Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1239: Yexi Extra Story Status


In the early morning of the ninth day of the ninth day, no one in the civil and military hall mentioned the matter of the crown prince's first birthday banquet. Some people dared not mention it, but those like Baili Yuanlong deliberately did not mention it.

The focus of the early dynasty was still the snow disaster in the Northern Calendar, and the revision of the tax uniform was discussed. The tax system had a very wide impact and involved the interests of all parties.

Long Feiye wasn't in a hurry to modify it, he just threw a stone onto the calm lake to test the depth of the lake.

Long Feiye went back to the imperial study as usual after morning court.

The so-called early court is just that the ministers put forward the things to be played, and the emperor put forward the things to be done, and everyone discussed it. The place where the real decisions are made is not the Ziwei Hall, but the Imperial Study Room.

As soon as Long Feiye arrived at the imperial study, a group of ministers followed him, begging to see him.

When Long Feiye returned to the royal study, Han Yunxi and Xiao Ruier had just woken up.

All the way back from the No. 7 tea house, Xiao Ruier and Xiao Tangtang got along very well, in fact, they were very harmonious. Although Xiao Ruier didn't pay much attention to people, they could still stay in the same place and play their own things.

After handing over the children to the servants, Han Yunxi and Tranquility began to inspect the work.

In order to prepare for this birthday party, Han Yunxi worked secretly for a few days, and last night she was busy with Tranquility until very late.

Since she put on the queen's phoenix crown, she hasn't really displayed the airs that a queen should have. Since the people below didn't like her so much, of course she had to take this opportunity to show them whether she, Han Yunxi, was qualified to be the Queen of Great Qin!

The birthday banquet was held in the Dagan Hall on the west side of the palace, which was the largest hall in the Yunning Palace besides the Ziwei Hall.

The main hall is circular and open on all sides, and can accommodate hundreds of people.

When Han Yunxi and Tranquility Island's Dagan Hall, the servants had already arranged the place properly.

The hall is circular, and the seats are arranged in a rectangle. The east side is the main seat, and there is a large screen behind the seat. There are several separate sub-seats on the left and right sides of the main seat. Next to the second seats, there are rows of seats. There are three rows on the left and right, and each row can accommodate ten people.

In addition, there is no special decoration in the hall.

Tranquility deliberately counted, and whispered, "The second seat is seven, what is the rule?"

Ordinary banquets are very particular about the number of seats, let alone a grand banquet in the royal family, the prince's first birthday banquet? The person who can be in the second seat cannot be lowered in title and official position, and she and Tang Li may not be qualified.

Han Yunxi looked back and said, "Long Feiye."

Tranquility didn't react for a while, knowing that Han Yunxi dragged her to the fire room, she never understood.

What Han Yunxi meant was that Long Feiye followed the rules!

In the fire room, all the delicacies are ready, Han Yunxi opened a cover to take a look, then immediately covered it, showing a satisfied smile.

She confessed, "Serve the dishes in the order I listed, don't make mistakes."

The eunuch in charge nodded quickly, "Don't worry, empress, this old servant understands!"

The two most important things about the banquet are the venue and the dishes. After Han Yunxi took a look at it, there is no problem.

She found Mother Zhao and asked in a low voice, "How is the matter handled? Don't make a mistake."

"Empress, don't worry, this old slave is the best at this kind of thing. As soon as that girl comes over, this old slave will know that there is something wrong with her!" Zhao Mama smiled treacherously.

Tranquility looked at Zhao Nanny's insidious look from the side, and thought to herself, if Zhao Nanny, an old court lady, had a bad master, God knows how bad it would be!

Han Yunxi entrusts all the court ladies to her old man, so she can definitely sit back and relax!

The first birthday banquet is scheduled to start at night. After dark, the invitees will enter the palace one after another. Who dares to be late when the emperor and empress host a banquet

Although there were many people outside who opposed the Queen's big banquet, most of the people who came brought big gifts.

As the time for the banquet approached, the crowd was almost full, and the hall was lively. The invited ministers, wives and ladies were all in small groups, chatting and chatting.

Even so, everyone was thinking about the seven separate vacancies under the main seat.

According to the rules, the emperor and empress are the first, followed by the relatives of the emperor with titles, princes and nobles, and then the ministers.

There are only five titles in Daqin. Prince Hou Boyan, the only ones who are eligible to be invited to the palace are the two titles of "King" and "Gong".

The title of "king" is divided into prince and county king. The prince, also known as the king of the same surname, is usually the emperor's blood brother, while the county king is mostly the king of the opposite sex, and those who have made great achievements are never eligible to be granted imperial titles.

There are also two types of "public" titles, which are the Duke of the State and the Duke of the County, and are also used to confer meritorious deeds.

In terms of status and status, the prince is higher than the county king, the county king is higher than the duke, and the duke is higher than the duke.

Generally speaking, the real noble person is the prince, and some county kings may not be able to sit in the second seat, let alone the Duke of the State or the Duke of the County.

However, the situation in Daqin is different!

In Daqin, Gu Qishao is the only person who holds the title of prince and noble, and he is Prince Yu. The title of County King is vacant.

In this way, it seems that the person who holds the duke title has a much more distinguished status.

There are four Dukes in Daqin, namely Baili Yuanlong, Duke of Zhen; Xiao An, Duke of Cheng; Qi Chu, Duke of Zhou; and Ke Lin, Duke of Ding.

