Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1234: New Year's episode Bullying


"Lele!" Lezheng became angry and snapped. Could it be that this girl hangs out with a bunch of guys every day and is used to listening to dirty jokes? Why are you not ashamed at all

Lele is not afraid that Lezheng will be angry, she laughed loudly, "Daddy, I won't disturb your good business anymore, I'll go set off the fireworks!"

At this time, Ning Cheng had already drunk Sha Qiu, he bent down, and was about to tear Sha Qiu's clothes for a show, but he seemed to think of something.

He got up, smashed Sha Qiu's clothes with a sword energy, and threw the quilt over without even looking at Sha Qiu.

He lay on the warm bed beside him, closed his eyes and rested.

But not long after, the fireworks outside the window woke him up, and he gradually fell into thought as he watched the fireworks that kept blooming and disappearing.

He wondered if Lezheng would not use this method to test him. This Shaqiu female slave must belong to Miss Lele.

Uncle Gong has passed away. Back then, the slave trade that Uncle Gong personally handled was a big deal, and only Lezheng knew the accounts.

If Jin Zi's life experience is not simple, then Le Zheng will definitely remember it!

Before fully gaining Lezheng's trust, Ning Cheng didn't dare to startle him. He knew that in the days to come, he would have to deal with Shaqiu and Shaqiu's rightful owner, Lele.

On New Year's Eve, he suddenly thought of gold.

He is working so hard for Jin Jin here, if that cold guy Jin Jin knows, will he be moved? In fact, if it wasn't for the wine here, he might not have stayed for long...

Of course, Jin Zi didn't know what Ning Cheng had done for him, and he didn't even know that Ning Cheng was in the Dongwu tribe he had longed for for many years.

In such a cold night, he was still on his way.

Beili still needs food assistance from the south this winter, and this winter is another cold one. Snow disasters have occurred in many places in northern Beili, and many roads have been buried by heavy snow. Therefore, there are enough food several times, but they cannot be delivered to the victims. Two months ago, Han Yunxi dispatched a team of elite soldiers from the Western Army, the Baili Army and the Southern Army to Beili to assist the Ning Family Army and the Hei Army in disaster relief, and declared that after the disaster relief, there will be great rewards .

Although the various armies fought fiercely in secret, but in Northern Li, everyone was still united and cooperated with each other.

It's just that, it's New Year's Eve and we have to brave the wind and snow to shovel the snow to open the road and deliver food. It is inevitable that some of the soldiers sent out will complain.

Jin Zi was tired for several days, and originally wanted to take advantage of the New Year's Eve to sleep in the tent, but when he heard the people below, the soldiers who complained were soldiers from the Baili Army, and they had trouble He couldn't fall asleep.

At the beginning of the country, a thousand wastes were waiting for prosperity, and most of the court's money was used on the blade. Part of the grain for Beili disaster relief was donated by Long Feiye's own grain depot, and part of it was donated by Long Feiye from the grain merchants in Jiangnan and central China.

Because of this incident, the Southern Military Division requested to take the lead in Beili's disaster relief operations, but was rejected by Long Feiye in the end.

Jin Zi knew about Baili Yuanlong colluding with the Southern Army. He has been with Ning Cheng for more than a year, and he has long been familiar with the secret struggles of several major military departments. He knew very well that if he didn't show up in person tonight and stare at those people, he was afraid that a small matter would be picked up into a big dispute, and a big fight would break out.

Well, this Chinese New Year, the military will be lively!

Jin Zi personally took a shovel to shovel snow with the soldiers, and personally walked and pulled the grain cart forward, so who would dare to complain behind his back

After passing the hill, everyone stopped to rest.

The soldiers brought hot water, "General, while it's hot, let it cool down after a while!"

Jin Zi drank a few sips and asked the soldiers to drink it by themselves. The soldiers left immediately, not daring to stay by his side for long.

After resting for a while and leaving, there was no fire, and the weather was not good for fire, so everyone huddled together to keep warm.

Only Jin Zi stood far away, leaning on the carriage, and wrapped his cloak tightly.

He bowed his head, his short hair and shoulders were covered with snowflakes, he was very thin, standing there quietly, lonely and mysterious, not like a general at all.

In the army, he was actually more deterrent than Ning Cheng.

If Ning Cheng is here, there are still some people in the Ning family's army who will rely on their seniority to sell their elders.

However, once he was stationed in the army, almost no one dared to speak out, because everyone was not familiar with him, did not understand him, and could not understand him.

He raised a group of tigers, which consisted of more than ten big tigers. Although they didn't take them out for a walk, everyone remembered and was afraid, and they didn't dare to approach him easily.

The piercing north wind blew up again, blowing away the snowflakes from the golden hair and shoulders, and also bulging his cloak.

Everyone felt cold and hugged those around them even tighter, but Jin Zi let the north wind blow and didn't react much.

He was playing with a gold card in his hand, and that gold card was returned to him by Mu Linger.

He also wanted to forget about that girl, but he stayed in Beili and accepted this mess for Ning Cheng all because of that girl.

In Beili, facing all these annoying things, how could he forget the one who caused the trouble

He thought, he must have bullied that girl badly in his previous life, and she has never tortured him like this in this life.


