Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1256: Yexi Extra Story Private meeting


After being persuaded by Eunuch Li, Mr. Chen became even more uncertain about paying attention.

In order to prevent corruption, the emperor and the empress both confessed that all donations must have clear accounts. No matter how small or large the money is, they must clearly record the amount, how it came from, and how it was used.

For this reason, the emperor specially selected a person from the six ministries to form a supervisory committee to supervise the accounts of charitable funds and regularly announce the accounts to the public.

If Mr. Chen went to the Empress Empress about the empty red envelopes, what should he ask? If the empress is offended, his official position may not be guaranteed.

If Mr. Chen didn't ask the empress what she meant, how should the empty red envelope be recorded

Once it is clearly recorded that the red envelope is empty, then this account will be announced later together with other donations from the birthday party. This is causing trouble for the empress!

If the red envelopes given by the empress were all empty, it would be easy to find a reason to explain it. However, among the nearly thirty red envelopes donated, only these eight were empty. The status of the eight ladies is not low, if it is a big red envelope, no one will care about it, but if the red envelope is empty, it is really insulting. How much gossip should there be

Master Chen was caught in a dilemma. Eunuch Li reminded, "Master Li, no matter how courageous those wives are, they will not forge empty red envelopes. According to this old slave, the empty red envelopes of the Empress must be..."

"Could it be that it's a blow to those wives?" Master Chen asked quickly

Eunuch Li smiled disdainfully, "Master Chen, how can you help the emperor and empress do well with your understanding?"

Master Chen really didn't understand, he took out a bag of silver and stuffed it into Eunuch Li's hand, "Eunuch Li, please give me more advice, please give me more advice."

Eunuch Li took the money, smiled until his eyes narrowed into a straight line, and no longer stingy with teaching. He said, "My lord, the empty red envelopes of the empress are a guidepost! Look who are the eight ladies? The empress is going to deal with them, first throw an empty red envelope to test their courage? "

"So that's it!" Mr. Chen suddenly realized.

If Han Yunxi knew that these two had guessed her thoughts so complicatedly, how would she feel

"Master Chen, this matter is a contest between the empress and several wives, tell me, which side is your heart on?" Eunuch Li asked again.

"My minister is dedicated to the emperor and empress, and there is no second heart. The sun and the moon can learn from each other!" Master Chen replied resolutely.

Eunuch Li came closer and lowered his voice, "Master Chen, this old slave is also devoted to the Lord. If that's the case, then let's not do anything and pay for it ourselves..."

Lord Chen agreed without hesitation, "Your official understands!"

Eunuch Li said again, "Master Chen, you have to think about it. If anything goes wrong in this matter, you will have to bear the responsibility!"

"I understand, Eunuch Li, don't worry!" Master Chen, who was in a dilemma, could only fight once.

Eunuch Li was very pleased, "Lord Chen, don't worry, if this old slave has the opportunity to meet the queen and the emperor, he will definitely speak well for you!"

Master Chen hurriedly bowed, grateful.

"By the way, it seems that two red envelopes are missing." Eunuch Li asked casually.

"There are two letters from the Baili Military Mansion. Lord Baili passed away last night, so the mansion must be in chaos right now!" Lord Chen sighed helplessly.

In the afternoon, the household department sorted out the details of the bidding at the prince's birthday banquet yesterday, as well as the red envelopes donated by senior officials, wives, and wives, and made a clear account, which was posted and announced.

Mr. Chen paid for the eight empty red envelopes out of his own pocket, the same amount as the other red envelopes.

As soon as this account was published, Han Yunxi received the news.

At this time, she was still waiting for Long Feiye in the palace.

Not long after Long Feiye returned to the Imperial Study, he sent someone to the Baili Military Mansion to express his condolences, and at the same time taught Dali Temple that business should be done in a public manner and not favoritism.

These, of course, are for some people to see. Long Feiye is still busy in the imperial study, in fact, several times he is not busy, and he can't go to the Baili Military Mansion right away.

He can't make it public, he can only wait until night, when there are no outsiders at the Baili Military Mansion, he can never go there.

Today's whole day, for Long Feiye, can only wait, but for the Baili family, it is a great test.

Han Yunxi looked over the account of the donation copied by the servants, and handed it to Mu Linger and Zhao Momo casually.

"Sister, this Master Li is really interesting, he paid for those holes himself!" Mu Linger said with a smile.

"Empress, if this is the case, wouldn't the person we prepared..." Zhao Momo was not happy at all, but rather depressed.

What is Master Li doing on his own initiative

You know, the empress has long been prepared for the red envelope. How boring it is for Mr. Li to end this matter at his own expense!

Han Yunxi's heart is heavy because of the Baili family's affairs. Now she knows that she cares about Long Feiye, and only cares about whether the Baili family can survive this day, and will not let Long Feiye continue to be disappointed.

She hadn't bothered to mess around with those boring wives for a long time, she waved her hand, and said lightly, "Forget it, it's something that shouldn't have happened. Mother Zhao, go ask Xu Donglin, the emperor is busy what!"

