Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1183: No one can compare to Ning Cheng


The general of the Southern Army Department was right. If Ning Cheng went south to defend the Santu Pass, he would really be able to occupy land and become king if he had enough troops and food.

There was silence in the huge camp. If Baili Yuanlong hadn't provoked this issue, no one would have dared to bring it up.

After all, Ning Cheng represented the power of the West Qin royal family, and the person behind Ning Cheng was Han Yunxi who had just given birth to a son for Long Feiye.

Long Feiye glanced coldly at the people present, and asked calmly, "What about the others? What do you think?"

At the beginning, no one dared to speak out, although some people present did not approve of the attitude of Baili Yuanlong and the male military department, and felt that Ning Cheng would not rebel at this juncture. However, they couldn't find any other reason to explain why Ning Cheng sent troops at this time.

Long Feiye sneered, "What? Do you mean the same thing as General Baili?"

Long Feiye's attitude towards Ning Cheng was already difficult for everyone to figure out, but when he smiled like this, everyone was even more uncertain.

Baili Yuanlong hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Your Highness, why don't you refute Ning Cheng first, and see what his attitude is?"

Long Feiye didn't make a sound, tapped the table lightly with his fingers, showing no attitude at all.

Baili Yuanlong didn't dare to say too much, just like that, everyone was quiet.

It has to be said that at this moment, Long Feiye was disappointed.

Such a group of civil servants and military generals under him will all guard the country with him in the future, and together leave a brilliant stroke in the history of Yunkong Continent.

Such a large group of people is not as good as one Ning Cheng!

Apart from being disappointed, Long Feiye felt even more heartbroken!

The speed at which he knocked on the table became faster and harder, and in the silent big tent, everyone's heartbeats accelerated with this rhythm, and they became more and more nervous.

No one knew what Long Feiye meant, but everyone could tell that he was going to be angry.

At this moment, He Wenqing, the head of civil servants, took a step forward and bowed respectfully, "Your Highness, the humble people do not agree with the military's words."

This He Wenqing is only in his early forties, but he looks like an old man in his fifties. He moves and speaks very slowly, but he is a man with feelings and strategies. Both Emperor Tianhui and Emperor Kangcheng sent people to invite him out of the mountain many times, but they all ended in failure.

Long Feiye originally wanted to invite him, but he was too busy and delayed the matter until after the founding of the country. Who knew that He Wenqing had recommended himself to the army a month ago.

"Then what do you think? Let's hear it." Long Feiye still knocked on the table.

He Wenqing said seriously, "The grassroots thought that General Ning sent troops to ask for food and grass at this time, not to attack the Northern Li emperor, but to send troops to relieve the disaster! According to the grassroots, the snowstorm in the northern part of the Northern Li is very serious. Famine and plague are prevalent, and many villages are littered with corpses. The Northern Li Emperor has not done anything so far, and if it drags on for another month, the Northern Li Emperor has the heart to rescue the disaster, but he has no power to rescue the disaster."

At this point, Long Feiye finally stopped the movement of his hands, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, attracted by He Wenqing's statement.

"A military strategist, to fight for the sake of fighting, to be the next; to fight without fighting, to be the top. General Ning is the latter." As soon as He Wenqing finished speaking, the audience fell silent.

These words slapped Baili Yuanlong and the man's military department hard in the face!

Regardless of the life and death of innocent people, a war waged for the sake of war, for the next. This is talking about Baili Yuanlong and the military department of the man.

For the sake of peace, the battlefield launched is the first. This is Ning Cheng. Ning Cheng didn't ask for food to fight, but to save people!

Now, with the Northern Li Emperor's salary, no matter what Ning Cheng did on the Northern Li battlefield, the Northern Li Emperor would be powerless to turn defeat into victory. Ning Cheng sent troops to rescue the disaster at this time, he would definitely win the hearts of the people! Ning Cheng can win without fighting.

The Beili game is not only about the Beili battlefield, it is about Ning Cheng, and it is even more about Long Feiye.

Ning Cheng waited until the plague was rampant before dispatching troops, that would be to kill them all! At this time when troops were sent to relieve the disaster, the common people in Beili would always think of Ning Cheng's kindness and Long Feiye's benevolence.

You must know that Northern Li is a nation on horseback, and the folk customs are very strong. It is not so easy to subdue the people there and ensure the stability of the future situation.

Long Feiye is about to proclaim himself emperor, he rules over the entire Yunkong, and the people in the entire Yunkong will be his subjects.

Did Baili Yuanlong and the male military department want Long Feiye to leave a corpse in Beili before proclaiming himself emperor

If this is the case, Long Feiye will lose his title of being a ruler and even be crowned a tyrant before he ascends to the throne of God.

Ning Cheng thought of all these for him.

Unfortunately, Baili Yuanlong, who had followed him for many years, and the Southern Army, who had followed him for many years, completely ignored this point.

Long Feiye raised his eyes to look at Baili Yuanlong and the Southern Army, and said angrily, "Fighting for the sake of fighting is more than just being inferior, it's simply brutal!"

Long Feiye reprimanded, and casually smashed the handwritten letter from Ning Cheng onto Baili Yuanlong's face, "Look for yourself!"

Baili Yuanlong quickly picked up the letter, and after reading it, his face turned red.

Ning Cheng said a word in the letter. He said that if he had to wait until the plague was over before sending troops, he would resign from his position as the General of the Northern Expedition. In his life, he would never send troops to the post-disaster land.

