Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 67: What a showman


Soon, Chen Sanyuan was taken to the courtroom by the yamen guards and knelt down.

"Pharmacist Chen Sanyuan, pay homage to His Royal Highness Prince Jing!"

He was still wearing a medicine worker's gown, and he looked haggard and shy. While saluting, he secretly glanced at Qi Fufang.

Although this move was done secretly, it happened to be seen by everyone present. A flash of speculation flashed in Gu Feiyan's eyes, she stared at it calmly.

Jun Jiuchen was straightforward, "Chen Sanyuan, repeat your confession."

Only then did Chen Sanyuan raise his head, but he looked at Qi Fufang timidly again, and did not answer, but moved aside in a frightened manner, as if he wanted to stay away from Qi Fufang.

With such an obvious move, anyone can see that there is a big problem between him and Qi Fufang, and he is very afraid of Qi Fufang.

Qi Fufang was so angry that she wanted to defend herself, but she was afraid of attracting more suspicion.

Jun Jiuchen said again, "Chen Sanyuan, you don't need to be afraid, just repeat your confession."

Chen Sanyuan raised his head again, this time, he actually turned his head to look at Qi Yu, but he still timidly avoided it with just one glance, and shrank his body, as if he was even more frightened.

What does it mean to be silent at this time but speak louder

That's it!

Everyone was shocked and suspected that not only Qi Fufang bought Chen Sanyuan, but Qi Yu also had a part in it.

Qi Yu couldn't bear it anymore, so he stood up immediately and said angrily, "Chen Sanyuan, what do you mean if you don't answer His Highness Prince Jing's question and look at my siblings? Could it be that you are guilty and afraid to speak? I warn you, you It’s best to have evidence, otherwise blood will be sprayed!”

Once Qi Yu opened his mouth, how could Qi Fufang bear it

Qi Fufang rushed in front of Chen Sanyuan, pointed at her nose and scolded, "Slave, you pretend so well! If you are really afraid of Miss Ben, why did you confess to Miss Ben? You sinister villain! Tell me, don't you?" Did Gu Feiyan instruct you to do this? Tell me!"

Qi Fufang's reaction was great. Who knew that Chen Sanyuan's reaction was even greater than hers. Like a frightened bird, Chen Sanyuan got up suddenly and rushed to the desk of His Royal Highness Prince Jing.

While kowtowing vigorously, he shouted, "His Royal Highness Prince Jing, help! Help! It was agreed yesterday that as long as I confess the real culprit and produce evidence, Dali Temple will protect my life and not let Qi Da Meet the lady! Dali Temple can't talk without counting!"


Qi Fufang was dumbfounded, she bought Chen Sanyuan. But he has always been nice and angry, and he has never threatened him with anything!

He did it on purpose! He is acting!

He didn't confess out of fear, he was bribed!

Once Qi Fufang understood, she was so angry that she lost her mind. She rushed over and pinched Chen Sanyuan hard, "Fake it! You pretend it again! Miss Ben told you to pretend it! Why did you do this? Why?"

Yawei quickly came up to pull people, but Qi Fufang still refused to let go, "Chen Sanyuan, you slandered me! Are you deliberately trying to punish me? Tell me, did Gu Feiyan bribe you? Tell me!"

Although being called out by name again and again, Gu Feiyan seemed to be watching a play, making her want to laugh. If she was just suspicious of Chen Sanyuan before, now she is absolutely sure that Chen Sanyuan is the old fox's man!

What a showman, he started acting as soon as he entered the door, intentionally provoking the Qi family siblings. She wanted to see what evidence he could produce.

Jun Jiuchen seemed to understand everything by heart, he let Qi Fufang make a fuss and remained calm.

Qi Fufang's posture of eating people is suspected of not having three hundred taels of silver here. Several young ministers on the jury whispered to each other and began to discuss.

In the end, Qi Yu was the first to understand that they had fallen into Chen Sanyuan's trap, and he hurriedly pulled Qi Fufang back.