Zhao mama left for a while and then came back.

"Empress, the people from the Xiao family have just arrived in the imperial study. Duke Ding and General Xiao arrived together. Xu Donglin said that the emperor may not be so free soon."

Han Yunxi could only continue to wait.

Not long after, Gu Beiyue came back from the Baili Military Mansion. Han Yunxi hurriedly asked, "What's the situation? Baili Qiyu didn't go to court this morning! The emperor sent someone to express his condolences. What's Baili Qiyu's attitude?"

Seeing the empress' anxious look, Gu Beiyue smiled helplessly. What made her anxious like this was not the Baili family's business, but the emperor's business.

"Empress, Lord Baili's health is not good at all, he vomited blood because of the blow he suffered too much last night. I heard in the middle of the night that Xiao An had been crowned the king of the county, and I was so angry that I went." Gu Beiyue sighed, It is also full of regret and heaviness.

Han Yunxi sat back down and didn't speak.

Gu Beiyue continued, "Baili Yuanlong has four sons. Although Baili Qiyu is not the eldest son, he is the legitimate son and the person with the highest military rank. Now, Baili's family should be his decision. The emperor sent someone To offer condolences, he is respectful, but..."

"Just what?" Han Yunxi asked hastily.

You know, Baili Qiyu's attitude is not only related to Long Feiye's mood, but also to the future fate of the Baili family!

"My subordinates have tested Baili Qiyu for a while, but Baili Qiyu's attitude is still unclear. He intends to see Baili Lixiang." Gu Beiyue said seriously.

"Thyme! Thyme!" Han Yunxi was furious, "Is there no man in the Baili family?"

"Master, calm down. Master Baili's sons are all reckless men. Baili Qiyu is better off seeking Baili Lixiang for advice than those reckless men and military futures!" Gu Beiyue said with emotion.

Han Yunxi thought for a while, then hurriedly said, "Come with me to the prison, the sooner the better!"

Gu Beiyue didn't make it clear, but Han Yunxi could tell that although Baili Lixiang was in prison, she still had a lot of influence on the future fate of the Baili family.

Find out Baili Qiyu's mind, at least they can go to test Baili Lixiang. If necessary, Han Yunxi doesn't mind clarifying everything and talking directly to Baili Lixiang.

Gu Beiyue took the lead and arranged everything, ensuring that there was no one else in the sky prison, and Han Yunxi walked from the road.

When Han Yunxi walked to the prison door, Baili Lixiang was kneeling on the ground, crying with her head buried in her hands.

No doubt she had received the news of her father's death. The cell was quiet, only her crying, sad and miserable.

Han Yunxi took a serious look, and saw that there was a deep gash on Baili Lixiang's forehead, bleeding a lot.

She stood with Gu Beiyue for a long time, but Baili Lixiang didn't notice.

In the end, Han Yunxi spoke up, "Why, you killed your father and want to bump him to death, do you want to apologize?"

Baili Lixiang suddenly raised her head, very surprised, but quickly regained her composure and glared, "Han Yunxi, it was you, you killed my father, you are the real culprit!"

Han Yunxi didn't speak, but purposely squatted down and stared at her coldly.

Baili Lixiang rushed over directly, lying on the iron fence, baring her teeth and claws, trying to catch Han Yunxi, but unfortunately, Han Yunxi was still some distance away from the iron fence, and Baili Lixiang couldn't reach it anyway.

Han Yunxi looked at her coldly, without saying a word, Baili Lixiang gradually withered by herself, and began to cry.

Suddenly, Han Yunxi said angrily, "Baili Lixiang, have you cried enough? If you want the Baili family to be punished by the nine clans, then keep crying! No one can save you!"

Han Yunxi didn't come here to explain. In today's episode, she especially believes in one sentence. What needs to be explained is often the least necessary.

She didn't come to recruit, she came to threaten and curse!

If Baili Lixiang has cried enough, she will start scolding!

Seeing Baili Lixiang's terrified look, Han Yunxi said coldly, "It seems that you have cried enough. Then let me tell you, based on what you did at the birthday party, it is absolutely impossible for one person to be able to take care of you." Do all the crimes, don't be fools of those people in Dali Temple, and don't think that the Xiao family will have compassion for the Baili family after cooperating with you! Also, your father's death will not affect Dali Temple condemned."

Baili Lixiang was taken aback for a moment, then she seemed to go crazy, and she desperately pulled on the iron fence, "My father didn't know about this matter, and neither did my younger brother. I did it all by myself! It was me alone." Man's idea! It's me! It's me..."

"Okay! Even if it's your own crime, I'll tell you right now that if the crime is minor, it will punish the three clans, and if it is serious, it will punish the nine clans!" Han Yunxi yelled angrily.

This time, Baili Lixiang fell heavily to the ground, as if... as if she would never be able to stand up again. It was also at this time that Baili Lixiang was completely awake.

She looked up at Han Yunxi and asked, "Then what are you doing here?"