Baili Yuanlong knelt down immediately, and the crowd behind him also knelt down.

"Your Highness, the general knows his mistake! The general's considerations are ill-considered, please Your Highness, for the sake of the general's heart, forgive the general once."

Long Feiye looked at Baili Yuanlong with disappointment in his deep eyes. The southern military department always thought that there was a conspiracy, but Baili Yuanlong was the one who followed him the longest!

The former general Baili was not like this.

He will not treat the Baili family badly no matter who he treats badly in the future. Why is Baili Yuanlong so eager to use methods to eliminate dissidents for the benefit of the family? Don't even understand the truth that "the people are the most precious and the country is the least important"

At this time, He Wenqing added, "Your Highness, in the humble opinion of the grassroots, Your Highness not only needs to send food and grass to Ning Cheng, but also medicinal materials. If necessary, you can ask the Medical City for assistance. When the weather is warmer, the plague will spread faster. At that time, The southern part of Northern Li is also in danger."

"The Medical City has already made preparations." Long Feiye said lightly, "Baili Yuanlong, you will be fully responsible for the matter of food and grass, and the credit will be worth it!"

This was Long Feiye's last chance for the old general. If Baili Yuanlong was still disappointing, Long Feiye would probably use him as an example before becoming emperor!

"Thank you for your grace!" Baili Yuanlong kowtowed repeatedly.

Many people present really wanted to care about the child Han Yunxi gave birth to, but it was a pity that once Long Feiye got angry, everyone didn't dare to speak too much, for fear of making too many mistakes.

Regarding the situation in Beili, Long Feiye did not hide it from Han Yunxi, and told the truth. Han Yunxi admired Ning Cheng's attitude, but she didn't say much.

She said earnestly, "Long Feiye, this is an opportunity! Give Gu Beiyue the medicinal materials and the appointment of doctors, and in the future..."

Han Yunxi stopped talking at this point, she patted herself on the head, "No, no, Gu Beiyue is too busy. Leave it to Vice President Shen!"

Both Long Feiye and she had the idea of bringing the two cities of medicine under the jurisdiction of the imperial court. The plague in the Northern Calendar not only required a lot of medicinal materials, but also a lot of doctors.

If this opportunity can be used to allow Gu Beiyue to manage the dispatch of medicinal materials and doctors in a unified manner, and provide financial support, then the Ministry of Medicine will be established separately to govern the medical field in the future, and the resistance will be less.

This matter is related to the power of many families in the medical city, and it is also related to the great family in the medical city. If Gu Beiyue hadn't taken action, it would have been difficult to handle.

However, Gu Beiyue had to help Gu Qishao with the medicine.

Long Feiye remained silent and didn't make a sound.

"In ten days or so, the Seventh Young Master should have to return to the Medical City, right?" Han Yunxi kept counting the time.

Xu Donglin's letter clearly stated that Gu Qishao had found the medicinal materials and was on his way back. That is the last medicine, as long as that medicine is delivered, Gu Beiyue can prepare the antidote according to their ideas.

As long as the medicinal materials are found, Han Yunxi is still very confident in curing Gu Qishao.

"If not, let Fourth Miss Ren go back to assist Vice President Shen. This plague won't be over in a year or so. When Gu Qishao recovers, let him go to Beili with Gu Beiyue?" Han Yunxi said seriously. , "I will 'leave customs' in a few days, let Fourth Miss Ren go back!"

Long Feiye replied without hesitation, "Okay! Let Chu Xifeng arrange it later."

Han Yunxi was overjoyed.

It is said that confinement will be very boring. She felt tired before she felt it at first.

However, in the last few days, she couldn't bear it anymore, she couldn't wait to go outside the camp to breathe the cold air, and couldn't wait to get involved in military and government affairs.

Of course, the thing she couldn't wait the most was to go to the medical city and witness Gu Beiyue dispense the antidote for Xiao Qi's immortal body.

"I will invite Fourth Miss Ren over later to form a medical team to go to Beili. I have to discuss it with her first." Han Yunxi said seriously.

"Okay." Long Feiye still nodded.

When Long Feiye walked out of the big tent, Chu Xifeng came over to report, "Your Highness, Qi Shao and Doctor Beiyue are at the back mountain." Long Feiye was slightly startled, without saying anything, he waved his hand to signal him to leave.

Long Feiye didn't immediately go to the back mountain to find someone. He was always sober and didn't understand why he didn't go and what he was afraid of.

Not long after Fourth Miss Ren left, two guests came to the back camp. It was none other than Tranquility and Tang Li who came!

Before they reached the camp, the shadow guards who were ambushing around discovered them and immediately came to report to Long Feiye.

Long Feiye went to meet him in person, but suddenly fell in front of the carriage, frightening the horse and the coachman, but luckily the coachman pulled the reins in time to stop the carriage.

As soon as Tranquility raised the door curtain, Tang Li jumped down first. He rushed directly in front of Long Feiye, and opened his hands to resist him.

He no longer recognized Long Feiye, and regarded Long Feiye as a bad guy blocking the way.

Tranquility mentioned in the letter to Han Yunxi that Tang Li has changed, he will no longer ignore her, but will protect her and rely on her. Long Feiye knew about this, but seeing Tang Li's hostile face, he still couldn't help feeling sad.

Tranquility became anxious, "A Li, that's your brother!"

Tranquility was about to jump off the carriage, but Tang Li ran back immediately, reaching out to hug her down.