Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1258: Yexi Extra Story Going Home


Baili Qi Yu was both surprised and guilty when he saw the emperor and queen bringing the prince over. The reason why he confessed the military order to exchange the future of the Baili family for Xiao An's fall was precisely because he went to see Baili Lixiang, listened to Baili Lixiang's persuasion, and also listened to the "Sea King Seal".

Recalling his father's cry before he died, "Your Majesty, the old minister is wrong, wrong", Baili Qiyu regretted it even more. He is the most valued son of his father. up.

In his heart, he has always rejected cooperation with the Xiao family. He once asked his father and his elder sister how the Baili family, who have been nobles for generations, fell into the company of a rising family like the Xiao family.

Baili Mingxiang knelt down, "The sinner pays respects to the emperor, the empress, and the crown prince."

At this time, Baili Qiyu recovered from his thoughts and quickly knelt down.

Long Feiye ignored them. He walked to Baili Yuanlong's tomb alone, stood there for a long time, and remained silent for a long time. He seemed to have something to say, but in the end he didn't say anything. Added a handful of soil.

This is what loved ones do!

Seeing Baili Qiyu and Baili Mingxiang, countless feelings of regret, guilt, sadness, and helplessness all rushed into their hearts. The siblings were speechless, and kowtowed three times together.

Long Feiye stood in front of the tombstone, silent.

Baili Yuanlong should understand this kind of silence, after all, he has watched it for more than twenty years.

"Why is it buried so high?" Han Yunxi asked.

The living go to a high place, and the dead are buried in a low place. The tomb is not suitable for a high place, but Baili Yuanlong's tomb is on the top of a high mountain.

"Going back to Empress, my father kept talking about going back to the imperial capital and being buried high so that he can see the imperial capital." Baili Mingxiang replied with a choked voice.

Han Yunxi looked towards the east, and the direction Baili Yuanlong's grave was facing was indeed the direction of the imperial capital.

She sighed softly, "We all want to go back, and I also want to go back earlier. Both of you should be flat."

Baili Qiyu and Baili Mingxiang stood up, and then saluted Gu Beiyue, Tang Li and his wife, and Tang Zijin who had just arrived.

Tang Zijin, who hadn't seen him for a long time, seemed to have aged a lot, his gray temples had all gone white, he was dusty all over his body, and his tired face was heavy.

He stood at the back, looking at Baili Yuanlong's tombstone from a distance, his eyes gradually became moist. He and Baili Yuanlong have been fighting for many years, but they are just fighting for favor. Baili Yuanlong was dissatisfied with the guards of the Tang Sect who made a noise, but climbed up to the royal family, while Tang Zijin was dissatisfied with Baili Yuanlong's always flaunting his status as a nobleman. However, they have never really fought with each other!

Tang Zijin's mood at this moment is complicated, both happy and regretful.

Fortunately, I have not forgotten my roots and my identity in the struggle between the court factions. Otherwise, the current fate of the Baili family is not the fate of his Tang Sect? What he regretted was that he knew that Baili Yuanlong was in collusion with the Jiangnan army, but he didn't persuade him. Instead, he gloated and had selfish intentions.

Tang Zijin stood for a long time, and when the emperor walked aside, he strode forward. After adding a handful of soil to Baili Yuanlong's grave, he pulled off his sleeves and wiped the tombstone.

"It shouldn't be! It shouldn't be! Brother Baili, you said you and I...you said you and I have followed His Highness for many years, why...how did you fall into the ambition of those wolves in Jiangnan?" He shook his head again and again, feeling infinitely emotional.

Long Feiye and Han Yunxi stood aside, watching without making a sound.

Tranquility lowered her eyes and couldn't see her emotions clearly. Tang Li hugged Xiao Tangtang and looked at his father coldly, with a sigh of relief still in his heart.

Drugging him to sit down is a pity for Tranquility. If this was done by someone else, he would have killed someone long ago.

Xiao Tangtang stared blankly at her grandpa, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and suddenly burst into tears, "Grandma... I want grandma... I want grandma!"

Tang Zijin is very indifferent to Xiaotangtang, but Mrs. Tang loves Xiaotangtang very much! Before Tang Li and Tranquility returned to the Tang Sect, Xiao Tangtang was under the care of Mrs. Tang and Mu Linger.

Children tend to forget things and people, but Mrs. Tang is a relative after all, seeing her grandpa, Xiao Tangtang naturally thought of her grandma, and she hasn't seen her for a long time.

"Woo, I want grandma... Grandma, I want grandma!" Xiao Tangtang cried.

"Tangtang is good, don't cry, don't cry!"

"Look, brother is going to laugh at you, stop crying."

Tang Li quickly persuaded her, but Xiao Tangtang cried even more sadly, "Where is grandma? I want grandma to hug, grandma hug..."

Tang Zijin looked back, he seemed a little hesitant, but finally came over, he was so gentle, "Tangtang won't cry, can Grandpa hug me?"

Xiao Tangtang was stunned for a moment, then frightened, she wrapped her arms around her father's neck in horror, as if she was afraid of being taken away, she stared at her grandfather warily, and dared not say a word.

This scene, let alone tranquility, made Han Yunxi feel distressed as he stood by and watched. She was about to speak, but Tang Zijin said, "Don't cry, don't cry, grandpa will take you to grandma, let's go home together as a family, okay?"

