Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1251: Yexi Extra Story Bet


Gu Qishao was very disturbed that Mu Linger didn't follow up on the fact that he sneaked away in the medical city. If Mu Linger really doesn't pursue the matter, he will be at ease, he is just afraid! I'm afraid that Mu Ling'er is hiding some tricks.

"Brother Seven, you dare not bet with me?" Mu Linger laughed.

"What's the bet?" Gu Qishao asked.

"What do Brother Seven want to bet on?" Mu Linger asked back.

"Whatever you want." Gu Qishao was on guard.

Mu Linger approached with a smile, leaned close to Gu Qishao's ear, and whispered something to him, but Gu Qishao clearly froze.

Mu Linger stepped back and asked, "Dare you?"

Gu Qishao obviously hesitated, but he still agreed, "No problem, if you lose, you can play tricks!"

Mu Linger laughed, went to the side to write down her guess, and immediately folded it up and handed it to Mother Zhao. Everyone didn't know what the bet between Gu Qishao and Mu Linger was.

However, seeing Gu Qishao's rather serious expression just now, everyone felt that Mu Linger's bet would not be simple.

In this way, the seven of them formed four games.

At this time, little Rui'er was still tangled in front of a bunch of things, he wanted a lot of things, how to choose

Han Yunxi and the others sat around watching, all of them leisurely and calm, with a posture that they can afford to win but also lose.

Instead, it was Nanny Zhao, who stood on the other side of the sixty-six items, facing the prince. She didn't participate in the gambling game, but she was very nervous!

She carefully opened the booklet, read it again, and remembered what the masters bet on. In these four games. Han Yunxi and Long Feiye are in a game, Han Yunxi bets that Xiao Ruier will choose the abacus, and Long Feiye bets that Xiao Ruier will choose the hidden weapon. The loser will eat the face of the winner.

Tang Li and Tranquility have a game, Tang Li bets that Xiao Ruier will bet on the account book, and Tranquility bets that Xiao Ruier will choose the sword. The winner will control the financial power of the husband and wife.

Gu Beiyue and Gu Qishao played a game, Gu Beiyue still bet that Xiao Ruier would choose the seal, and Gu Qishao bet that Xiao Ruier would choose the gold ingot. The loser serves the winner for a day.

Gu Qishao and Mu Linger had a game. As for what Mu Ling'er bet on Xiao Rui'er would choose, Mammy Zhao couldn't help laughing after taking a look.

At this time, Rui'er turned her head to look at Han Yunxi, with a confused expression on her face, and asked, "One?"

"No, you can take as many as you want. Take as many as you like." Han Yunxi said quickly.

Little Rui'er immediately grinned, he turned around and walked into a pile of things, and began to pick carefully. Everyone's eyes immediately focused on him.

Suddenly, Xiao Ruier squatted down. Beside him are the ledger, the abacus and the sword.

Han Yunxi, Tranquility, and Tang Li were all nervous.

Xiao Ruier suddenly grabbed the abacus. Han Yunxi was overjoyed, she showed a particularly provocative smile to Long Feiye, she was extremely happy. If it wasn't for being unable to make a sound to disturb Xiao Rui'er, she would definitely laugh out loud!

As expected of her own son, she won the first thing she caught!

Long Feiye glanced at Han Yunxi, still very calm, Xiao Ruier's choice of the account book does not mean that Han Yunxi has won him, and Xiao Ruier may also choose the hidden weapon.

Han Yunxi was delighted, but who knew, Xiao Rui'er played with the abacus and thought it was meaningless, so she threw it back.


Han Yunxi's smile froze, and Long Feiye turned around on purpose, and took a deep look at Han Yunxi, clearly mocking him.

Han Yunxi really wanted to grab Rui'er and make fun of her, right

While Long Feiye and Han Yunxi were flirting with each other, Tranquility and Tang Li became nervous because Xiao Ruier picked up the ledger and the sword at the same time!

Tang Li gambled on the ledger, and Tranquility gambled on the sword. Can the two of them not be nervous

Xiao Rui'er squatted there, carefully flipping through the ledger, while Tang Li stroked Xiao Tangtang's little head with a look of anticipation.

Xiao Rui'er put down her sword, and walked towards Mammy Zhao with the ledger in both hands.

The corners of Tang Li's mouth became more and more curved, and the voice in his eyes said to Tranquility, "My brother knows how to read account books, so he must have learned from my brother."

Tranquil and resentful, she didn't even bother to look at him.

Who knew, Xiao Rui'er threw the account book at Mother Zhao's feet and said, "No!"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but burst out laughing. Only Tang Li... his face turned black!

Other children pick out what they like, it seems that Xiao Rui'er picks out whether they like it or not!

Han Yunxi patted her heart subconsciously, thanking her son for putting the abacus back.

When little Rui'er went back to the pile of things, everyone became tense again, but it was a different kind of tension.

Before, she hoped that Xiao Rui'er would bet on her, but now she wished that Xiao Rui'er would stay away from that thing.

Little Rui'er also came over, and walked over to a pile of toys and pastries. He frowned and looked at it with an expression of disgust as much as possible.

He sat down cross-legged, waved at Xiao Tangtang, and asked in a childlike voice, "Tang, do you want to eat?"

Xiaotangtang was a little sleepy, and when she heard the word "eat", she immediately became energetic and her eyes lit up.

"Eat!" She nodded vigorously.

