Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1282: Yexi Extra Story Pseudonym


To take a pseudonym, the most common surname is generally used, and suspicion must be avoided. But this smuggler chose the surname "Ning", which the Dongwu tribe did not have, and the surname "Le", which was the largest slave trader of the Dongwu tribe. Why is that

"The deposit he put down was not a small amount." Han Yunxi muttered to herself, "The deposit is already put... still don't want the goods?"

As Han Yunxi was talking, she suddenly realized, "Long Feiye, Ning Le actually doesn't want goods at all, he did it on purpose!"

Long Feiye also understood that this Ning Le didn't look like a real smuggler, on the contrary, he seemed to deliberately set a trap for Shopkeeper Cao, and then reported it to Long Feiye to make Long Feiye pay attention to the smuggling of salt.

"This person...couldn't be Ning Cheng?" Han Yunxi muttered to herself, when she heard shopkeeper Cao say the word "Ning", she thought of Ning Cheng first.

"If it was him, why did he use the word Le?"

Long Feiye actually had some guesses in his heart, but he was not sure. He looked at Han Yunxi, his brows slightly furrowed, thoughtful.

If Ning Cheng deliberately placed a deposit to attract their attention, would Ning Cheng remind them that the human trafficker Lezheng had the idea of Daqin's private salt? If it wasn't for Ning Cheng, then that smuggler must be caught.

On this matter, neither Long Feiye nor Han Yunxi dared to make a premature conclusion. They can only wait for the news from Shopkeeper Cao. With regard to Long Feiye’s tricks for Shopkeeper Cao, and Shopkeeper Cao’s eagerness to make friends, they believe that as soon as there is news about the smugglers, Shopkeeper Cao will tell Long Feiye. .

After leaving Changning, Han Yunxi and Long Feiye continued to head south, visiting in private while waiting for shopkeeper Cao to deliver the goods and the progress of the delivery.

Ten days later, Shopkeeper Cao shipped a hundred truckloads first. Shopkeeper Cao was not careless enough to leak the delivery route to Long Feiye. He only said that the first batch of shipments had already been delivered, and it was estimated that they would be delivered in one day. Arrived near the Santu black market within a month.

The weight of a hundred carts of salt is not small. If it is purely transported by land, it will not arrive within two months. Long Feiye estimates that the goods should have been mainly transported by water.

There is only one canal for water transportation from south to north, and there are many obstacles on this canal!

"It's too blatant to have this bulky cargo go by water transport!" Han Yunxi was furious. This shows that the three Jiangnan families have a lot of shady activities on the road of water transportation!

Long Feiye didn't have any local officials in the ward, and he didn't alert the relevant senior officials. He only sent people to secretly investigate.

Five days later, the second batch of goods went out again. The time given by shopkeeper Cao is also about one month. Undoubtedly, the second batch of goods is also transported by water.

Ten days later, the third shipment also went out. This time, shopkeeper Cao gave him two months.

Han Yunxi sneered, "There are people on both sides of the river, these locusts!"

Long Feiye remained silent, and only sent his confidants to continue chasing him. In this way, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty thought that the emperor and the empress had gone to Beili Weifu for a private visit, but Long Feiye and the others were secretly investigating smuggled salt in the south of the Yangtze River.

A month later, the first and second batches of smuggled salt arrived at a large warehouse near the Santu black market as scheduled. Shopkeeper Cao sent a letter asking where Long Feiye wanted to send these two batches to Dongwu Country.

Long Feiye replied that he would wait for the third batch of goods to arrive and deliver them together. A month later, the third shipment arrived on time.

In two months and two months of tracking, Long Feiye basically found out all the people involved in the case along the two routes of water transportation and land transportation, from south to north, and took control of the evidence.

There are many officials who have been bribed by the three Jiangnan families, and there are also those who take the initiative to please the three Jiangnan families, and there are also timid people who are persecuted by the three Jiangnan families.

Now that the matter has been found out, Long Feiye is still not in a hurry. He continues to use Mr. Ye's name to ask Shopkeeper Cao to send the first batch of goods to Xiaoshan Castle in Dongwu Country.

This time, the time given by Shopkeeper Cao was actually one month!

"One month?" Han Yunxi was surprised.

It will take about two months from the Santu black market to the junction of Beili and Dongwu. The distance between the two places is not long, but there is no direct road to get there. You have to bypass many mountains, even snow-capped mountains. It takes a long journey from Border Pass to Xiaoshan Fort. In general, there is no three months, it will definitely be here! Long Feiye looked at Han Yunxi and didn't speak for a while.

"Could it be that they have another way to get to Dongwu Country?" Han Yunxi muttered to herself.

"I see!"

Long Feiye suddenly realized, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He said, "It must be Ning Cheng! Good guy, so I hid from Dongwu to beg for a drink!"

Han Yunxi still didn't understand very well, so Long Feiye explained to her seriously.

The horses of the Dongwu Kingdom are excellent horses, most suitable for war horses. The Northern Li Emperor spent several years and sent many envoys to the Dongwu tribe to buy horses, but they have never been successful. . But it was Jun Yixie who brought a few princes to complete the matter.

The route that Jun Yixie took back then was different from that of ordinary envoys, it was a secret route. Even in the severe winter, he is not afraid of heavy snow blocking the way, and he can send the horses to Beili in a very timely manner.