"Sister, don't be rude in the courtroom. His Highness Prince Jing will interrogate you personally, and he will give you justice. The members of the Qi family are not afraid of the shadow, let's see what evidence that bastard can produce."

Princess Huaining also hurriedly said, "Sister Fufang, don't worry. Today, no one will be able to slander you!"

Qi Fufang finally calmed down.

It was rare for Jun Jiuchen to have such patience. After everyone was quiet, he said, "Chen Sanyuan, do I need to ask you a third time?"

"No, no! I dare not! I will say it now, I will say it now!"

Chen Sanyuan stammered nervously, "Yes, yes...it was Miss Qi who ordered the little thief...to secretly replace His Highness's medicinal food package, and then...and then...then put the blame on the drug girl Gu Feiyan."

This identification is known to everyone, and everyone is waiting for the details.

Jun Jiuchen said coldly, "Tell me the details!"

"That's right... just the night before the distribution of the medicinal food package, Miss Qi personally went to the Royal Pharmacy to look for the slaves. At that time, the slaves didn't know the prescription of the medicinal food, and they didn't know where Miss Qi found out that there were three plants in the prescription. Little ginseng. She gave the little one five thousand gold and told him to replace all the little ginseng in His Royal Highness's medicinal bag... "

Chen Sanyuan's play was really well done, when he said this, he took another sneak peek at Qi Fufang.

Qi Fufang was excited again, and was about to refute, but was stopped by Qi Yu.

Jun Jiuchen asked coldly, "What to replace it with?"

Chen Sanyuan hesitated for a while before answering, "It's a strange medicine that looks exactly the same as small ginseng, yes, yes..."

Jun Jiuchen urged sharply, "Say!"

"Six Dan Shanglu."

Chen Sanyuan was so frightened that he kowtowed his head again, "His Royal Highness, please forgive me! The younger one was also persecuted by Miss Qi! The younger one has confessed everything he knows, please forgive me, His Highness Prince Jing!"

As Chen Sanyuan said, he took out a large stack of gold tickets from his body, "Your Highness, this is the five thousand gold that Miss Qi gave to the servant. She said that she would give the young one another five thousand gold after the matter is completed, and the young one should leave Jinyang." City. If...if it doesn't work out, she, she...she will kill the little one!"

Five thousand gold is not a small amount. It is definitely something that Chen Sanyuan, a small medicine worker, can get out of it, and it is not something that can be easily taken out by ordinary people! This golden ticket is more or less proof.

Everyone looked at Qi Fufang one after another, and Qi Fufang was excited again. How could she give Chen Sanyuan so much money, she only gave Chen Sanyuan five hundred gold!

"Chen Sanyuan, you..."

She opened her mouth to scold, but Qi Yu stopped her again. After suffering a loss, Qi Yu was still very cautious, and he would never move again until Chen Sanyuan revealed the chassis.

Five thousand pieces of gold is evidence, but it is not enough to prove that my sister is the real murderer. After all, no one can rule out that Chen Sanyuan was bought by others.

Qi Yu secretly wondered, it was impossible for Gu Feiyan to spend so much money, who would be the one who bought Chen Sanyuan? He thought about it, and thought of his biggest enemy, Cheng Yifei!

Cheng Yifei had heard the news a long time ago, and hid in the crowd outside the door to watch the excitement. He didn't care about the case, he kept staring at Gu Feiyan's rounded hands, feeling extremely distressed.

Yawei presented the five thousand gold ticket to Jun Jiuchen. Jun Jiuchen glanced at it and didn't take it seriously. Everyone thought that he would ask Chen Sanyuan for other evidence, but he asked seriously, "Chen Sanyuan, do you know what the consequences will be if you take Liudan Phytolacca?"

A note to readers: The regular two updates are published first, and I will continue to write the self-punishment one. From now on, I will never overestimate my codeword speed, and neither of you...don't! (cover face)