Tang Li and Tranquility are particularly helpless, they have been here all the way, Xiaotangtang has never been interested in other people's things, no matter how fun or delicious, she always dismisses them. Why is he not immune to Rui'er's stuff

"Come on!" Xiao Rui'er said seriously.

Xiao Tangtang immediately jumped out of her father's arms.

Xiao Rui'er hurriedly ran to the side, dragged a small bamboo basket and put it in front of Xiao Tangtang, he still said seriously, "Pretend."

This is to let Xiaotangtang put as much as you want, and put what you want

"Thank you brother!"

Xiaotangtang was very happy, "Brother, I don't like you!"

Little Rui'er had already ignored her, and lowered her head to pick other things.

Xiaotangtang took the food first, put all kinds of pastries into the bamboo basket, and then put the toys.

Everyone didn't choose pastries and toys. Xiao Ruier didn't like these two things, and everyone knew it. Therefore, everyone didn't pay much attention to Xiao Tangtang, and all their attention was on Xiao Rui'er.

Little Rui'er has already thrown away several things, including some copper coins, rulers, accessories and so on.

Suddenly, Xiaotangtang picked up the seal and asked, "Brother, this, give it to me?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over immediately, and the quiet face turned pale.

Gu Qishao was the first to burst out laughing, and Han Yunxi followed suit. If this matter were put on today's first birthday banquet, it is estimated that the Tang Sect would be finished.

However, in private, Han Yunxi didn't mind at all, and Long Feiye didn't mind much from his calm expression.

However, Tranquility was also frightened. She was about to reprimand when Han Yunxi stopped her and said in a low voice, "It's just a game, let them go."

Tang Li also felt that something was wrong, but Long Feiye looked over and said lightly, "It's okay to see what Rui'er means."

With Long Feiye's words, Tang Li and Ning Jing felt a little relieved, but they didn't dare to rest assured!

What if... What if Xiao Rui'er doesn't give it, and Xiao Tangtang insists

A child who is only as young as he is, although he can teach well, his nature cannot be suppressed, so how can he be very sensible

Xiao Tangtang held up the seal, and Xiao Ruier looked over suspiciously. As soon as he saw the seal, he immediately ran over, "No! No! No!"

The three sentences of "no" in succession show how firm the attitude is.

He ran up to Xiao Tangtang, but he didn't grab the seal directly, but stretched out his little hand and said, "Here, me!"

Xiao Tangtang was frightened by Xiao Ruier's aggressiveness, and quickly handed him the seal, and said three times in a row, "Don't! Don't! Don't!"

She doesn't want it!

Long Feiye laughed, and everyone else was also amused, laughing loudly, Tang Li and Ning Jing's hanging hearts finally eased.

Xiaotangtang also has a backbone, dragging a basket of food to play, he came back to Daddy's side, and didn't want Rui'er anything else.

Rui'er put the seal back to its original place, and started picking other things again.

"It looks like I won." Gu Beiyue laughed softly.

"Hehe, I may not lose." Gu Qishao said disdainfully.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Rui'er picked up the gold ingot that Gu Qishao gambled on.

Seeing this, Gu Qishao immediately widened his eyes, and Mu Linger also became nervous, holding her breath and staring.

That gold ingot was so big that Xiao Rui'er couldn't hold it with one hand, so she had to hold it with two hands.

"How could this child not love money?" Gu Qishao murmured.

His father cheated the minister so much money, how could he not love money

How could Xiao Rui'er not love money

He didn't recognize the silver bill, but he recognized the big shiny gold. He ran towards Han Yunxi with the gold ingot in his hand, "Here, Queen Mother."

Han Yunxi laughed, "Ruier, don't you want it?"

"No, give it to the queen mother." Rui'er replied seriously.

Stealing the mother's silver ticket, but handing the gold ingot to the mother, this child is really dumbfounding. When he grows up, becomes sensible, and knows the embarrassing things of his childhood, how will he react

Han Yunxi accepted it graciously, touched Rui'er's little head, and did not forget to kiss him, and said seriously, "Son, in the future, Jin Zi will be handed over to his mother, do you understand?"

Xiao Ruier immediately nodded, "Okay!"

Gu Qishao looked at Han Yunxi, and said very seriously, "Poisonous girl, you can't cheat a child of money like this! Return it to him quickly."

Han Yunxi really returned the gold ingot to Xiao Rui'er, but Xiao Rui'er didn't want it, so she stuffed it back to her.

"Rui'er, do you really want it?" Han Yunxi asked seriously.

"No!" Xiao Rui'er was serious.

Han Yunxi looked at Gu Qishao, and if he didn't talk more than her, Gu Qishao would faint first.

Gu Qishao hugged his knees and sat sideways on the chair, staring at Rui'er resentfully, and glanced at Mu Linger who was sitting not far away from the corner of his eye.

He lost, but Mu Linger might not win either.

Thinking of Mu Linger's bet, his scalp tingled, and he prayed that Mu Linger would also lose.

Little Rui'er started to pick out unwanted things again, picked out a lot, and kept a lot.

The abacus that Han Yunxi gambled, the hidden weapon that Long Feiye gambled, the sword that Ning Ning gambled, and the seal that Gu Beiyue gambled all survived, as well as some scriptures, the Four Treasures of the Study, and porcelain.

Zhao Mama looked very helpless, how could this be catching Zhou

"Ruier, do you want all these things?" Han Yunxi secretly sighed, it turned out that his son is also a greedy ghost.

Rui'er didn't answer right away, she looked around and grabbed the abacus again.

Han Yunxi was shocked!