decides for you."

Yan'er had a big red envelope and said with a smile, "Thank you, Daddy!"

Zhao Momo handed over another cup of tea, smiled and said, "Bride, please offer tea to mother-in-law."

Yan'er was not so nervous anymore, and her smile was even sweeter. She offered tea to Qin Min with both hands, and said, "Yan'er invites mother to drink tea."

Qin Min was delighted and nodded repeatedly. After drinking tea, she handed Yan'er a big red envelope and another gift. Yan'er opened it and was pleasantly surprised. This is an extremely delicate nine-tailed golden phoenix hairpin, inlaid with warm jade crystals. One can tell at a glance that it is not bought from outside, but made by itself.

Yan'er hurriedly blessed her body, "Thank you mother!"

Qin Min got up and helped Yan'er put it on, then helped her up, and said with a smile: "Yan'er, you will really be a shadow person in the future, if you are wronging him in the future, you don't need to tell mother."

Let alone Yan'er, everyone was stunned.

Jun Jiuchen laughed at the same time. When he was a child, he always helped Yan'er take the blame and clean up the mess. Yan'er was afraid that he would be punished by his parents, so he would always tell his mother the truth as soon as possible. When Jun Jiuchen smiled, Yan'er understood, she was very embarrassed, and gave Jun Jiuchen a glance.

Gu Beiyue looked at Qin Min and smiled too. Qin Min turned his head inadvertently, and when he saw Gu Beiyue looking at him, he froze for a moment, and soon recovered his smile. In the end, Mingchen offered tea to Yan'er and called his sister-in-law. Yan'er gave him a huge red envelope. Mingchen was very happy when he took the red envelope. Ze bought meat to eat. The food in the temple is not good, he knows best.

This is the end of the tea ceremony. Qin Min and Mammy Zhao had dessert and fruit tea together, and everyone walked into the garden happily. Both Jun Jiuchen and Yan'er unanimously invited their parents to stay in Jinyang City. Xuanyuan Rui can already be in charge of his own affairs, and with Yan'er's father and mother sitting in charge, it's time for Gu Beiyue, the Taifu and Regent, to retire and live a leisurely life.

Before Gu Beiyue could speak, Qin Min declined. Qin Min said: "Your godfather has almost cleaned up Shennonggu. He wants to hand over Shennonggu to us. I like Shennonggu very much."

Gu Beiyue nodded, but said nothing.

Yan'er quickly asked: "Then godfather wants to go back to Yunkong?"

Gu Beiyue smiled helplessly, and said, "I didn't say I was going back, nor did I say where I was going."

Qin Min said: "Yan'er, when you return home, ask your mother to ask him, maybe he will tell you."

Yan'er nodded seriously.

Three days later, Yan'er and Jun Jiuchen set off for Yunkong Continent together. Han Yunxi had already secretly told Madam Zhao not to go back home with Yan'er and the others, but to stay in Jinyang City to serve for a few more months. However, after Yan'er and the others went out, Long Feiye's order was delivered, asking Nanny Zhao to go back with Yan'er and the others. Zhao Mama didn't even dare to hesitate, she immediately packed up and saluted as quickly as possible, and caught up with Yan'er and the others. Yan'er breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that an old hen would be more suitable for her queen.

After seeing off Yan'er and Jun Jiuchen, Qin Min and Gu Beiyue took Mingchen and set off for Shennong Valley. Before getting into the carriage, Qin Min turned his head and looked at Gu Beiyue, as if he wanted to ask something. However, when she saw Gu Beiyue hugging Ming Chen, she just smiled and got into the car without saying anything. Gu Beiyue got into the car with Ming Chen in her arms, and the family of three headed for Shennong Valley.

More than ten days later, Tang Jing and Cheng Yifei also returned home. Qian Duoduo and Mu Ran were the latest to get married, but they were the first to complete the homecoming ceremony. Qian Duoduo couldn't help thinking about the two sisters, so she took Mu Ran back to Yunkong Continent. As soon as she left, her mother Mu Linger immediately pulled his father back to Yunkong.

After Ning Cheng and Mrs. Shangguan left the Black Forest, they continued to roam around. When Su Xiaoyu returned to Hanjiabao, she passed by a nunnery and adopted a seven-year-old girl and brought her back to Hanjiabao. As for her original adopted daughters, they were all retired. As for Gu Qishao, he took the red spirit stone buried under the sword training furnace before leaving the Black Forest.

A few days later, Yan'er received a letter from Gu Qishao in the Daqin Palace. Gu Qishao actually borrowed Baili Mingchuan from her to guard the North Sea, and wanted to search for the continent east of the Ice Sea together with Baili Mingchuan. He said that they would definitely bring good news to them in three years, and joked that maybe they could. By the way, abduct an apprentice daughter-in-law and come back. "

Regarding Gu Qishao's decision, everyone really couldn't laugh or cry. Yan'er was originally worried about Baili Mingchuan's bloody backlash, but she was relieved when she learned that Gu Qishao took away the red spirit stone from the Black Forest. Xuanyuan Rui's heart was eager to move, and he wanted to make a breakthrough. The news spread quickly, and Ning Yuan, who was originally quite peaceful in the southern border of Xuankong, was also yearning for it.

The "Yunxuan Water Classic" says that there is fertile soil to the east of the Ice Sea and to the west of the Ice Sea, and both places of Yunxuan are accessible by water. Qin Mo is still working hard to decipher the "Yun Xuan Shui Jing", and their understanding of these two continents is almost blank.

I don't know whether it was Qin Mo who deciphered the "Yunxuan Water Classic" first, or whether Gu Qishao and Baili Mingchuan found the mysterious Eastern Continent first...

(end of text)

Thank you, thank you for your company for more than a year. The extra episode will start tomorrow. During the extra episode, I will start preparing a new book. Well, let's guess who's the first episode