If you continue to bully her miserably in this life, will you meet again in the next life

Thinking of this, Jin Zi suddenly laughed.

He called the guards, handed the gold card to the guards, and whispered, "Send someone to collect grain at a high price, as much as you have, no matter how expensive it is!"

This gold card is in Mu Linger's name, after using up the sum of money she owed him, if there is still an overdraft, she will naturally have to pay it back.

Anyway, Qian Zhuang would only look for her, not him.

In this life, if love is late, bullying and bullying are also happy.

Jin Zi seemed to see Mu Linger rushing in front of him, jumping in anger, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curled up again.

He suddenly felt that this New Year's Eve was not interesting at all...

The lack of food in Beili was known to everyone a year ago. How many profiteers stole food and waited to raise the price! How could Mu Linger, who was about to be heavily in debt, know that Jin Zi, who hadn't seen each other for several months, would cheat her like this on New Year's Eve

She returned to Medicine City, took in many apprentices, and even adopted a few orphans. She carefully selected the talented ones, and taught them the knowledge of medicine in person. Xiao Yi'er and Xiao Chenxiang were all studying here.

She also borrowed the little things from Gu Beiyue. After the beginning of spring, she will start a big checkup in the medical city. Check out those fake medicines, substandard products.

When she borrowed small things from Gu Beiyue, she naturally greeted her sister, so she threw a word to her. The original words are like this, "If the little thing is willing to become a dog, you can take it away."

I don't know how Gu Beiyue communicated with the little thing, but the little thing agreed to come to the medicine city with her. It has to be said that the nose of the little thing is much more sensitive than that of a dog, and it can tell whether the medicine city is good or bad by smelling it!

Of course, one small thing is far from enough, so she also sent someone to find ten dogs and prepare to train them.

After the beginning of spring, she will be even more busy, not only to form a drug regulatory committee, but also to cooperate with Gu Beiyue's actions in the medical city.

She never thought that when she was almost tricked into marrying into Beili back then, after she left home for a while, she would come back one day. She had always been unhappy at the Mu's house, but now that she's back, she's living a more comfortable life.

It's deep at night, and right now, she's... sound asleep!

The little thing was curled up at her feet. Suddenly, two dogs barked outside, and the little thing immediately raised his head, showing a look of vigilance. It waited for a while, and when it heard no more movement, it collapsed and ran out.

It went to stand outside the kennel not far away, and a group of dogs immediately barked when they saw it.

The little thing really couldn't understand, what did Miss Linger do to bring back so many dogs? As a wolf, it looks down on dogs.


The little thing yelled for them to shut up.

All the dogs stopped immediately, not understanding what the little thing was going to do. They stopped for a while, and when they saw that the little thing didn't make any further moves, they barked again.

In the eyes of these dogs, the little thing is a mouse.

The little thing got angry and stared at the dogs angrily.

The group of dogs noticed the little thing's provocation, and they barked even more fiercely, and even one of their heads rushed over directly.

The little thing got angry, raised his head, and roared at Sirius.

In an instant, all the barking of the dogs stopped abruptly, and the dog that jumped over fell to the ground, motionless, it was frightened to death.

The little thing has turned into a big snow wolf at some point, taller than a tiger, with Shengxue's fur that is very noble and elegant, and those demon red eyes are deep and cold.

It overlooked the kennel from high above, and the dogs were all prostrate on the ground, trembling, not daring to make a sound.

The little thing was very satisfied, turned around gracefully, and walked to Mu Linger's room. However, before taking a few steps, it couldn't hold on anymore, and suddenly changed back to the appearance of a little squirrel.

It hasn't recovered yet, so the transformation time is very short. After turning back into a little squirrel, all the elegance and nobility just now disappeared, and it ran towards Mu Linger's room, looking from a distance like a small snowball rolling.

Such a big commotion in the yard didn't wake Mu Linger up. Mu Linger fell asleep with her head on her head, and she didn't know what she dreamed of, but she was still drooling.

On New Year's Eve, each has its own excitement, and each has its own dreams.

Whether the nightmare is dead or not, whether you want to wake up or not, the sky will always be bright.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Mother Zhao was the first to get up in No. 7 Tea House, and personally prepared a hearty breakfast for the masters.

Han Yunxi was woken up by Rui'er. After Rui'er woke up, she couldn't remember what happened late last night. He wrapped his mother's neck around her and acted like a baby.

Long Feiye was already gone, and when Han Yunxi woke up, she noticed that Xiao Ruier was still wearing last night's clothes, and she was about to get up.

But suddenly remembering what happened last night, she was so startled that she immediately tucked in the quilt.

Xiao Rui'er obviously sensed that the empress mother's expression was not right, he stared at her suspiciously and did not move. Han Yunxi glanced under the quilt, and seeing that she was still wearing clothes, her hanging heart finally let go.

Long Feiye had tormented her so badly last night, she didn't know how she fell asleep, let alone when Xiao Rui'er came back.

She lifted up the quilt and saw that she was wearing suspenders and a nightgown, and her ears became hot unconsciously. God knows how Long Feiye helped her dress.

"Mother... Empress Mother..." Xiao Rui'er called her by both titles in a childish voice.

Han Yunxi was about to hug Rui'er, but found a big red envelope lying behind where he was sitting...