Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1277: Yexi Extra Story Salt Fields


Gu Beiyue was really afraid that what Qin Min said just now would make him have to reject it face to face and hurt her.

But when I heard the words "I divorce you", I was obviously relieved, but for some reason, my heart sank, and I felt an indescribable strange feeling.

Qin Min smiled at him, with a hint of naughtiness in his usual generous smile, which made him unclear whether she was joking or telling the truth.

Gu Beiyue was a little dumbfounded, and he didn't know whether it was because of her saying "Gu Beiyue" or because of her smile at this moment. He suddenly felt that the Qin Min at this moment was the real Qin Min.

Before he could answer Qin Min's question, she waved her hand, "Goodbye, Mr. Dean!"

She left after she finished speaking, and this time she really left, without looking back.

After last night, Gu Beiyue originally wanted to be cruel and deal with her indifferently, but who knew, he had no chance.

It wasn't until Qin Min's back disappeared into the alley that Gu Beiyue couldn't help laughing, but even he didn't know what he was laughing at.

It was night, and Gu Beiyue left Ningzhou City. No one knows when he will come back, perhaps, even he himself does not know.

When Gu Beiyue left Ningzhou City, Long Feiye's carriage was also leaving Ningzhou City. Gu Beiyue went north to Medical City, Long Feiye and Han Yunxi went east to Changning Saltworks.

Something happened to Changning Saltworks, but Long Feiye and Han Yunxi were not in such a hurry. The letter they sent to Gu Beiyue was intentional.

When they were in the teahouse that day, neither of them suspected anything, but after thinking about it that afternoon, both of them discovered the clue.

First of all, Gu Beiyue is not a careless person, how could he really let Qin Min be alone in Ningzhou City? He must have sent someone to secretly protect him. For such a big matter as miscarriage, the servants will not be unreasonable. Secondly, Han Yunxi recalled what she had seen in that house. There were so many medicinal forsythia flowers that it was impossible for ordinary gardeners to keep them. It was very likely that Qin Min planted them himself. Thirdly, it is really unreasonable to hide the matter of miscarriage for three months.

Both Long Feiye and Han Yunxi felt that Qin Min had something wrong with his stomach.

Han Yunxi really wanted to figure it out, but she was afraid that something difficult would happen to Gu Beiyue and Qin Min, so she kept it secret. But Long Feiye insisted not to interfere with Gu Beiyue's housework. Han Yunxi turned around and thought about it. With Gu Beiyue's temperament, even if they asked, he would at most explain a sentence or two and stop talking.

So, the two pretended they didn't know anything, and they didn't come to visit. Lao Gu Beiyue and Qin Min continued to play, and directly found an excuse to avoid it.

The sound of horseshoes accompanied Yemen, Ruier was already sleeping peacefully in Long Feiye's arms, but Long Feiye and Han Yunxi were sleepless. They chatted about the Changning Saltworks.

Salt is a daily necessity, and it is a thing with great influence. Its influence can even be equated with food, affecting the rise and fall of a country. Han Yunxi didn't understand salt at first, and only thought it was a condiment for cooking. However, she didn't know how important salt is until she came to this world.

Salt has a great use, preservation and preservation. But there are very few people like Long Feiye who, for a fresh lobster, spent a hundred times the price of the lobster to get a pile of ice cubes, and even killed several horses before sending the fresh lobster to his home Stew it for Han Yunxi!

In this world without freezing technology, ordinary people can only rely on salt to pickle vegetables, meat and fish.

The seafood in the east of Yunkong, the meat in the west and central part, and the dairy products in the north can be preserved for a period of time after salt processing, and then they can be sent to different places in Yunkong for mutual trading. This is how commerce develops. Therefore, although the daily salt consumption of each household is small, in fact, the salt consumption of the entire Yunkong Continent is very scary. Of course, the imperial court will levy salt tax on salt merchants! The annual salt tax income of the imperial court is dozens of times higher than that of other taxes.

Duke Huan of Qi, one of the Five Overlords in the Spring and Autumn Period, relied on the resources of Qi State's salt farms, and by collecting taxes on salt, he indirectly made businessmen all over the world pay taxes to Qi State.

The Changning Salt Farm that Long Feiye and Han Yunxi are going to now is the largest salt farm in Yunkong Continent. If there is an accident in this salt farm, the entire business circle of Yunkong will be shaken, and the revenue of Daqin’s treasury this year will also be greatly reduced. Furthermore, this saltworks involved Aurora, and there were thousands of workers in the saltworks, plus the people in charge of transportation, that numbered tens of thousands. As long as the saltworks are shut down for one day, tens of thousands of people will have nothing to do and no money to make, and riots will easily occur.

It stands to reason that such a large salt field should be controlled by the royal family. If it is not the royal family, it should at least be a relative of the royal family. However, this salt field is indeed shared by the four major families in the south of the Yangtze River. This is their biggest purse, and it is where they will not concede to the court.

Long Feiye had already made up his mind about the saltworks, otherwise the three major families would use the Changning saltworks to cause trouble that day, and it would be a big deal. The new tax system has just been implemented this year, and Long Feiye doesn't want to do it so soon.

Originally, he came to check how the tax reform was implemented, but who knew that Long Feiye received an urgent letter from Yunning yesterday afternoon, talking about the Changning Salt Plant.