The two princes died at the hands of Jun Yixie, and the only people who knew about this secret route were Jun Yixie's people. The members of the Hei tribe later fell into the hands of Jin Zi and Ning Cheng.

Whether Jin Zi knew about this route, Long Feiye didn't know. However, with Ning Cheng's temperament, he will definitely find out this way. Shopkeeper Cao and the others were able to send the private salt to the Dongwu tribe in a short period of time, they must have followed the route suggested by Jun Yixie.

"I understand!" Han Yunxi murmured.

After the Northern Li Kingdom was destroyed, the entire Northern Li was under the jurisdiction of Jinzi. Jinzi has been busy with disaster relief and reconstruction, and it is only this year that he can breathe a sigh of relief. Jin Zi didn't report anything about the secret route, and Long Feiye was busy with Jiangnan affairs, so he forgot the existence of that road.

In other words, the secret route is not guarded by anyone at all, and there is no checkpoint at all. Whether it's smuggling goods or human trafficking, you can go that way!

Ning Cheng used the word "Le" in his pseudonym, which was the surname of Lezheng, the biggest human trafficker of the Dongwu tribe. Undoubtedly implying that Lezheng had something to do with this matter.

With Le's ability to traffic people at the border, it is not difficult to find out this secret passage between the two countries.

No matter whether Lezheng wants to use this road to transport smuggled salt, or to traffic people, or for other purposes, with his power at the border, he must have the ambition to control this secret road!

The Three Great Masters of Jiangnan actually knew about the existence of this secret passage. Undoubtedly, the Three Great Masters of Jiangnan had colluded with Lezheng!

"The three families are not capable of human trafficking." Han Yunxi said earnestly, "Long Feiye, they must have colluded together to smuggle goods. Little Dongwu Kingdom is just a small place, how much business can you do? Lezheng was doing Xuan The slave trade between the Kong Continent and the Dongwu Country. The three Jiangnan families and Lezheng are probably looking at the Xuankong Continent!"

Han Yunxi was really angry.

Before, she wanted to do tobacco, wine and tea business in Xuankong Continent, and she wanted to do business through legitimate channels. Gu Beiyue even suggested that Long Feiye raise tariffs. The gang in Jiangnan are so good, they actually smuggle and evade taxes!

They originally came to investigate illegal salt, but who knew that such a big incident would be discovered.

"Ning Cheng has a good heart." Han Yunxi said seriously.

But Long Feiye said coldly, "Beating around the bush... Hehe, I better not let me find him!

Long Feiye and Han Yunxi immediately canceled the trip to Jiangnan Meihai, and took Rui'er to the north. When they passed by the medical city, they handed Ruier to Gu Beiyue, and the two continued to go north in modest clothes.

After the batch of smuggled salt entered Beili territory, they found gold in private.

Jin Zi is still the same, even though he is in a high position, even though he has done many great things for the people of Beili in the past two years, he has not changed at all. He was still very thin and didn't like loose clothes. He was dressed in a black corset, with short hair and thin slanted bangs covering the corners of his eyes, making him look cold and gloomy.

If people who don't know his identity see him, they will definitely think that he is a cold and silent killer, but in fact, his martial arts can be said to be average among ordinary people. What he is best at is making money, and making easy money by speculating.

While cleaning up the mess for Ning Cheng in Beili, he had already secretly resumed his old business and opened an underground bank. Of course, the capital came from Mu Linger's gold card.

He had already donated the large sum of money that Mu Linger had returned to him in various forms to Beili's disaster. And the overdrafted part, or the part that was cheated, he used as capital to open a small bank. Although it is a small bank, with his ability, it will definitely become a big bank in a year or two.

He has been waiting, waiting for Mu Linger to come to him to make sure. After all, he had carefully calculated the amount. At this time, Kanggan Bank should have asked Mu Linger to collect the debt. Unless Long Feiye, the brother-in-law, waived Mu Linger's debts and sealed the gold card, otherwise, there was no reason why Mu Linger would not come to him.

In the past few days, Jin Zi took that gold card to the bank to get some silver notes almost every day to see if the gold card was banned. However, every time you can still get the money out. Therefore, he looked forward to Mu Linger rushing in front of him to quarrel.

He really didn't expect that instead of Mu Linger, Long Feiye and Han Yunxi came looking for him.

In fact, the shopkeeper Luo of the Kanggan Bank had already asked Long Feiye about the gold card, but Long Feiye was too lazy to deal with it and left it to Han Yunxi.

Han Yunxi thought about it all night, but in the end she didn't intervene, so she replied with four words to Shopkeeper Luo, "It's business!"

In the tent, Long Feiye and Han Yunxi sat at the main seats drinking tea, while Jin Jin stood aside. Except for the luggage, he has not said a word so far.

Han Yunxi thought, if she and Long Feiye didn't speak, Jin Zi would probably be silent for a whole day. She was really curious, was this guy naturally talkative, or did he talk less when facing the two of them? This guy works under Ning Cheng, does he talk a lot

If he was a man of few words, why did he fall in love with that girl Mu Linger? One must know that Mu Linger is actually very noisy, often chirping like a bird.

Han Yunxi wanted to experiment, to see how long Jin Zi could stand and how long she could remain silent. However, Long Feiye was not in such a good mood.

He asked coldly, "Ning Cheng is in Dongwu Country?"

As soon as the words came out, Jin Zi immediately looked up, "Really?"