As soon as these words came out, Tranquility and Tang Li were shocked, and Long Feiye also looked over.

What does Tang Zijin mean by this

Have you compromised

Long Feiye had already sent the following memorial to Tang Zijin for the ginseng Tangmen not delivering the weapons on time, intact. This is forcing Tang Zijin to either find Tang Li and Tranquility, or hand over the power of the Tang Sect's weapons.

Tang Zijin never replied.

Xiao Tangtang didn't believe her grandpa, she buried her head on his shoulder and didn't even look at him.

Children are the most self-willed, but also the most authentic, what is in their hearts is written on their faces. Tang Zijin had nothing to do with Xiaotangtang, he looked towards Ning Jing.

"Ning Jing, let's go back. Your mother-in-law is going to the Buddhist temple to celebrate the New Year..." Tang Zijin paused for a long time, then continued, "She is in poor health, I don't feel relieved to be alone outside, let's... let's go pick her up together."

Tang Zijin said this tactfully, on the surface he meant to think about Mrs. Tang's body, he had no way to find Ning Jing and Tang Li.

But the real meaning is actually to seek peace.

Tranquility was about to speak, but Tang Li suddenly became furious, "Aren't you going to pick up my mother yourself? You know that my mother is in poor health, but you still let her spend the New Year in a Buddhist temple! Tang Zijin, what is your heart? What did you do?"

Tang Zijin glared immediately, "Stinky boy, what's your attitude?"

"What attitude? Let me tell you, I have no attitude towards you!" Tang Li hugged Xiaotangtang tightly with one hand, and wanted to leave with the other hand.

Tranquility and Tang Li have been together for so long, how could she not know Tang Li's thoughts.

Tang Li had been waiting for his father to come, but Tang Zijin's words were so tactful and so calm, which made Tang Li unhappy.

The couple suffered so much grievance in Tang Sect, Tang Zijin was clearly wrong, and he didn't even admit his mistake, so he wanted them to go back with just one word

Tang Li just wanted Tang Zijin to admit his mistakes, and Tang Zijin to show a begging attitude.

Tranquility was holding back more anger than Tang Li, but she still stopped Tang Li's hand and did not let him go.

Tang Zijin is Tang Li's father after all!

It is enough for Tang Li to have a heart not to let her be wronged, there is no need to get along with Tang Zijin and be charged with treason.

Tang Li stopped, frowned and glanced at Tranquility.

Tranquility ignored him, but hugged Xiao Tangtang and said, "Tangtang is good, stop crying, let's go find grandma, let's go home, okay?"

In the same words, when Ning Jing asked, Xiao Tangtang immediately nodded.

Seeing her daughter crying with blurred tears, Tranquility was very distressed, "Stop crying, stop crying, if you cry again, my brother will laugh at us."

Little Rui'er was hugged by his mother, covering his ears with his hands, he blinked his big eyes, with a confused expression on his face, not knowing why.

Tranquility's words made Tang Zijin very happy and even more gratified.

In fact, he knew exactly what kind of daughter-in-law Ning Jing was. It might be difficult for Tang Li to find a second tranquility. Unfortunately…

Tang Zijin was annoyed whenever he thought about that matter, and he couldn't think much about it.

Now, keeping the Tang Sect is more important than anything else! As for other things, he is also old and can't care so much.

After Tranquility said so, Tang Li naturally listened to her, he lowered his head and did not speak.

Seeing this, Tang Zijin finally lost his heart.

He walked towards Long Feiye, and respectfully presented the two memorials, "Your Majesty, this subordinate is guilty, let the Emperor worry about it. This subordinate promises that before the end of the month, the Tang Sect will hand over the first batch of weapons. The progress of the imperial capital will also be completed as planned. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Long Feiye didn't answer Tang Zijin a word, he took the two unapproved memorials and threw them into the abyss aside.

The memorial was lost without approval, which meant that Long Feiye would not pay attention to the two ministers who participated in the memorial.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!" Tang Zijin hurriedly thanked him.

Tang Li and Tranquility both stepped forward and offered incense to Baili Yuanlong before leaving with Tang Zijin. Gu Beiyue burned incense and was about to leave when Han Yunxi stopped her.

She whispered to Rui'er, and Rui'er stretched out her hand to be hugged by the master. Gu Beiyue didn't ask any further questions, and quietly took Rui'er away.

Han Yunxi did not leave after burning the incense, but stood aside, waiting for Long Feiye.

Knowing that she was on the side, Long Feiye stretched out his hand to let her come over. Han Yunxi walked over, took his hand, and said in a low voice, "My condolences."


Although there was only one word "um", Long Feiye finally spoke up.

Baili Mingxiang and Baili Qiyu both lowered their heads, and Hou stood aside, they could hear clearly. Baili Mingxiang couldn't help but think of the silent young man by the lotus pond many years ago. At this moment, the lonely back of the emperor is so similar to that of that year, yet different.

If he had met Han Yunxi earlier back then, what would have happened

"Brother, we can't stay long in the body of guilt." Baili Mingxiang reminded in a low voice.

Baili Qiyu originally thought that this younger sister would say something to the emperor and empress, but who knew she didn't say a word.

Baili Qiyu stepped forward, offering two teardrop-shaped crystals with both hands. This spar is very beautiful, the whole body is crystal clear, with a faint blue glow, and it has a kind of magical power. If you stare at it for a long time, you will think of the vast, boundless blue sea.