Someone smuggled a large amount of salt from Changning Saltworks to Dongwu Country!

The three major families control the salt field, and the imperial court cannot monopolize it. At present, the sale and purchase of salt in Daqin is very free. However, if you want to buy salt outside of Daqin, you have to come forward from the court, and private sales are never allowed, and this also involves tax evasion.

To be able to get a large amount of salt, this matter must be implicated in the three major families. As long as he can take the opportunity to suppress one or two families, it will not be difficult for Long Feiye to take back the saltworks.

Five days later, Long Feiye and Han Yunxi arrived at the Changning Saltworks. Ruier was taken by Xu Donglin to play. Han Yunxi and Long Feiye disguised themselves. Noble son. Han Yunxi was delicate and handsome, and Long Feiye was handsome and noble. The two stood side by side. It was really a sight. They attracted the attention of many passers-by if they didn't go to the street.

They would not go directly to the saltworks. In the name of the three-way black market Donglai Palace, they sent visiting posts to all the stewards of the four major families in the Changning Saltworks.

It's just a visiting card from Donglai Palace, you don't need to say anything, anyone who understands will know their reason for coming. People in the black market approached the owner of the salt field, of course they came to buy salt and smuggle it!

It was quite difficult for Long Feiye to secretly investigate the smuggling matter, but the background of Donglai Palace gave him great convenience. Many people know that the Yunning Chamber of Commerce has power in the Santu black market, but Long Feiye has the greatest power in the Santu black market, which few people know. Anyway, people from the three major families in Jiangnan will not know.

Long Feiye used the name of Mr. Ye, the young master of Donglai Palace, and when the managers of the three major families saw this visit post, they were all shocked.

The Zhou family is in charge of the third young master of the Zhou family, and the Murong family is in charge of the ninth young master Murong. The Zhou family and the Murong family are in-laws, and they wear the same pair of pants. On Wednesday, Shao Shao immediately consulted with Murong Jiu Shao.

"Is this here to ask for goods from us?" Young Master Zhou said cautiously, "He sent you and my two visit posts at the same time, so he also voted for Xie's family, right?"

"What does he want to do?" Murong Jiu asked puzzled.

"Price reduction!" Young Master Wednesday snorted coldly.

"Then what should we do?" Murong Shao had always listened to Zhou Shao.

On Wednesday, Shao Shao thought about it, and quickly said: "Instead of our three families fighting among themselves and taking advantage of him, why not... find Xie Yujun, and let's join hands to raise a high price? The Donglai Palace in the Santu black market really has money. My lord, the Young Master's family is here, it must be a big deal!"

Murong Jiushao immediately agreed, but who knows, Xie Yujun approached them online and wanted to cooperate with them before they found him. The three hit it off. This Xie Yujun is the eldest son of the Xie family. He is five or six years older than Zhou Zhou and Murong Jiu. He is the famous prodigal son of the three major families. But Xie's family fought fiercely, and his mother knew that he was a prodigal, but still insisted on getting him to work in Changning Saltworks. He said he was in charge, but he was actually spending a lot of money!

Xie Yujun said triumphantly, "I've found out everything. That Mr. Ye brought a friend over to live in Le Rong Winery. I heard that he took over the entire Le Rong Winery. Hehe, he is really rich. Master! This young master has only occupied one floor."

"I heard from my father that Donglai Palace is the one that is truly wealthy. Look, when our emperor finishes his work, he will definitely clean up the three-way black market. Donglai Palace may be the target!" Murong Jiushao said hastily.

"Hey, we have to take advantage of the emperor to ransack the house, let's get him a fortune!" Zhou Shao smiled.

The three of them discussed for a while and came up with a high price. Then they each met Mr. Ye, talked about the price, and refused to budge.

This step of Long Feiye was just trying to find out who would dare to do business with the black market and smuggle salt. Who knew that the three families would actually come forward. This can make him very angry! How much money do these three guys have to take away that should belong to the national treasury

Long Feiye didn't negotiate the price, only said that he would consider it, and he didn't reply to the three young masters for five days. This made the three young masters anxious.

Finally, Young Master Zhou couldn't sit still anymore, "Why don't we invite him to a banquet together and negotiate the price face to face, how about it?"

Xie Yujun agreed very much, and Murong Jiushao also agreed, he said, "Business is inseparable from wine, I'll take care of the wine."

A hint of cunning flashed across Xie Yujun's eyes, and he said with a smile, "It's even more important to talk about business without women. I'll take care of women! Make sure to find the best girl in Ningzhou City!"

So, when Long Feiye and Han Yunxi went to meet the three of them, they saw a beautiful woman sitting on the side holding a pipa and half covering her face.

After taking his seat, Xie Yujun put up the sign immediately, smiled and said, "Young Master Ye, order the song first. Our girl today is the number one player in the south of the Yangtze River. Her song... hehe, can seduce the soul! Young Master Ye, click carefully, don't lose your soul when the time comes." Get hooked, can't we negotiate this deal?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Yunxi, who was sitting beside him, smiled and said, "This man can also seduce people."

As she spoke, she walked over and gently lifted the girl's chin with a folding fan.

These people in Jiangnan are simply speechless, the old ones want to concubine Long Feiye, but the young ones are here to summon a chicken for Long Feiye!

Han Yunxi was furious when the girl suddenly avoided her hand and ran towards Long Feiye with her pipa in her arms...