Here, with the exception of Baili Yuanlong who holds the position of military command in the central region, the other three have no position in the court, but they have a great influence.

Xiao An is none other than Xiao Patriarch of Xiao Family in Jiangnan, uncle of Xiao Dong, commander of the Southern Army. He contributed a lot of military pay, food and grass to the Central South Army back then, and during the plague in the Northern Calendar, he donated the most food.

Zhou Guogong Qi Chu was a Marquis of the original Western Zhou Dynasty. Because he led the army and the people to surrender and avoided the battle of the Western Zhou Dynasty, he was given a title.

As for Dingguo Gong Ke Lin, he is a large pasture owner in Northern Li, who controls the best playground in Northern Li. During the plague war, he voluntarily surrendered and helped the victims, so he was granted the title of knighthood.

The title is not given to a single person, but the honor and status bestowed by the emperor on a family. The knighthood is not only a reward for merit, but also a kind of appeasement, a kind of win over, and a kind of use.

Just like, although Long Feiye has the heart to get rid of the Xiao family, but this title must be given first, at least to appease the hearts of the Xiao family and stabilize the Jiangnan area.

According to the rules, the second seat under the main seat is for those who have the title of title, so according to the situation of the title of the Great Qin, except for Gu Qishao, all the princes of the four major kingdoms are eligible to take the seat.

However, the four principalities including Baili Yuanlong were arranged behind the second seat.

At this moment, Baili Yuanlong and Xiao An were both staring at the seven vacant seats, with unhappiness written all over their faces.

"Master Tang, Mrs. Jing is here!"

Suddenly, the eunuch's shout came, and everyone fell silent for a while.

The Tang Sect can be said to be a very special existence. People in the Tang Sect have no titles and no official positions. Even if they control weapons, they do not have military ranks.

The identity of Tangmen people is actually very embarrassing. Moreover, when Long Feiye paid homage to his ancestors, he didn't posthumously confer the title of empress dowager on his mother concubine.

Tang Sect is a member of the concubine's natal family, and after investigation, this identity is really nothing.

Other than others, Baili Yuanlong looked down on Tang Sect very much.

The audience was silent, and Tang Li's family of three walked into the hall under the watchful eyes of everyone. On such occasions, Tang Li actually held Tranquility with one hand and Xiao Tangtang with the other. Many old people frowned and scolded him for being unruly!

Tang Li took Tranquility and Xiaotangtang with him, and sat down on the second seat carelessly. Now, the audience became even quieter. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and many people looked at the four princes.

The three members of Tang Li's family took the second seat, which clearly showed contempt for the status of the four princes!

Baili Yuanlong was not calm. Just as he was about to get up, Baili Lixiang, who was sitting behind him, quickly held him down and said in a low voice, "Father, please stay calm and look at Patriarch Xiao."

Only then did Baili Yuanlong sit back, and he asked politely, "Master Tang, why don't you see your father?"

Tang Li was teasing his daughter, so he looked over and pretended to be stupid, "Master Baili, why are you looking for my father?"

"Hehe, the old man saw that the emperor reserved a seat for Uncle Guo, so he thought he would come!" Baili Yuanlong laughed.

When Baili Yuanlong mentioned "Uncle Guo", many people laughed.

At this time, Xiao Dong, who was sitting opposite, looked at Mr. Chen, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and said with a smile, "Mr. Chen, when did we have an extra first-rank official, why didn't you announce it? It's not good to hide such things from everyone." !"

Uncle Guo is not only a title, but also a first-rank official title.

From the point of view of address, Tang Zijin is Long Feiye's uncle, so he can naturally become the uncle of the country; but, from the perspective of official title, Long Feiye did not give Tang Zijin the official title of a first-rank official, so Tang Zijin can't be called an official. Uncle Shangguo.

What Baili Yuanlong said was mocking Tang Li for not being qualified to sit in that position!

If Tang Zijin was sitting here today, he would definitely take it as a humiliation after hearing these words. However, from Tang Li's ears, these people were trying to sow discord.

There must be a reason why his brother only made Gu Qishao the prince, emptied the title of county king, and lowered Baili Yuanlong and others to the position of Duke.

And there must be a reason why there is no canonization for the Tang Sect!

Although he didn't know why, he definitely believed in his brother!

Tranquility was angry in her heart, but she didn't make a sound. Firstly, it is inconvenient for her to talk about the background of the Ning family, and secondly, as a woman, it is not easy for her to speak out on such occasions.

Although Tang Li could see that these people were sowing discord, he couldn't find anything to refute Baili Yuanlong. He couldn't say that his father wasn't invited, could he

No matter how much infighting in the Tang Sect is, it's just a family matter. Facing the enemies outside, we must unite as one! Tang Li would not be so stupid as to cheat his father in front of outsiders.

Mr. Chen, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, did not dare to say anything, Baili Yuanlong laughed loudly, "Oh, it seems that Uncle Guo will not come, and I plan to have a drink with him, haha!"

Xiao Dong immediately agreed, "General Baili, it seems that you are wrong, the position of the emperor is not reserved for uncle Guo!"

After all, Tang Li had never confronted this group of scheming and sophisticated people before. He was very angry and was about to lose his temper.

At this time, the eunuch's shout came from outside the door again.

"His Royal Highness is here!"

"His Royal Highness King Yu is here!"