Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 39: Don't let me see you again


That night, Gu Feiyan slept peacefully.

The next day, she woke up early in the morning. The wind and cold seemed to dissipate. She stretched her waist and felt that her whole body was particularly relaxed.

After tidying up, Gu Feiyan couldn't wait to open the door and come out. Only then did she realize that this was a simple small courtyard in the mountains, and there was no one in the courtyard.

"Where are people?"

Gu Feiyan walked around and returned to the front of the house, but she didn't even see half a person. She was uneasy, and decided to leave immediately!

Unexpectedly, as soon as she arrived at the courtyard, three wounded masked men in black rushed in. These people are the ones who hijacked her with that stinky ice assassin last night!

"you… "

Gu Feiyan was very puzzled. Smelly Ice Cube could kill several guards by himself. He took a lot of people with him last night. Could it be that he still hasn't got rid of those officers and soldiers

Before Gu Feiyan understood what was going on, he saw a group of officers and soldiers chasing after him at the gate.

what happened

Gu Feiyan was shocked, and hurriedly asked, "Where is your master?"

The masked assassin in black didn't pay attention to her, and when Gu Feiyan continued to ask, the officers and soldiers rushed in, and they were all surrounded at once. The masked assassins immediately stood on guard. They were very close to Gu Feiyan, but instead of taking Gu Feiyan as a hostage, they rushed to fight with the officers and soldiers.

Gu Feiyan was quickly pulled aside by the officers and soldiers to protect her. The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong!

"Tomorrow morning, someone will pick you up"

She suddenly recalled what Smelly Ice Cube said yesterday, as if she had understood something, she stood there in a daze.

Outnumbered, the masked assassins quickly surrendered.

The officers and soldiers tied up the assassin Wuhuada, and immediately took off his mask. They were all unfamiliar faces, and no one knew them.

After a while, Eunuch Xue rushed in panting. Seeing Gu Feiyan standing upright, he was rather disappointed, "Gu Yaonu, your fate is really big. Hehe!"

Gu Feiyan ignored Eunuch Xue, her dazed little face was already gloomy, and the anger in her heart was getting bigger and bigger.

She finally realized that she was cheated again!

She had been wondering last night why that cold guy was so good at martial arts, and why did he bring a group of people to intercept the convoy? Now, she finally understands that he set up all of this!

That guy didn't really come to kidnap her at all, nor did he sincerely want to accept her to serve him. He deliberately brought a group of people to kidnap her last night, and this morning he deliberately asked these people to lure the officers and soldiers to find her!

Simply too much!

Thinking of how much thought and talk she had spent last night, Gu Feiyan felt stupid for the first time in her life!

Seeing that Gu Feiyan ignored him, Mr. Xue began to question the assassin, "Who told you to rob people? Are there other accomplices?"

"Cheng Yifei deserves to die, and the person who saved him deserves to die even more!"

The masked assassin burst into anger, and anyone who didn't know would believe that he had great hatred with Cheng Yifei! However, Gu Feiyan knew very well that the assassin was pretending to help that stinky ice cube divert the attention of Cheng Yifei and Dali Temple.

She described the stinky ice cube's appearance and martial arts in such a detailed way that Dali Temple still has a good direction to find someone. However, if these assassins provide false statements today, it will interfere with the judgment of Dali Temple. Dali Temple will never find him.

No wonder he didn't reveal his identity last night, no wonder he said last night that someone would come to pick her up this morning!

Gu Feiyan's teeth itch with hatred, wanting to bite!

Eunuch Xue was interrogating, and a few assassins made up a bunch of lies, and even admitted that the person who robbed the medicine last time was their accomplice, and they had a bunch of sworn vendettas with Cheng Yifei.

While listening, Gu Feiyan scolded Jun Jiuchen in her heart, "Bastard! Bastard! Stinky rascal! Stinky ice cubes!"

Seeing that Eunuch Xue and the officers and soldiers believed it was true, she wished she could tell the truth. It's a pity that lying has a price. If she didn't tell the truth last time, she is doomed to never tell the truth in this matter, otherwise, she will not be spared.

Mr. Xue finished the trial of the assassin, so he was sent to Dali Temple first. Only then did he walk up to Gu Feiyan, with a mocking smile on his face, "Guyao girl, as the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing. Let's go, let's enter the palace with our family and enjoy the blessings!"

It has to be said that these words were like a basin of cold water, pouring down on Gu Feiyan's head, extinguishing her anger and waking her up.

Going around in a circle is like a dream in Nanke, full of joy in vain.

Princess Huaining's calamity, she could not escape after all.

what to do

Looking at the officers and soldiers surrounded by him, and seeing Eunuch Xue's meaningful eyes, I have to say that Gu Feiyan was a little powerless.

People, shouldn't there be hope? With hope, it is always particularly easy to be disappointed.

"Smelly ice! Don't let me see you again!"

Gu Feiyan muttered, and quickly raised her head. She smiled stubbornly, "Since it's a blessing, let's go quickly, I'm looking forward to it!"

Eunuch Xue heard it harshly, and suddenly said sharply, "Come on, take her to the carriage! Look out!"

Before arriving in the palace, making things difficult has already begun.

Along the way, Eunuch Xue didn't give him a drop of water, let alone food. Fortunately, Gu Feiyan's body recovered and she was able to bear it.

It was already the morning of the next day when the group returned to the city. After cooperating with the interrogation at Dali Temple, Mr. Xue immediately brought Gu Feiyan back to the palace.

They didn't go directly to Princess Huaining's Fanghua Palace, but went to the Royal Pharmacy first.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the imperial pharmacy, Eunuch Xue urged in a strange manner, "Little hooves, Princess Huaining doesn't like to wait for others. I will give you a cup of tea time, go and pack up all the things that need to be packed, and come out right away." .After the time for a cup of tea, I promise to let you crawl to see Princess Huaining!"

Gu Feiyan knew that this move was deceitful, she packed her things as quickly as possible, but when she came back, she saw that the courtyard was full of people. Everyone seems to have rushed here after learning that she was back.

Last time everyone was still whispering, but this time it was more straightforward, and everyone criticized loudly. Those eyes, including contempt, disdain, sarcasm, disgust, even hatred...all shot towards Gu Feiyan, as if she was really a very dirty and despicable woman.

Soon, Wen Yurou rushed out from the crowd. She was very excited and cursed, "Gu Feiyan, you bitch! What else do you have to say now! Everyone in the Qi family will sue the emperor Yes! You will destroy General Cheng! You stinky and shameless woman! Disgraceful!"

"Tell me, what else do you have to say now! Where did I slander you? Where did I slander you! Everyone in Mandidu saw it! It was you who seduced General Cheng! It was you who seduced him!"

Gu Feiyan raised her eyebrows and glanced at Wen Yurou, without saying anything, she strode forward.

Wen Yurou suffered a big loss last time, she didn't dare to do anything, but she still rushed to block her way, questioning her angrily, Feigu Feiyan gave an explanation.

Seeing this, a large group of drug slaves followed and surrounded Gu Feiyan.

"Gu Feiyan, what else do you have to say, just say it!"

"You bitch, why did I slander you? Is it wrong for me to scold you? What else do you have to say? Say it! Say it!"

"Gu Feiyan, are you talking? Aren't you good at talking?"

Gu Feiyan soon became unable to move an inch. Time goes by little by little, the time for a cup of tea is very fast.

Outside the door, Princess Huaining had arrived at some point, standing behind Eunuch Xue...