Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 109: The Secret of the Pineapple Blossom



The third miss of the Han family obviously came with Mr. Su, and she is still on Mr. Su's side, but now she doesn't care about Mr. Su's hands, so why come to tell her secret? As if what just happened never happened

Although Mr. Su is hateful, she is kind, isn't she

She and Prince Jing actually have a little secret? It seems that she and Prince Jing are not ordinary friends, they have a very close relationship!

Gu Feiyan was full of curiosity, even a little resentful. After all, in her heart, a woman who can have a close relationship with His Highness Prince Jing must be a likable beauty. Shouldn't it be Han Yu'er who is just beautiful and calculating when dealing with others

However, curiosity is curiosity, and injustice is injustice, and she can't ask what kind of friends Prince Jing wants to make, and she doesn't bother to care.

Gu Feiyan smiled, Fushen said "yes", took the black card, turned around and left. Her footsteps are so brisk!

In this black card, His Royal Highness Prince Jing rewarded tens of thousands of gold just now, which was enough for her to find a bunch of precious medicinal materials in the auction and feed them to the small medicine cauldron. If His Highness Prince Jing is by her side, she still has to be cautious and cautious; if His Highness Prince Jing is not around, she can "do whatever she wants"! Anyway, this is not Jinyang City, and almost no one knows her.

The more Gu Feiyan thought about it, the lighter her steps became, and she walked away in a short while.

Han Yuer was not surprised. Looking at Gu Feiyan's unrestrained back, she felt like a fist was hitting the cotton in her heart, she couldn't use her strength, she was so aggrieved!

She came to demonstrate and provoke, didn't Gu Feiyan see it

No, she doesn't believe it!

She thought that Gu Feiyan must be pretending, playing hard to get, she could see through it at a glance!

Han Yuer quickly regained her composure, she changed her words, and said in a low voice, "His Royal Highness, Yuer has reserved a seat at the tea booth. Let's chat in detail while drinking tea, how about it?"

At this time, Jun Jiuchen was staring at Gu Feiyan's back, as if he was distracted, and didn't hear Han Yuer's words.

Seeing this, Han Yu'er couldn't help feeling annoyed.

She deliberately walked in front of Jun Jiuchen, blocked his sight, and asked with a smile, "Your Highness, that is the medicine girl in your house, Gu Feiyan? It is rumored that her medicine skills are excellent, far better than the great pharmacist of the Imperial Pharmacy. Is this rumor too exaggerated?"

Jun Jiuchen ignored her question, and his eyes fell on the strange plant on her waist. He asked coldly, "Have you checked everything?"

Han Yuer smiled but did not answer, just said, "Your Highness, let's talk in detail at the tea pavilion."

The thing hanging on Han Yuer's waist is called air pineapple, which is usually called pineapple grass. This is a unique plant that has no roots, no need for soil cultivation, and no need for hydroponics. Leave it casually, just need to sprinkle some water occasionally to survive. There are many types of this item, in different sizes and shapes. The plant in Han Yu'er's hand was very small, and it didn't bloom, but the yellow leaves were brightly colored, and all rolled out, it looked like a small yellow flower, very beautiful.

Han Yu'er tied it up with a red string and put it on her waist to keep it together with the jade pendant and the sachet. It doesn't look obtrusive, but rather playful.

About three years ago, she was ordered by her adoptive mother to give presents to Emperor Tianwu to celebrate his birthday. In the palace, she ran into His Highness King Jing who had just returned to Jinyang City for a few days, and His Highness Jing immediately noticed the plant on her waist. Bromeliad.

They went out of the palace together, His Royal Highness King Jing liked this pineapple grass very much, he asked about its origin and wanted to ask for it. She was careful at the time, and only said that it was pineapple grass, which she got by chance in the mountain village market in the south. She didn't want to give up the love, but she was willing to help him find another plant.

In this way, in three years, she made friends with Prince Jing and kept in touch.

She didn't look for it at all, and kept dragging.

When he arrived at the tea pavilion, Jun Jiuchen asked again, "Is there any news?"

Han Yuer still didn't say anything, but kept a mysterious smile, and deliberately untied the pineapple grass, and handed it to Jun Jiuchen, "Your Highness, you haven't looked at it for more than a year, have you? Look, has it changed?" ?”

Jun Jiuchen took it carefully, and looked at it seriously.

At that time, the reason why he noticed this pineapple flower at a glance was not for other reasons, but because he felt an indescribable sense of familiarity and intimacy when he first saw it, as if he had raised this thing before, and was very fond of it. I like it very much.

Just like the forsythia flowers in the back garden of his home, they are extremely familiar and inexplicably close, but they just can't remember the reason, and can't remember where they have seen them before.

He knew that these things must have something to do with his lost memories of those ten years. He even suspected that he grew up in the Forsythia Garden when he was a child.

He sent people to find many places where there were forsythia bushes and even seas of forsythia flowers. He went to each place himself, but unfortunately found nothing.

He once used forsythia flowers to test the great emperor's uncle and father, but neither of them responded. His intuition told him that he was not brought up by the great emperor's uncle since he was a child.

As for the pineapple grass, he has been sending people to search for it secretly. It's a pity that after three years, no second plant was found. Han Yuer's here is the only clue so far...

Looking at the little pineapple grass in his hand, that inexplicable sense of intimacy came to his heart again, Jun Jiuchen didn't speak, and his usually lonely and cold eyes gradually softened unconsciously.

What Han Yuer is most obsessed with is the extremely rare softness in Jun Jiuchen's eyes. This kind of softness, it seems that the things he looks at can be treated with tenderness and care by him.

In the past three years, she asked several times in a sideways manner, and was also probed and investigated several times, but she still didn't know why he had a soft spot for pineapple grass? She even wondered if he ever had a sweetheart, and this pineapple flower was exactly what his sweetheart wanted

Before he came to Jinyang City, she was too curious about what he was in charge of.

Han Yuer looked at Jun Jiuchen, her infatuation was written all over her face unconsciously. How she wished that at this moment, it was her in his eyes, not the pineapple flower.

Jun Jiuchen soon regained his composure, and although he was reluctant to give up, he still returned the things. He said, "It seems to be bigger."

Han Yuer smiled even more mysteriously, "Your Highness, look!"

She stretched out her hand, and what was lying in her hand was a new pineapple plant, which was the same type as the original one, but twice the size!

Jun Jiuchen was surprised, "Where did you find it?"

Han Yuer didn't hold back any more, and said seriously, "Your Highness, this plant was born half a year ago, and I raised it. I wanted to go to Jinyang City to surprise you, but I didn't expect to be here I met you. Now, I'll see you off."

Bromeliads are basically propagated by division. New buds emerge from the old plants. When the new buds grow up, they can be separated and become an independent plant. Han Yu'er has carefully cultivated it for more than half a year.

Only then did Jun Jiuchen know that Han Yu'er hadn't found the person who sold the pineapple grass back then. He was rather disappointed.

Han Yuer took out a red thread and said with a smile, "Your Highness, I will help you..."

Before she finished speaking, Mang Zhong hurried over, "Your Highness, something happened, the lonely drug girl..."