Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 81: A real master


The turn of the case shocked everyone, and there was already an uproar inside and outside the courtroom in silence.

Soon, Jun Jiuchen's voice made everyone quiet immediately.

He said, "Test it now!"

He was the one who caught Eunuch Wu, but he didn't plant the package of medicine. He just asked Gu Feiyan to join in the fun today, he didn't really want her to help the great pharmacist, but he didn't expect this woman to surprise him again! If it can be found out that Eunuch Wu has Liudan Phytophthora in his hands, the case will be easier to handle.


As Gu Feiyan said, she specifically looked at Eunuch Wu.

Eunuch Wu had been staring at her for a long time, his expression was complicated, mixed with shock and suspicion. Gu Feiyan can see that there are six pills of Phytophthora in the medicine powder, which is incredible to him, let alone verify it? How does she verify it

Eunuch Wu didn't believe that in this world, besides the master, who else had such a great ability to break down the medicine powder that was completely mixed together!

He had to suspect that Gu Feiyan didn't actually see Liudan Shanglu, the reason why she said that was most likely to test him on purpose and set a trap for him.

After thinking twice, Eunuch Wu decided to remain silent. He wants to see how Gu Feiyan can continue.

A cunning flashed in Gu Feiyan's eyes, and she said, "Master Nangong, I need a set of rollers, a mortar, a sieve, and a set of ginseng herbs that you just tested."

What is she going to do

Eunuch Wu thought to himself that this girl might be pretending to be a ghost, so she must be pretending to be mysterious! Everyone became curious, Mr. Nangong didn't dare to delay, and immediately ordered the Yawei to prepare.

Not long after, all the things that Gu Feiyan wanted were ready. After checking them one by one, she lined up all the things on the long table, and introduced the dozens of ginseng medicinal materials to everyone one by one to ensure that she could Didn't move anything.

Afterwards, she made all the medicinal materials into powder in public, and repeated grinding, sieving, and pounding. I saw that her technique was skillful and sophisticated, and her movements were flowing, fast but elegant.

Jun Jiuchen looked at her hands, and was quite satisfied. As for whether he was satisfied with her technique, or satisfied with her injury, only he knew.

After a while, Gu Feiyan made all the medicinal materials into powder, and showed them to everyone to see the color, smell the smell, and feel the touch. Then, she mixed all the medicinal powders together, pounded and sifted it three times, and finally got a pile of medicinal powders with uniform texture and color.

This powder looks almost exactly the same as the one of Eunuch Wu.

She presented the two medicine powders in front of Jun Jiuchen, and said seriously, "His Royal Highness Prince Jing, please have a look."

Jun Jiuchen glanced at it, but didn't see anything unusual, he just nodded to show that he saw it.

Gu Feiyan did not forget another victim, Cheng Yifei. She carried the powder and walked over, "General Cheng, please take a look."

Cheng Yifei was overjoyed, he was about to smile at her but suddenly realized the identities of each other, so he could only give up. He glanced at it, but said nothing.

Gu Feiyan presented the powder to Mr. Gong and several jurors, but no one saw the surprise of the powder. At this time, Lord Gong couldn't help but said, "Guyao girl, what's the difference between these two powders?"

Gu Feiyan smiled lightly, "The maid will verify it now, and ask Mr. Gong to find three rabbits."


As soon as these words came out, everyone knew what she was going to do. She is going to test the efficacy of the medicine, to be more precise, she is going to test the poison! As Master Nangong said just now, this medicinal powder is highly poisonous.

This method is wonderful!

Eunuch Wu was surprised. He really didn't expect that besides decomposing the powder, there is such a roundabout way to prove the composition of the powder. There was a hint of appreciation unconsciously in his eyes, but he was not afraid.

Can he still not understand the medicine he personally prepared? Even if the six dan pokeweed is missing, the toxicity will not be much different, and the result after taking it is the same. This little girl is indeed capable and smart enough, but she can't be called a master yet. Medicine and poison belong to a family, and a real master of medicine must know poison well!

In just one cup of tea, Yawei sent three live rabbits.

Gu Feiyan grabbed one first and poured it with Eunuch Wu's medicinal powder. After a while, the living rabbit suddenly lay down, its limbs convulsed violently, and soon it bled to death from its seven orifices.

Everyone sighed, Eunuch Wu's medicine is really poisonous!

With a calm expression, Gu Feiyan grabbed another rabbit and poured it into the medicine powder she had just prepared. Now, the huge courtroom became quiet, and everyone stared nervously at the rabbit.

I saw that the rabbit jumped up for a while, but soon lay down, its limbs twitched, and its seven orifices were bleeding. It was exactly the same as the poisoning reaction of the first rabbit!


The already quiet lobby became silent. Eunuch Wu was very confident, a sneer slowly curled up at the corner of his mouth. Outside the door, Jun Yaocheng, who hadn't left yet, finally breathed a sigh of relief. He thought, it would be good to have one less charge!

Master Gong opened his mouth, "Guyao girl, the poison is exactly the same. What's the difference between the two medicines?"

Gu Feiyan didn't answer, but turned up the ears of the two dead rabbits. Without her prompting, everyone soon saw that the ears of the two kinds of rabbits were different!

The rabbit that took Gufeiyan medicine powder had no abnormalities at the base of its ears. However, the rabbit that took Wu Gonggong's medicine powder had a lot of small black particles floating out of its ears, which was obviously a sign of poisoning.


Eunuch Wu was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

How could there be this sign of poisoning? He didn't even know. And what he didn't even know, Gu Feiyan actually knew!

So, this girl knows poison? And better than Gao Ming

Isn't this stinky girl just a little drug girl? How hidden it is!

Of course Gu Feiyan knows poison, and she learned it by herself with her super talent. At this moment, she still had a serious face, even a little serious, she said, "His Royal Highness, can I borrow the stolen goods from Liudan Shanglu?"

Jun Jiuchen said, "Sure."

Gu Feiyan only took a small section of Phytophthora six pills, made it into a powder in public, then added it to the medicine powder she had just prepared, pounded and sifted again, and soon got a new medicine powder. The appearance of this new powder is still the same as that of Eunuch Wu.

Gu Feiyan didn't delay, and immediately fed the last rabbit with the new medicine powder. The result is very convincing. Not long after the rabbit's seven orifices bleed, small black particles also appeared at the base of the ears, which was quite disgusting.

The truth can't be understood any more!

Eunuch Wu's medicinal powder really contains Phytolacca!

He and Jian Yaoshi are in a group. They want to kill General Cheng and His Highness Prince Jing. Who instigated them

Is it really Princess Huaining

Gu Feiyan clapped her hands and returned to her seat without saying a word. Eunuch Wu stared at the rabbit's ears, but he still didn't come to his senses. Outside the door, Jun Yaosheng had long since disappeared.


Master Gong patted Xingmu hard, and said angrily, "Wu Guan, you are so brave!"

Master Gong dared to say such a sentence, he really didn't dare to continue the trial. You know, Pharmacist Jian was killed, and the Qi family claimed that Princess Huaining was the mastermind, so the trial of this case will continue, and that is to ask whether Eunuch Wu was bought by Princess Huaining!

Lord Gong cast a questioning look at Jun Jiuchen again, but Jun Jiuchen didn't question Eunuch Wu, but said coldly, "How long will it take for Princess Huaining to arrive?"

Princess Huaining was imprisoned in the palace, and the time she came to Dali Temple can be calculated.

Yawei Li reported, "About half an hour."

Jun Jiuchen nodded, "Wait!"